True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1067 The Curse from the Stag Tribe

This Luming Prairie Warrior Competition, hosted by the Caolu Tribe, ended in tension and blood.

In a tent of the Caolu Tribe.

Chief Ram was sitting on a deerskin throne, listening to a statement from an elder of the Caolu Tribe about the injuries sustained by the seven warriors of the Caolu Tribe after participating in the competition.

This time in the grassland warrior competition, the contestants sent by the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe were different from usual ones. They were all guys who specialized in forbidden killing techniques. As a result, the warriors of the Grass Deer Tribe were seriously injured.

The seven warriors sent by the Caolu tribe are Daying, Longli, Hongyang, Lanyu, Mufeng, Muqiang and Maiduo. Except for Mai Duo, who was slightly injured, the other six people were seriously injured. Fortunately, their lives were not affected.

Daying's arms were hit by arrows from Cangmu of the Buck Tribe, and the force of the arrows pierced through the shoulder bones. He was good at the art of cornering and couldn't raise his arms for three months.

Longli had six broken ribs and a broken arm by the snake beast released by Jia Shi of the Buck Tribe. The recovery period was at least three months.

Hongyang practiced the art of heavy swords, but in the fight with Jiansen of the Balu tribe, the flesh and blood on his right arm was almost peeled off by Jiansen's whirlwind knife. It will take at least half a year for his arm to recover. If he hadn't been rescued in time, he might never be able to lift a heavy knife with his right hand in this life.

Lan Yu is the wizard of our Caolu tribe. He lost in the witchcraft competition with Jianlin of the Balu tribe. His whole body was perforated by the Wood Release Technique and he was unable to get out of bed during the treatment. How long it takes to get out of bed depends on Lan Yu's own recovery and willpower.

Mufeng and Muqiang were also defeated by Cangmu's arrow technique, and both of them were pierced through the chest. If it weren't for the fact that Kuraki's main target was not the two of them, as long as the arrow was slightly deflected to the left, the hearts of the two of them could be broken on the spot. Mu Feng and Mu Qiang need to rest for at least half a year.

Mai Xiaoqi suffered from overdraft and was injured by snake venom, but Xu Yang promptly treated her without any sequelae. A tired body can fully recover after a week of rest.


After listening to the report of the tribal elders, Ram frowned: "Our Caolu tribe suffered heavy losses in this grassland warrior competition, and it ended in a nominal failure. But it also made us see the facts before us clearly." The Yuanlu tribe has become so different in appearance. The Buck tribe and the Balu tribe are afraid that our Caolu tribe will grow bigger and occupy their living space, so they have secretly joined forces to deal with our Caolu tribe. What will happen next in Luming Grassland? what happens."

The gray-robed elder said: "In fact, the Luming Grassland has never been truly peaceful. The current Luming Grassland is divided between our Caolu Tribe, the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe. According to tribal records, in the 500s Years ago, there were more than three branches of the original deer tribe living on the Luming Grassland. In addition to the three tribes now, there were also more than a dozen other larger tribes, such as the Hua Deer tribe and the Elk tribe. After the great melee, other tribes were either wiped out or annexed, leaving only the three tribes now.”

The clan leader Ram stood up from his seat, with a complicated look in his eyes, and said: "More than a hundred years ago, our Caolu Tribe, the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe were still united, and it was also the time when the Yuanlu Tribe was at its peak. .At that time, the Yuanlu clan occupied a dominant area in the center of the Southern Territory and became a member of the central tribal alliance. Later, due to the different ideas of the three tribes, the Yuanlu clan's strength was greatly reduced and they retreated to their hometown of Lu. Ming Prairie.”

Ram sighed, poked the ground with the deer-headed scepter in his hand, and continued: "By the way, have the gifts I sent to the Buck Tribe and Ba Deer Tribe been delivered?"

"Clan leader, we have sent them out. Five hundred herds of deer, fifty pieces of cloth, three hundred high-grade spiritual stones, one for each tribe."

