Ning Ze handed over the fare to the driver, and then followed behind Luo Diya. He was very familiar with this appearance. Isn't this what Gan Yu looked like when she was autistic? ?

Ning Ze thought for a while, and Lodia seemed to be very... extra concerned about her. Except for Ning Ze, other humans who approached Qingce Village's waters would be driven away.

It's just that Lodia is no better than Gan Yu. She has only been familiar with human emotions for a year or two, not to mention her understanding is still very vague, so Gan Yu's methods are useless to her, and she can only enlighten her step by step she is gone.

After entering Mond City, Ning Ze settled the residence first, the unused villa of Di Luke's family, which was arranged by the head maid.

Ning Ze has no choice but to refuse, after all, the head maid has already stated that the Fengmolong invaded Mond recently, and the hotels and the like have been closed.

If Ning Ze wants to find a place to live in Mond, he can only go to a friend's house or a property under the name of Di Luke.

"Big brother... I want to go with you." Xiao Yingmei pulled Lan Ningze and said, she finally came to Mond, and she wanted to spend more time with Ningze.

"En." Ning Ze gently held Xiao Yingmei's hand, then told Apep and Lodia a few words, and then prepared to visit the Knights.

Today's Mond is not very lively, probably because of the attack by Tewarin, many shops have been closed.

Ning Ze walked around a few times, and then came to the headquarters of the West Wind Knights, just in time to see a girl sweeping fallen leaves.

"Noelle!" Ning Ze greeted. When he was in Mond before, he was taken care of by Noelle, but Ning Ze didn't like Noelle's behavior of giving for the sake of giving, so it took a long time. Time persuaded Noelle to learn the traditional art of Fengshen: fishing.

It's just that he was in a hurry to go back at that time, and he didn't know if Noelle was really obedient.

"Ning! Mr. Ning Ze!?" Noelle shook his body like a frightened kitten, then hid the broom in his hand guiltily, trying to block it with his body.

"You..." Ning Ze knew at a glance that Noelle hadn't listened at all. Qin was like this, and so was Noelle. Are Mond people disabled?Is Zephyr Knight disabled?One and two give most of the work to two girls.

"I'll go to the special training with me later!" Ning Ze covered his face and shook his head lightly, then took Xiao Yingmei to go to Qin to have a look first, if she didn't change, Ning Ze could only...half give up!

Chapter 365 Nightmare of the Knights

"Yes! Mr. Shirakawa!" Noelle straightened his back and shouted, and even Danshaya, who was much higher than Hutao and infinitely close to Tianyun Pass, trembled.

"Alas..." Bai Chuan shook his head helplessly, then walked into the headquarters of the knight order, ready to see if Qin was the same.

When Bai Chuan was in Mond, he was often taken care of by the Knights. Correspondingly, Bai Chuan also helped the Knights in many places, including but not limited to, helping Amber to investigate dozens of Qiuqiu camps, and helping Lisa. For half a month at lunch, I cleaned up dozens of Qiuqiu thugs with Yula, and turned myself from a diplomat to an honorary knight.

Later, Qin fainted due to overwork, and Ning Ze took care of Qin until she was in good health, and reformed the work process of the Knights.

Bai Chuan sometimes wants to complain, why he has to do so many things as a Liyue person, but he looks at Qin who is tired on the bed and Lisa who begs him pitifully.

He helped!

The reform is accepted by Qin at the sole discretion, and Di Luke supports it with money. As for the official leader Falga?He himself is Ning Ze's confidant, once he personally visited Li Yue, and had a good chat with Ning Ze.

If it weren't for Ning Ze's inseparable from the Hall of Rebirth, he would have wanted Ning Ze to go to Mond with him, so after learning about it, he wrote back expressly looking forward to Ning Ze's reformed appearance, you just let go, brother, I am very happy you!

It can be said that Ning Ze was the talker and talker in the Knights at that time, the king of kings in the hall of words, so Ning Ze was often somersaulting like a tortoise—one after another (turtle) rule (腚)

If it wasn't for Qin's lack of manpower, Ning Ze would have almost kicked out a group of trash in the Knights. They couldn't do anything, and they couldn't eat anything. Besides patrolling every day, some fat knights could pant for a long time looking for a cat. He almost entered the church to be rescued.

In addition, there are those who shouted: promise!Ai!you!And piano!group!long!The residents of Mond are not allowed to look for cats and other jobs. The Knights are used to protect the safety of the residents of Mond.

It is not used for them as cattle and horses, not to mention that most of the time it is the piano that is already lying on the bed.

As Bai Chuan walked into the knight group, many knights who fished were shocked, as if they saw some horrible creatures, their originally lazy bodies straightened immediately, which was more standard than usual training.

"I'm getting fat, go run twenty laps and come back." Ning Ze said as he looked at a certain knight who ate donuts, and then casually looked at the other trembling people. .

