True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1059 Warriors of Luming Prairie

In order to stop the three-color magic whirlpool from raging in his body, Xu Yang forcibly performed the Nine Transformations of Reverse Nirvana technique.

Since both forces came from Xu Yang's body, the struggle between the two forces was interrupted when Xu Yang lost consciousness.

Xu Yang suffered serious internal injuries as a result. Fortunately, he was rescued by Mai Xiaoqi who arrived in time.

For ten days, Mai Xiaoqi used the power of his ancient deer bloodline and spent his life to pull Xu Yang back from the eternal darkness.

At the moment, Xu Yang appears to be fine on the surface, but his body is still traumatized.

If Xu Yang hadn't practiced the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra, the Blood Soul Pulse Forging Technique and the Red Blood Soul Refining Technique, his muscles, bones, meridians and spiritual veins were extremely tough, and he would have been able to compete with the power of the three-color magic whirlpool and the Nine Transformations of Reverse Nirvana. In a moment, he had already exploded and died.

For Xu Yang, this time is undoubtedly a huge adventure.

What worries Xu Yang the most is that as long as he uses the power of the three-color magic vortex, the four spiritual veins in his body will be continuously eroded by the power of the three-color magic vortex.

The process is gentle. It was like boiling a frog in warm water and would not cause him any pain or discomfort.

Xu Yang felt more and more that the words of blessing from the man in purple robe in the curse seal were true.

If this continues, the four supernatural spiritual veins in his body, including the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, the Haoran Heavenly Vein, the Dao Fruit Spiritual Vein and the Buddha Spiritual Vein, will eventually be completely fused by the power of the three-color magic whirlpool, thus forming a new Yuanmo supernatural vein. pulse. And once the Yuanmo alien veins are formed, it will probably be the time when the Yuanying of the demonic path in the body is achieved, and Xu Yang's journey of cultivation will completely fall into the path of the demonic path.

Not falling into the devil's path is Xu Yang's bottom line.


The Caolu tribe is one of the three tribes in Luming Grassland. The leader of the tribe is Mai Xiaoqi's grandmother.

Xu Yang was publicly announced by Mai Xiaoqi's grandmother as Mai Xiaoqi's fiancé, and received a warm welcome from the Caolu tribe.

In the next few days, Xu Yang retreated alone to repair his injured body.


In the central tent of the Caolu Tribe.

Ram, the white-haired tribe matriarch, wielded her deer-head walking stick and sat on the deerskin throne in the center of the camp.

Opposite them stood respectfully six strong young men and a beautiful girl with big eyes - Mai Xiaoqi.

Lam, the matriarch, said solemnly: "Yesterday, the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe sent a message from the Prairie Warriors. The Luming Prairie Warrior Competition will be held as scheduled in three days. And our Caolu Tribe is the host of this warrior competition. Luming The grassland is the birthplace of our Yuanlu clan. When our Yuanlu clan was the most powerful, it once occupied part of the central area of ​​the Southern Region and became one of the central tribal alliances. The Luming Grassland has been home for more than a hundred years. As the three existing branches of the Yuanlu tribe, one of the main exchange activities between our Caolu tribe, the Buck tribe and the Balu tribe is the grassland warrior competition held every five years. Although the Warrior Competition is a friendly match, it is an event that highlights the honor of each tribe. In your generation, we, the direct lineage of the Caolu Tribe, will be the seven of you. This time the Warrior Competition will naturally be fought by the seven of you. "

"The warriors of the Caolu tribe are ready to fight at any time." The seven people on the opposite side said in unison.

The matriarch Ram said: "Xiao Qi stays, and the rest of the people go back and prepare carefully."

"As commanded."

The six strong young men respectfully exited the camp.

The matriarch, Ram, stood up from her seat, walked to Mai Xiaoqi, patted her shoulder gently with her hand, and asked with concern: "Xiaoqi, how is your physical recovery going?"

"Thank you grandma for your concern. Xiao Qi's body is very strong." Mai Xiao Qi

As he spoke, he clenched his fists.

"Perhaps it is the destiny of inheritance. Our Caolu tribe has been experiencing a period of yin and yang decline for hundreds of years. In your generation, you are the only girl. Sure enough, only you have inherited the thin ancient deer bloodline. I'm old, and the future of the Caolu Tribe may depend on you, but grandma doesn't want to put so much pressure on you. The rise of the tribe has always required the blood of too many tribal warriors and trampled on countless opponents. It was only through hard work that you lost your body. When you were five years old, your parents fought hard for the survival of the Caolu Tribe, but they both sacrificed their precious lives. They are the real warriors of the Caolu Tribe." , a glistening color appeared in the eyes of the matriarch Ram.

Mai Xiaoqi's eyes were already filled with tears. Thinking of his parents' sacrifice for the tribe many years ago, it was both permanent sadness and the inherited tribal honor.

"Xiaoqi will definitely protect the Caolu tribe with all his strength, even if it costs his own life." Mai Xiaoqi said firmly.

"As the leader of the Caolu Tribe, as long as the Caolu Tribe can live peacefully in Luming Grassland for generations, that is my greatest wish. As your grandmother, what I want to tell you is that your life is the most precious "Yes." The matriarch Ram said affectionately, holding Xiao Qi's hand.

"Xiao Qi understands." Mai Xiao Qi nodded.

