This picture is simply unimaginable.

After a while, Tie He calmed down.

Ahem, I made you laugh just now.

Let's get back to the topic, are you here to forge knives, or to pick up knives.

Glancing at Ji Guoyansheng who didn't want to speak, Secretary Secretary stepped forward helplessly and opened his mouth to answer.

Both of us came to forge knives.


Hearing the main point of the Secretary's words, Tie He paused.

Even through the mask, Secretary Si could feel Tie He sizing him up.

That's right, both of you are here to forge knives. .

Nodding thoughtfully, Tie He seemed to have thought of something.

In this case, please go pick out the emerald, and we will let you know when the knife is ready.

After listening, Ji Guoyan Sheng turned around and left.

He really couldn't accept the atmosphere here, and wished he could leave early.

Looking at the Secretary standing there motionless, Tie He asked curiously.

Doll, do you have anything else to do?

It's not a problem either.

Putting the backpack behind him on the ground, the Secretary slowly opened the zipper.

I just want to know, do you accept materials brought by you?

After finishing speaking, he held up the piece of red crystal emerald with both hands, and took it out.

As soon as the red crystal appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

The silence in the room was terrible, only the sound of swallowing saliva was left.

This is, what kind of emerald, the old man has never seen it before.

Withdrew his original right foot, Tie He strode directly in front of Si Shu.

Wait a minute, could it be that this is the piece mentioned by Smelting Village?

Produced at the top of Sunshine Mountain, the highest-rated top-quality emerald!

With an increasingly excited tone, Tie He directly put his head on the red crystal.

oh oh oh~

This feeling, this heat, oh, overwhelming!

Puffs of hot air gushed out of his nostrils, Tie He was like an old pervert who had discovered a beautiful woman, unable to extricate himself from it at all.

Not only Tiehe, but other swordsmiths also discovered the peculiarity of red crystal emerald.

One by one, they came closer, intending to take a closer look.

Show me, I want the first one!

Come on, I'm the first!

Get out of the way, as long as I am the first, I will share the same bed with this emerald for the rest of my life!

For a moment, the entire room was filled with the sounds of the knife forgers arguing.

Looking at the swordsmiths in front of him who had fallen into some kind of unknown frenzy, the secretary directly coughed a few times.

So, do you accept materials brought by you?

of course!

Tie He roared directly, hitting his chest hard.

The old man will definitely use his whole life energy to forge the best sun wheel knife for the little doll and you!

When the other swordsmiths heard this, they immediately exclaimed.

The village chief wants to do it himself? !

My God, the last time I made a move, it seemed that I forged a knife for a guest named Yuanyi six or seven years ago.

Village Chief, please let me participate in forging the knife this time, even if I am the one to do it, I am willing!

Turning around, Tiehe looked at the swordsmiths who were more than a head shorter than him.

Tieke, Steel Tomb, Jinsha Tree and Xiaodao, the four of you come and help me.

The four sword forgers whose names were called immediately cheered, while the others were dejected, as if wilted.

By the way, when you are forging knives, can I participate in it.

The secretary's voice sounded, expressing that he also wanted to participate in the process of forging the knife.

Little guy, it's not that the old man is talking too much, it's just that the work of forging knives does require a certain amount of experience.

After carefully looking at the Secretary, Tie He shook his head.

The secretary looked really young. Although he didn't know how he got this emerald stone, there was no necessary connection between forging knives and personal strength.

What does Village Chief Tiehe mean, if I have some experience in forging knives, I can participate in forging knives?

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the secretary spoke directly, saying a series of words that only professionals could understand.

In layman's terms, forging knives are first

Wait until the shape of the blade is fixed, put it in cold water

The installation of the knife jaw is also particular, it needs

While speaking, Secretary Secretary went to the corner of the room, picked up a big hammer for forging knives and a piece of emerald.


The hammer kept swinging, hitting the surface of the jade, making a crisp sound.

