True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1058 Wine on the Grassland

Xu Yang's body rolled down the sloping hillside rapidly.

The clothes outside his body were ripped open by sharp stones and messy bushes, and they rolled down faster and faster.

Seeing that his body reached the edge of the cliff, he was cushioned by a large protruding stone.

His body soared into the sky, but he had no wings.

The sky is so close, but there is no sense of beauty at this time. Higher than Xu Yang are several circling vultures.

The surrounding wind pulled hard on the corners of his clothes, but could not hold back his rapidly falling body.


Xu Yang's body sank hard into a clear pool under the cliff.

The water pool looks extremely clear in the sun, reflecting the flowing light.

In the deep pool, Xu Yang's body was like a helpless water plant, with strings of bubbles spitting out from his mouth and nose, and he quickly sank downwards.

Deep in the pool, the light dimmed.

At this moment, Xu Yang had completely lost consciousness and fell into helpless darkness.


I don’t know how much time passed.

In Xu Yang's dark world of consciousness, a transparent water drop that reflected seven colors appeared out of thin air, and then dripped.

Tick ​​tock!

The water droplets fell, creating sparkling ripples in the darkness.

The ripples twisted and turned, and a white deer appeared, jumping hard, giving the originally silent world a luster of vitality.

"Brother Xu Yang, little brother Xu Yang..." A voice kept calling in Xu Yang's conscious world, repeated many times.

In Xu Yang's conscious world, darkness turned into brightness, and as the prologue opened, a dream appeared.

In the dream, Xu Yang was walking alone on the prairie, surrounded by green sea.



There is no direction.

Suddenly a white deer appeared, and its cry attracted Xu Yang's attention.

The white deer walked side by side with Xu Yang, facing the sunshine.


"I, Xu Yang, will never fall into the devil's path no matter what..." Xu Yang murmured and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Where is this place?" Xu Yang found himself lying in a clean tent.

He sat up immediately, and a light aroma filled his nostrils, clearing his somewhat groggy mind.

No one was around.

On a square wooden table opposite, there is a thin-waisted pottery vase about a foot high, with a bouquet of white flowers with red stamens inserted in the pottery vase.

The flowers cannot be called by their names, they are like white deer drinking water.

Xu Yang stood up and walked to the wooden table.

"It's a spiritual flower that refreshes and strengthens the soul. It doesn't exist in the Northern Territory. This should be the Southern Territory. I'm not dead yet."

Xu Yang immediately used inner vision to observe the situation inside his body.

In the space of his Zifu, a red-shelled egg lay quietly in the center.

The eggshell is as warm and moist as jade, with the light and shadow inside vaguely revealed.

In the eggshell, A'Zhu curled up, and his smooth lines hung there quietly like a silver moon. Red cloud-like hair spreads over the small shoulders, and a pair of slender and white arms like lotus roots are hugged tightly to the chest. A plump curve is faintly exposed in the arms, which rises and falls with the breathing.

"Fortunately, A'Zhu is fine, but he fell into a deep sleep again."

In another position, the small black scale ball transformed from Ming Lin's body is hovering there. Suddenly, a dragon claw protruded from the surface of the small black-scaled ball.

Brush brush brush.

Claws leave marks.

"Straight punches, swinging punches, uppercut combinations, Master Xu Yang, please wake up quickly.

Our journey to fight together has just begun. We will break the sky together and rush to the true immortal world..."

Turning around, the dragon's claws converged back, and the snoring sound of the dark scales came from the surface of the black scale ball.

Other corners.

The dolphin-shaped blue water flame spirit, the golden ball-shaped Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit, and the ghost baby-shaped wheel flame spirit are all intact. But without Xu Yang's spiritual consciousness, they all stayed where they were.

The three-color vortex has long since calmed down.

Xu Yang's spiritual consciousness transformed into form and plunged into it.

Within the three-color vortex, the red fire gate, the golden thunder gate and the green wood gate stand in the finished shape, and the gates are tightly closed.

"The Three-Colored Magic Spin is also fine."

Xu Yang's attention fell on the four spiritual veins in his body.

Among them, there are red, gold and green magic swirl marks on the surface of the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Veins, Daoguo Spiritual Veins and Buddha Spiritual Veins. The spiritual veins are completely sealed and show signs of being eroded by the magic swirl marks.

There are relatively few red, gold and green marks on the surface of the Haoran Heavenly Veins, and only one-tenth of the original ones can be used.

Xu Yang recalled the previous situation in his mind, "The man in purple robe's curse is really powerful. I didn't expect that he would use the three-color magic whirlpool in my body to seal and devour the four supernatural spiritual veins in my body. Could it be that the next step is really going to happen? Evolve a lineage of Yuan Demon..."

Xu Yang was thinking a lot and frowned slightly.

With a creak, the door of the tent was opened from the outside.

Sunshine brings in a person.

It was a little girl, wearing a short skirt typical of the Southern Region, with many cute little braids on her head.

The little girl had big eyes with brushed eyelashes. She was blinking at Xu Yang, like stars in the sky.

The appearance of this little girl is almost the same as that of Mai Xiaoqi. Her wheat-colored skin looks healthy and cute.

Xu Yang pointed at the little girl who suddenly came in, "You are Mai Xiaoqi's sister."

The little girl shook her head.

"You are Mai Xiaoqi's sister." Xu Yang continued to guess.

The little girl blushed, put her hands on her hips and said, "Brother Xu Yang, Xiao Qi is angry."

Xu Yang rubbed his eyes with his hands and took a closer look.