Ram nodded, "In the current situation, only if we take the initiative to show our kindness can we ease the relationship with the Buck Tribe and the Ba Deer Tribe. After this grassland warrior competition, we, the Grass Deer Tribe, must temper our strengths, recharge our batteries, and wait and see what happens." ”


The robed elder nodded.

"How is Xu Yang's condition?" Ram suddenly asked.

"After Xu Yang and Princess Xiao Qi got engaged, the two of them have been enjoying the scenery together in Luming Grassland these days."

Ram nodded and smiled, "Young people are so enviable."

Afterwards, the gray-robed elder withdrew from the camp.

The patriarch Ram paced back and forth alone in the camp, his eyes flashing, and he whispered to himself: "Xiao Qi, as the only heir of the ancient deer bloodline on Luming Grassland, has always been coveted by others. As long as Xiao Qi can grow up, Cao Cao will The Deer Tribe will dominate the Luming Grassland, and the Buck Tribe and Ba Deer Tribe will surrender.”


The southwest area of ​​Luming Grassland is the territory of the Buck Tribe.

Unlike the eastern area where the Caolu Tribe is located, there are many mountains and higher terrain here, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

One of the most towering peaks is called Buck Mountain. The headquarters of the Stag Tribe is located there.

In the cave hall of the mountain.

On a large tiger skin throne, an old man in black robe sat.

The old man in black robe wore a black eyepatch on his face, with only one eye exposed.

Opposite His Highness, two young men stood respectfully.

The one on the left has dark skin and his upper body is wrapped in a thick white bandage, with half of his shoulder exposed. He wore earth-colored trousers on his lower body and carried a large bow on his back.

The one on the right is wearing a black robe and has a bandage on his face, with only one eye exposed.

"Cangmu, Jia Shi." The one-eyed old man said in a serious tone, "Look at what you two look like now."

Cangmu and Kaishi lowered their heads in shame and remained silent.

"This time in the Luming Grassland Warrior Competition, although on the surface the Caolu Tribe admitted defeat and sent a lot of property, in fact, our Buck Tribe did not take advantage of it." The one-eyed old man said.

"Please forgive me, the patriarch. If Cangmu is given another chance, I will definitely kill Mai Duo of the Caolu Tribe. On the field, I also defeated three warriors of the Caolu Tribe in a row." Cangmu explained. .

"Give you three more chances, you are no match for Mai Duo of the Grass Deer Tribe. However, this battle has confirmed that Mai Duo has inherited the ancient deer bloodline and possesses strong combat power. If this son is not eliminated, he will become the oppressor." A sharp sword on the neck of our Stag Tribe. The only good thing is that Mai Duo cannot maintain the activation of the ancient deer bloodline for a long time, which shows that her growth rate is slow." The one-eyed old man said.

"Originally in the last battle, two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin from the Balu tribe and I cooperated. The three of us had already formed a sure-kill advantage over Maiduo from the Caolu tribe. Who would have thought that a man named Xu would show up at the critical moment? Yang's boy. It was obvious that the Caolu Tribe had found foreign aid in advance, so we suffered a loss," Jia Shi explained.

"Foreign aid?" The one-eyed old man stood up from his seat and narrowed his eyes slightly. "That old woman Ram is as cunning as a fox. She found foreign aid in advance, and this move was indeed unexpected. After this incident, I'm afraid the Caolu Tribe will Be more vigilant.”

"At that time, Mai Duo of the Caolu tribe was bitten by the white snake released by Jia Shi. If Xu Yang hadn't suddenly appeared to stop him, Jia Shi would have succeeded." Cangmu added.

The one-eyed old man stood up from his seat, walked up to the two of them, and gently patted Jia Shi on the shoulder, "Jia Shi, as the direct descendant of the leader of the Buck Tribe, I have always been strict with you. You stay, I have something to talk to you alone."

Cangmu on the side heard this and respectfully resigned.

In the cave hall, the one-eyed old man and Jia Shi were the only two people left.

At this time, Jia Shi's head was covered with bandages, with only one eye exposed.

Two one-eyed eyes face each other, you look at me and I look at you. It's funny.