They used to think that Captain Qin was like this, until Falga, Kaia, and Lisa jointly made the honorary knight Ning Ze the acting captain of the acting captain, and Di Luke funded and supported it, they didn't know How gentle is the head of Qin.

Most of the main force of the Zephyr Knights was taken away by Falga, and only Yula's guerrilla team, Qin, Kaia and others were left as the main force.

They just patrolled every day and defended against the invasion of the Qiuqiu people when necessary. The intensity of the work made the Qianyan army next door almost crying.

But Ning Ze is different. In his eyes, West Wind Knight only has two concepts: waste and special waste. He must either increase the intensity of training, or fight him twice.

Those who increase the intensity of training can still have a human form, but those who go to exchange ideas with Ning Ze have lost their human form.

And that month was called the most terrifying black month by the Knights of the West Wind, and many people left the Knights crying, preferring to do business and farming rather than staying in public office.

Ning Ze didn't pay much attention to the West Wind Knights. He was just trying to repay Qin and Lisa's favor at the time, not to mention that he came here for fun this time, so there's no need to be too strict.

After entering the head's office, Ning Ze glanced at Qin, who was sipping coffee, and the work deposited, and then turned and left with Xiao Yingmei.

"Ning... huh?" Qin was stunned for a moment, looking at Ning Ze who was leaving, at a loss, and then remembered that Ning Ze had written a letter saying that he would come to Mond, and today is the day when Ning Ze came to Mond to play, but She... forgot! ! !

"Xiaoying, let's go, big brother tried his best." Ning Ze said while holding his little sister, he had done his best last time, since Qin wants to be 007, then he has nothing to say, tired, give up Already, destroy it!


..." Xiaoyingmei didn't have any objections, she obediently led Ning Ze, and was going to play with her beloved big brother. As for the blond big sister just now, that's none of her business and big brother's business.

"Xiao Ze is here?" Lisa greeted as she was about to go back to the library with a few books in her arms. She had just gone to collect some overdue books, but she ran into Ning Ze unexpectedly.

"En." Ning Ze nodded slightly, then pointed to the door, indicating that he was leaving.

"Because of Qin?" Lisa immediately understood what happened. She also persuaded Qin to relax a little bit, but recently Tewarin invaded Mond, forcing Qin to work overtime.

And Ning Ze tried his best to persuade Qin last time, and helped her solve a lot of problems by the way, but it was strange not to be angry when Qin returned to her original state.

"Well, I respect her choice, but I can't understand it, so..." Ning Ze glanced at Qin who was following, and then prepared to leave.

"No, you, me, this, because, wind, work, many..." Qin stammered and wanted to explain the reason why she worked so much, but because she was too anxious and her words were too messy, she couldn't understand what she said .

"Alas..." Ning Ze sighed helplessly, and pressed Qin's heart into the bottom of the valley like a thousand catties of pressure. She knew that Ning Ze was completely disappointed in herself.

"Oh~ don't worry, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't you come to my sister's library and sit down first?" Lisa gently held Ning Ze, and calmly pinched Qin's buttocks, motioning for her to take a seat. Distribute the work so that Ning Ze can be restored.

Qin saw that Ning Ze, who had not left again, seemed to be pardoned, and quickly arranged for someone to take care of the work. She lowered her head and followed behind Lisa and Ning Ze with some guilt, like a child who made a mistake.

"You really haven't changed at all, you eat Qin to death." Lisa teased, making Qin behind her blush.

"Very disappointed~ I'm very disappointed~" Ning Ze replied with a deep meaning, which made Qin feel a little guilty, and bent her body to follow behind the two.

"Don't say that, Qin is just because she has too many things recently, after all..." Lisa showed a very distressed look at this point.

"Stop! I won't be the acting head of the acting head, and I'm here for fun this time, and I don't want to participate in any work." Ning Ze could see Lisa's intention at a glance. There are few special materials, and Qin also helped him solve some of Mond's bad things, so he came to help.

"I understand, I understand, it's just Qin..." Lisa nodded slightly to express her understanding. She didn't want Ning Ze to help, but hoped that Ning Ze could understand Qin's difficulties.

"Recently, the Fengmolong invaded Mond, making it difficult for everyone, that's why she played the piano..." Lisa played the piano, and signaled her to sell it badly, to win Ning Ze's forgiveness.

"Yes... because of the Wind Demon Dragon, Mond's defense needs to be rebuilt. I... I just need to work overtime recently." Qin said timidly. She was most afraid that Ning Ze would be angry because she was taken care of in the past. Ning Zeqian told her not to work overtime and take more rest.

In fact, Qin still works overtime occasionally, which makes her feel very guilty, and always feels that she is sorry for the reforms and other things that Ning Ze has done for herself.

