True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1071 Anger from the Caolu Tribe

Southern Region, Luming Grassland, Caolu Tribe.

The sun is red and the sky is bright.

Green grass, wind whisper.

The beast tide dispersed, and the warriors of the Caolu tribe were exhausted from fighting the beast tide all night long.

Under the command of the patriarch Ram, most of the people went back to rest, and a small number of young and strong people were responsible for the security of the tribe.

Outside the central tent of the Caolu Tribe, the tribal flag flutters in the sunshine and morning breeze, and the Caolu totem on it seems to be running tirelessly.

In the central tent of the tribe.

The old patriarch Ram, holding a deer-head staff, stood in the big tent and listened to the tribe's losses after the beast tide.

"This beast wave caused a total of seven tribe members to die, and as many as 86 people were injured. The specific list is on this piece of paper. Please take a look at it, the patriarch." A middle-aged tribe warrior with a capable appearance said. , respectfully handed a note to the patriarch Ram.

Ram took the thin piece of paper with a string of names written on it, but it was as heavy as a mountain.

She looked at the name on the paper carefully, her whole arm trembling, "Seven lives, eighty-six people injured, this is a huge loss for the Caolu Tribe..."

Her brows became more and more frowned, and the fatigue on her face disappeared, filled with regret for the lives of the tribal warriors and anger against the beast tide.

"Use the Caolu tribe's exclusive ceremony to bury these warriors who lost their lives to protect the tribe. Their names will be permanently engraved on the tribe's sacred monument. Their souls will be worshiped by tribe people for generations. They are the heroes of the grassland. Heroes are the heroes of the tribe, and their souls will turn into the sunshine on the grassland and shine on us forever." Ram's old eyes were moist, and he held up the deer-headed staff in his hand. The surface of the staff was dotted with green light, and there was a grass-deer dance. .

"Take out the best healing medicine in the tribe. Every injured warrior must receive the best treatment. Take the best antler in our inventory to Nanyufang City in exchange for the best medicine. They are all heroes of the tribe, I want to see everyone recover. Hong Jia, please do it quickly." Ram said firmly.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." After saying that, the middle-aged tribal warrior, whom Ram called Hong Jia, exited the tent.

Ram neatly folded the paper with his name on it and put it away carefully.

She was pacing back and forth in the big tent alone, whispering to herself: "Just after the grassland warrior competition ended, a rare tide of beasts came. This is too much of a coincidence. Although there have been some strange movements in Tianshou Mountain recently, among them The volcano did not erupt violently. According to past experience and tribal records, it should not trigger a beast tide of this magnitude..."

"Master Patriarch, Princess Mai Xiaoqi and Xu Yang are outside asking for an audience." The guard guarding the entrance of the camp came in to report.

"Let them come in." With that said, Ram turned around and sat back on the deerskin throne, with a calm expression on his face and no trace of panic at all.

Mai Xiaoqi and Xu Yang entered the camp.

"Xiao Qi pays homage to grandma." Seeing that there was no one else in the tent, Mai Xiao Qi called her directly and affectionately.

"Meet grandma." Xu Yang said respectfully.

"The beast tide came last night, and the efforts you two made were seen by all the tribe members. You performed very well. Xiaoqi, you are worthy of being the direct princess of my Caolu tribe. Xu Yang, you are the real grassland Warrior." Ram nodded and said seriously.

"Grandma, after I communicated with the Deer King in the herd in Deer Language, I learned that this wave of beasts was caused by someone secretly poisoning the blood curse at the water source of Tianshou Mountain. It seems that it was deliberately targeting our Caolu Tribe. Yes." Mai Xiaoqi said.

Hearing this, Ram's eyes immediately turned sharp, and he stood up from his seat. The deer head staff in his hand slammed into the ground, "Sure enough, I should have thought of it. After the Prairie Warriors Competition, I will always pay attention and take precautions." Following the movements of the Ba Lu Tribe and the Buck Tribe, I didn’t expect it to be a tide of beasts.”

"Grandma, is the person who poisoned the village really a member of the Balu Tribe or the Buck Tribe?" Mai Xiaoqi asked.

