
"Ozawa...what are you eating today...huh?" Gan Yu looked at the lady suspiciously. If she remembered correctly, the executive officer didn't seem to have a good relationship with Ning Ze, right?


Looking at Gan Yu in front of her, the lady felt that tens of thousands of emergency food were flying by in her heart. Although she knew that Ning Ze and Gan Yu had a good relationship through intelligence, it was too good! ?

"Gan Yu, help me... my waist..." Ning Guang, who walked out with her waist in her arms, also noticed the lady. She had more contact with the lady, and knew that this woman was difficult to deal with, and that she had a bad relationship with Ning Ze. , but why did she come and go to Shengtang again?

"Could it be that... this woman wants to take revenge on Xiao Ze?" Thinking of Ning Ze using a water pump to pump the blood of fools before, Ning Guang knew that Ye Lan would be there.


The already speechless lady closed her eyes, afraid to see the most annoying Barbatos come out of the room, and kept hypnotizing herself to be patient. Today she will definitely win Ning Ze, and the advantage lies with me!I have the advantage today! ! !

Before having breakfast, under the hint of Ning Ze, Xiao Yingmei enthusiastically invited the lady to have dinner together, but she refused?

Then Xiaoyingmei thoughtfully brought hot coffee and fisherman's toast to save her from starving.

"Gudong..." Is the lady hungry?Theoretically speaking, she is no longer a human being, but a witch of burning embers, but in order to suppress the flames in her body, she must maintain the ice element to cool down, so she must work and rest like a human.

Seeing the ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong of tableware next door and the sound of eating made the already hungry lady send Kaya on fire.

In the end, the lady chose not to be hungry between not being hungry and dignity, and gave herself a perfect enough reason.

Being hungry will affect your performance, which will cause you to make mistakes in chess, and make mistakes in chess that will cause you to lose the game, and if you lose the game, you will sign a contract of sale to Ning Ze, so...

She only ate the fisherman's toast in front of her in order not to sign the contract of prostitution, not because she was hungry.

All the girls had their own jobs in Liyue, so most of them left after breakfast. This time, even Wendy took the initiative to leave the Hall of Resurrection with Rong Rong, maybe because she felt sorry for the lady?

"Hehe, it's quite clean." Ning Ze, who was cleaning up the dishes, complained, even if the rice cakes licked the dishes, they were not so clean.

"...When can I play chess!?" The lady was already a little bit annoyed at this moment. She originally wanted to take advantage of the morning to make Ning Ze sick, but she was careless, and she was so busy playing the chess game that she didn't eat anything, so...

"Wait~ wait~ I haven't washed the dishes yet." Ning Ze waved his hands and said, then picked up the plates and porcelain cups and went back to wash the dishes, while Xiao Yingmei sat opposite the lady and looked at them quietly.

"What's the matter? Little sister?" Although she was a little surprised at the growth rate of Xiaoyingmei, she was able to embrace this lovely child with rare tenderness.

"It's nothing, I just think big sister is very beautiful, so..." Xiao Yingmei stared straight at the lady's Tianyun Pass, compared to Hu Tao's incompetent rage, she was a little easier to learn.

"Hmm...little sister?" The lady suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if she was being stared at by some horrible creature, but the one in front of her was obviously just an underage child, how could she be so strong?

"I..." Xiaoyingmei really wanted to ask, but when she thought about what she was asking, she couldn't help but feel shy. After all, she is only slightly better than Hutao now. Suddenly she wants to become a lady's size, isn't it a bit greedy? ?

It went on like this for quite a while, until Ning Ze washed the dishes and chopsticks clean, the two of them were looking at each other.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Ze asked with some doubts.

"Nothing!" The two girls shouted in unison.


"Come here quickly, I will win you today!" The lady took out the chessboard and custom-made chess pieces with great interest. This kind of entertainment is just a kind of pastime for her.

But after losing three games in a row last time, the nature changed, because the lady felt that she was almost able to win Ning Ze every time, but she was just unlucky and lost.

Now that I have repeatedly deduced it all night, can't this be a random killing?Ning Ze couldn't cry and spit out the benefits he had eaten from himself, and put some back in?

"Okay..." Ning Ze actually didn't expect the lady to be so serious. The last time I played chess, it was just for fun.

Ning Ze didn't think about winning the lady, he just played casually, and didn't even take it seriously. It wasn't until the fourth game was too late that Ning Ze deliberately lost to the lady to escape.

But the lady seems to be serious, so he...how about losing two rounds?

