True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1063 The Glory of the Caolu Tribe

In the arena.

Before the competition gong sounded, Cangmu from the Buck Tribe had already held his "Flying Eagle Bow" in his hand.

As soon as he activated his magic power, spiritual patterns visible to the naked eye spun out from the surface of his left arm. The bow string suddenly shone with silver light, and three bright silver arrows were already placed on the tightened bow string.

The tip of the bow and arrow in Cangmu's hand reached towards Mai Xiaoqi on the opposite side, like the claws of a flying eagle ready to dive at any time.

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Cangmu's lips, and he thought to himself: "Mai Duo, I won't give you an extra breath. As soon as the game starts, you will be hit by my flying arrows. Even if these three arrows can't let you Completely losing combat effectiveness, I still have time to launch a second attack at such a distance. The prey locked by my flying eagle bow is as pitiful as the rabbit locked by the flying eagle."

Mai Xiaoqi's big eyes looked at the opposite side, and his clear pupils reflected the opponent's three arrows.

The nervous heartbeat in her chest actually eased a lot, "There were three arrows on Cangmu's big bow, which was completely within my estimate. Do you think I'm a little rabbit when you pointed the bow and arrow at me in advance? I'm The grass deer with the horns on its head is a grassland elf who is not afraid of tigers. I am the warrior of the grass deer clan, Mai Xiaoqi!”

Some people in the watching crowd murmured.

"Isn't it a foul for Cangmu of the Buck Tribe? The longbow in his hand is already ready to go before the gong of the competition rings."

"It is very detrimental to Mai Duo of the Grass Deer Tribe. Kuraki's bow shooting speed is already fast, and now he has no time to react. Look at the three people in front of him who were shot by him, and they were all badly injured."

"Is the Caolu Tribe, as the host, going to be killed seven times in a row by its opponents? If so, this will be the worst result in the history of the Prairie Warriors."

"I believe there will be a miracle. Our Princess Duo of the Caolu Tribe will definitely be able to defeat her opponent." A member of the Caolu Tribe crossed his hands and prayed devoutly.

Ram, the leader of the Grass Deer Tribe, could no longer sit still. She stood up from her seat, clutched the deer head cane in her hand, looked at the two people on the field, and was reluctant to jump off to join the battle.

"Xiao Qi is a kind-hearted child who refuses to admit defeat. The current game is no longer as simple as a friendly match, it is a bloodthirsty arena. Although she is a warrior of the Caolu Tribe, she is also my only granddaughter. She is also She shouldn't have been exposed to such great danger and pressure," the patriarch Ram thought.


On the playing field.

The pupils of Cangmu, a member of the Buck Clan, turned amber and became a circle larger, enlarging the image of Mai Xiaoqi a lot.

"My eagle eye technique can capture small movements in the distance. Combined with my flying eagle bow, you can't even think of escaping."


The gong to start the game sounded coldly.

Cangmu's hand on the bowstring loosened, and three arrows flew out.


The sound of an eagle's cry pierced the sky, and then it became as silent as the night.

"Armageddon - Flying Eagle three-hit combo!"

The surface of the three arrows shot out showed the appearance of a silver flying eagle. The three arrows seemed to have wings, flying in strange curves in the air, making it impossible to predict the trajectory.

At the moment the gong sounded.

Mai Xiaoqi has already taken action.

She quickly kneaded the secrets with her hands, and spit out a band of green spiritual light on her ten fingertips. The green spiritual light intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a huge wild mark appeared.

In the center of the wild mark, a deer head with a pair of large antlers appeared. The simple runes on it were constantly flowing, emitting a gray-brown brilliance.


A world-shaking ancient deer crow, a wild sound, made the world marvel.

At the same time, a huge deer god appeared behind Mai Xiaoqi. The Deer God has the body of a deer with the head of a deer, and is wearing rattan armor. He stands with his head up against the sky and exudes a wild aura.

The blood power in Mai Xiaoqi's body boils, it is his unique ancient deer bloodline.

Legend has it that the bloodline of the ancient deer comes from the Deer God in ancient times. He is one of the ancient king-level true spirits, and can be compared with the true dragon and true phoenix.

The existence of parity. Even ordinary true immortals would take the initiative to retreat when they saw Gu Lu.

Although the ancient deer bloodline in Mai Xiaoqi's body has been diluted very thinly through generations of reproduction, it is still only the lowest grade at present. But once activated, an extremely shocking aura erupted.

Circles of green spiritual power ripples spread outward with Mai Xiaoqi's body as the center. The overflowing powerful soul power directly materialized, and among them could be seen the jumping silhouettes of silver deer. Wherever it passes, a herd of deer hooves, redefining the power of the field.

Soul Domain - Luming Domain!

A small antler mark appeared in the middle of Mai Xiaoqi's smooth forehead, and a pair of black pupils turned into brown amber. The original cute and smart temperament disappeared, as if he suddenly changed into a different person, showing his domineering king.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi's performance level reached the Yuan Soul Realm, and continued to improve to the second level of the Yuan Soul Realm.

"Movement Technique - Grass Deer Galloping!"

The next moment, Mai Xiaoqi seemed to be flying. Every time his toes landed, he would step on a circular mark of wildness.

Blessed by the wild mark, her figure is like a grass deer flying freely on the grassland.

As Mai Xiaoqi rushed forward, her figure became faster and faster, and an identical shadow appeared behind her.

One, two, three, four, four shadows of Mai Xiaoqi, changing their positions dexterously, making it difficult for people to tell which one is the real body.

Seeing this, Cangmu's eyes almost popped out.

Although the three arrows he shot could change their trajectories freely, they were activated by his spiritual consciousness and soul realm.

At this moment, Cangmu saw four Mai Xiaoqi, but he had just shot three arrows.