"On the Luming Grassland, this blood curse technique is originally a forbidden technique. Not many people are capable of performing it, but the only one who can trigger such a large-scale beast attack is the leader of the Buck Tribe.

Jiaye. "A sharp look flashed in Ram's eyes.

After a pause, Ram continued: "Okay, you two have been tired all night. It's good to see that you are not injured. You should go back and rest quickly. I don't know what will happen in the next days. ”

"Grandma, you also need to rest. Although you did not directly participate in the battle, you were busy in the tent all night." Mai Xiaoqi said with concern.

Xu Yang on the side couldn't help but nodded, and secretly praised in his heart: "Chief Lamu is really an amazing person. Faced with such an emergency, he remained calm in the face of danger. Without her orderly command on the battlefield, last night's beast tide incident, the Caolu Tribe would have been destroyed. The loss is much greater than this.”

"Xiao Qi, what's wrong? Don't think that grandma and I are old. On the Luming Grassland, I, Ram, never admit defeat, and I have never been afraid of anyone." Ram said confidently.

Although Mai Xiaoqi was unwilling to do so, he still left the camp obediently as he did not want to make Lamu angry.

Xu Yang followed Mai Xiaoqi back to his residence and helped Mai Xiaoqi check her physical condition. Seeing that his soul was fine, he returned to where he came from and let Xiao Qi rest alone.

"The method of using the ancient deer bloodline consumes a lot of energy, so you should take a good rest." Xu Yang said with concern.

Mai Xiaoqi lay on the bed and closed her eyes obediently, her long eyelashes closing a curtain.

After that, Xu Yang went back to where he lived.

Inside Xu Yang's tent.

Xu Yang took off the purple wine gourd from his waist and took a sip of the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine.

The spiritual wine entered his belly and exploded into a ball of fire. The powerful spiritual power filled every corner of Xu Yang's meridians like a fire wave.

After a while, the fatigue from last night's battle with the beast tide was gone.

The Eighth Rule of the Drunkard: Drink when you are thirsty or tired.

"Good wine to quench your thirst."

Xu Yang's eyes fell on the surface of the pottery bottle on the table in front of him.

There is a bouquet of white flowers with red stamens inserted in the pottery vase. They were sent by Mai Xiaoqi yesterday morning. They have bloomed all day and all night and are still fragrant.

Xiaoqi told Xu Yang that the common name of this flower is Luweijian. It's white, like the tip of a jumping deer's tail.

For Xu Yang, an alchemist, most of the heavenly and earthly spiritual materials on the Zhongyuan Continent have been seen in pharmacological classics, even if they have not been seen in person.

According to pharmacological classics, this flower is a specialty of Luming Grassland in the southern region. It is called "Language of Deer". It is a spiritual flower whose fragrance can refresh the mind and strengthen the soul. It is rare even in Luming Grassland.

In order to recover Xu Yang, Mai Xiaoqi got up early every day before dawn, went to far away places to pick the flowers, carefully wrapped them in coarse cloth dipped in ice spring water, and then delivered them to Xu Yang's room intact and in time.

Xu Yang looked at the "Language of the Deer" in the pottery vase and seemed to see the smiling face of Mai Xiaoqi.

"Brother Xu Yang... So that's it... Xiao Qi will take care of little brother Xu Yang for the rest of his life..." Yi Ren's words and appearance are still in front of her eyes.

Xu Yang thought in his mind: "Judging from the current situation, the Caolu Tribe is in trouble. I can't stay here. I have to do something for the Caolu Tribe and do something for Xiaoqi. Just now Chief Lamu said that this time The beast tide is mostly caused by the leader of the Buck Tribe. Do I want to go to the Buck Tribe? But my body is still recovering, and I can only control the Ten Magic Machines as my main method at the moment. Do what you can, otherwise Xiao Qi will definitely look for me if she knows I am going to the Buck Tribe alone."

With his judgment in mind, Xu Yang left the tent and joined in the repair and reinforcement of the damaged defenses of the Caolu Tribe.

