But now that Ning Ze is really angry, she panicked instead. For her, it is her duty to protect Dihuazhou and the surrounding areas.

And being able to look at Ning Ze from a distance in her spare time and spending time with Ning Ze during holidays are the few times when she can calm down.

"I was wrong..." Mandrill said in a weak voice.

"I said, look at your performance!" Ning Ze still pretended to be indifferent, but looking at the shy and delicate Mandrill in front of him, he roared wildly in his heart: "So cute!!!"

"Hmm..." Mandrill had no other choice but to hold Ning Ze's hand and shake it gently, and then promised that he would really not run around.

At this moment, Yan Fei and Katharina who rushed over made Mandrill a little ashamed and angry, and wanted to let go of Ning Ze's hand, but he was afraid that Ning Ze would get angry, so he could only lower his head and say nothing like a little daughter-in-law.

Chapter 337 Triple Strike

"Xiao Ze, are you okay?" Yan Fei asked Ning Ze, although she knew there was a mandrill and Ning Ze was stronger than her, but this place was really evil.

Yan Fei saw a blue ghost flashing past just now, although she felt inexplicably familiar, she still panicked.

"It's okay, Mandrill just solved the empty shell monster, let's continue...Katarina?" Ning Ze looked at Katarina who was squatting near the empty shell monster, and then noticed that she was holding a A torn badge and a crumpled piece of paper.

"..." Ning Ze already knew the end of the matter when he saw the writing on it. A soldier of fools, with limited mobility, festering wounds, no supplies, and being hunted down by the shell knight, the probability of surviving is very high. How old is it?

"Sorry, I...may still need some time, please wait for me, I just need some time... so I can continue to lead the way." Katharina's voice was extraordinarily calm this time, as if she was relieved.

After all, she knew at that time that her brother's chances of surviving were slim, but...one has to have some hope in order to survive.

When Katharina left the main force, she was already mentally prepared, but when she saw the truth, she always felt empty in her heart.

That's right, how could a soldier who left with the consciousness of death survive under the premise of being injured, without supplies, and being hunted down by monsters?

As Katharina herself said, she recovered after a while, but there was no smile on her face anymore, and her calm expression was like winter.

"Let's go." Katharina said as she walked one step deeper. Ning Ze and the second daughter silently followed behind her. Even though they noticed a few drops of water on the ground, they didn't say another word.

Everyone came to the deepest part of the layered rock abyss, and at the same time, not far away, a blue ghost flashed past, and finally stopped behind the four of them.

"Ozawa?" Ye Lan's voice was full of disbelief, her Ozawa, who was so big, why didn't she stay in Liyue Port and lie flat, and ran to this ghost place?Read the book

"Sister Yelan." Ning Ze turned around and said hello, and began to think about how to turn against Yelan, and then force her to give up her job and return to Xiangshengtang.

"Get out of here quickly!" Ye Lan used an unprecedented tone to Ning Ze, her intelligence collection has been going well, and she also knows that Ning Ze is very skilled, at least not much weaker than herself.

But where is the stratum abyss?It wouldn't be a surprise if there was a monster that invaded Liyue 500 years ago or a magic weapon that forcibly pulled everyone in.

So Yelan was very angry. This was the first time she lost her position. The danger in this place was beyond what humans could bear.

What's more, Ning Ze is someone she must never lose. For her, there is nothing more inappropriate than throwing Ning Ze into danger.

"I'm here to do business." Ning Ze saw the angry Yelan in her words, and knew that she had already been hooked, so he pretended to explain in a nonchalant manner.

"It's okay if you have something to do! This place has been closed by Liyue officials, and it is under my jurisdiction. If there is no written order from Emperor Yan himself, please leave immediately!" Ye Lan shouted angrily.

This was the first time she lost her composure, and it was also the first time she was so scared. After all, the big guy who was mining was nearby, and if she suddenly appeared, she couldn't guarantee whether the cave would hold up.