Chapter 366 Poor Qin, Played Between the Palms of Two People

"Oh? Really?" Ning Ze stared at Qin pretending to be skeptical, seeing her nodding desperately like a chicken pecking at rice, he almost couldn't stop laughing.

Lisa took out the snacks she bought and handed them to Ning Ze and Xiao Yingmei. There was a little tricky smile on the corner of her mouth. Although Ning Ze didn't come to Mond very much, she and Ning Ze really got along as always.

When Ning Ze saw Lisa's appearance, he also smiled back. The two of them had a lot of blushing and white faces, so it can be said that they are familiar with it.

For Qin, strong medicine is needed at critical times, so that she can rest obediently, and Qin is most afraid that Ning Ze will be angry, so Lisa suggested it a long time ago, and Ning Ze agreed although he was a little confused. down.

Xiao Yingmei looked at Ning Ze's smile a little strangely, she always felt that her big brother was doing bad things, but then she thought about it, how could her big brother do bad things!If it is a bad thing, it is also a good thing in a bad thing!

Only Qin didn't look up at the smiles of the two because of guilt, and could only silently take a sip of tea, and then waited for Lisa to continue milking herself.

Poor Qin, Lisa, who doesn't know that she is regarded as a savior, has been playing with the respected Ning Ze.

After eating snacks, the atmosphere eased a lot, and Ning Ze was not angry anymore, but he was still indifferent to Qin, which made Qin who was happy and scared couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Where are you going to play next?" Lisa asked. Ning Ze repeatedly mentioned in the letter that he brought his family to play, and Ning Ze's family only had one younger sister. Presumably the blond little sister in front of him was the walnut of Ning Ze's family.

"Hello, Sister Hutao, you are much healthier than what your brother described... um..." Lisa looked at Xiao Yingmei's Danshaya, who had just taken shape, which was already at the same level of development as Noelle , it's not like a steel plate as Ning Ze described?

"Hello, beautiful sister, I'm not sister Hutao, I'm Ying, adopted sister of elder brother!" Xiao Yingmei politely corrected Lisa's mistake, especially when she said "sister", she directly asked Lisa Favorability has increased a lot.

"You little sister has such a sweet mouth, my sister~ I like you more and more." Lisa added juice for the little Yingmei with a smile, and then lightly poked the piano to signal her to introduce herself.

"Hello...Little sister, my name is Qin Gurnhild, and I am the acting head of the Knights. If you have anything to do in Mond, you can find me." Qin said solemnly.

Seeing this, Lisa held her forehead helplessly. This best friend of hers is really stubborn, but if she had been obedient at the beginning, she wouldn't have returned to Liyue with Ning Ze for a whole day, but in the end she didn't convey her heart at all!

"Well, hello, sister Qin, I heard from sister Barbara that you are a very powerful person, and... you don't often rest. Sister Barbara often tells me that she is very worried about you."

"Also, when the eldest brother came, he was always worried about whether you had a good rest. Although he often ignored you when he said he was disobedient, I know that the eldest brother cares about you very much, so please don't let the eldest brother keep talking to you. I'm worried!" Xiao Yingmei pointed out a lot of truths to Qin, and made up for the guilt-ridden Qin with a critical blow.

"Barbara... she treats me... and Ning Ze... eh? Do you care about me?" Qin asked in a daze. If the former was normal, she would be very happy, but the latter made her even more angry Send Kaya.

"Otherwise? Who do you think my reforms were for?" Ning Ze asked angrily. At that time, he was a foreigner who was too bored to reform other countries.

It’s not that Falga told him to go to Monde to take care of Qin more before the expedition, and he has a good impression of Qin, but he doesn’t like her work attitude of doing everything by herself.

Whether it’s Noelle or Qin, they were supposed to be young girls, but in the end they were taken over by Mond’s trivial matters, and Ning Ze at that time was not as mature and stable as he is now. .

It's just that this kind of small reform is just like that, not to mention that it only strengthens the standards of the West Wind Knights and makes the people not treat the piano as a cow and horse. It is a very normal request, and naturally no one protests.

Because all the protesters have been invited by Ning Ze to drink tea in the prison next to the confinement room.

Hearing what Ning Ze said, Qin shrank her neck and lowered her head guiltyly. When she followed Falga to Liyue, she met Ning Ze.

The two had also sparred, and Ning Ze, who had no God's Eye and potion at that time, narrowly beat Qin with one move, and Qin had an impression of Ning Ze from then on.

And when going back, Falga often sighed that he didn't bring Ningze back to Mond, otherwise he would be more comfortable as the head of the regiment in the future, and teased with great interest that if he abdicated in the future, Qin would be much more comfortable with Ningze around, etc.

Afterwards, Ning Ze came to Mond as a diplomat... to collect materials, help the knights by the way, and become an honorary knight because of his outstanding meritorious service.