In front of the fence that was damaged by the beast tide, Xu Yang took down the damaged wooden fence and nailed a thicker wooden stake into the ground.

For Xu Yang, this couldn't be easier.

He activated the Green Wood Spirit Body Technique to direct the power of the wood spirit into the wooden pile. The wooden stakes he nailed into the ground were as strong as roots.

It didn't take long for Xu Yang to build a fence seven or eight feet away by himself.

Suddenly, Xu Yang felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

When he looked up, he found a pair of black

Big clear eyes were looking at him.

"Brother Xu Yang."


Their eyes are facing each other, and their hearts are connected.

Through everyone's efforts, the tribal fence that was damaged by the beast tide was repaired before dark, making it much stronger than before.


Night falls.

A figure quietly emerged from the Caolu Tribe, but it was the leader Ram.

Ram came to the back mountain of the Caolu tribe alone.

She cast a secret spell, and clusters of intertwined giant thorns and vines twisted to make way for a passage. After twists and turns, I came to a mysterious place.

Finally, Ram used the deer-headed staff to apply witchcraft and opened a barrier.

Within the barrier, stands a holy monument made of obsidian.

The holy stele is tall and majestic, rectangular in shape, and the top is carved with the totem of the Caolu tribe, which is a Caolu deer with hoofs that are as strong as stepping on clouds.

On the surface of the sacred stele are engraved the names of the heroes of the Caolu Tribe of past dynasties. The names are very long, and behind each name there is a brave story.

This is a forbidden area for the Caolu tribe, a place used to worship ancestors of the tribe and pray for blessings.

Ram stood in front of the black holy monument and was silent for a while.

"Caolu tribe warriors of all generations, your souls in heaven should be safe. But last night, thieves used the blood curse to launch a tide of beasts to attack the Caolu tribe. As the tribal leader of this generation, I, Ram, naturally want to retaliate against the thieves. Look at the color, our Caolu Tribe is definitely not someone to be bullied."

Ram raised the deer-headed staff with one hand and activated her wizard power.

"The ancestors of the tribe, my blood is a sacrifice, the power of the past..." Ram said a secret word in his mouth.

But when Ram's face turned cold, he bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of his soul blood.

The blood mist twisted and turned into a bloody deer, which pounced on the surface of the black holy monument opposite.

Buzz buzz.

The huge black holy monument trembled, and the names engraved on the surface emitted golden light patterns.

Without stopping for a moment, Ram waved his staff, and a green light fell on the surface of the stone tablet.

Three of the warriors' names engraved on the stone tablets actually started to wander around. The shouts of warriors came out, superimposed together, rolling like thunder.

Swish swish——

Three bloody auras shot out from the surface of the stone tablet, like three bloody meteors flying towards the southwest, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.


The southwest area of ​​Luming Grassland is the territory of the Buck Tribe.

Different from the eastern area where the Caolu Tribe is located, there are many mountain peaks and higher terrain, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The most towering peak among them is called Buck Mountain. The headquarters of the Stag Tribe is located there.

In the cave hall of the mountain.

On a large tiger skin throne, an old man in black robe sat.

The old man in black robe wore a black eyepatch on his face, with only one eye exposed.

None other than Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe.

At this moment, Jiaye was fiddling with a two-winged white snake in his hand. The two-winged white snake shows a tame attitude.

"The Caolu Tribe suffered a lot from this beast wave, which is really a happy thing. Little guy, you can go back to find your master."

Jia Ye dragged one hand, and the two-winged white snake coiled in the palm of his hand. He nodded repeatedly, then spread his wings, turned into a white wind, and walked out of the door of the cave hall.

"It's getting dark. Count the days. Today should be sixteen. The moonlight outside should be beautiful."

Jia Ye was in a good mood and strode out of the cave and came to the moon viewing platform halfway up the mountain.

Hanging on a silver plate, it is the most beautiful treasure in the world. It throws out the silver veil for a day, dressing up the dark night quietly and brightly.

At this moment, three bloody meteors rolled in from the eastern sky, tearing apart the silver gauze in the sky.

The crimson color is frightening.

Jia Ye looked sharply.

What's this?

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