Isn't this Mai Xiaoqi? It's just that Mai Xiaoqi changed from a boy to a girl.

Xu Yang understood something immediately, patted his forehead with his hand, and then imitated Mai Xiaoqi's tone: "It turns out that Mai Xiaoqi is a little girl."

Xu Yang asked: "Xiao Qi, was it you who rescued me?"

Mai Xiaoqi nodded vigorously, and then explained: "Before, you and I agreed to meet in seven days. I was worried, so I went to Wuming Mountain to look for you on the sixth day. I searched and searched, and finally found you in the pool at the foot of the mountain. . At that time, little brother Xu Yang had such a big belly, he was like a drunk fish. "



The two looked at each other and laughed.

"How long have I been lying here?" Xu Yang asked.

"Ten days." Xiao Qi replied.

"Brother Xu Yang, you finally woke up. Otherwise, Xiao Qi would be worried to death."

"What if I don't wake up for the rest of my life?" Xu Yang suddenly asked a serious question.

"Xiao Qi will take care of little brother Xu Yang for the rest of his life." Mai Xiao Qi said without thinking.

Looking into each other's eyes, the two young lives couldn't help but embrace each other.

Tears jumped out of the corners of his and her eyes, like happy deer.

On the table nearby, the flowers in the pottery vase actually moved, the petals stretched out, and the red pistil lips spread out the fragrance all over the room.



A sudden cough sounded, and a person walked into the tent.

She is an old woman with gray hair and a kind appearance. She holds a tall deer-head-shaped wooden stick in her left hand, which looks quite majestic.

Xu Yang and Mai fell into the embrace

Xiao Qi let go of the other party embarrassedly.

"Grandma." Mai Xiaoqi ran over happily and supported the old woman who had just come in with her hands. "Look, little brother Xu Yang is awake."

The old woman walked up to Xu Yang and looked Xu Yang up and down.

Xu Yang immediately bowed and saluted: "Junior Xu Yang pays homage to senior."

The old woman frowned, with anger in her eyes. She gripped the deer-headed wooden stick with a little force, and then said, "What? You called me senior?"

Xu Yang was speechless for a moment and thought to himself: "How should I call her? Beauty? It's not very appropriate."

The old woman patted Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder next to her, and then said seriously: "Thanks to us, Mai Xiaoqi, for taking care of you for ten days. Xu Yang, do you know? When you came here, your heart had stopped and your soul was almost gone." Almost out of body. In the past ten days, Xiao Qi has hardly slept, and she has been using the power of Gulu blood to help you wake up. She told me that she was willing to show her own life in order to wake you up. , Old lady, I witnessed with my own eyes that little girl Xiaoqi was also hugged by you. "

Mai Xiaoqi, whose face was red with embarrassment, stretched out the corner of the old woman's clothes with her hands and said coquettishly, "Grandma."

Every word of the old woman's words was like an iron chisel carved into Xu Yang's heart.

Be grateful and keep it in mind.

"Xu Yang has met my grandma. Thank you so much, grandma." Xu Yang made a puff, knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed three times.

"Get up, my child." The old woman's gloomy expression immediately changed to sunny, and she helped Xu Yang up with one hand.

"I have heard Xiao Qi talk about you and Xiao Qi. In the Northern Territory, you helped Xiao Qi a lot. My grandmother is still very grateful to you." The old woman said.

"I don't dare to take it. I don't dare to take it. The relationship between Xiao Qi and me is due to fate." Xu Yang explained.

"It's like this, it's the fate of the god of the tribe," Mai Xiaoqi said with joy, "That day, when I was praying on the street corner in Zhengfang City, a shadow of ivy fell in front of my eyes, and little brother Xu Yang appeared. "

The old woman said: "Xu Yang, since you are fine, I am relieved. To be honest, I am really worried that you will not be able to wake up and will tire out the child Xiao Qi."

Xu Yang nodded and looked at Mai Xiaoqi: "Thank you."

Mai Xiaoqi smiled, with a warm light shining in his big eyes.

"In that case, I, the old woman, will not disturb you young people." The old woman was about to turn around and leave.

"Grandma, Xu Yang will take you out."

"No need, people in the tribe are confused. You can't wander around without explaining your identity to the people in the tribe. Our Caolu tribe of the Yuanlu tribe is not allowed to take in men from other tribes at will. However, I Now go out and officially tell everyone that you are not an outsider.”

After a pause, the old woman continued: "By the way, I heard from this girl Xiaoqi, do you like drinking?"

Xu Yang patted the wine gourd on his waist with his hand and said seriously: "I originally ran a wine shop, and drinking is my biggest hobby."

The old woman nodded, "The men in our Caolu tribe also like to drink. Tonight, on behalf of the Caolu tribe, I will host a banquet to officially welcome you."

"Thank you, grandma." Xu Yang said respectfully.

After that, the old woman turned around and left the camp.



The bonfire party of the Caolu Tribe lit up the Luming Grassland at night, like stars in the sky falling to the ground.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire, eating meat and drinking wine.

Mai Xiaoqi changed into festive costumes and danced to the accompaniment of Ma Qin.

The firelight reflected her smiling face, and the corners of her skirt flew like joyful flames.

Mai Xiaoqi followed the rhythm of the instrument and made dance movements of moving her neck left and right, blinking her big eyes and looking at Xu Yang sitting opposite.

Xu Yang looked at Mai Xiaoqi who was dancing opposite him, picked up the wine cup in front of him, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

The wine on this grassland is so intoxicating.

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