She likes to gamble, but she can't afford to gamble on this matter alone.

"I said, I'm here to handle business." Ning Ze still explained in a calm tone, Yelan is best at psychological warfare, and now that she is impatient, it is equivalent to winning half of the battle.

"..." Ye Lan forced herself to calm down, holding the Ruoshui bow in her hand, and looked at the remaining three people, trying to get information from them, and then further deduce why Ning Ze came.

"Yan Fei, the Great Sage Conquering Demons, and a group of fools..." Ye Lan bit her lower lip lightly, her brain began to frantically search for useful information.

Ning Ze lowered her head, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth. With the help of the misplaced perspective, Ye Lan didn't notice the change in Ning Ze at all, but came to the most likely conclusion.

"If you are here looking for something, then I'm sorry, outsiders are really not allowed in here, unless the Rock King Emperor allows it." Ye Lan, who had recovered a little, said calmly.

Yan Fei is a fairy family and a lawyer, so it is very likely that she will find the wills of some ancestors, and Yan Fei is warm-hearted, and she is very likely to do her best to help those people complete the wills.

Mandrill is a Yaksha, and an unknown Yaksha appeared in this place 500 years ago. Recently, the mining machine dug through the stratum rock abyss, resulting in changes in the terrain, and many things that should have been buried appeared. Yasha's mandrill is very likely to come here for the same kind.

As for why he had to use Dijun Rock, it was because Ye Lan knew that the ordinary Liyue and Seven Stars couldn't hold down the immortals, and only by moving out of the mountain of Dijun Rock could they be forced to retreat.

As for the skinny fools, Ye Lan reckoned that Ning Ze was soft-hearted and brought them by her side. After all, they were childhood sweethearts who grew up together. In this regard, Ye Lan knew Ning Ze too well.

The unhesitating cruelty to the enemy, the almost paranoid protection of the beloved, and the compassion and kindness that are always inadvertently revealed.

Ning Ze is a person who is easy to soften his heart, and Ye Lan knows this very well, not to mention how miserable the fools in the rock giant abyss are, she can see it, but it conflicts with her mission, so she doesn't Maybe take a shot to help these worthless abandoned children.

"Ah? Lord Dijun..." Yan Fei had done her homework on the inside of the layered rock giant abyss, and knew that such a thing would not disturb the rock king Dijun, but seeing Yelan say that, she didn't know how to refute it.

After all, she is not as professional as Yelan herself in this area. If she makes a mistake, she will become a clown.

Seeing Yan Fei's appearance, Ye Lan knew there was something going on, as long as one took the lead, the rest would follow, including her Xiao Ze naturally.

"Huh..." Mandrill took a long breath, and then walked straight to Ye Lan. She had already reported to Zhong Li before she came, and naturally she would not back down because of Ye Lan's words, but she wanted Ning Ze to leave. ah.

"I have reported to Dijun before I came, and she has already agreed, and said that she will not interfere in this matter." Mandrill said flatly, intending to express his attitude that he would not leave.

"..." The corners of Yelan's mouth twitched uncontrollably, she almost forgot about this, Mandrill is a fanatical follower of the emperor, and has guarded Dihuazhou for thousands of years without neglecting his duties, how could he not report to the emperor himself .

"But my business has nothing to do with them. If it is the emperor's order not to allow others to enter, I will carry it out for you." Mandrill added when Yelan was about to give up.

Yelan glanced at Mandrill who put on a mask because of guilt. She originally thought you were an enemy, but she didn't expect you to be an inner ghost, one of her own!That's fine.

"Then Ozawa, you heard it too. The Great Sage Conquering Demons will help me. Should I send you away? Or should you go by yourself?" Ye Lan said with a playful smile on her lips, and she hadn't teased her for a long time. I have passed Ningze, and it feels good to be able to flirt with Ningze after the boring work~

Chapter 338 Whoring for nothing?Redeem me as a wife for the rest of my life!