Looking at the confident lady, Ning Ze felt that it seemed impolite to do so. Maybe he should go all out to prove his respect for the lady.

"What do you want to bet? This time, no matter what it is, I will bet with you!" The lady said confidently. She, lady, the eighth chief executive officer of the Fools, is going to be killed today!

"Um..." Ning Ze originally wanted to take hundreds of millions of Mora casually, but suddenly wanted to tease the lady, and he and the lady are essentially hostile, so it doesn't matter if it's too much... right?

Ning Ze leaned close to the lady's ear and whispered a few words, trying to force the lady to give up or scare her away.

"So you are such a person..." For the first time, a blush appeared on the lady's face, and she looked at Ning Ze in disbelief, but thinking of her own efforts...

"I promise you." The lady hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to believe in herself, so that she would not lose to a child like Ning Ze, absolutely not!

After two rounds...

"Do you have a third piece?" Ning Ze asked with a suppressed smile.

"It's gone!" the lady yelled, covering her face. She was almost there, and she could fight back, so why couldn't she win?Read the book

"Then... are you going to fulfill your promise?" Ning Ze didn't want to force the lady at first, but she looked so interesting, so he couldn't hold back.

"Where is the bathroom?" The lady asked in a weak voice, and comforted herself, at least she didn't lose to Ning Ze, it's just a few pieces of fabric, it's no big deal...

Chapter 349

The lady stayed in the bathroom for a while, and when she came out again, Xiao Yingmei had already been dismissed by Ning Ze, leaving only two people present.

"Here!" The lady blushed and threw the thing on Ning Ze's face, but she felt very embarrassed when she thought that her personal things were touched by Ning Ze, so she had to sit back and drink tea to cover it up.

Ning Ze sniffed subconsciously, and a faint scent of Cecilia flowers came to his face. He took the object thrown by the lady, and Ning Ze had to sigh how terrifying the lady's Tianyun Pass was, which was even bigger than Beidou's. Circle, I am afraid that two and a half walnuts can be stacked to reach this level.

"It's still black." Ning Ze teased on purpose. He didn't expect the lady to be serious. Although he knew that he shouldn't laugh at her, who could refuse the opportunity to tease the executives of fools?

"Shut up!" The lady shouted angrily. If she couldn't beat and talk, she would let the guy in front of her know what extreme cold is.

"Shy and shy~ Ms., these are all voluntary, I didn't force you." Ning Ze waved his hand innocently, and the bet he raised was: Ms. lost to personal items, Ning Ze lost to Ms. One day's men.

At that time, the lady felt that I had the upper hand, even though she was ashamed and annoyed, she still agreed, and even imagined that after winning, she would order Ning Ze to be a cow and horse for a day, serve tea, pour water, wash clothes and cook, and wash her feet. And let him drink the footwashing water and so on.

But the reality is cruel. Everyone who thinks I have the advantage will be killed indiscriminately in the end. This has become a law.

"Can't you play yet?" Ning Ze asked, pointing to the chessboard, throwing the objects aside casually. He bet that this was just for fun, and he didn't really want to do anything strange.

"No more!" The lady said angrily and walked out the door. The cold feeling under the skirt made the lady very uncomfortable.

"Wait." Ning Ze picked up the object and threw it to the lady. It was enough to tease her, and he was not so perverted as to do strange things with this thing.

"Huh!" The lady put away her belongings and turned to leave, but she regretted it just after leaving the Hall of Rebirth. The wind has started to blow in Liyue these days, unless the lady pressed her skirt along the way, otherwise...

"Damn Barbatos!" The lady cursed secretly, then turned around and went back to the living hall, seeing Ning Ze's strange eyes, the lady wished she could find a place to hang the southeast branch by herself.

Not long after the lady left, Ye Lan, who was called by Ning Guang, stood at the door of the Hall of Rebirth, not knowing whether to go in, always feeling that something terrible would happen this time.

"Gudong..." Yelan swallowed, and walked into the Hall of Rebirth with the mentality of being pinned down on the bed by Ning Ze at the worst, and sat on the sofa very familiarly.

Ning Ze narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Lan. He was worried why Ye Lan hadn't come yet, but now that he's here, it's time for him...

"Sister Ye Lan, is your injury healed?" Ning Ze took the initiative to ask.

"Huh? Alright, why don't you check it out, Ozawa?" Yelan said and put Ningze's hand on her chest. Since confirming the relationship, Yelan has been able to let it go. Intimate interactions are okay, right?

