But she couldn't refuse Hu Tao and after all, the former controlled Zhong Li's wallet and her meals, while the latter controlled her snacks, what bad thoughts could Xiao Ruotuo have?She just wants to live a life of eating and waiting to die.

"Come on, this is the waxy one, this is Apepu's, and there is the fluffy one." When the two dragons were arguing, Xiao Yingmei had already paid for the candied haws. Mental age is already like an adult.

"Thank you, sister Ying!" Apepu obediently took the candied haws, mainly because he was afraid that little Yingmei would become a traveler again, and then she would have skin cramps and so on, so he didn't dare to be misbehaved.

"Thank you..." Ruo Tuo took the candied haws and said, Ruo Tuo didn't think so much anymore, anyway, Xiaoyingmei treats her well, and it's right that she is older than Hu Tao and Gui Zhong.

"Big brother and Rongrong, this is yours." Xiao Yingmei put a bunch of candied haws into Rongrong's mouth, then helped Ning Ze untie the outer membrane, and fed it to Ning Ze's mouth.

"Ah~" Ning Ze couldn't refuse Xiaoyingmei's feeding, so he opened his mouth and bit off half of it lightly. After all, he has grown up, and Ning Ze doesn't like this kind of snacks for children very much.

"Big brother, do you still remember?" Xiao Yingmei asked suddenly, looking at the candied haws in her hand with a reminiscing look.

"Candied haws... I remember, Xiaoying, when you just came back with me, you wanted to find time every day, and you even took her..." Ning Ze recalled the days when he just brought Xiaoying back.

At that time, Xiaoyingmei was small, and she could only hug Ning Ze's head with her open arms, and she was a little crying, so no one could coax her well except Ning Ze.

But after going through so much, Xiao Yingmei has almost turned back to Yingmei. Even though she is still stuck in the height of 13 or 14 years old, she is virtuous and gentle. In the days of Xiangshengtang, she is almost a perfect wife. .Read the book

"Well, at that time I really liked Big Brother very, very much, because... Big Brother treated me the best, so Xiaoying has been very entangled."

"At that time, I cried the most because of my big brother and my sister. I was so afraid that you and my sister would fight. I thought I would leave my big brother if I wanted to find my sister, so I..." Xiao Yingmei said, hugging her gently. Living in Ningze, with nostalgia in her eyes, she can no longer leave Ningze, and she will never leave.

"Haven't I been here all the time?" Ning Ze looked at the little guy who had grown up in his arms and comforted him softly. His feelings for the little Yingmei were more complicated. Explain clearly.

"Yeah, I can live in this world because my big brother is by my side, so... in the days to come, please give me your advice, big brother." Xiaoyingmei showed a gentle smile, and she swore that no matter what Whoever dares to have ill intentions towards Ning Ze, she will deal with them all before carrying out the malicious action.

"En." Ning Ze responded softly.

After getting Ning Ze's response, Xiao Yingmei was extremely shy, and fled the scene with her red face covered, which made Ning Ze a little confused.

After running back to Xiangshengtang, Xiaoyingmei sat on the sofa and cheered for herself.

"Very good, I have confessed my love to my big brother, and my big brother didn't reject me, next... I will continue to work hard!" Xiao Yingmei secretly cheered herself up.

She already has the five elemental powers of rock, thunder, wind, grass, and ice. Whether it is to collect all the elemental powers or complete the agreement with Kong, it needs to be put on the agenda.

For Xiao Yingmei, the only fly in the ointment is that she cannot maintain her grown body for a long time, and after each use, her clothes will disappear, so she often has to carry spare clothes with her.

But... this can be regarded as the first step for him to break away from the title of younger sister. As long as he works hard to be a wife in the future, then he can become Ning Ze's real daily wife, right?

"Xiaoying? Do you want to take a bath?" After taking a shower, Hu Tao leaned in front of Xiao Yingmei. This time, Hu Tao was wearing a pure white short-sleeve with the logo of the Hall of Rebirth, which made her plain basin even more beautiful. Send Kaia on fire.

While talking, Hu Tao leaned on the sofa as if lying flat, with a pair of white and delicate jade feet dangling, looking very leisurely.

Seeing this, Xiao Yingmei first ate the leftover candied haws from Ningze, and then took the initiative to transform them into ice elements. After handing the candied haws to Hu Tao, she went to get some fruit to help Hu Nuo squeeze the iced juice, and ventilated Add ice mist pollen here and there.

Now Xiaoyingmei has learned how to carry out funerals, but Hu Tao is in charge of work, and Xiaoyingmei does not need to host, and Xiaoyingmei prefers to be at home.