"Do you have to ask for the emperor's handwriting?" Ning Ze showed a embarrassed expression, but he was a little funny in his heart. When he saw that Mandrill wanted to remind Ye Lan, he gave her an angry look.

The implication is: "You are actually facing others, this hatred! I will write it down!"

Mandrill's hand hung in the air, and finally dropped it as if resigning to fate. She had already imagined that after this incident, Ning Ze would definitely ignore her.

"Of course, it's necessary." From Ye Lan's perspective, Ning Ze's glaring looked more like a kind of incompetent rage, which made Ye Lan, who was already a little proud, push her nose even more.

Yelan wouldn't believe it so easily if it was another person, but this was her Ozawa. She saw the big Ozawa when she was a child, and when they were young, the two of them peed farther than anyone else.

After years of getting along, even Yelan herself didn't realize that she trusted Ning Ze so much, she even subconsciously thought that she had everything about Ning Ze, and planned to molested him a few times before sending Ning Ze away, taking it as revenge for the last time Ning Ze forced her to Let her call her husband's punishment.

Although at that time she yelled more happily than anyone else...

"Sister Ye Lan, can't you be flexible? This matter is very important." Needless to say, Ning Ze's acting skills, how can you fool people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if you don't have acting skills?How to fight for interests without fooling people?

What's more, after getting along with Ye Lan for so long, I have learned some self-cultivation as an actor, and Ye Lan is a little relaxed now, if this can be seen through, then Ning Ze might as well go home and sleep with Zhong Li up.

"I said, you must have the order from Emperor Yan, otherwise you will not be merciless. Yan Fei knows this better than you, right?" Yelan recruited Yan Fei again, and was going to let her and Mandrill be her right-hand men. Lianhe drove Ning Ze back.

"That..." Yan Fei had a strange expression on her face. She knew that Ning Ze had a universal pass. In theory, as long as it was within Liyue's territory, Ning Ze could enter at will, including this area.

After all, no matter how old Ye Lan is, she was only arranged by Ning Guang to manage it, and what Ning Ze is holding is Liyue's real power holder, the universal pass issued by Emperor Yan Wang. As long as Ning Ze takes it out, let alone Ye Lan , Ningguang and the other seven stars are not good together.

"Sister Yan Fei!" Ning Ze grabbed Yan Fei's little hand in panic, acting as if you don't want to help her, which made Yan Fei, who was originally confused, realize that cooperating with Xiao Ze, are you trying to tease Ye Lan?Then she can't get involved?

Needless to say, Yan Fei's acting skills, after living for hundreds of years, she has nothing to say in terms of human sophistication, playing the role of a girl who feels guilty for betraying her lover is even more unique.

In this way, Yan Fei who started the show, Mandrill who didn't dare to make Ning Ze hate it, and Ye Lan who thought he had everything in control formed a diagonal trend with Ning Ze and the silent Katarina.

"Ozawa~ You just go with it, sister, I will make it up to you when I go back~" Ye Lan gently embraced Ning Ze's arm and said coquettishly, as a qualified scumbag, she has already mastered the three major elements.

"No rejection, no responsibility, no initiative."

No rejection, every time Ning Ze wanted, she would lie on the bed and let him start. Although she wanted to take the initiative every time, being passive was actually very comfortable.

Irresponsible, every time Ning Ze wants to marry her, he immediately practices Tai Chi and finds a job. The main thing is that talking about the body and relationship is fine, but the name is not good. We are just a pure physical relationship.

Not taking the initiative, Ningze would see Yelan lying on his bed every time, so Ningze took the initiative, Yelan just accidentally took the wrong medicine and lay on the wrong bed, so there is no such thing as taking the initiative.

Even on top of this, Ye Lan also derived three new elements of non-promise, non-acknowledgment, and non-execution.

After all, sometimes I really can't bear it, or when my will is not firm enough, I will accidentally let go and call out my husband or willing to get married, and then the role of the new three major elements will come out.

