True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1068 The Tide of Grassland Beasts

The southwest area of ​​Luming Grassland is the territory of the Balu Tribe.

The area under the jurisdiction of the Balu Tribe is similar to that of the Buck Deer Tribe, with the western part being mountainous.

A majestic mountain range, it has been called Balu Mountain since the arrival of the Balu tribe.

At the foot of Balu Mountain, there is a lake formed by the waterfalls and mountain springs on the mountain.

At this moment, on the small island in the middle of the lake, there was a middle-aged male wizard doing this.

The male wizard wore a blue toga with delicate patterns of domineering deer embroidered on the surface.

The blue-robed wizard threw it with one hand, and a transparent crystal ball hung in front of him.

Opposite the blue-robed wizard, there were two people.

It was the two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin who had just participated in the Luming Prairie Warrior Competition and returned injured. They were sitting cross-legged back to back.

At this moment, Jiansen and Jianlin were naked from the waist up, closing their eyes and holding their breath, while working their bodies.

The surface of Jiansen's exposed skin was full of blood-stained scars visible to the naked eye. Jian Lin's skin was green, and his arms were covered with blood scabs and thick water.

In the Warrior Competition, Jiansen was defeated by Mai Xiaoqi's wild mark technique. Not only was his body surface injured, but his internal organs were also displaced and bleeding.

Xu Yang, who came over to Jianlin, chopped off a pair of arms with Shi Ji's battle ax transformation.

The blue-robed wizard glanced at Jiansen and Jianlin opposite through the transparent crystal ball.

"Beat my Ye Lan's two apprentices like this. Lao Ram of the Caolu Tribe, don't think that this matter will be settled if you admit defeat and give some gifts." The eyes of the blue-robed wizard showed resentment.

But I saw the blue-robed wizard making secrets with his hands, urging his witchcraft.

The formation patterns on the ground beneath him quickly brightened from near to far. The blue formations were like a tide, almost covering the entire island.

Immediately afterwards, the blue-robed wizard hovered in front of the crystal ball from a distance.

The crystal ball floated forward obediently and stopped over the heads of Jiansen and Jianlin on the opposite side.

The blue-robed wizard raised his finger in the air.

With a bang, the crystal ball hanging in the air exploded.

The powerful water spiritual power contained in the crystal ball rushed out like a waterfall. In an instant, a blue water-attributed barrier was formed, covering Jiansen and Jianlin within it.

The blue-robed wizard turned one hand over, and a golden universe cage appeared in his palm. The golden heaven and earth cage snapped open, and a white spiritual light fell on the ground.

The white spiritual light converged, and it turned out to be a white spiritual deer.

The white deer has a cold air all over its body, and there are flying snowflakes flying on its body. It looks beautiful.

The little white guy seemed to realize something when he saw the blue-robed wizard. In panic, he would run away.

"This is a small island in the lake. Where can you, a white snow deer, escape to?" The blue-robed wizard's eyes turned cold, and his pupils immediately turned into azure. Immediately, a magic spell fell on the white deer opposite.

The white deer's body stiffened, and a blue water sphere appeared around it, and its body was wrapped in it.

No matter how much the white deer jumps, it can't break free from the shackles of the blue water polo.

Soon, the white fawn lost its strength and became sluggish.

The magic spell in the blue-robed wizard's hand popped out, and a blue water ball wrapped in a white deer appeared in the water barrier on the opposite side.

"Sacrifice the deer spirit, dominate the deer's blood soul, use the water world as a matchmaker, sacrifice your life for reincarnation..." The blue-robed wizard chanted a secret spell in his mouth while making a wheel-like spell with his hands.

Strangely, the body of the white deer gradually melted into the blue water, as if it had never appeared before.

Without stopping for a moment, the magic formula in the hands of the blue-robed wizard changed again.

In the water barrier on the opposite side, white light threads circled around the bodies of Jiansen and Jianlin, and some white light threads even turned into snowflakes.

It got directly into their nostrils.

Miraculously, the scars on the surface of Jian Sen and Jian Lin's bodies healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and white snowflake-like light spots jumped out.

Half an hour later.

The blue-robed wizard stopped what he was doing and made a move with one hand. The water barrier on the opposite side trembled and then moved away on its own.

Jian Sen and Jian Lin opened their eyes. They looked at their bodies and found that they were intact as before.

"Brother, our injuries are healed." Jianlin said, turning his flexible wrist.

"Full of energy, I can swing my sword again." Jiansen waved his arm, exploding a mass of mysterious energy visible to the naked eye out of thin air, making a rumbling sound.

The two people hurriedly came to the blue-robed wizard, knelt down on their knees, and said in unison: "Thank you, Master, for your help."

The blue-robed wizard nodded, "In order to recover from your injuries as quickly as possible, I lost a white snow spirit deer that I have kept in captivity for many years. Next time, you will not be so lucky."

"White Snow Spirit Deer? No wonder there is an extra layer of ice and snow energy in my body." Jiansen said.

"That was one that Master caught by chance ten years ago. It was a pity to sacrifice it and heal the two of us. Our injuries can be recovered in a few months," Jianlin said.

"Recently, the Heavenly Beast Mountain has undergone unusual changes. After exchanging information with the Buck Tribe, it is certain that the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land will be opened soon. You two should know the benefits of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land," said the blue-robed wizard. .

"The Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain is a mysterious place that only opens once every hundred years or so. It contains great opportunities derived from the power of the entire Luming Grassland interface." Jiansen said.

"Master Master means that my two brothers will be allowed to participate in the trial at Tianshou Mountain." Jian Lin said excitedly.

