Seeing that Lodia said that, Ning Ze didn't refuse, after all, he liked Lodia quite a lot, uh... Although it was painful when playing games in the previous life.

But a chatty and a bit arrogant pure water elf is super cute, okay?

Apepu and Xiaoyingmei didn't say anything, after all, it was just a pure water elf.

After returning to the carriage, Ning Ze asked Lotia on a whim: "Speaking of which, can you become a human? After all, the Phantom of Water can be an animal, right? Then humans should be able to."

"Of course!" Lodia proudly raised her little head, and following a burst of water elemental fluctuations, the originally small pure water elf turned into a human form.

The delicate pretty face, the just right cinnabar line, and the body that has been meticulously crafted in all aspects make it impossible to pick out any faults.

It's just that Lodia's human form is not the kind of complete mimicry, but a translucent human form similar to water slime. The most important thing is that Lodia has no mimicry clothes...

Chapter 362 Lodia's Gift

Apepu and Xiaoyingmei covered each other's eyes sensiblely, and secretly observed with a small gap.

"Gudong..." Ning Ze was stunned. Although he had expected that Lodia would pretend to be a beautiful girl, it was too wild. Let alone the bald commander, why is it still in that translucent form.

"How is it? It's been too long since I've been mimicking, I'm not used to it." Lodia asked with some evil taste. Of course, she could mimic a normal human being, but it would be meaningless.

So she specially turned into a translucent state, trying to play tricks on Ning Ze, the bad guy who hasn't seen her for more than half a year.

"Why don't you change back?" If he was alone, Ning Ze might not be able to hold back, but there are two children in front of him who seem to be ten thousand years old, so he dare not dare even if he has the heart.

"Huh!" Lodia snorted coldly, and then turned into a normal human form, and imitated clothes, which looked noble and beautiful. Compared with the translucent form just now, it was a little less charming and more elegant.

"You come down first." Ning Ze felt that he could not hold back anymore, he hadn't left Liyue yet, so why did he almost relapse.

"beg me?"

"Please..." Ning Ze was on the verge of numbness, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Hearing what Ning Ze said, Luo Diya, who was originally proud, got off Ning Ze's body, and then stared at the little Apepu with a complicated expression.

"Do you have a child?" Lodia asked suddenly, there must be a reason why Ning Ze didn't come to find her, so besides he forgot, the only thing to do is to have a child!

I didn't expect that Ning Ze, who was young at the time, would already have a child. Damn...why is his heart empty, as if he had lost something important.

"Bah, bah, bah! I'm his sister!" Apep corrected angrily.

"Hello, my name is Ying, and I'm also brother's sister." Xiao Yingmei is more polite, as long as Lotia doesn't threaten Ning Ze, she won't hold malice.

"Tell me about what you have done these days." After hearing the second daughter's reply, Lodia, who had recovered a bit, asked, if Ning Ze didn't give her a satisfactory answer, she would give Ning Ze a good look.

"Hmm..." Ning Ze explained all his experiences from picking up Xiaoyingmei to Daozu, Xumi and other places, and said that Xiaoyingmei can absorb the elemental power of gods.

"..." Lodia, who understood everything, first showed a hesitant expression, and then looked in the direction of Fontaine in a daze.

After a period of psychological struggle, Lodia held Xiao Yingmei's hand, and an elemental power that did not belong to her suddenly emerged from her body.

This power and her own elemental power are two colors. Lodia is a pure to transparent water element, and this power is a gentle and harmless water element.

"Oh?" Xiao Yingmei looked at the water element in her hand in disbelief, and she got another elemental power, but this time she neither met the gods nor went to Fontaine.

"The first generation of water god?" Ning Ze saw the particularity at a glance. With this powerful and gentle water elemental force, Ning Ze could only think of the dead first generation of water god.

"Why do you think I am worried that people from my homeland will come to assassinate me?" Lodia gave Ning Ze a blank look as if reproached, and sat back in her seat as if relieved.

"Does the second-generation water god have any grudge against you?" Ning Ze asked.

"What? Are you scared? Then I'll go?" Lodia pinched Ning Ze's weakness, looking like you had better not be.

"No, if she dares to touch you, then I won't let her go back to Fontaine." Ning Ze was not too scared, just joking, the two top demon gods in the family are bad every day, Sumi's Naxida and Dacishu King, the former is His sister, who is his wife.

