Ning Ze took out a bottle of healing potion and tried to feed it to Mandrill. Although most of them were spit out by Mandrill, some were swallowed.

As the healing potion was swallowed, Mandrill regained some sobriety, and quickly took out a drop of karma-suppressing potion from the small incense burner at his waist.

"Phew... can... let me go?" With the karma temporarily suppressed, Mandrill completely regained his senses, and then embarrassedly begged Ning Ze to let go.

Because Mandrill moved a lot just now, Ning Ze had to use a very ambiguous posture to suppress Mandrill. From Mandrill's perspective, as long as she slightly raised her head at this distance, their lips could touch each other.

After Ning Ze got up, Mandrill turned around silently to tidy up his clothes, but because Ning Ze's suppression was too hard just now, the bandages in the clothes that were originally used to bind the chest had been torn, and a pair of cinnabar bulging, almost Exploding clothes.

"Tsk...these are useless things!" Mandrill patted angrily, causing Dansha Ya, who was finally free, to start turning around.

For Mandrill, the biggest physical flaw is the pair of danshaya, which often affects her shooting, so Mandrill started to corset her chest a long time ago.

"Tear it~" Mandrill's original clothes ripped apart, leaving Ning Ze with a smooth and white back and a few scars on it that ruined the beauty.

"..." Mandrill turned around subconsciously, after a moment of stupefaction, he glanced at his own Dansha Ya, and then disappeared in front of Ning Ze as a gust of wind when he blushed.

"..." Ning Ze and Yan Fei looked at each other, and then went deep into the interior together tacitly. Mandrill would definitely be in front, and they would not leave them alone.

It's just that Mandrill still needs a little time to regain his sanity.

Along the way, Ning Ze and Yan Fei saw many corpses of Qiuqiu people, as well as the corpses of fools, but these fools had been dead for some time.

Ning Ze squatted in front of one of Fengquan, he could see that Fengquan should have died of malnutrition and forcibly driving the equipment, causing his body to completely collapse.

"They..." Yan Fei turned her head a little unbearably, trying not to let herself affect Ning Ze.

"Let's go." Ning Ze punched a big hole, and then threw the bodies of the fools into it to bury them.

Although I hate fools very much, what I can't say is that this group of fools are innocent. They should be heroes who resist taboos. Even if they know that they may die, they still participate without hesitation.

But because of the son, they should have been heroes and they became innocent victims.

And what Ning Ze can do is to provide a burial place for these poor people, at least not to be eaten by the Qiuqiu people.

After going deeper, Ning Ze saw some special creatures of Sumeru: mushroom beasts.

It may be that Mandrill thinks that the fungus is harmless, so there are still a few small fungus alive, but they are all trapped in their own water polo and struggling, looking pitiful and cute.

Then Ning Ze saw the mark left by Mandrill next to the river, and reminded Ning Ze that there were people around, asking Ning Ze to pay more attention.

Ning Ze looked across the river thoughtfully. Yan Fei was wearing plush short boots, and she must not get wet when crossing the river, otherwise her little feet would be soaked and wrinkled after a while, so Ning Ze picked up Yan Fei directly. Fei jumped across the river.

"Ah!" Warlock Lei Ying, who was originally hiding in the corner, jumped up, terrified by the sudden appearance of this man, and almost fell into the river.

Ning Ze stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Warlock Lei Ying, then hugged her slightly forcefully into his arms.

"Ah!? You? Me? You!? You!?" Warlock Lei Ying was stunned when he saw Ning Ze's appearance, as if he had seen something impossible, he stuttered and didn't know what to say.

"Long time no see, Miss Katharina." Ning Ze greeted with a hearty smile. He was deeply impressed by this girl who had two sides in Wanmintang and Yujingtai.

So when he pulled, he recognized Katharina's identity.

"Hmm..." After leaving Ning Ze's arms, Katharina looked at the two warily, and began to search for the coping methods in the manual in her mind, trying to change the current embarrassing scene.

"Goo~" Katharina's stomach suddenly made a grunt, which made the original awkward atmosphere even more irritating to Kaya.