Not to promise, this is the easiest and the most difficult one, resolutely resisting to admit that she and Ning Ze are in a relationship, on this point, Yelan often overturns.

I don't admit it, after the failure of the former, Yelan would bite to death afterwards and didn't say it, if she said it, it was someone else who said it, she didn't!

If not, Ning Ze used to use recording equipment, which made Yelan people stunned. After all, she yelled more happily than anyone else at that time. After hearing her voice, she almost got wet first.

Under the ironclad evidence, Ye Lan usually hides for a week or two, then licks her face and then goes back to act coquettishly, trying to get Ning Ze's forgiveness.

The two of them have become a kind of fun in terms of extreme pulling. Ning Ze desperately wants Ye Lan to admit that he likes him, and Ye Lan desperately refuses to admit that she likes Ning Ze.

Ning Ze only regarded it as a hobby before, and Ye Lan will definitely have a place in the family in the future.

But after learning everything from Ying'er, Ning Ze knew that Yelan really wanted to prostitute herself for nothing, and she still didn't pay for her prostitution, and even wanted to continue to be his sister.

(Ye Lan: I'll give you money, but you don't want it either!)

"Ozawa~ Just promise to sister~ You don't want to make it difficult for me~ Please~" Yelan acted like a baby, but still in an extremely cute tone.

A royal sister, with a young girl's voice, a lover's posture, and a flamboyant chest, acting like a baby, the superimposed lethality is self-evident.

What's more, Yelan knows that Ning Ze is the most addicted to this. As long as she pretends to be pitiful, even if Ning Ze is angry again, she will forgive herself. At that time, if she accidentally drinks the wrong medicine or sleeps in the wrong bed, she will have to ask Ning Ze in the end. Ze help her detoxify?

Moreover, Ye Lan has decided to find Ning Ze to detoxify her whole life. This is a fact she will never change. No matter what happens in the future, she can only have Ning Ze in her heart who she can trust.

"Eh..." Compared to Mandrill's simple envy and shame, Yan Fei felt a bit embarrassed. After Ning Ze took out the pass, Ye Lan might be going to ascend to heaven in embarrassment. She should pay attention at that time. , otherwise it will be troublesome if something goes wrong.

Ning Ze looked at the pretty and charming Ye Lan in front of him, and gave her the final judgment in his heart: be his wife for the rest of his life to pay for the crime of whoring for nothing.

Chapter 339 Let's Go Home

"I have to go!" Ning Ze insisted.

Seeing Ning Ze's state, Ye Lan knew that he would not leave, so she could only continue to refuse with the reason that no one could approach him without the Emperor Yan's hand order.

"Sigh... Sister Yelan, originally I wanted to get along with you as a sister and brother, but what I got in exchange was your ruthless rejection. It seems that our relationship..." Ning Ze said with a sad face, making Ye Lan's heart tightened, for fear that Ning Ze would ignore her because of this.

"Xiao Ze, I'm just here for business, why don't you go back and talk to Ning Guang first? At least you have to get the consent of the Liyue Seven Stars." Ye Lan softly said, anyway, Ning Guang would not be willing to let Ning Ze come here, It's better to kick the ball to her, Ke Qing and others. .

"No need, I'm going to have a showdown! I have the emperor's letter in my hand." Ning Ze took out the universal pass as he spoke, and shook Ye Lan, who was already holding the winning ticket, in a daze.

After regaining her senses, Ye Lan took the pass and repeatedly confirmed that she had seen Zhong Li's handwritten letter, so she naturally knew it was true, but...

"Xiao Ze..." Ye Lan bit her lower lip slightly, she had calculated everything but never thought that Ning Ze would lie to her, that's why she felt that I had the advantage just now, but now it seems that the clown is actually me.

"Sister Ye Lan, I have to go, don't stop me." Ning Ze moved his wrists as he spoke, the life and death of Fu She was uncertain, he had to confirm it himself.