When Jean fell ill, Kaia was going to another country, Lisa had to take care of herself, and there was only one honorary knight left in the Knights who could take command.

Under the guidance of Ning Ze, the Knights were in order, and there was no disturbance in Mond. At that time, Qin admired Ning Ze very much, and then Ning Ze took special care of her, so that her girlish heart covered by work could return. up.

It's just that in Ningze, because of Yula, she was so frightened that she carried her and the table and ran back to Liyue overnight. The contact between the two has become less, and only the occasional letter exchange is still there.

"Okay, okay, Ozawa, do you have any plans? After all, it's rare to come to Mond once, so you have to stay a little longer ~ right, Qin." Lisa said, playing the piano.

"That's right! After all...we haven't seen each other for a long time...uh, I mean everyone, Yula, Amber, and..." Qin was talking indiscriminately, without realizing that the two above were just Came back from Liyue.

Chapter 367 Qin: Lisa is so nice!

After Lisa's gags and changing the subject, Ning Ze did not get angry again in a timely manner, but he was still a little cold towards Qin, which made the limping girl feel guilty for a while.

"Then, let me replace Qin? After all, Qin does have a lot of things to do." Lisa suggested that there were too many chain reactions brought about by Twalin's invasion, and Qin really couldn't leave now, while the others, Such as Yula, Amber, etc. are busy with tasks.

As for the others, Lisa is reluctant to give up this opportunity, so why~

Qin, it’s not that I don’t help you, it’s that you are too busy, I can only bear it for you~

Seeing what Lisa said, Qin naturally had no objection, and even thanked Lisa for her help, otherwise she would really break up with Ning Ze.

"That's fine, but I still have two Liyues here... my family is still resting, and I just came to Mond today, so I'm a little tired, so let's get together tomorrow?" Ning Ze suggested, originally he was in the morning After leaving, I had lunch at Qingce Village, and then I didn't even eat dinner when I went to Mengde. Now I really don't have the energy to go out and play.

What's more, there was a Twarin flying around, and Wendy didn't know where to go.

Ning Ze already knew in his heart that if the little sister wanted to leave traces in Mond, what could be more profound than saving the wind god Barbatos from the Wind Demon Dragon who invaded Mond?

In addition, although Ning Ze said he was angry, he was just angry with Qin's attitude. Now that he is joining forces with Lisa again, isn't it just right?When the time comes, slowly adjust... Bah, bah, bah, bah!Slowly persuading, are you afraid that Qin will not change?

Afterwards, Lisa sent Ning Ze to leave in person, and because of guilt, Qin dared to send it to the door and went back.

Seeing Qin's appearance, all the knights sent Kaya on fire in their hearts. After all, the head of their own knights looked like this. Wouldn't it be worse for them to be subordinates?

Thinking of the hellish training and work intensity, all the knights came up with an idea at the same time: "Look for Kaiya!"

At this time, Kaiya, who was wandering around the ruins of the wind dragon, sneezed, and then looked towards a cliff. Although the man was fast, he still noticed a touch of blond hair.

"It's really troublesome, don't worry about it, go back and have a drink~" Kaiya waved her hand, then staggered away, but she was still looking around from the corner of her eye, trying to find hidden enemies.

Not far away from the Knights, Noelle was standing like a child being scolded, with her head lowered and she dared not see Ning Ze, because she failed Ning Ze's instructions.

After Ning Ze and Lisa left the headquarters of the Knights Order, they first showed a smile worthy of you, and then began to laugh out loud.

"Ozawa~ As expected of you, it would be a pity not to use your acting skills in a drama." Lisa put her hands on Ning Ze, teasing out of breath.

"No, no, it has to be Sister Lisa. If you didn't show up in time, I really don't know how to perform this scene. Your acting skills are superb. My respect for you is like that of Liyue's torrential river. ..." Ning Ze responded with a few words of humility.

Xiao Yingmei looked at the two of them boasting about their business. She thought her big brother was really angry, but it turned out that she was acting, and she was lying to that guilty sister Qin.

If it was someone else, Xiao Yingmei might dislike it, after all, she hates lying, but if her big brother...

Big brother is really good at acting!

"Okay, okay, I'll look for you tomorrow, go to bed early." Lisa said and wanted to tap Ning Ze's forehead, but Ning Ze avoided it.

"Sister Lisa, I'm not a child anymore, you should leave this kind of thing to Ke Li." Ning Ze took a step back and said.

Lisa froze for a moment, then puffed up her face pretending to be angry, gently pinched Ning Ze's face and said, "Grow up? Can't even touch my sister? Last time~ my sister saw everything~ "

Hearing Lisa's meaningful words and Xiaoyingmei's strange eyes, Ning Ze wanted to cry but had no tears. At that time, the two went to chase the abyss mage who stole the book.

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