Dao's wife's General Lei Dian is his sister, Ying is his sister-in-law, and Monde's Barbatos owes him a huge debt, and he is half-sold to him. In terms of background, Ning Ze is the toughest man in Tivat.

"Don't be like this... That guy probably won't come, I'm just worried that there will be assassins liquidating me." Lodia shook her head lightly. She didn't want Ning Ze to turn against Fontaine because of herself. When necessary, she will choose to leave.

Because she's had enough of hiding, even if it's just to be with Ning Ze for a while, she's willing!

"Then I'll kill one by one." Ning Ze continued, Lodia was very kind to Ning Ze, whether it was about Fontaine or the heart of water purification, she was not stingy.

Ning Ze naturally has nothing to say about his friends, let alone Fontaine, what's the big deal when he comes to strike Fontaine with a single hand?

Uh...Fontaine's military salute should be a raised hand, right?

After Lodia's gift, Xiaoyingmei has mastered the six elements of rock, thunder, wind, grass, ice, and water. As long as she gets the fire element, Xiaoyingmei can gather all seven elements.

This made Ningze have to consider whether to change the itinerary and go to Nata after going to Daoqi?But thinking of the water bottle theory that Nashida once said, he gave up again.

For Xiaoyingmei, elemental power is not the most important thing, what is important is the traces of the journey and the missing abyss.

If Xiaoyingmei is incomplete, then walk Tivat to complement her own existence, or find a way to combine Abyss Yingmei and Xiaoyingmei into one, otherwise the current Xiaoyingmei will not be able to grow up at all.

This is also the most uncomfortable part for Xiaoyingmei. She is stuck in a body shape that is not very good, but still very good, even if she wants to be Ning Ze's wife.

"Well... I haven't grown up yet..." Xiao Yingmei lowered her little head in frustration, she was empowered by the big sister who stole snacks before, and now she is empowered by Lodia, the first generation of water god.

"It's okay, Xiaoying is very cute now, big brother likes you very much!" Ning Ze comforted softly, he likes it, but it is purely doting, as for the matter of punishment, he dare not touch it at all.

"Big Brother..." Xiao Yingmei hugged Ning Ze lightly, acting coquettishly once again, her small face buried in Ning Ze's arms obsessively, with nostalgia and reluctance in her eyes.

She has grown up, she can't act like a baby with her big brother every day like before, she can only try her best to be herself now.

"Xiaoying..." Ning Ze gently rested his chin on Xiaoyingmei's head, and gently hugged her soft body to comfort her. He seemed to have left this little guy in the cold, so he should spend more time with her when he was in Mond Little Yingmei.

"Brother... I want to..." Apepu hugged Ningze's thigh jealously, and Xiao Yingmei squeezed out a seat for Apepu sensiblely, letting her sit with him.

"You...Ning Ze, I want it too!" Luo Diya suddenly attacked with one hand, and pressed Xiaoyingmei and Apepu into the Dansha Ya, successfully making the two girls unable to breathe.

Chapter 363 Meeting an Old Friend

After leaving Qingce Village, the carriage crossed the border of Liyue and successfully arrived at Mond.

"Huh... the familiar smell." Ning Ze took a deep breath of the moist air of Mond, felt the breeze blowing over his face, and his body relaxed rarely.

Compared with Liyue's prosperous business, Mond is more suitable for living, and Ning Ze also thought about coming to Mond to spend the rest of his life leisurely after retirement, but because Hu Tao and others gave up, after all, Mond is good, It's not as good as the Xiangshengtang with family members.

"The climate of this place has been artificially modified, right? Besides, I smell a very nasty smell." Apep sniffled, and found the thousand winds in the sky.

"You mean the wind above?" Ning Ze rubbed Apepu's little head and asked.

"Hmph! That guy should have something to do with the first throne, but I haven't recovered yet, otherwise..." Apepu just wanted to kill Sky Island and give up that position to Ning Ze.

But looking at Ning Ze looking at the child, he still didn't finish speaking. After all, she is too young now, and Ning Ze just treats her like a child.

After crossing the border of Mond, you will find Chenxi Winery, the largest wine producer in Mond City. For some people who come to Mond for business, the winery is the end of their journey.

Buying good wine from here, and then returning to do business from Jingfu Harbor or following the same route, can make more money than entering Mond City to do business.

"Why stop?" Lodia was uncomfortable smelling the smell of alcohol in the air. She didn't like the smell because it would affect the pure water on her body.

"Going to meet a friend, are you uncomfortable? Then let's go to Mond City first." Ning Ze asked.