"Speaking of which, Sister Yelan." Ning Ze broke away from Yelan's hand as if nothing had happened, and looked at Yelan with half-closed eyes, which made her inexplicably uneasy.

"What... what's wrong..." Yelan felt inexplicably flustered, always feeling as if she had been seen through.

"Recently, Sister Ying'er mentioned to me that I don't really understand what scumbags are. Sister Yelan, do you know?" Ning Ze asked with a smile.

"Ah? What kind of scumbag, no, I haven't heard of it." Ye Lan asked with a puzzled face, as if she really didn't know about it.

"Don't refuse, don't take the initiative, don't take responsibility, how should I put it, you are quite similar to Yelan sister." Ning Ze was not angry when Yelan was still acting, and continued with a chuckle. .

"This is too bad, isn't it!? But Ozawa, this kind of thing has nothing to do with us, right?" Although Ye Lan was flustered, she tried her best not to reveal herself on the surface, and scolded herself in reverse, trying to get out of this situation. topic.

"Yes, of course it has something to do with it." Ning Ze pretended to be filled with righteous indignation and slapped the table, then looked at Ye Lan who was trembling involuntarily.

"Sister Yelan, what do you think I should do if I meet this kind of scumbag?" Ning Ze asked with a smile, which can be regarded as proving the relationship, and the next step is to chase after the husband's crematorium.

On this point, Ning Ze is still very confident. In Liyue, he is the one who knows Ye Lan best. He is even sure that Ye Lan's next sentence will be: "..."

"..." Ye Lan was silent, she finally understood, Ning Ze already knew her little thoughts, but this is really...

For Ye Lan, this incident was no less exciting than being caught by Ning Ze himself when she was making handicrafts with Ning Ze's photos...

Yelan pressed her stomach lightly, trying not to show her embarrassment as much as possible.

"Sister Yelan~give me some advice~what should I do in the face of such a scumbag?" Ning Ze asked viciously.

"Cough cough cough, Ozawa, I think that scum... Bah bah bah! That girl has her reasons, why not... you give her a chance?" Ye Lan really wanted to make a clean break like this, but she wanted to be the same as doing it. situation.

"Sister Yelan~ Do you want to continue acting?" Ning Ze suddenly got up angrily, and stretched out his hand to signal Yelan to leave.

"I have always liked you, Sister Yelan, but you have disappointed me so much, so... from now on, we will not meet again, I am afraid that my family will misunderstand." Ning Ze said indifferently, silently Thinking about when Yelan would embrace him and admit his mistake.

"Xiao Ze..." Ye Lan's heart tightened. If it was normal, she would have sensed that something was wrong, but she felt guilty about this matter and Ning Ze suddenly mentioned it, and her brain had no time to react, so Ye Lan panicked.

"Miss Yelan, please leave the Pastoral Hall, and don't come here again." Seeing Yelan's appearance, Ning Ze secretly laughed, knowing that Yelan had already been tricked, the next thing he had to do was to get her to admit it.

"Xiao Ze, it's not like this, you listen to my explanation first..." Ye Lan quickly held Ning Ze's hand, her mind went blank, how could she explain?Because you are afraid of accidents at work, you have been prostitution for nothing?

If that's the case, Ye Lan probably won't even be able to talk to Ning Ze in her life.

"Please go out." Ning Ze said coldly, and turned around and walked to the room, with a look of wanting to show mercy.

"One step, two steps, three steps, hug." Ning Ze said silently in his heart, and didn't stop until the softness behind him rushed over.

"Xiao Ze...I know I was wrong..." Ye Lan said in a teary voice, she couldn't lose Ning Ze, absolutely not!Without Ning Ze, her life would have been messed up long ago.

Yelan knew that she was wrong, she was clearly the one with the most advantage, but when she asked to be responsible when she was kissed by force, Jiuqiren, Beidou, and Ningguang all had to be defeated, obviously she came first , I am obviously the one who has the advantage over me, why should I be stubborn, why am I afraid that something will happen to me, now Ning Ze no longer wants me.

Chapter 350 Ye Lan Confesses

"Phew..." Ning Ze had softened his heart a bit, but thinking about what happened to Ye Lan before, he had no choice but to continue to pretend that he didn't care. Ye Lan had a lot of pleasure in whoring for nothing before, and now she wants to pay it back.

"Xiao Ze, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied to you. In fact, I have always liked you. We are childhood sweethearts! Actually, I have always wanted to be with you, but...just..." Yelan said In the end, her tone gradually weakened, and she felt that the reason she explained was too that.