"Don't lie, choose three out of four, I still have a chance." Cangmu stabilized his mind and controlled the three arrows to launch the attack.

"It's the one in front!" Cang Mu's eyes became more murderous.

A flying eagle arrow hit the shoulder of Mai Xiaoqi in front of him.


It's the one on the left.

The second flying eagle arrow hit Mai Xiaoqi on the left in the chest.

"is not."

It's the one on the right.

The third flying eagle arrow hit the thigh of Mai Xiaoqi on the right.

"Not yet."

Seeing that Mai Xiaoqi was rushing towards him, he was already several feet away from Cangmu.

"You're the last one, you can't run away."

In a hurry, Cangmu opened the bow with all his strength, and placed another arrow on the bowstring.

Since this second attack only contained one arrow, the attack speed was much faster. In just half a breath, the big bow was full of moon, and Cangmu's hand on the bowstring loosened.

"Get down here." Cangmu said fiercely as the bow and arrow shot out.


The bow and arrow flew like an eagle, and a silver line hit the last person, Mai Xiaoqi, between his eyebrows.

But the arrow seemed to shoot into the air, directly passing through the eyebrows of the last one, Mai Xiaoqi.

"Holy shit, is this fourth one still fake?" As a seasoned archer, Cangmu, who was always as steady as an old dog, panicked.

But at this moment, he had already used all his moves, and it was too late to use the bow and arrow again.

Mai Xiaoqi, who was rushing at the front, jumped up high and shouted.

"Xiao Qi is here!"

Mai Xiaoqi was condescending and stepped out.

"The Mark of Wilderness - Grass Deer Kicks Back!"

A mark of the wilderness about ten feet in size flashed continuously, and an ancient deer dharma image raised its hind hooves, exuding an extremely powerful force of the wilderness.

On the ground, the frightened Cangmu closed his eyes in panic and placed the big bow across his chest.

"Oh my God!"


With a muffled sound, a circle of green pressure exploded, harvesting hundreds of feet like a sickle, and the air creaked.

Mai Xiaoqi kicked Cangmu in the abdomen.

Kuraki's body bent into an arch shape, his limbs drooped feebly, and he flew backwards.

His eyes were bulging, his tongue was turned out, his bow was broken, his ribs were broken, and his intestines were shattered.

Boom boom boom.

Kuraki's body fell to the ground, lifting the turf, and retreated thirty feet before he could stop.

"I, I surrender." White smoke came out of Cangmu's throat, he held up a white handkerchief, said the last words, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

when! when!

The gong sounded crisply at the end of the game.

"For the Caolu Tribe, Mai Duo wins! For the Buck Tribe, Cangmu loses!"

The crowd watching suddenly burst into cheers and exclamations, mostly members of the Caolu tribe.

"The Grass Deer Tribe finally won a round."

"I just said Princess Maduo can do it."

"She did."

"As expected of him, he is the only warrior in Luming Prairie who possesses the ancient deer bloodline."

"Did you just see it? The huge shadow of the Ancient Deer God of War behind Princess Mai Duo makes people's blood boil and they worship her with reverence."

The green flag is flying, and the grass deer totem on it is flying in the sky.

Ram, the leader of the Caolu Tribe, raised the deer-headed scepter in his hand and shouted loudly: "Caolu Tribe!"

"Grass Deer Tribe!"

"Grass Deer Tribe!"

"Grass Deer Tribe!"


The cheers of the crowd rose and fell.

As the host, the Caolu Tribe finally came back and won an overwhelming victory.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi stood in the center of the arena.

Her right shoulder showed a bright red color, which was just injured by Kuraki's arrow. But soon, the wound recovered as before under the mysterious power of Gulu's bloodline.

"Me! Mai Xiaoqi! Warrior of the Caolu Tribe!" Mai Xiaoqi raised his arms and shouted, then pointed at the blue flag and yellow flag opposite, "The three challengers below, if you are not cowards, you can come together."


Under the yellow flag.

Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe was already dumbfounded and said in surprise: "Is this the power of the ancient deer bloodline? It's so tempting. That guy Cangmu is completely vulnerable."

Under the blue flag.

The two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin from the Balu tribe looked at each other.

"She was calling us to come up."

"This doesn't count as bullying the few, does it?"

"It shouldn't count. She asked for it herself."

Jiansen and Jianlin bumped their fists and said, "Let's go together, brothers."

They knew that if it was just a one-on-one duel at this moment, they would have no chance of defeating Mai Xiaoqi who had activated Gu Lu's bloodline.

Whoosh whoosh——

Three figures came to the arena.

Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe, Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu Tribe, the three of them naturally stood side by side.

"There are three of us." Black-robed Jiashi said.

"And she only has one." Jiansen said.

"We are just fulfilling her request." Jianlin said.

The faces of the three people showed cunning looks.


The crowd was buzzing.

"Isn't this against the rules? Three against one."

"This is the host's rule. If the host is confident, it can ask for one-to-many."

"Princess Maduo just exercised the host's originally proud rights."

"Princess Mai Duo, can you win with one against three?"

"Hard to say."


Under the green flag.

Ram, the patriarch of the Caolu Tribe, had a sparkling look in his eyes: "Xiao Qi..."

Looking at everyone present, only Ram understood what Mai Xiaoqi meant.

Mai Xiaoqi activates Gulu's bloodline, which puts great pressure on himself. Therefore, the ancient deer bloodline state can only be maintained for a relatively short period of time.

If they were challenged one by one, just the time of beating the gong and clearing the place would have exhausted the power of Mai Xiaoqi's ancient deer bloodline.

In the current situation, only Mai Xiaoqi versus three can complete a complete counterattack.

That is the glory of the Caolu tribe.

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