"I understand, but I'm in charge of this area, so I'll follow you from now on." Ye Lan said helplessly, and then wrapped her arms around Ning Ze with ease, preparing to be a personal bodyguard. A woman who becomes a clown is not the same as she is.

"Katarina?" After grasping Ye Lan, Ning Ze turned to look at the silent Katarina. First, he knew that he and his troops had been abandoned, and then he saw the death of his companion who was regarded as his family. Finally, he was almost sure. The most cherished brother sacrificed.

These triple blows are already beyond the tolerance of ordinary people. Although it should not be done from a standpoint, Ning Ze still can't help but feel sorry for Katarina's tragic experience.

"What's the matter? Handsome Liyue." Katharina replied, still clutching the broken badge tightly in her hand, her slightly thin and pretty face was slightly pale, as if she was about to faint at any moment.

"Just call me Ning Ze, and what are you going to do?" Ning Ze asked.

"I...don't know, I...should stay here, the captain told us before coming, death, in fact, we have already prepared, so..." Katharina didn't finish speaking, Ning Ze suddenly waved his hand and hit her.

Katharina covered her flushed face and looked at Ning Ze in disbelief, puzzled by this gentle man suddenly becoming irritable.

"You are our captive. As a member of the Winter Kingdom, you illegally entered the Layer Rock Abyss. I will escort you back to Liyue Port. You have the right to remain silent, but before returning to Liyue Port, you can only follow me " Ning Ze said indifferently.

He was holding a bottle of healing potion in his hand and was about to smear the wound on the stunned Katarina. He couldn't help it just now, but he didn't want the miserable girl in front of him to die.

"So... come back with me, I will... take you home." Ning Ze's voice gradually softened, and he gently dabbed the mark on his face with one hand.

"Woo~Nicholas, Anton, Andre..." I don't know if it was because of the pain or the sentence to go home, Katharina finally couldn't bear it anymore.

An uncontrollable sadness gushed out from the depths of her heart, and Katharina suddenly hugged Ning Ze and cried loudly, calling the names of her dead family members and younger brother.

"Cry, it will be much better if you cry." Ning Ze softly comforted him, patting his back lightly with his generous big hands, and staring at the pretty face of the girl Lihua from the corner of his eyes, she was too thin, nearly four months old Time ran out, and Katharina had grown too thin.

After crying for a long time, Katharina fell asleep in Ning Ze's arms because she was too tired and couldn't support her body anymore.

Ning Ze gently hugged Katharina, then asked Yelan where is the station in a low voice, he wanted to put the poor girl in place first.

"..." Ye Lan walked ahead and led the way jealously. Ning Ze is a person who is easy to soften, so girls who can cry are the easiest to get his sympathy.

She has always known about this, but Yelan doesn't like to do this, she can be coquettish or play dumb, but she can't show weakness in front of Ning Ze.

But this does not prevent her from despising such behaviors, such as Ningguang, who used to be not as calm and unhurried as she is now, and would often become aggrieved by being reprimanded by her boss at work.

Then, gasping for breath, he ran back to Xiangshengtang, crying and fussing with little Ningze in his arms, and asked Ningze to touch his head to comfort him, watching the young Yelan's blood pressure soar.

After all, children's feelings are ignorant. To Ye Lan, little Ningze is the most precious treasure, but her most precious treasure was actually deceived by her tears.

So when she was very young, Ye Lan swore to herself that she would never show any weakness in front of Ning Ze, no matter how difficult she was.

Then she relapsed, and after that operation, Yelan had lived a very decadent life, sluggish every day, like a walking dead, and at this time only Ning Ze was with her.

At that time, Ye Lan was full of decadent thoughts, and she had to be taken care of by Ning Ze every day. It could be said that she stretched out her hands for food and opened her mouth. She even had extreme delusions, so she just retired and married Ning Ze.

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