Because I was afraid that my death would make you sad, it would make sense if Yelan hadn't done Ningze before, but Yelan has done it more than once, not to mention Ningze, Yelan herself doesn't believe this explanation.

"What?" Ning Ze asked cooperatively. He wanted to see what else could happen to his duplicity sister Ye Lan.

"That... Ozawa, don't be angry if I tell you..." Yelan had lost her usual initiative and confidence at this time, the fear of being abandoned by Ning Ze and the strange quirks in her heart caused Yelan to panic. The brain cannot think normally.

"Say!" Although Ning Ze really wanted to laugh at the current Ye Lan, and then hug her back and punish her harshly, but the scene wasn't over yet, so Ning Ze had to endure it for the time being.

"I..." Ye Lan stammered and explained the reason why she didn't dare to be with Ning Ze. If it was before, Ye Lan would give her a few words of artistic processing, but now Ye Lan with a weird mind is no longer Don't dare to mess around anymore, and confess everything in every detail.

"Oh, so Yelan sister, this is how you look at me?" Ning Ze cooperated and became gentle, which made Yelan's tense heart relax a little bit.

"Then don't come to me in the future! This way we won't have to suffer so much." Then Ning Ze's words almost caused Ye Lan to die on the spot.

When she is not working, Yelan has three hobbies, drinking tea, gambling, and spying on Ningze.

The Ye Lan in the back has been kept since she became an agent, otherwise she would not have discovered the passage on the beam of the Xiangsheng Hall, and then bumped into Ning Ze and Beidou...

In addition, Ye Lan also enjoys the thrill of being discovered at any time. Thinking that after she was discovered peeping, her relationship with Ning Ze would definitely become weird, right?That feeling is more exciting than eating Yunjiaojiao or being bruised all over.

Telling her not to look for Ningze is better than asking Yelan to give up her job and become a housewife.

"Xiao Ze..." Ye Lan was about to cry angrily, she didn't notice that she was actually completely controlled by Ning Ze, her character and her code of conduct were firmly grasped by Ning Ze.

Yelan never hides anything from Ningze, so Ningze knows a lot of Yelan's secrets, and knows better what she will do and what she thinks.

Now Yelan is already a fish on the chopping board, Ningze can do whatever he wants.

"Sister Yelan, didn't you say you were afraid of my pain? Then we don't want to see each other in the future, so I don't know what happened to you, so you won't be in pain? Anyway, you never care about my feelings, so why should I care? What about yours?" Ning Ze continued.

No matter what purpose Yelan is hiding and dragging, it is essentially self-righteous distrust, and Ning Ze doesn't like Yelan's behavior very much.

He said it was to protect himself and not let himself be sad, so as long as he and Ye Lan didn't go that far, wouldn't they be sad?Won't it be painful?If something happened to Ye Lan, Ning Ze would definitely take action immediately, but Ye Lan simply didn't want Ning Ze to get involved.

Isn't this a kind of Ye Lan's self-righteousness?

"Ozawa... I care about you, I have always cared about you, every time I see you with other girls, I feel very uncomfortable, obviously we are childhood sweethearts, even Uncle Tian said that we are born together Yes, but...but my job...I don't want to make you sad...I just...want to protect you..." Yelan wanted to explain, but Ning Ze pushed her away impatiently.

"All in all, you never know what I'm thinking. I've said many times that I want to marry you. Have you responded?" Ning Ze was almost numb from laughter. All of his big moves, Flash, have been tricked out, this wave!This wave is called an advantage... Bah bah bah! .

Whoever said this would be unlucky, anyway, Ning Ze would not say it.

"I am willing! As long as you are willing, Ozawa, I will... marry you, okay? Ozawa... I really know that I was wrong, I will not dare in the future, as long as you are not angry... I will promise anything You..." Ye Lan asked weakly, her pretty face was as pitiful as pear blossoms with rain.

If her old opponents saw it and deliberately slapped herself hard on the spot to make sure she wasn't living in a dream, Yelan would be shy?

"Then what should you call me?" Ning Ze saw that the time was about the same, and prepared to complete the last step.

"Little..." Ye Lan was about to respond when Ning Ze gave her a glaring look.

"Husband... I will never lie to you again, otherwise... otherwise I will be... I will be... I will be used by my husband..." Yelan remembered the extremely shameful behavior last time.

At that time, it might be because of the drug, Ye Lan grabbed a red rope and tried to tie Ning Ze, but was killed instead.

Let's talk about resistance...Ye Lan actually likes her, but the fly in the ointment is that Ning Ze is too gentle, otherwise she would definitely be happier.

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