"Cangmu just said that during the fight with Mai Duo of the Grass Deer Tribe, you let a snake bite her, but it's true." The one-eyed old man said.

"That's true. That Mai Duo was raised by me

Winged white snake bite. "Jia Shi said.

The one-eyed old man nodded, "Very good, lend me your flying-winged white snake."

Without any hesitation, Jia Shi took off a white spiritual pet bag from his waist and handed it into the hands of the one-eyed old man, "Master Patriarch, the Flying Winged White Snake is here."

"Recently, the Heavenly Beast Mountain, which is the holy mountain of Luming Grassland, has undergone unusual movements. The spiritual beasts inside have gone crazy. This may be a precursor to the opening of the Heavenly Beast Mountain holy realm. Therefore, we must be well prepared. Especially you, You should work harder. The hard work I put into you is not in vain." The one-eyed old man patted Jia Shi's shoulder.

Then, he took out a small black porcelain bottle and handed it over, "In this bottle is a black dragon pill. It can not only help you recover from your injuries, but also make your physical strength improve greatly in a short period of time."

"Jia Shi thanked the patriarch for his cultivation." Jia Shi took the black porcelain bottle and knelt down with a pop.

"The Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Realm Trial is only opened once every hundred years or so. It is the most important opportunity for each tribe of the Yuanlu Clan. It even determines the future of each tribe to a certain extent. Okay, you also Go back and recuperate. If the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land is opened, you will still be one of my candidates for the Buck Tribe."

One of Jia Shi's exposed eyes showed hope, and he kowtowed three times, "Jia Shi will definitely live up to his mission."

After that, Jia Shi stood up and stepped out respectfully.

The one-eyed old man weighed the spiritual pet bag in his hand, with a cunning look on his one eye, "Before the trial of the Holy Realm of Heavenly Beast Mountain begins, you should do something."

Late at night, in a hidden mountain col in Buck Mountain.

Beside a small mysterious altar, a one-eyed old man was casting strange spells.

The one-eyed old man held a staff, and as he waved the staff, a blue flame spurted out.

Bang the ground.

A blue sacrificial fire was lit on the altar.

Next, the one-eyed old man silently recited the incantation of non-transmission, and continuously blessed the surface of the altar with spells one after another.

The carvings on the surface of the altar suddenly lit up, and blue runes swam like spiritual snakes.

The one-eyed old man took out the spiritual pet bag.

"come out."

The mouth of the spiritual pet bag opened, and a white spiritual light came out. The spiritual light converged, and a white snake with two wings appeared.

The two-winged white snake is not the one-eyed old man's spiritual beast, but Jia Shi's spiritual beast.

As soon as it saw the one-eyed old man, it became afraid and spread its wings to run away.

The one-eyed old man was well prepared. He pulled open the black eyepatch on his left eye with a swipe, revealing the eye below.

It turned out to be a green vertical pupil, like a nocturnal king snake.

The invisible power of pupil magic emitted from the green pupils. The white snake seemed to have seen the Night King Snake himself, and suddenly froze in place.

"When I, Jiaye, played with snakes, you little guy wasn't even an egg."

As he spoke, he stretched out the dry fingers of his left hand and grabbed it from the air, and the two-winged white snake was caught in his palm.

Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Clan, carried the seven-inch white snake, walked to the altar, and squeezed hard.

The white snake's eyes bulged out, and it opened its mouth and spit out a large ball of blood.


The blue fire on the altar suddenly became brighter and more intense, and the faint shadow of Mai Xiaoqi actually appeared in it.

Jia Ye looked at the altar with a look of satisfaction on his face, and then put on the eye patch, turning it into a normal one-eyed man.

Next, One-Eyed Jiaye held the staff with one hand and fired several spells in succession.

From the groove on the altar, blue liquid flows downward.

One-eyed Jiaye put the blue liquid away in a prepared small pottery bottle.

"As long as you throw this cursed blood at the water source on the Heavenly Beast Mountain, and those Heavenly Beasts drink the water, interesting things will happen."

After doing all this, the one-eyed Jiaye looked up at the moon in the sky with cold eyes.

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