"Some dry food?" Seeing this, Ning Ze took out the biscuits made by Xiaoyingmei. After hearing that Ningze was going to the rocky abyss, Xiaoyingmei immediately started making dozens of lunch boxes for Ningze. Add biscuits and snacks, for fear that Ning Ze will be hungry when he is not around.

After seeing the biscuit, Katharina swallowed first, and then her expression became very angry. She is a fool, she has undergone professional training, how could she calm down the atmosphere with a stranger just because of a mere biscuit! ?

Katharina, who was holding two biscuits, ate them in big mouthfuls. She didn't even want to miss the broken biscuits. She choked and didn't think the river was dry, so she buried her face in it and drank it.

"Xiao Ze...she hasn't eaten for three days?" Yan Fei whispered.

"Maybe more than three days." Ning Ze shook his head. It has been almost four months since the young master's incident.

That means that the fools have cut off the supply for nearly four months, and no matter how frugal Katarina is in front of her, it is impossible to save much.

"Huh!" The biscuits are the kind of compressed biscuits that are particularly filling. After adding two pieces and adding river water, Katharina immediately felt her stomach full.

Then he thought of Ning Ze and Yan Fei who were at the side, touched his mouth quickly, and sat down with a serious look.

"Hello, that handsome Liyue, I...we haven't seen each other for a long time." Katharina greeted bluntly, trying to make the topic less rigid.


Chapter 335 Lead the way

"Yeah." Ning Ze nodded lightly, with a teasing smile on his face, which made Katharina, who was already embarrassed, even more furious.

Originally, Katharina wanted to refuse, after all, she was a fool, how could she casually accept gifts from foreigners?

But she hasn't eaten anything serious for more than a month. She has tried mushrooms, even fungi, tree roots, as long as they can fill her stomach.

Moreover, she was injured, and her left leg was cut with a knife. Although it was disinfected with fire water, it was still festered, and there was no way to leave here.

At this time, a piece of dry, but very filling biscuit appeared in front of her, and she was able to resist the temptation, and she had used up all of Katharina's remaining rationality.

What's more, Ning Ze stuffed the biscuit directly into her mouth, and even gave an extra piece. Feeling the long-lost sweet taste in her mouth, she felt like a human being.

"You got separated from the main team?" Ning Ze asked. According to the original plot, Katharina should have chosen to leave the team because her younger brother disappeared.

But the plot has long since collapsed. The straggler who was originally a male imp is now his obedient good sister, and Kong who was supposed to be a traveler has become His Royal Highness the Princess of the Abyss Order, not to mention the family That super cute and obedient little Yingmei.

"Hmm..." Katarina nodded lightly. According to the teaching of the Fools' Manual, if necessary, she can tell some irrelevant information in exchange for the trust of the target, so as to achieve her goal.

"Are you... injured?" Ning Ze glanced at Katarina's left leg. Originally, more than half of Warlock Lei Ying's sleeve was torn off, and Katarina used it to bandage his left leg.

"'s just an accidental injury, it's's not a problem..." Katharina said pretending to be relaxed, but in fact she had been enduring the pain, and the bandaged wound had begun to ooze pus. If there is no more treatment, Katharina will be crippled in a short time.

"Ozawa, please help her. After all... we are not very familiar with the stratum rock abyss. She has been here for a few months, so she should be able to serve as a guide." Yan Fei said suddenly, she herself belongs to the kind of cheerful and lively The type, seeing Katharina like this, couldn't help but soften her heart.

She also heard something about the Fools in the Layer Rock Abyss, the taboo darkness 500 years ago and the Fools' choice to support them, etc. If it weren't for the incident of the young master, maybe they are still Liyue's heroes now.

"Okay." Ning Ze nodded slightly, then took out a bottle of healing potion and handed it to Katharina.

"What... is this?" Katharina asked a little warily. Although she had a crush on Ning Ze, it was only because Ning Ze made her very comfortable in the previous two exchanges.

What's more, the Qianyan Army suddenly cut off their supplies and let them linger here. If Ning Ze hadn't given her a good impression before, she would have grabbed Ning Ze by the collar and questioned her.

"Healing potion is better than your fire water. After you lead us, we will take you out." Ning Ze said and stuffed the potion into Katharina's hand, indicating that it would be fine to just sprinkle it on her leg.

