True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1064 One against three

On the playing field of Luming Grassland.

On the left is the big-eyed girl Mai Xiaoqi.

But at this moment, Mai Xiaoqi was in the activated state of the ancient deer bloodline, and there was a small, white deer antler mark between her eyebrows.

Behind her appeared a tall ancient deer war god wearing rattan armor. In the field of deer sounds around her body, there were white light deer jumping.

On the right, Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe and Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu Tribe are gathered together.

Jia Shi took off the large brim of his black robe. There were tiny black scales on his forehead, emitting a strange aura.

Jia Shi had a serious look on his face, his right hand tightly placed on the spiritual pet bag around his waist, ready to release his snake beast at any time. And as he activated the power of the soul realm, dark ripples surged under his feet, and a moving snake shadow appeared.

The cultivation profession of Beast Exorcist is not uncommon in the Southern Territory.

Various tribes in the Southern Region often regard various animals in the world as their totem beliefs, and have mastered mysterious means of communicating with animals.

But it's rare to see someone like Jia Shi, whose tribe is the Stag Tribe, but the wild beast spiritual pet he controls is a completely unrelated dragon snake.

Jiansen of the Balu tribe has a slender figure, with long arms and legs, like withered branches. At this moment, Jiansen's hand had already pulled out the scimitar from the scabbard, holding it tightly in his hand and holding it high.

Only the stationary scimitar can be seen clearly. The surface of the scimitar was engraved with flying fish-like patterns, which glowed with a strange blue light.

In the soul realm around his body, blue tentacles can be seen with the naked eye, which are also a mutated soul realm - the octopus tentacle realm.

The power exerted by a sharp swordsman like Jian Sen has nothing to do with his clan's domineering deer totem. Who would have thought that the tribal warriors of the grassland totem Ba Lu, a branch of the Yuanlu clan, are actually good at using sea beasts. But precisely because of this, it is unexpected and difficult to guard against.

The Jianlin of the Balu tribe has green skin all over his body and wears a dark green robe. He looks like a lonely tree. The soul realm emanating around his body is a green forest realm, with weird lights and shadows of trees twisting in it, like forest demons.

Unlike others present, Jianlin is the wizard of the tribe. He is good at wood escape techniques, which seems to have nothing to do with the deer totem of his original tribe.

The three of them communicated with each other secretly.

"Mai Duo of the Caolu Tribe possesses the powerful power of the ancient deer bloodline, and the power he unleashes is too powerful. If we were to hit him head-on, I'm afraid none of the three of us can stop him," Jia Shi said.

"Look at the domain power around her body, there are white deer lights and shadows jumping around. That is the deer roar domain, a mutated soul domain power. Its powerful offensive and defensive attribute bonus is much higher than ordinary domain power." Jiansen said.

"And the moment she defeated Cangmu of the Stag Tribe just now. The power of the Wild Mark has reached a very high level, comparable to a high-grade barrier." Jian Lin said.

"So, if we want to defeat her, the three of us must attack in perfect coordination. First, Jian Lin uses the power of the wizard to weaken her ability. Then, I release the snake beast to trap her. Finally, Jian Lin Launch a sword attack. We may only have one chance, so don't hold anything back when you attack. If we can kill Mai Duo at once, the Caolu Tribe will no longer be able to compete with the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe." Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe introduced the tactics in detail.

"Aren't we here just to kill people? If we don't kill Mai Duo now, when she grows up one day, the entire Luming Grassland will no longer have anything to do with the Buck Tribe and the Ba Deer Tribe, and we can only surrender. "Jiansen said from the Balu Tribe.

"If it weren't for killing people, the three of us wouldn't practice other types of totem beast skills. This in itself is

It is disrespect for one's own tribal totem. "Jian Lindao from the Balu Tribe.



The gong sounded loudly to start the game.

"Let's go!" The three people on the right said in unison.

Jianlin is in the middle, slightly forward. Jia Shi is on the left, Jian Sen is on the right, and the two of them are slightly behind.

The three people rushed over quickly.

However, Mai Xiaoqi did not take the initiative to greet him. Instead, he stood confidently on the spot, staring at the movement on the other side with his big eyes.

"In a real tribal war, it is most taboo to attack alone. Because only with teamwork can we exert greater combat power. Now I am only one person, but the opposite is a small team of three people. Fortunately, the three of them They are not from the same tribe, and their cooperation should not be so skillful. Once I catch the loophole, it will be time for me to defeat them one by one..." Mai Xiaoqi looked at the opposite side and made rapid calculations in his mind.

The three people on the opposite side rushed over in an instant.

Jianlin from the Balu tribe rushed to the front and took the lead.

He quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and green auras intertwined on his fingertips.

In the blink of an eye, an inverted bowl-shaped green barrier appeared around Jian Lin's body.

In the green barrier, the lights are shining, like countless green fireflies. But these green light spots quickly converged towards Jian Lin's body and penetrated directly into his skin.

Jian Lin's body twisted, and all his bones creaked. Branches sprouted from the surface of his body, and leaves grew, turning into a big tree in an instant. But on the tree trunk, there is a human face. The appearance of the human face is the same as that of the solid forest.

Wood demonization!

Boom, boom, boom.

The huge wood demon did not continue to charge forward, but dug up the soil like a gopher and sank under the grassland ground.

Immediately afterwards, on the ground around Mai Xiaoqi, strange trees as thick as the mouth of a bowl broke out of the ground. These strange trees have hands and feet, like human figures. There are as many as a dozen trees.