"No... you go, I found someone of the same kind, she... seems very sad, I want to go and have a look first." Lodia said, pointing to Qingquan Town in the distance.

"Hmm... do you mean the spring water elf? Then we will meet there later." Ning Ze, who probably understood, nodded slightly, and let Lodia leave in the carriage.

Then Ning Ze brought Xiaoyingmei and Apepu to the gate of Chenxi Winery. When he was in Mond, Ning Ze, who often ran around collecting materials, inevitably had contact with Di Luke.

At that time, Di Luke, who had just become the hero of the night, was still a little rusty, and was besieged by hundreds of Qiuqiu people from the Abyss Cult, but Ning Ze happened to pass by, and he took action to solve Di Luke's predicament, and fed him some healing potions.

The next morning, Di Luke himself offered [-] million moras as a reward, but Ning Ze refused, and hoped that Di Luke could help him get some things that outsiders couldn't get.

For example, the real tears of the wind god, the feathers of Twarin, the fragments of the sundial from the small island outside Mond, etc., if the Qin of the Sky is still in the West Wind Cult, Ning Ze would have wanted Di Luke to break some for himself.

Later, because of several chances, Ning Ze and Di Luke fought back against the subordinates arranged by the doctor and the Abyssal Order, and the two became friends.

This time I came to Mond mainly to travel with Xiaoyingmei and meet friends, not to mention saying hello to some friends first, which can avoid more than 90.00% of the troubles in Mond.

"Why are you here?" A trace of surprise flashed across Di Luke's calm face. According to his information, Ning Ze had long since ceased to be a diplomat. Why did he come to Mond with nothing to do?Could it be that he came for a trip?

"Come and play, and visit you by the way." Ning Ze said and took out a bottle of healing potion. Di Luke often fights alone. Although he is very strong, he will be injured to some extent.

Therefore, Ningze's healing potion is no different from a magic weapon for Di Luke, and it even has the effect of turning things around at critical times.

"You are really leisurely enough." Di Luke accepted it unceremoniously. The two are friends of life and death. In a sense, Di Luke still owes Ning Ze two lives. estranged.

"Hehehe~ In fact, you can also be very leisurely, but you can't let it go." Ning Ze smiled, and then asked the maid to pour two glasses of grape juice for Xiaoyingmei and Apepu.

"Your daughter?" Di Luke asked, Ning Ze is his friend, so he doesn't pay much attention to Ning Ze's personal affairs, he just knows about Ning Ze's movements in the General Affairs Department, but the appearance of the little sister is too familiar It made him a little uneasy.

"I'm his sister! Sister!!!" Apepu corrected angrily. Isn't she just a little shorter, a little cute, and a little harmless to humans and animals?When she grows up, those who regard her as Ning Ze's daughter will be...

Forget it, Ning Ze doesn't like her doing this.

"..." Di Luke turned his face away. He is not very good at dealing with children, especially cute children.

"Okay, okay, I just came to see you this time, I will stay here for about a month, and take a walk in Mond with my family Xiaoying and Apepu." Ning Ze smoothed things over.

"If you have any troubles, you can come to me. The Knights are not very reliable, understand." Di Luke reminded with a deep meaning.

"Qin is still the same...Really, last time I made her relax a little bit." Ning Ze shook his head helplessly, preparing to teach the disobedient acting head of the knight order a lesson.

"Be careful with the fools. The doctor went to the wind dragon ruins last time, but when I rushed there, I only found the doctor's body." Di Luke said with a serious expression on his face, he vaguely remembered that The blonde girl is very similar to the little Yingmei in front of her.

"That guy... there should be more than one, maybe it's a substitute or a clone? All in all, he should know what you did with me, so you should pay attention to fools when you are in Mond, and you can find him if necessary. Me." Diluc urged.

"Besides, Twarin of the Dragon of the East Wind recently attacked Mond, huh! Those West Wind knights actually called the Wind God's blessing that guarded Mond the Wind Demon Dragon? It's really ridiculous!" Di Luke He never let go of every opportunity to taunt the Knights, and he also has the qualifications to taunt.

"Understood." Ning Ze nodded lightly, then picked up the grape juice and took a sip. He didn't expect that Liyue's plot had collapsed to this point, and Mond's plot could be so strong.

It's just a pain for Twarin...

"Speaking of which, that kid Kaiya didn't make any moves? He should have known about it long ago, right?" Ning Ze asked, because of Di Luke's relationship, Ning Ze was also targeted by Kaiya.