"In the next tribal warrior competition, the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe will each send two warriors to participate. Our Caolu Tribe is the host, so we naturally have to accept their challenge. Although your six cousins ​​are not strong enough, Not bad, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to block the opponent's challenge. You are the finale, and I am worried about your current state."

"Grandma, please rest assured. Xiaoqi has been recovering these days and is very strong. As a warrior of the Caolu Tribe, he is not afraid of any challenges."

"Okay, you should go back and prepare well."


Three days later, the Luming Prairie Warriors Competition was held as scheduled in Caolu Tribe.

On the empty grassland, a huge playing field is circled.

Around the arena, the green flag of the Caolu Tribe, the yellow flag of the Buck Tribe, and the blue flag of the Balu Tribe were flying high.

However, Xu Yang was unable to come to the scene in time to watch the battle because he was in retreat.

The competition is personally hosted by Ram, the matriarch of the Caolu tribe.

"First of all, on behalf of the Grass Deer Tribe, I, Ram, solemnly welcome the warriors of the Buck Tribe and Ba Deer Tribe. This grassland warrior competition is a friendly competition. Our three tribes belong to the same original deer tribe, Luming Grassland It’s the hometown we all share.”

"Lu Ming Prairie, the original deer clan."

"Lu Ming Prairie, the original deer clan."

The onlookers raised their arms and shouted.

"The rules of the competition are the same as those of previous competitions. As the host of this competition, we, the Grass Deer Clan, will send seven young warriors to defend the competition. The visiting warriors from the Buck Tribe and Ba Deer Tribe will serve as challengers, fighting one-on-one. situation and challenge.”

After a pause, the matriarch Ram said in a loud voice: "The ones who accept the challenge on behalf of the Caolu Tribe are the seven warriors standing behind me. They are Daying, Longli, Hongyang, Lanyu, Mufeng, Muqianghe Mado.”

The green flag is flying, and the grass deer totem on it stretches out, like a grass deer galloping on the grassland.

Under the green flag, stood seven warriors from the Caolu Tribe.

The stadium suddenly erupted in cheers.

"Six male warriors and one female warrior."

"Princess Meadow is the only girl."

"People in the tribe like to call her Mai Xiaoqi."

"Don't underestimate Princess Duo, she is our Caolu

The most powerful warrior in the tribe. "

"As the host, the Caolu Tribe has the most warriors, so they are in good shape."


Matriarch Ram announced: "The two warriors from the Buck Tribe are Cangmu and Kaishi. Let us welcome them."

On one side of the field, a yellow flag was fluttering, and the stag on the surface of the flag seemed to be galloping.

Under the yellow flag representing the Bucks tribe, two majestic teenagers stood.

One of them had dark skin, wore earth-colored clothes, and had a huge wooden bow hanging on his back.

The other person was wearing a black robe, and the wide brim of the hat covered half of his face, making it difficult to see his face. The exposed arm is engraved with a black snake pattern.

The two of them suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Did you see it? The one holding a big wooden bow is Cangmu from the Stag Tribe. This guy is a famous archer on the Luming Grassland. Killing two birds with one arrow is his unique skill."

"I've heard that Kuraki is a talented shooter that the Buck Tribe has become famous for in recent years. It turns out he is this guy."

"The man in the black robe must be Jia Shi."

"This guy has never been heard of."

"Being able to represent the Bucks Tribe in the competition must be of some strength. Let's wait and see."


Cangmu, who came from the Stag Tribe, heard his name being read, and simply took the big wooden bow from his back in his hands and raised it high above his head, looking very confident.

"I am Cangmu, a warrior from the Stag Tribe." Cangmu raised his arms and said loudly.

The black-robed Jiashi on the side looked calm on the surface, but his eyes under the brim of his hat were staring at Mai Xiaoqi under the flag of the Caolu Tribe opposite.

Strangely, under Jia Shi's wide cuffs, there was a black snake with its triangular head exposed and spitting out a scarlet snake core. Jia Shi hooked the tip of his little finger, and a black snake head quietly retracted.


Matriarch Ram continued to announce: "The two warriors from the Balu tribe are the two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin."

On the other side of the field, a blue flag was fluttering, and the domineering deer on the flag seemed to be leaping into the sky.

Under the blue flag representing the Balu tribe, two young warriors with extraordinary momentum also stood.

The person on the left is about ten feet tall, with a slender figure, long arms and legs, like dry branches. And on his waist hung a scimitar hidden in a scabbard.

The person on the right has grass-green skin all over his body and wears a dark green loose shirt. The whole person looks like a tree.

The crowd watching the game started talking.

"That weirdo with long arms and legs is Jiansen of the Balu Tribe."

"Look at his skinny arms and skinny legs. Can he fight?"

"You should not be judged by appearance. He is a famous sharp knifeman among the Balu clan."

"If it's green and looks like a tree, it's a hard forest."

"Yes, Jian Lin is Jian Sen's biological brother. This man is good at wood escape. But I have never seen how powerful he is."


When Jiansen from the Balu Tribe heard his name being read, he curled his lips first, and then said to himself: "It's really troublesome. Let's start the challenge quickly. Aren't they just the seven people from the Caolu Tribe? Let me step forward and help They all bled."

"Brother, why do I feel that you are here to kill people? This time we are in a friendly match, and we will stop at that point." The green-skinned Jianlin on the side said.


The Luming Prairie Warriors Competition is about to compete for hegemony.

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