Whether it's cooking or cleaning, or dancing, painting and singing, Xiaoyingmei tries to learn, try not to disturb Ning Ze as much as possible, and at the same time wants to perform for Ning Ze.

Chapter 346 The lady is so cute

After Xiaoyingmei escaped, Ning Ze took the dragons for a stroll, and then saw the lady and Katharina beside her.

"Ning Ze? You came at the right time. Do you want to play a game with me?" The lady asked holding a chessboard. She was a very proud person and couldn't accept that she was inferior to others in chess.

So she worked hard for several days, just to find Ningze again and win back the shops and promises she lost before. In this regard, the lady is quite cute.

At least compared to Mr. Weihe in the straggler period, he paid more attention to "fools" instead of acting recklessly for his own self-interest. The purity of this made Ning Ze laugh and couldn't help but bully her.

"Sorry, I'm going for a walk with the children at home today, and I don't plan to stay for long." Ning Ze directly refused. The last time he played chess with the lady was purely for goodwill, but in the end...

Seems like it's overdone?

"Okay, then I'll look for you tomorrow?" The lady didn't care, anyway, she will stay in Liyue for a long time, so it doesn't matter when she looks for Ning Ze.

It's not that she doesn't want to leave Liyue, but that no one is willing to come to Liyue to accept the mess, not to mention that the wind god Barbatos is still in Liyue, so she can't leave.

"Um... okay..." Ning Ze looked at the woman with a serious face, and then looked at Katharina who was wearing a Lei Ying warlock mask behind her and could only greet him through mouth shapes. Nothing to do, ready to come down.

As for whether the lady has any bad thoughts about Wendy, look at Zhong Li, Akhmar, and Amon behind Ning Ze. If you take any one out, you can single-handedly brush the existence of the executive officer. If she can't think about it, there is a high probability that the demon god in that family will let her stop thinking about it.

After getting a satisfactory answer, the lady is ready to leave. She wants to review the chess game again, and then find out Ning Ze's loopholes and give him a head-on blow. This wave!This wave is called 000 advantage in me! ! !

Taking advantage of this gap, Ning Ze chatted with Katarina for a few words. At present, the lady is still very friendly to Katarina, and strictly follows the treatment course arranged by Baishu. After a few days, Katarina looks better Quite a few, and there is more flesh on the face.

"Do you have any thoughts recently?" Ning Ze asked. Although it was said that Katarina was rescued, Ning Ze didn't know whether it was really good for her.

Now Katharina has nothing to lose, which makes people feel distressed and pity.

"I... I'm going to Dao's Wife. My family is still there. I want to... work with them, just like this..." Katharina said a little awkwardly, but she still didn't say a word.

She was somewhat reluctant to part with the man in front of her.

"Dao Wife? If you are going to Dao Wife, you can go to the Sixth Executive Officer Skirmisher, and she will help you find your family. By the way, if there is anything to do, you must follow her." Ning Ze knew the miserable fate of Dao's wife and fools in the future, so he planned to let her go to Wei's side.

After all, Wei is not only the executive officer of the fools, but also the sister of General Lei Dian. If you look around, Wei can be regarded as a senior agent with a wife and a double material, code name: Skirmisher?

All in all, if Katarina follows Wei Huan, she can definitely live a more comfortable life.

After watching the two leave, Ning Ze didn't go for a walk anymore, and chose the Hall of Rebirth.

It's just that there is a familiar figure standing at the door of the Hall of Rebirth.

"Floating house?" Ning Ze stepped forward and said.

"Brother! Brother!?" After seeing Ning Ze, Fu She, who was a little hesitant at first, became more cautious. He even bowed slightly by more than two meters, and was a head shorter than Ning Ze.

"How are you?" Ning Ze asked. After returning, Ning Ze went to the Wangshu Inn and learned that Fu She was fine, just a little weak.

"Well, it's completely fine, and..." Fu She took out a God's Eye.

"You...going to find Fa Nan?" Ning Ze immediately understood what Fu She meant.

In the past in the layered rock giant abyss, Fu She knew that he could not die when he was on the verge of death, so he forcibly cut off his karma and cultivation, leaving only the eye of God.

Fu She is not afraid of death, he is just afraid that the rest of his brothers and sisters will not live well, whether it is Fa who has gone far away or Ying Da who has been sealed.

"Well, I came here this time to bid farewell to my brother. If we could remember what my brother said in the past, perhaps Fa Nan and Ying Da would have lived an ordinary life long ago. I'm really ashamed." Fu She said and took out A yellowed scroll.

