Jiguoyuanyi and Jiguoyansheng have already been in contact, which means that the previous match between the two brothers is about to start again.

The only good thing is that Ji Guoyansheng is still a human being, and he is still killing evil spirits.

It seems that I must hurry up to forge my own sun wheel sword.

After this birthday party is over, I will set off to the village of the knife forger.

Thinking about the next plan in his heart, Secretary Shu slowly closed his eyes.

Chapter 21 The Village of the Sword Forger, Unexpected Travelers

Early the next morning, the secretary bought some gifts, and first came to Mitsuya Shiki Mitsuya's mansion.

The lord fell ill?

After arriving at the mansion, the secretary was surprised to learn that Koya's condition had deteriorated and he was now bedridden.


Mitsuya's wife, Yuyashiki Yumenon, was pale and worried.

Well, if that's the case, then I won't bother too much.

This is some kindness, I hope the lord will recover soon.

I would like to trouble Ms. Mengyin to tell the Lord Master that Secretary Secretary and Master Yuanyi are very concerned about his health, and the Ghost Killing Squad also needs him to support the overall situation.

After receiving the gift from the secretary, Mengyin bowed her head in thanks.

Thank you, Secretary Secretary, for your concern, Mengyin will definitely tell you.

Leaving from Ubuyashiki's mansion, the secretary went to the mansion of the Purgatory family.

Hahaha, Secretary Secretary, you are indeed here.

Still familiar with the loud laughter, Purgatory Momoshourou took a jug of wine and handed it to the Secretary.

Today is my birthday, and it is a rare rest day. We will not go home until we are drunk.

Well, I'm only eight years old now, and I can't drink alcohol yet.

Slightly taken aback, Tao Shoulang finally realized that the secretary is indeed not old enough to drink.

In the past, his mature and stable way of handling things and his extraordinary strength were so shocking that Momojuro often forgot about it.

That being the case, then I'll drink it for you!

There was no embarrassment on his face, Tao Shoulang directly poured the wine from the jug into his mouth.

The liquor splashed, and slid down Taoshourou's chest, slipping across a flame pattern on his chest.

During the conversation with Tao Shoulang, the secretary knew that his birthday is not today.

Because of the major reform of the Demon Slayer Squad, in order to save time and resources, Momojuro moved his birthday forward and joined Mitsuya Mitsuya who was a few days earlier than himself.

Drink it slowly by yourself, I'll go first.

Looking at Tao Shoulang who was half drunk, Secretary Secretary shook his head helplessly.

After leaving the mansion of the Purgatory family, Secretary Secretary went straight back to his small room.

When he packed his luggage and was about to leave, he found that Ji Guoyansheng was exercising in the training ground.

Swing, chop, pick, chop, cut horizontally, and slash.

Although it is just some simple basic movements, it has a different meaning in Ji Guoyansheng's hands.

With the passage of time, sword skills have become more and more complicated.

It was so fast that he couldn't see the blade clearly.

Turning the body, the two blade winds are enough to tear the air.

Unknowingly, Si Shu was also attracted by Ji Guoyansheng's sword skills.

Although not as exquisite as Yuanyi's Breath of the Sun, Ji Guoyansheng's sword skills also have their own unique charm.

It feels like a bright moon under the late sun.

Cold, lonely, beautiful, but murderous.

Putting the knife away, Ji Guoyansheng ended today's exercise.

Turning his head, he found the secretary beside him.

Can you understand my sword skills?

Nodding his head, the secretary spoke directly.

This is also a kind of breathing method.

Yes, I named it Moon's Breath.

Putting the wooden knife back on the shelf, Ji Guoyansheng turned his back to the secretary and explained slowly.

Just like the so-called five basic breaths in this organization, the moon's breath is also derived from Yuanyi's sun's breath.

Although his words were very calm, the secretary still felt a sense of unwillingness.

Unwilling to lag behind, wanting to surpass someone's emotions.

The secretary is naturally very clear that this is Ji Guoyansheng's desire to surpass Yuanyi.

It's just that Yuanyi is too powerful and dazzling, so he has no choice but to name it Moon's Breath.

Thank you sir for your explanation.

After thanking him, the Secretary planned to leave.

Wait a minute, are you planning to go out?

