Sorry, I decline.

Clenching his fists with both hands, the secretary looked at the opponent's reaction.

Can you tell me the reason for your refusal?

Frowning, Ji Guoyan Sheng continued to speak, although anger welled up in his heart.

You should be very clear about my strength. Although I am not as good as Yuanyi, I am still No.2 in this so-called ghost killing team.

What's more, Yuanyi doesn't know how to express his emotions at all.

If you want to be famous in this Warring States Period where heroes compete for hegemony, I am your best choice!

Opening his hands, Ji Guoyan Sheng, who had always been indifferent to others, opened his eyes wide with anger, and his expression became a little ferocious.

Secretary, let me ask you one last time!

Choose me, or choose Yuanyi!

Looking at the secretary who fell into silence, Ji Guoyansheng seemed to have seen hope.

Since I am not as good as Yuanyi in swordsmanship and other aspects, I will snatch Yuanyi's only disciple away.

In this way, I can count myself as better than Yuan Yi once.

However, the nod Ji Guoyansheng imagined did not appear.

The only thing that greeted him was the secretary's indifferent eyes.

Be a teacher for one day, and be a father for life.

He raised me up, so he is the only master of my secretary!

After finishing speaking, Secretary Secretary charged forward again, intending to fight Ji Guoyan Sheng again.


With a cold snort, Ji Guoyan Sheng also moved.

The crimson markings on the left forehead and right neck light up slightly, as if alive.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Ji Guoyansheng directly punched the secretary with a straight right fist.

The explosion sounded in the ears, and Yan Sheng's punch seemed to tear the air.

No, I forgot that Ji Guoyansheng is a resident pattern!

Seeing Ji Guoyansheng's punch, the secretary realized what he had always thought he had overlooked.


As an ability to borrow strength from the sky, markings will greatly strengthen physical fitness after being activated.

The stronger the swordsman is, the easier it is to awaken the stripes under the influence of other stripe owners.

And Ji Guoyan Sheng had already awakened Zebra under the influence of Ji Guo Yuanyi.

Even without the Sun Wheel Saber to use breath, he is still a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

Before he had time to do more defense, the secretary directly crossed his arms and placed them in front of him.


Ji Guoyansheng's fist hit the secretary's arm heavily, and the powerful force directly sent him flying.

There was a slight sound of bone shattering, followed by bursts of severe pain.

The secretary knew that the bones inside had been broken.

Just now, he threw Ji Guoyansheng out of the house, and in a blink of an eye, he threw him into the house.

Hou Fei's body directly smashed two walls, and finally embedded into one wall.

Ahem, it turns out that this is what it feels like to be punched on the wall.

Coughing up the blood accumulated in his chest, Secretary Secretary wiped the corners of his mouth, and pulled himself out of the wall with great effort.

Seeing the secretary coming out of the house, Ji Guoyansheng was a little surprised.

You didn't die?

Ji Guoyansheng is the most clear about the power of that previous punch. .

He really swung that punch with the intention of killing the secretary.

Since I can't get it, I will completely destroy it!

Ah, I didn't die, did I disappoint you?

Shaking his dizzy head, the secretary clenched his fists again.

Keeping you waiting, let's move on.

Looking at the secretary in front of him who was so unwilling to admit defeat, Ji Guoyansheng also praised Yuanyi for finding a good disciple in his heart.

But the higher the evaluation of the secretary, the more he wants to get him.

And the more this happened, the more he wanted to destroy him.

Secretary, you are a very good disciple.

His clenched right fist creaked, and Ji Guoyansheng seemed to be gathering strength.

The bulging muscles and veins pushed up the clothes, forming curved gullies.

In your next life, remember to choose a good master!

After accumulating strength, Ji Guoyansheng roared.

No, this life is not over yet.

Sensing something suddenly, the secretary relaxed his body.

Just when Ji Guoyansheng was puzzled, several voices sounded from outside the courtyard.

what's going on?

Two guests, may I ask what happened inside!

Accompanied by the sound of heavy objects hitting, the gate of the courtyard was directly knocked open.