This is what Ning Ze commissioned A Ping to draw for him and the Yashas during the Demon God War.

Before Ning Ze remembered, there were only four Yashas in the picture scroll, leaving a place in the middle.

Now that Ning Ze remembered, the empty space in the middle had turned into Ning Ze.

"You don't have to do this. No one thought when the karma would come. You have tried your best, so why can't you stay in Liyue to rest? I will help you find it at Fanan." Ning Ze persuaded, Fushe 500 I became a mortal a few years ago, and I can only live up to now with the help of the Taiwei instrument panel. Strictly speaking, the life span of the floating house should only be about fifty to eighty.

"Thank you brother for your concern, but... as their eldest brother, I can't enjoy everything now when I know they are enduring karmic persecution in a foreign land, so..." Fu She said and bent down.

"I would like to ask you to take care of Jin Peng more." Fu She begged.

"..." Ning Ze cried and laughed, and then readily agreed that he would watch Mandrill. After all, before Fu She came back, Ning Ze often took care of her.

Afterwards, Fu She declined Ning Ze's invitation, saying that he had already applied to Zhong Li, and that he would go to Fontaine tomorrow, hoping to find some clues about the difficulties.

After mentioning Fontaine, Ning Ze suddenly thought of something, and he had an idea to send Fu She away, and he planned to ask her again when he was going to Monde.

After returning to the Hall of Rebirth, Xiaoyingmei has already cooked a large table full of meals. After all, there are more and more people in the family. If I don't cook more...

Looking at the people at home, Ning Ze wondered where Yelan was?He had set up a plan to wait for Yelan to jump in, but he hadn't seen Yelan appear in the past few days.

At this time, in the Mulou teahouse, Ye Lan was slowly sorting out Ningze's itinerary and information, as a so-called scumbag, she must keep a distance, lest she completely indulge in Ningze's gentle hometown.


"Wait two more days, I'll go find Xiaoze, hold back! Must hold back!" Yelan thought to herself while chewing Yunjiaojiao, she could hardly control the urge to want Ningze, if she didn't Stimulated by something, she probably will drink the love potion today, and then lie down on Ningze's bed.

Read the book

Chapter 347

"Dong dong dong~" There was a knock on the door of the Xiangshengtang in the morning, and the yawning Hu Tao couldn't help but wonder who brought the business to the door.

"You... good!" Hu Tao's polite voice, which was originally used to entertain guests, became ferocious after seeing the damn Tianyun Pass.

"Well, is Ning Ze there? I made an appointment with him yesterday." The lady asked standing at the door. This time she was for playing chess, so she didn't bring any subordinates as a sign of her sincerity.

"Looking for my brother? He's still sleeping, you... wait." Hu Tao closed the door as she said, and was going to wipe her face with water to wipe off the damned Tianyun Pass.

It's just that when Hu Tao closes his eyes now, his mind is full of the pair of Tianyun Pass who are so exaggerated that they shouldn't exist.

Subconsciously touching the steel plate, Hu Tao bit her toothbrush in humiliation. She still has a chance. After all, she is only 17 years old, and she still has a second chance to develop, that's right!There is still a chance for a second development!

When she develops for the second time... at least!At least not weaker than anyone!Certainly not!

The lady followed Hu Tao through the business area in the first half of the Hall of Rebirth, and then sat on the sofa in a well-mannered manner, secretly looking at the surrounding environment.

She can clearly feel the power of various elements, which are very strong, at least not something she can move. The second is a group photo of Ning Ze, a petite Hu Tao, and a grinning old man with white beard and hair.

"This guy...was quite cute when he was young." The lady couldn't help but think, Ning Ze was originally that handsome type, and the childishness of his youth added a bit of childish beauty, but the lady likes this kind of thing. ...

Afterwards, the lady who reacted shook her head again and again. She is more than 500 years old, how could she be interested in a child in her 20s, let alone...

The lady gently held the bracelet on her right hand, and then drove away all kinds of strange thoughts, and looked at Ning Ze who came to the living room.

"Miss, you... so early?" The corners of Ning Ze's mouth twitched slightly after washing, thanks to his restraint yesterday, otherwise he might not be able to get up today, after all, Zhong Li's dragon tongue...

"Well, because you only said tomorrow, but didn't say when, so I had to come in the morning." The lady said innocently, but the faint smile on the corner of her mouth betrayed her.

"Do you know my pain!? Damn Ning Ze! If it weren't for you, would I wake up at five in the morning and go to bed at twelve in the evening? Stay up late for me! Get up early! I'm not feeling well, and you don't even want to live !!!" The lady roared wildly in her heart, she changed her view of Ning Ze, but it did not affect her dislike of Ning Ze, taking revenge on Ning Ze in some inadvertent places was the only stubbornness left in her. .