After beating, the jade is clamped with pliers and placed in a stove for heating.

Under Secretary Secretary's demonstration, the laborious and boring forging seems to be art, smart and full of beauty.

In his hands, the hard emerald was kneaded wantonly like a toy.

How do you have such technology? !

As if the eyes were about to break through the restrictions of the mask, Tie He exclaimed.

Could it be that you are the secretary mentioned by Smelting Village?

Yes, it's me.

Dafang admitted his identity, and the secretary put the beaten emerald into the water to cool down.

Well, I don’t know this, is it called experience?

Fishing it out of the water, the secretary placed a square emerald on the table.

Enough is enough, absolutely enough.

Just by taking a look, Tiehe judged the secretary's forging level based on this piece of emerald.

Not under the four people I named, and even slightly surpassed them!

Among all the people present, the only one who can surpass him in forging technology is himself.


While marveling at Si Shu's god-like forging technique, Tie He waved his hand.

In this case, the time for forging the knife is set in three days.

We will prepare other materials and someone will inform you when the time comes.

In these three days, you and that guy should just stroll around the village.

After finishing speaking, Tie He left directly with a large group of knife forgers.

Shrugging his shoulders, Secretary Si also left the house and returned to his and Ji Guoyansheng's temporary residence.

came back?

Although he was curious about why the secretary came back so late, Ji Guoyansheng was not curious about these things.

Secretary, as Yuanyi's disciple, your strength must be very good.

Looking at each other, Ji Guoyansheng seemed to want to arouse the secretary's competitive spirit.

However, the secretary's mental age is much more mature than his appearance.

How can there be, compared with Master Yuanyi and your uncle, I am still far behind.

The Secretary's words were very subtle, not only did not completely deny himself, but also advocated Yuanyi and Ji Guoyan Sheng.

However, Ji Guoyansheng is not one to follow this pattern.

His body turned into a flash of lightning, and Ji Guoyansheng rushed directly to the secretary.

A hand knife slashed at his neck without hesitation!

Chapter 23 The Two of Us, We Just Fell

Tilting his head to glance at Ji Guoyansheng's knife, a sharp light flashed in the secretary's eyes.

He's not the type to sit back and do nothing after being attacked.

Since you choose to do it, you must be responsible for your own ending!

Bowing his head and rushing forward, the secretary rushed directly into Ji Guoyansheng's arms.

Arms pressed against his chest, elbows pressed against his soft abdomen.

The panic flashed in his eyes, and Ji Guoyansheng never thought that the secretary would use such a method to deal with his attack.

The planned hand knife failed, and there was a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Under the stress response of his body, Ji Guoyansheng took a few steps back and bent down to relieve the impact.

And taking advantage of the short period of time when he retreated, the secretary took another step and pinned Yansheng's feet with his left leg.

After a hard farewell, Ji Guoyansheng, who was still retreating, felt as if his feet were knotted.

The body is tilted to the left, and the whole body is suspended in the air temporarily, and there is no room to borrow strength.

not good!

Horrified, Ji Guoyansheng saw a black object that was getting bigger and bigger.


Without the slightest hesitation, Secretary Secretary directly punched him with a left uppercut, which slammed hard on his face.


Driven by a huge force, Ji Guoyansheng flew out directly and smashed out of the house.

Although the feeling of being hit came from his left hand, the Secretary still had a bad feeling in his heart.

Ji Guoyan won, how could he be defeated with a single punch.

Not surprisingly, Ji Guoyansheng, who was thrown into the air, was fine except for being covered in dust.

The secretary punched him hard, not even leaving him with a single bruise!

Your fighting method is very novel, not like someone like Yuan Yi can teach it.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Ji Guoyansheng patted the dust off his body, with a smile of approval on his face.

Secretary, give up Yuanyi and become my disciple.

After finishing speaking, Ji Guoyan Shengchao Secretary extended his right hand.

Although the other party's face and eyes were full of sincerity, the secretary refused him without hesitation.

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