More than a dozen strange trees were connected into a patch, with green auras connecting them, forming an array, trapping Mai Xiaoqi in the middle.

And on the trunk of one of the strange trees, Jian Lin's face quietly appeared.

Jian Lin's face opened, and bright red sprayed out all over the sky. His face was twisted, showing a look of pain.

The blood-stained aura suddenly filled the barrier space, and the strange trees turned scarlet red after devouring the blood-stained power.

"Witchcraft - the Curse of the Dryad!"

Immediately, the powerful witchcraft barrier came into operation.

Lines and clusters of weird red runes were running back and forth, destroying the field of deer sounds around Mai Xiaoqi's body.

More than a dozen strange trees were twisting and dancing in the ugliest movements, making squeaking and unpleasant sounds like curses.

Within the wizard's barrier, blood-colored electric arcs were scurrying around like a tide of blood snakes, constantly eroding the Luming Domain outside Mai Xiaoqi's body.

Under the attack of this weird witchcraft, the Luming Domain in front of Mai Xiaoqi was forced to shrink. The ancient deer god of war behind her also seemed to hate the power of the blood curse around him. Green arcs of electricity emitted from his body, and his appearance flickered in and out.

Mai Xiaoqi's physical performance showed that he fell from the second level of Yuanhun Realm to the first level of Yuanhun Realm.

Mai Xiaoqi's original martial arts body was only half-step into the Yuanhun realm. After being blessed with the power of Gulu's bloodline, he temporarily manifested into the Yuansoul realm. Therefore, even if her physical performance is currently suppressed, there is no panic at all.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi still did not choose to attack.

She made a secret with both hands, and the wild marks on the surface of her fingertips were extremely clear.

A stubborn grass deer, huge antlers, and unyielding blood.

Blessed by the power of the wild mark, she was able to maintain her body at the first level of the Soul Realm.


Jianlin from the Balu tribe is a wizard. But he didn't expect that he was good at curses. His true body is hidden among the dozens of transformed tree demons around him. I couldn't find his body for a while, so I couldn't make an accurate attack. Although this witchcraft is annoying, it cannot cause a direct blow to me, and the real blow should come from the two people behind. Wait and see. "Mai Xiaoqi opened his stance, his big eyes alertly observing the subtle changes on the battlefield.

Jia Shi and Jian Sen, who rushed up after Jian Lin, were secretly happy when they saw Mai Xiaoqi fell under Jian Lin's curse.

"The plan went well, she was tricked, let's kill her." The two said in unison.

Jia Shi rushed and made quick calculations: "Mai Duo is only fifteen years old. I didn't expect that she would be so calm in such a life-and-death fight. She didn't move, so there was no flaw for the time being. But I, Jia Shi, will Make you move."

Jia Shi's eyes were sharp, and he patted his waist lightly with one hand.

A black shadow jumped out and landed on the ground in front of him.


A large cloud of black mist rolled away.

There were shadowy figures in the black mist, exuding the dark aura of monsters.

Before the rolling black mist subsided, a huge black triangular snake head emerged from it. What is striking is that there is an emerald green horn in the middle of the black snake head.

It's his snake beast!

Without stopping for a moment, Jia Shi made seals with his hands, and the black snake totem mark appeared on his fingertips.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Shi slapped the black snake totem mark on his heart on his left chest.

His body was shaken, and through his clothes, his black and red heartbeat could be seen with the naked eye beating wildly.

Strangely, his body began to twist and change, his legs came together, and a huge black snake tail grew out.

Human face, human hands, snake body, half snake and beast!

"Secret Technique - Two Snakes Attack!"

The next moment, the huge snake beast and the half-snake beast Jia Shi's body pressed against the ground and rushed toward Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi's eyes sharpened, and he quickly calculated in his mind: "Although the snake dragon beast is ferocious, its body is huge, and all attacks are in the open, so it is not difficult to deal with. Jia Shi's half-snake body is very fast, but after all, it is fast." But my Grass Deer Body Technique.”

Spotting the giant snake dragon beast coming towards him, Mai Xiaoqi punched out with his right fist.

"Boxing Technique - Unyielding Antlers!"

Punch out, startling wind.

On the surface of the fist, there is a mark of a deer's head with its head lowered and its antlers raised.


There was a loud bang.

The head of the huge snake-dragon beast was thrown back by the smash. It grinned, broke its hook teeth, crooked the snake core, opened its gray-white belly, and rolled away.

"Now." Seeing Mai Xiaoqi hit the snake dragon beast, Jia Shi, as an exorcist, didn't feel any distress at all, as if the snake beast's existence at this moment was to take the punch for him.

Jia Shi spit out a forked snake core from his mouth, and a snake body twisted at a weird angle and suddenly appeared behind Mai Xiaoqi.

His snake body straightened up, bounced up quickly, opened its mouth, exposed its hook teeth, and bit Mai Xiaoqi on the back of the neck.

"I'm going to suck her ancient deer bloodline and make it my own." Thinking in his mind, Jia Shi's pupils turned into snake-like vertical lines, full of greed and ferocity.

But at the moment when Jia Shi's mouth was about to touch Mai Xiao Qi.

A wild mark with a grass deer pattern at Mai Xiaoqi's feet flashed in time.

Her body flashed, leaving only a white shadow in place. The next moment, Mai Xiaoqi's figure appeared three feet away.

Jia Shi's mouth opened wide and he pounced on the air. With a bang, he gnawed on the ground, his mouth full of grass and mud.

At this moment, Jiansen from the Balu tribe, who rushed over alongside Jia Shi, also launched an attack.

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