True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1062 Second Round of Competition

"Next, the contestants for the fourth warrior match are Lan Yu from the Caolu Tribe on the defending side, and Jian Lin from the Balu Tribe on the attacking side."

On the arena, the two contestants faced each other, standing about ten feet apart.

Standing on the left side of the arena is Lan Yu from the Caolu Tribe.

Lan Yu has an upright appearance and holds a deer antler staff in his hand. He was wearing a blue robe, just like his name, blue dancing in the wind.

In the Southern Territory, monks with strong combat power are divided into two professions in the tribe. One is a warrior and the other is a wizard.

The daily duty of warriors is to protect the tribe or launch tribal wars with external parties. Wizards are clergy who are responsible for sacrifices, divination, and blessings in the tribe.

Normally, wizards will participate in all external tribal wars. Wizards are good at team combat and are an indispensable and important part of tribal wars.

This time, Lan Yu, who represented the Caolu Tribe, was a wizard. In the Caolu tribe, the great wizard is the current tribe matriarch, Mai Xiaoqi’s grandmother Lam.

In the Southern Territory, it is common for tribe leaders to hold the concurrent position of great wizard.

On the right side of the arena is the challenger Jianlin from the Balu tribe.

Jian Lin's skin was green all over his body, and he wore a dark green loose shirt. He looked like a lonely tree.

Coincidentally, Jianlin's profession is also a wizard, and he is the younger brother of Jiansen who appeared before.

The two came on stage, causing the surrounding crowd to talk.

"Lan Yu is a wizard in the Caolu tribe. It is said that he is a genius who can inherit the position of great wizard."

"Jian Lin, who represents the Ba Lu Tribe on the opposite side, also happens to be a wizard. It's just that this person is relatively mysterious. It is said that he is good at the wood escape technique."

"One wizard is worth three warriors, this time it's really good."

"Wizards can use witchcraft to change the terrain and situation of the battlefield in team battles. That's why it is said that one wizard is worth three warriors."

"The Caolu Tribe has lost three games in a row. This fourth game should be won."

"It's hard to say. Jian Lin from the Balu Tribe doesn't seem to be an easy master to mess with. You see, he's covered in green. He looks like a tree demon."


In the arena.

On the left, Lan Yu from the Caolu Tribe looked at the opposite side, thinking in his mind: "Jian Lin from the Balu Tribe opposite is also a wizard. Judging from the wood spirit aura he exudes, it should be the same as the rumors. He is good at wood escape. What I am good at is the Water Escape Technique. Although the two attributes of water and wood are not directly incompatible, water creates wood. It will be suppressed by his wood escape, so the fight between me and him should be resolved quickly."

On the right, Jian Lin of the Balu Tribe looked at Lan Yu across from him with narrowed eyes, thinking to himself: "My brother Jian Sen just won a beautiful game, and as a younger brother, I can't lag behind. Lan Yu, a man who is good at As long as I figure out the internal spiritual power fluctuation rules of the Water Escape Wizard, my Wood Escape Technique can completely suppress his Water Escape Technique. Therefore, he will definitely choose to fight me quickly. . If he bursts out with all his strength as soon as he comes up, he will definitely show his flaws in his haste. Come on, I, Jianlin, like to fight head-on."


The gong sounded to start the game as promised.

The sound of the gong was still echoing, and Lan Yu rushed towards the opposite side.

As he rushed, he activated his water attribute body.

He held the antlers staff tightly in his right hand, and the spells in his left hand kept falling on it. There are whirlpools of blue water on the surface of the antler at the top of the antler staff, spinning faster and faster.

But he saw the scepter in Lan Yu's hand moving forward.

"Witchcraft - blue water blessing!"

With the help of the scepter, a huge blue water barrier suddenly appeared.

As Lan Yu recited the secret blessing spells in his mouth, countless small water droplets condensed in the blue water barrier, and the small water droplets rolled bigger and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, those water droplets were the size of a fist, and there were totem marks flowing on the surface of each water droplet.

"Water Escape-Blue Water Storm!"

Looking at the Jian Lin opposite, Lan Yu suddenly turned the staff in his hand.