"Thank you, Master, for your cultivation and support." The two of them thanked in unison and kowtowed.

"You two, get up." The blue-robed wizard said.

Jiansen and Jianlin heard this and stood up obediently.

"The Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain is a place of good fortune. Whether you can achieve great good fortune depends on the opportunity and hard work of the two of you. But no matter what, the Caolu Tribe cannot benefit this time. The Caolu Tribe cannot Princess Mai Duo is the only person in the entire Luming Grassland who has the ancient deer bloodline. It is certain that she will be a candidate for the Caolu Tribe to participate in the Tianshou Mountain Holy Realm Trial. If she gets the chance to evolve the ancient deer bloodline. The Caolu Tribe will definitely dominate the entire Luming Grassland. The Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land has natural restrictions, and only those with a cultivation level of Yuanhun Realm or below can enter. Among the soul-level warriors, you two have the highest combat power. I hope you won’t disappoint me this time,” the blue-robed wizard explained.

Jiansen and Jianlin looked at each other and vowed in unison: "Disciples will definitely fulfill their mission."


Located in the middle of the entire Luming Grassland, there is a mysterious mountain range, a volcano that has been silent for hundreds of years.

This mountain range gathers the aura of the entire Luming Grassland and is called a holy mountain. Various spiritual beasts live in the holy mountain, also called the Heavenly Beast Mountain.

In the Heavenly Beast Mountain, there is an alien place called the Heavenly Beast Holy Land.

There is magical power in the sacred realm of heavenly beasts. But there are only a few people who are lucky enough to enter it and escape unscathed.

In recent days, the crater of Tianshou Mountain has suddenly become active, spewing out a large amount of hot air. Because of this, the various strange beasts in the Heavenly Beast Mountain became restless and restless.

According to the classic records of various tribes in Luming Grassland, once the volcano in Tianshou Mountain becomes active, the sacred realm of Tianshou hidden in it will be opened soon.

According to the rules of Luming Grassland, each tribe can send warriors to participate in the trial of Tianshou Mountain. There are three tribes on the Luming Grassland, Caolu tribe, Buck tribe and

The Balu tribe is eager to give it a try.

As night falls, the moon climbs into the sky, and the entire Luming Grassland becomes dark.

In the Heavenly Beast Mountain, the various restless spirit beasts did not calm down.




All kinds of spirit beasts rushed down the Heavenly Beast Mountain with wild shouts and charged toward the east of Luming Grassland.

The Caolu Tribe is located in the eastern area of ​​Luming Grassland.

As the night progressed, the lights in the tribe were extinguished, and most people fell into a deep sleep.

But in order to protect the tribe, there are still night warriors patrolling around the tribe.

Suddenly, the earth shook.

If Thor's hammer kept beating, the entire Caolu tribe would be awakened.

The night warriors standing on the tower outside the Caolu Tribe could see countless jackals, tigers, leopards, deer, horses, oxen, eagles, etc., rolling in the direction of the Caolu Tribe with the help of the night.

The turf is flying, the earth is rustling, and the beasts are rushing.

"It's the tide of beasts coming from the direction of Tianshou Mountain."

"Quickly inform the tribe chief and elders."

"I have seen this scene for the first time in my life."

"It's probably related to the recent volcanic activity in Tianshou Mountain."

In the tent at the center of the Caolu Tribe, the patriarch Ram hurriedly summoned all the tribal elders.

"Tribal warriors mobilize to protect women, the elderly and children. Gather them to the central stronghold of the tribe, and I will lead people to protect them personally."

"Led by the tribal elders, organize the tribal warriors into four teams to guard the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest."

"Everyone mobilized except for the tribal warriors who were recovering from injuries and could not participate in the battle."

Ram, the leader of the Caolu Tribe, issued orders one after another in a timely manner.


On the periphery of the tribe, the powerful beast tide is getting closer and closer.

The one rushing at the front was the wave of prairie wolves.

These coyotes have gray earth-colored fur, sharp teeth and sharp claws, and their pupils glow green in the night. Some of them are big, as long as ten feet.

The fence used for protection outside the tribe was directly torn apart by the sharp teeth of the wolf beast.

"Oh my god, these guys are not ordinary wolves."

"I've never seen such a big coyote before."

"Look at their sharp teeth, they can even break the iron fence."


"Don't panic, everyone, stand in formation, put on rockets tempered with oil, and shoot them." Under the command of the tribal elders, the warriors of the Caolu tribe blocked the gap in time and launched a sniper attack with rockets.

Waves of attacks from the wolf beast were suppressed by the fire arrows. Occasionally, those who rushed into the tribe were surrounded by tribal warriors and killed with swords.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi arrived in time.

"Xiao Qi, will this kind of beast tide always happen in Luming Grassland?" Xu Yang asked.

"Of course not, it's the first time I've seen him in my whole life." Mai Xiaoqi explained.

"To capture the thief, capture the king first, and to kill the beast, kill the king first. As long as we kill the beast king, we can naturally repel this beast tide." Xu Yang said.

"Brother Xu Yang, I listen to you." Mai Xiaoqi said obediently.

Although the two are engaged, Mai Xiaoqi still likes to call Xu Yang little brother.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi joined hands and rushed out from the front of the tribe.

Xu Yang held the ten machines in his hand and could switch them into shields, sticks, knives, hammers and other shapes at any time. Those crazy wolves couldn't get close to Xu Yang.

Mai Xiaoqi used the Grass Deer Body Technique, which was blessed with the technique of Wild Mark, and the attack power was extremely powerful.

Each wolf beast was overturned by the two of them, and they rushed into the tide of beasts side by side.

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