"..." Katharina looked at Ning Ze and Yan Fei in front of her, and guessed that she couldn't get any worse, not to mention that if she wanted to find her younger brother, she would definitely need to go deep, so she took off the bandage and closed the door. Eyes, prepare to sprinkle some potion on it like you sprinkled fire water before. .

"Alas..." Ning Ze was a little soft-hearted after all, and lightly tapped Katarina with the Thunder Element to put her into a paralyzed state, and then called Yan Fei to bring out the purified water.

First wash off the dirt and pus on it, and then sprinkle the healing potion on it and apply it lightly.

In the end, Katharina's stunned pus-filled wound recovered bit by bit, and finally completely recovered her original whiteness.

After 1 minute, Katarina, who had recovered from the paralysis, stood up unsteadily and took a few steps tentatively. It seems like a lifetime away.

Seeing Katharina's familiar arrogant walking posture, Ning Ze couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Katharina embarrassed again. He scratched the hood lightly with one hand, then coughed heavily, I want to negotiate terms with Ning Ze.

"If you want to ask why the Qianyan Army cut off the supply, I can only say it's a question from you fools." Ning Ze said directly ahead of Katharina.

"Our problem!?" Hearing what Ning Ze said, Katharina's voice became a little higher. From her perspective, it was obvious that the Qianyan Army suddenly cut off the supply, and now it is their problem?

"You know the last seat of the executive officer?" Ning Ze asked.

"I know." Katharina nodded lightly. Of course she knew the youngest executive, and Dadalia itself was also very special.

The other executive officers either came from other countries or had unknown origins, while the rooster and Dadalia were both locals of the solstice, and this identity was of great significance among fools.

A young Solstice man became an executive officer, which is equivalent to showing many people a bright future. As long as you are strong enough, the future can become the last seat.

Although according to Wei's own complaints, the young master has a simple mind and underdeveloped limbs. Not only is he not as good as her in seats, but he is not as capable as her.

"He almost started a national war, a national war in the true sense." Ning Ze said and took out a notice, which was sent by Gan Yu when he went to help Gan Yu. thing.

Katharina grabbed the notice and read it carefully, and then fell silent. She knew that Ning Ze didn't need to lie to herself, not to mention that she was not worth being deceived.

An ordinary fool who was alone, what did Ning Ze lie to her for?There is pus on her body and she didn't take a bath?Or is it that she is malnourished and unfeeling?

"Got it? You have been abandoned." Ning Ze stated the facts calmly. This group of idiots are under Rooster's subordinates. Since he didn't express his opinion, it means that this group of people has been abandoned by him.

"Do you want to leave? Or are you looking for something?" Ning Ze continued to ask, to help Katharina not affect this operation, as if he suddenly softened his heart today.

"I... will guide you, but if I find what I need, I will leave." Katharina said after a long silence.

After that, Katharina calmed down and changed into a cheerful look to lead the way, but Ning Ze rejected her with disgust.

"Go take a bath." Ning Ze said, pointing to the river. Katharina was injured before, and the wound could not touch the water at all. After being bored like this for a month, the smell on her body can only be said to be very sorry.

"Ah? I... I don't have any clothes..." Katharina pointed awkwardly at the tattered clothes of Warlock Lei Ying.

Chapter 336 Optimistic Katarina

"Woooooo..." Yan Fei clutched her chest with a humiliated expression. She originally wanted to lend her spare clothes to Katharina.

Although Yan Fei thinks she has a considerable scale, it is only limited to comparing with Hu Tao, bullying Xiang Ling and Amber.

However, Katarina is older than her! ! !

Her clothes didn't fit at all, so she had to borrow Ning Ze's clothes in the end.

"It's finished!" Katharina, who had put on Ningze's clothes, waved her thin hands, and then bouncing between the two.

"Well, let's go." Ning Ze looked at the optimistic Katarina quite surprised. If ordinary people know that they have been abandoned, and the life and death of their relatives are uncertain, they are considered strong-willed if they don't commit suicide, like Katarina. this kind of...

Looking at Katharina's other tightly clenched hand, Ning Ze seemed to understand something, and didn't say much, but gently held Yan Fei's little hand and followed Katarina to the depths.

Along the way, Katharina would occasionally chat with Ning Ze, seemingly unaffected by the incident, cheerfully talking about funny stories when she was a crowd of fools.