The next moment, thousands of water balls burst out, overwhelming the sky, and smashed towards the strong forest on the opposite side.

At the same time as Lan Yu took action.

Jian Lin from the Buck Tribe quickly pinched the magic formula with his hands, and green auras intertwined on his fingertips.

"Witchcraft - green trees pray!"

In the blink of an eye, an inverted bowl-shaped green barrier appeared around Jian Lin's body.

In the green barrier, the lights are shining, like countless green fireflies. But these green light spots quickly converged towards Jian Lin's body and penetrated directly into his skin.

Jian Lin's body twisted, and his bones rattled. Branches sprouted from the surface of his body, and branches and leaves grew out, turning into a big tree in the blink of an eye.

Wood demonization!

At this time, Lan Yu's blue water storm technique had already been thrown down.

Meteor stars all over the sky crashed onto the surface of the big tree that Jian Lin's body was transformed into.

Boom boom boom.

The water bomb exploded and the water flew like a blade.

The totem runes circulated, and the powerful power of witchcraft set off a blue water storm.

Click, click, click.

The large branches and leaves transformed from the solid forest were smashed, and finally they could not withstand the impact of the strong water storm and fell down.

Strangely, the fallen tree exploded and turned into billowing clouds of green smoke.

"It's a substitute technique!" Lan Yu said in surprise.

Just the next moment.

On the ground around Lan Yu, green vines sprouted out. There are blue totem marks flashing on the surface of the rattan.

On the ground, blue totem marks were connected to form a formation, and the powerful power of the formation burst out.

"Wooden Escape - Wooden Vine Bound!"

The earth trembles!

Countless wooden vines grew crazily from beneath the ground, and the tide of wooden vines immediately swallowed up Lan Yu's body.

No matter how Lan Yu slashed with the staff in his hand, he could only destroy and block a small part of it.

He began to regret that he had used all his strength as soon as he took action. At this moment, his physical strength was in a short trough due to the overdraft of mana just now, and he was unable to exert his due abilities at all.

After a while, the scene became quiet.

In the center of the field, there is an extra sphere wrapped with wood and vines.

And Jian Lin's figure quietly emerged from the soil.

Jian Lin looked at the Mu Teng sphere opposite, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"A guy who attacks the strong and defends the weak, how can you be my opponent in Jianlin?" As he said this, he crossed his hands and folded them together suddenly.

The Muto sphere shrank suddenly.


There was a muffled sound.

Sawdust was flying all over the sky.

Under the sawdust, Lan Yu's body had turned into a bloody man, riddled with holes, lost consciousness, and fell to the ground.

The crowd of spectators around the arena suddenly erupted into bursts of horror.

"Witchcraft of this level is clearly a killing technique!"

"At the beginning, Lan Yu clearly struck first, but why was Jian Lin unscathed?"

"No, Jian Lin is injured. If you look carefully at his shoulder, there are blood stains. It's just that he avoided most of Lan Yu's water escape attacks."

"Lan Yu from the Caolu Tribe is really miserable. He probably has hundreds of holes all over his body."


Lan Yu was carried off the field. He was the most seriously injured so far.

Dang Dang!

The gong that ended the game hurriedly sounded.

"The challenger, Jianlin of the Balu Tribe wins. The defender, Lan Yu of the Caolu Tribe fails."

Under the blue flag, the crowd of Balu tribe cheered.

"Dominating deer, dominating deer, tiger of the prairie."

"A strong forest, a strong forest, and the trees are beautiful in the forest."


Under the green flag of the Grass Deer tribe.

The matriarch Ram stood up in her seat, frowning, and thinking to herself: "This? Lan Yu is the most promising wizard of our Caolu tribe, and is the candidate who may succeed the great wizard of my tribe in the future. Unexpectedly After just one battle, he suffered such serious injuries. However, if Lan Yu's blow just now had completely landed on the Jianlin.

Jianlin's body was mostly the result of serious injuries. "

Mai Xiaoqi said anxiously: "Grandma, why don't you just let me go?"

Matriarch Ram said: "The rules and order of appearance are agreed in advance and cannot be changed."