"Okay, have you eaten yet?" Ning Ze was a little surprised at the lady's appearance, but he didn't get too entangled. After all, someone sent money over, so he could give it to Dolly or Ningguang to help him manage it if he didn't need it.

"Eat." The lady nodded slightly. In fact, she didn't eat anything at all. After going back yesterday, she didn't even eat dinner. She held a chessboard and repeated deduction, just to overthrow Ning Ze today.

Then the lady took out the chessboard and stared at Ning Ze. She studied the chess game all night. If she loses this time, she will sign a sell-off contract to Ning Ze on the spot!

"I haven't eaten yet, please wait." Ning Ze yawned, then turned and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for the family. Generally speaking, Ning Ze is in charge of the kitchen.

But after Xiaoyingmei knew how to cook, the kitchen became Xiaoyingmei's world. From breakfast to supper, the food during the period was controlled by Xiaoyingmei, but occasionally Ning Ze would also cook.

The lady raised her face in boredom, and looked at the surrounding environment casually. Before she came, the adults told her not to cause trouble in the Hall of the Past, because Morax lives here.

Speaking of this, the lady thought of the damned Barbatos, who was obviously in the Hall of Rebirth, as long as she pulled hard at her chest...

"Huh~" The lady took a deep breath, trying not to let herself think about these things, and she can't be in the hall of death, otherwise...

"Ha~ Good morning, sister blond." Greeted the little Yingmei who woke up, a little strange what the lady came to and from the Shengtang in the morning.

"Good morning, little sister." Although the lady has a bad attitude towards Wendy, she will show a gentle look when facing her little sister.

"Big sister... is she here to look for my big brother?" Xiaoyingmei asked, after all, Ulanilu and the others were no strangers to her before, let alone a lady.

"Well, but little sister...you seem to have grown taller?" The lady gestured to Xiaoyingmei's height in surprise. Her memory has always been very good, so she shouldn't remember Xiaoyingmei's height wrongly.

"Hey hey~ My sister remembers wrong, I've always been this tall, by the way, I'm going to brush my teeth, I'll talk about it later!" Xiao Yingmei laughed, then turned and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Xiaoyingmei's sudden increase in indirectness was naturally very strange to Hu Tao and the others, but Zhong Li had anticipated this and changed everyone's perception of Xiaoyingmei very early on.

Let them think: it is normal for little Yingmei to grow taller, after all, children will always grow taller inadvertently.

Although there are occasional doubts, they definitely don't feel that Xiaoyingmei's current body shape is strange or different from the past.

"It's strange...but this little sister is still as cute as ever. Really, how can a bad guy like Ning Ze have such a cute little sister." The lady complained as she watched Xiao Yingmei leave.

Suddenly, the lady's nose moved, and she smelled a familiar yet unfamiliar smell, it was Monde cuisine! ?

"Damn it! Ningze, you definitely did it on purpose! Knowing that I cook Mond dishes without eating, Morax must have told you! Morax must have told you that I used to be from Mond!" The lady roared wildly in her heart, she felt that she already knew what Ning Ze was thinking, and she was sure it was definitely on purpose!

Otherwise, she will sign a contract of sale to Ning Ze.

"Hmph~" Ning Ze hummed a song while making pancakes, but he didn't realize that he was somehow blamed.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Zhong Li never mentioned the lady to Ning Ze at all. After all, the two of them are no longer in the same class, and the lady's full firepower is just to scrape Ning Ze.

What's more, Ning Ze already knew that the lady was from Mond, but he didn't know that she was so careful, let alone that she didn't eat.

Because Yula often came and went to Shengtang, she not only taught the little Yingmei the ritual dance, but also taught the moon pie and other Mond dishes.

Ning Ze also knows a little bit of Monde cuisine. Seeing that his family seems to be very interested in this kind of cuisine, he plans to make it for his family to try.

"Fisherman's toast, creamy mushroom soup, potato pancakes..." The lady's nose is extremely sensitive, and she can already smell the aroma in the kitchen. She couldn't help complaining, are there many people in Ningze's family?Do so much?

Chapter 348 Miss

"Ozawa? What's for dinner today?" Beidou stretched out of Ningze's bedroom, then ran to the kitchen to sneak in the first, um, it was really a sneaky breakfast.


"Junior Brother Ozawa? Do you need my help?" Shen He also walked into the kitchen, ready to help, um, really help.

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