Ning Ze occasionally responded with a few words, but most of the time he was listening. Originally, he only had some sympathy for Katarina, but now he feels sorry for her.

As Katharina walked, she talked about how prestigious she was among the fools, and what about Andrei, Anton had to call her "Sister Katya" or something like that.

But when passing by a battle scene, Katharina, who was originally optimistic, suddenly froze, staring blankly at the corpses of the fools, who were members of her army.

"Sorry...can...can you wait a little longer? Just a moment..." Katharina asked, resisting the urge to cry, knelt down in front of the corpses of her companions, and gently hugged one of them, Ray, with both hands. hammer.

"Andrei... it's me... your sister Katya, I haven't found Nikolay yet! How do you... Hey! You still owe me a bottle of jam! I said it! I want sunset jam! You You can't play tricks!"

"And Anton! Didn't you say that you want to live? Why...the captain is dead, why you..." Katharina kept calling those family members in a trembling voice. Before Yuanyuan, they were still playing and teasing each other in Wanmin Hall.

Now the family members who used to be regarded as brothers and sisters have become corpses who can't speak, but even so, Katharina still didn't cry, she desperately wanted to maintain her last bit of stubbornness before Ning Ze and Yan Fei.

Solstice people don't believe in tears.

Then Katarina tremblingly arranged each family member in turn, she didn't want to waste too much time for Ningze, it would only...

Unable to bear it, Ning Ze dug a few big pits, and then helped put the corpses of the fools in and buried them one by one.

"At least... to give the dead a place to live, let's say it's a free discount for you from the Hall of Death." Ning Ze said to himself, and then took out a handkerchief to wipe away the tears from the corners of Katarina's eyes.


After this incident, Katharina, who was originally optimistic, also became decadent, but occasionally she still talked about interesting things in her life, trying to make the atmosphere more lively.

Ning Ze tried to agree with Katharina as much as possible, but Yan Fei couldn't bear to hide behind Ning Ze. Katharina's experience is beyond description.

Being backstabbed by her own people, she was trapped in the rocky abyss, eating tree roots and eating mushrooms every day, the most important brother disappeared, and she also saw with her own eyes those companions whom she regarded as family turned into cold corpses.

And the Nicholas in Katarina's mouth...

With no resources and injuries, the probability of being able to survive until now is self-evident.

But even so, Katharina still did not give up hope, and was even able to go on with an almost self-deceiving optimism...

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a sound of a mountain collapsing, making Ning Ze have to quicken his pace and rush directly to the source of the sound.

"Death!" Before reaching the source, Ning Ze heard the cold voice of the mandrill, followed by the golden and iron sound of the spear piercing through the armor.

"Drill!" Looking at Mandrill who used the split short sleeves as a chest wrap, Ning Ze directly grabbed her hand to prevent her from running away again.

"Hmm..." Mandrill struggled for a while, and finally acquiesced in Ning Ze's behavior.

"Are you alright?" Ning Ze asked, looking at the tiny scars on Mandrill's face, and immediately took out the healing potion to apply for her.

"It's just a small injury, you don't have to worry about it." Mandrill resisted Ning Ze's fuss, but he didn't hate Ning Ze treating him like this, and even secretly raised his hand so that Ning Ze could help him apply the potion.

"If you leave suddenly again, we won't meet again in the future." Ning Ze said angrily.

"You're threatening me!?" Mandrill said subconsciously, and then immediately realized that he had said something wrong, so he could only turn his head and dare not look at Ning Ze.

"Hmph!" Ning Ze snorted coldly pretending to be angry, then turned his head and ignored Mandrill, making Mandrill, who was still trying to speak hard, start to panic.

"Don't stay too far away from me..." said the subdued Mandrill, and then took the initiative to hold Ning Ze's hand, and the eyes that were like cutting a knife softened.

"Let's not see each other again!" Although Ning Ze was a little soft-hearted, his mouth was still indifferent to Mandrill. After all, this Tsundere is too shy, so he can only do the opposite and let her do shy things to exercise one time.

Mandrill pursed her lips, it was the first time in her life that she humbly begged a man for forgiveness, and it was also a man she never wanted him to have anything to do with her.

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