A dozen swordsmiths headed by Tiehe poured into it, holding various weapons in their hands.

Looking at the secretary and Ji Guoyansheng in the courtyard, Tie He asked in a hasty tone.

How could you two be like this? Could it be that a ghost has invaded? !

As a swordsmith who forged swords all the year round, the only threat Tie He could think of was ghosts.

No, there is no The Haunting of Haunting.

Patting the dust off his body, Secretary Si smiled.

The two of us just fell down.

Chapter 24 Blood Sacrifice, the Sword Forger is Dangerous

fell down? !

Hearing this answer, Tie He was choked to death.

A fall in your family can bring the house down?

How did you do it, with the look of being crippled by someone, and telling us that you just fell down.

He couldn't help feeling speechless towards the secretary, but Tiehe knew very well that they couldn't find out the reason.

In desperation, he had no choice but to arrange for the secretary and the others to take another room.

After Tiehe and his party arrived, Ji Guoyansheng also put away his murderous intentions and returned to his usual appearance.

He also needs a knife forger to forge his knife, but they can't let them find out that they want to kill their colleagues.

In this way, after the secretary and Ji Guoyansheng changed rooms, they spent three days in peace.

And in these three days, the secretary also successfully healed the fractured bone on his arm.

At noon on the fourth day, Tiehe sent someone to notify the secretary.

All the materials have been prepared, the forging knife is about to start!

Led by the knife forger, the Secretary came to a knife forging workshop in the corner of the village.

Thanks a lot.

After signaling to the leading knife forger to leave, Tie He led the secretary into the workshop.

As soon as he entered, the secretary was shocked by the scene inside the workshop.

Large and small forging hammers, molds of various shapes, buckets filled with cooling water.

In the corner, there is also a pile of materials for forging knives.

The four people including Jin Shashu, who had been called out to assist in the forging of knives, were standing in front of their forging platform.

It seems obvious that the Tiehe Five spent a lot of manpower and material resources on forging the knife this time.

Forging the knife this time, just by collecting the materials, I emptied the whole village.

Leading the Secretary to his own seat, Tie He's eyes were full of excitement.

I can guarantee that no matter in the past or in the future, there will be no existence beyond this sun wheel knife.

After speaking, Tie He stepped onto the main forging platform, holding up a large iron hammer.

Without further ado, I announce that forging the knife begins!

After finishing his speech, Tie Helun moved his hammer and directly hit a piece of raw iron in front of him.

The crisp sound of metal collisions sounded, announcing the beginning of forging the strongest Japanese knife in history!

Placed in front of Secretary Shu were crimson stones.

It is the orangutan scarlet iron!

Smelted from jadeite, it is one of the most important components of the sun wheel knife.

What the secretary has to do is to forge these small pieces of orangutan sand iron into a whole.

Although it is easy to say, it is very difficult.

Every piece of orangutan scarlet iron is an independent individual, and it has become what it is now after being smelted from emerald.

And in order to integrate them into a whole, it is necessary for the forger to raise the temperature to the extreme.

Turn all Orangutan Scarlet Iron into liquid!

After thinking for a while, the Secretary directly started forging.

The stove was filled with firewood and combustion aids, and he first raised the temperature of the entire stove.

A raging fire was burning in the stove, and the air became a little hot.

Not long after, the entire stove was burned red, and even a little blue.

A drop of sweat slipped from his forehead, and before it fell completely, it was evaporated into water vapor by the high temperature.

Almost there, now!

Holding a piece of orangutan scarlet iron with iron tongs, the secretary carefully placed it on top of the stove.

Heat conduction, under the influence of high temperature, changes very quickly.

Bit by bit, the place where the orangutan scarlet iron touched the stove became soft, like a small piece of crimson jelly.

Very good, that's it, just keep heating and let the semi-solid melt into a liquid.

A gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, and the secretary continued to add firewood to the stove. .

However, the nature of the orangutan scarlet iron smelted from the red crystal emerald is still beyond the secretary's imagination.

With more and more red jelly, the speed of softening is getting slower and slower.

In the end, there was no sign of liquefaction.

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