It's just that Kaiya didn't have any malicious intentions. Instead, he was very friendly to him who saved Di Luke. The relationship between the two was very good, and last time Yula scared her away, and when she carried Qin back to Liyue, it was Kaya who came forward to suppress , and spoke good words for him.

"Who knows? Monde is not very safe recently. Since you are here to play, you should pay more attention." Di Luke said and stood up, saying that he still had some business to discuss, and let Ning Ze and others take care of themselves. Whether you need to rest here or need something, you can ask the head maid to deal with it.

"Big brother, that doctor...does he want to hurt you?" Xiao Yingmei's eyes flashed with a murderous intent, she would never let anyone who tried to hurt Ning Ze, even if it was natural, she would kill!

"It's okay, Xiaoying, it's just a doctor, he can't make any waves." Ning Ze didn't care much.

Just kidding, among the executive officers of fools, the eighth seat confessed to himself, and the sixth seat was his sister, no matter how you say it, there are people in it.

Not to mention how strong a doctor can be?Side by side with the Seven Gods?Or can you only bully a 500-year-old child like Nasida?Dare to touch him now?With the six elements fed back by the superior demon god and the little Yingmei, even the top demon god can fight.

Now Ning Ze can be regarded as a type of walking sideways in Tivat. If you want strength, strength, and background, how can you fight with him?Doctors have this strength?

Chapter 364 Spring Water Spirit

After leaving Chenxi Winery, Ning Ze continued on his way in the carriage of Di Luke's family, but Lodia, who had already found the spring spirit, was not very happy.

"So, in order to prevent yourself from falling in love with that human, you kissed him once and never saw him again?" Lodia looked helplessly at the junior in front of her.

"I'm sorry... sister... I just want him to give up..." The spring water elf felt extremely guilty. Does she love old Finch?Love, of course, but the way Pure Water Fairy expresses love is by blending the two into one.

But how could the weak body of human beings bear the love of the pure water elves, and they would only end up being drowned alive in the end.

Moreover, her lifespan is too long compared with that of human beings. Perhaps after hundreds of years, old Finch is just a shadow in her eyes.

"Then do you know what a kiss is equivalent to among human beings?" Lodia asked back.


"In human beings, a kiss between lovers is equivalent to mutual love. Your original intention is to refuse, but in the eyes of that human being, it is equivalent to you accepting his love, so...he really loves you, for you It takes a lot of courage to die alone." Lodia shook her head helplessly, thanks to her ability to control reason and understand the process of human love through Ningze, otherwise it would be miserable like the younger generation.

"I..." Hearing Lodia's explanation, the spring water elf felt even more uncomfortable. This was tantamount to telling her that her so-called cold rejection led to her lover's lonely life.

"You... Go and see him. Over the years, he has not changed his mind and is persistently waiting for you to come back. Isn't that enough proof?" Lodia persuaded, and she suddenly realized something.

Although his own Ning Ze is young and strong, he is only a human being after all. In the end, won't he still be the same as the spring water elf in front of him?

Thinking of this, Luo Diya eo, this time is similar to the situation of Gan Yu in the past, although she can change the way of love and accompany Ning Ze as a human being, but she can't extend Ning Ze's life as a human being until the end Old Finch and the spring elves are the end of Ning Ze and himself.

"Sister, I understand." Under Luodia's persuasion, the spring elf finally regained her confidence in the past, and decided to meet old Finch tonight.

"Sister, what are you going to do next?" asked the enlightened spring water elf. Since leaving Fontaine, these pure water elves have hardly communicated with each other.

"Temporarily... let's go, Lord Water God hopes that we can pass on that tenderness to the whole world, and now we are going our separate ways in order to avoid it, which may have violated His wishes." Lodia replied absent-mindedly.

"Well... I wish my sister a smooth journey... I, I will make some preparations first." The spring water elf said and returned to the clear spring, preparing to go to the appointment tonight.

Only Lodia was left staring at the spring water in a daze, and a man who claimed to be the magical Hopkins tried to fool her into buying spring water, but the wild boar created by Lodia with the phantom of water hit her ass all the way, and she didn't know where to hide .Read the book

"Lodia?" Ning Ze, who had left Chenxi Winery, found Lodia and looked at the spring water and her complicated expression in surprise.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Ze asked.

"It's nothing, let's go into the city, I want to take a rest." Lodia said, then turned around and walked towards Mond, forgetting the carriage.

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