Under the green flag, there was silence and low morale.

"According to the rules of the competition, the second round of the challenge is about to begin. If the challenger is undefeated, he can become the champion." The matriarch Ram personally announced the rules of the competition.

The matriarch Ram sat back on her seat, her eyes closed and her face ugly. She didn't even want to watch the next game.

She knew that the four people from the Caolu Tribe who appeared first were the four most powerful people besides Mai Xiaoqi. On the opposite side, Cangmu and Kaishi of the Buck Tribe who have already played, as well as Jiansen and Jianlin of the Balu Tribe will appear in the second round. Based on their previous performance, Mu Feng and Mu Qiang, who will be playing next for the Caolu Tribe, have no chance of winning.

As expected by the matriarch Ram, screams were heard one after another on the field.

The two brothers Mu Feng and Mu Qiang of the Caolu Tribe each had several holes in their bodies that were shot through with bows and arrows. They were covered in blood and defeated miserably.

At this moment, Cangmu from the Buck Tribe had won two games in a row and became the champion.

Cangmu, who had dark skin and wore earth-colored clothes, held a large wooden bow in his hand and stood on the field like a black diamond.

At present, the only person left in the Caolu Tribe is Mai Xiaoqi who has not yet appeared. If Mai Xiaoqi loses again, this time the Warriors Tournament with the Caolu Tribe as the host will end. As the host, the Caolu Tribe will also be disgraced.

"Xiaoqi, your body has not fully recovered yet. Cangmu has won one after another and is gaining momentum. You have to be careful. If you can't win, don't force it. This is just an ordinary event." The matriarch Ram reminded her through a message. road.

"Grandma, Xiao Qi knows." Mai Xiao Qi clenched her fists.

The six people from the Caolu Tribe who appeared earlier were all cousins ​​of Mai Xiaoqi, but each of them was defeated more miserably than the other. Of course, Mai Xiaoqi was furious at this moment and was ready to fight with his opponent head-on.

In the arena.

On the left, Mai Xiaoqi from the Caolu Tribe is wearing a green short skirt, and her wheat-colored skin reveals her healthy beauty. His big eyes reflected a cold fighting spirit, like a cold spring under an iceberg.

On the right, dark-skinned Kuraki held a large wooden bow in his hand, looking as if he was about to shoot an arrow.

Mai Xiaoqi looked at Cangmu opposite, thinking in his mind: "How many arrows can this guy shoot at a time with the bow in his hand? With the grass deer body technique that I have blessed with the ancient deer bloodline, I should be able to dodge three... ..”

Cangmu on the opposite side also stared at Mai Xiaoqi and thought to himself: "Mai Duo, the future of the Caolu Tribe, a female genius with the blood of the ancient deer. No matter what bloodline you are, you can't hide from me, Cangmu." "Flying Eagle Bow". If I defeat you, I will be the biggest winner of this event."

The people watching around were talking a lot.

"Princess Mai Duo of the Caolu Tribe finally appears."

"Yes, even though she is a girl, she is the most promising candidate in the Caolu Tribe."

"She is the granddaughter of Lamu, the leader of the Caolu tribe. The Caolu tribe has always been headed by women, and Lamu was also a great beauty who dominated the Luming Grassland."

"Princess Mai Duo has ancient deer blood, which is an open secret in the entire Luming Grassland. She is the only one in the huge Luming Grassland."

"But Princess Mai Duo is also a melee type. It's really difficult to fight Cangmu, who is good at long range combat, one on one."


The gong that started the game rang across the grassland again.

The crowd watching held their breath and did not blink, for fear of missing the most exciting battle that would follow.


In a tent of the Caolu Tribe.

Xu Yang moved his arms, then took off the purple wine gourd around his waist and took a sip of the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine.

"Good wine." Xu Yang tied the wine gourd around his waist again and walked out of the tent.

The sun shines on the young man's face, making it bright and warm.

"I heard from Xiao Qi that today is the Warrior Competition on Luming Prairie. Xiao Qi is also going to appear. I want to go and see." Xu Yang looked in one direction and whispered to himself.

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