Calling the secretary, Ji Guoyansheng asked curiously.

Without making too much concealment, the secretary directly replied, yes, I am going to the village of the knife forger.

The village of swordsmiths?

As if thinking of something, Ji Guoyan frowned slightly.

Are the sun wheel knives made by craftsmen there?

Yes, the Japanese swords in the Demon Slayer Squad are all made by swordsmiths.

If so, then I will go with you.

After finishing speaking, Ji Guoyansheng walked to his room and packed his luggage.

Come with me to the Village of the Swordsmith?

After thinking about it for a while, the secretary understood the reason.

Whether it was the temporary fight before or the exercise just now, Ji Guoyansheng did not use the sun wheel knife.

Now it seems that it's not that he doesn't want to use it, but that he doesn't have it at all.

And it is reasonable for him to go with him to the village of the knife forger to forge knives.

I hope this journey will be without any problems.

Rubbing his temples, Secretary Si felt a little dizzy.

After Ji Guoyansheng packed up, the secretary and secretary set off.

Under Yin's leadership, Si Shu and Ji Guoyan Sheng spent two days arriving at the village of the knife forger.

Turn over there, and you can see the village of the swordsmith.

Pointing to the mountain ahead, a hidden team member explained to the two.

Due to the order, we can only send two people here.

So, best of luck to you both.

With a wave of his hand, the secretary thanked Yin who was in charge of leading the way.

Okay, you have to be careful on the road too.

After bowing respectfully, the two Yin who led the way left.

In the process of heading towards the top of the mountain, Ji Guoyansheng turned his head slightly and observed the secretary.

Although it was only two short days, he already had a very detailed understanding of the secretary.

He knew very well how his younger brother, who seemed to be indifferent to everything, had such a disciple as Secretary.

Although the current strength is not as good as the two of them, but I am very optimistic about the secretary's future.

Yuanyi, Yuanyi, is there such a big gap between me and you?

Just as Ji Guoyansheng was feeling emotional, the two had already climbed over the hill.

On the other side of the hill, there is a small village.

Although there was still a distance, a metallic smell could already be smelled in the air.

Listening carefully, Wei Wei could still hear the bang bang sound of beating steel.

Is this the village of the knife forger? There are indeed a lot of emeralds in it.

Although it was a little blurry, the secretary could still feel a faint wave of energy from that direction.

There is no doubt that it is a piece of emerald.

Speeding up his pace, the secretary ran towards the swordsmith's village.

Ji Guoyan Sheng looked at the secretary who quickened his pace, and also chased after him.

They successfully entered the village of the knife forger. After their identities were confirmed, they were received by the village head.

Pushing open the gate, Secretary Secretary couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the village head's appearance.

Chapter 22 Kirin Arm Village Chief, God-like Forging Technology

It has a huge body over two meters, but its head is somewhat disproportionate, a classic image of a small head and a big body.

The clothes are only half worn, and the thick right arm is exposed.

The blue veins are bulging, and the arms as thick as buckets are full of exaggerated muscles.

There is a fire man mask on his face. Although the face cannot be seen clearly, it can be deduced that he is an old man from the sound.

Ho Ho Ho, are you the new guests?

The old man is the head of this village, named Tiehe.

While speaking, the village chief Tiehe also posed one pose after another, as if to show his muscles.

Unicorn arm? !

Seeing the strange appearance of the village chief Tiehe, the secretary couldn't help laughing.


Hearing Secretary Secretary talking about his right arm, Tie He looked at him immediately.

You baby, did you just call my arm a unicorn arm?

It's a very good name, much nicer than my previous address, Dali Chu Miracle.

It has been decided, it will be called Kirin Arm from now on!

While cheering, Tiehe hammered the ground, causing the house to drop dust.

The other knife forgers in the house were also cheering and dancing, as if they were celebrating that the village chief got a rare treasure.

It was the first time that Ji Guoyansheng on the side encountered such a situation, and a big question mark seemed to appear on his head.

Secretary, are all knife forgers such weird guys?

Should, no.

He didn't have much confidence in his heart, and the secretary also felt that his eyelids were twitching.

After all, a muscular man with a small head over two meters and a group of small muscular brothers are dancing together.

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