True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1072 Fighting in the air

Above the night sky.

Three bloody "meteors" looked like ferocious beasts that had smelled their prey. They twisted at a strange angle in the sky and pounced directly towards the location of Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe.

"What the hell is this?" Black-robed Jiaye was shocked.

Jia Ye's one-eyed pupil shrank, and at the same time he made hand gestures with his hands, and his body showed a yellow protective light shield. The black robe outside his body fluttered like wings, and he jumped back twenty feet like a panicked black bird.

Bang bang bang!

Three bloody meteors fell on the ground opposite Jia Ye, and as the blood-colored light and shadow twisted, three bloody human figures actually appeared.

The three bloody human figures were wearing simple rattan armor, with the totem mark of the Caolu Tribe on their chests, exuding powerful bloody pressure.

"It's a blood curse!" Jia Ye, who was good at witchcraft, made a quick judgment and pulled off the black eyepatch on his left eye, revealing the lower eye.

It was an eye with green vertical pupils, like a nocturnal king snake.

Without stopping for a moment, Jiaye used his secret technique, and the green pupil of his left eye emitted the invisible power of the pupil technique.

Under his pupil technique, the blood curse runes hidden on the bodies of the three blood-colored humanoids on the opposite side were revealed. They were witchcraft runes that jumped like birds.

"His mother's blood sacrifice curse comes from the Caolu tribe. These three bloody humanoids are clearly the soul shells of the ancient warriors of the Caolu tribe." Jiaye frowned, "I didn't expect that the old man Ram would be killed so quickly. The witch discovered the inside story of the beast attack. Is she seeking revenge from me? The damn old witch actually practiced such a high-level forbidden technique, using the soul body of the warrior ancestor of the tribe as a medium to perform sacrifices. The art of blood is more terrifying than the snake charmer like me."

At this moment, the pupils of the three bloody humanoids opposite suddenly revealed a shining color. Their gazes were like swords. Seeing Jia Ye was like seeing an enemy on the battlefield.




The three bloody warriors shouted crazily. They held blood blades and rushed towards Jia Ye's location.

A bloody warrior at the front launched an attack.


The bloody blade slashed down, creating a circle of fishy wind, and the ground creaked under the pressure of powerful pressure.

Jiaye flipped his wrist, and as a yellow light flashed in his palm, an extra staff appeared.

The head of the staff is the deer head, the totem of the Stag tribe, but the body of the staff is the body of a snake, with the surface covered with gray scales.

Jia Ye used his pupil technique, and a left snake eye saw the attack of the bloody warrior thoroughly, seeming to slow down the opponent's movements.

His figure jerked to one side, dodging the opponent's knife attack.


The attacking blood blade missed, and a deep groove was cut into the rocky ground.

Without any pause, Jia Ye shook the deer-headed snake-body staff in his hand and threw out a large yellow fireball. On the surface of the fireball, runes jumped and snake shadows moved.

"Witchcraft - the art of snake fire!"


There was an explosion, yellow fire breath flew, and the yellow fireball hit the bloody warrior who had just launched the attack.

The bloody warrior was pushed by a ball of yellow flames and flew several feet away. The blood on his body was dissipated, and his body was shaking constantly, making him unsteady.

"Bind!" Jia Ye's eyes sternly turned, he made a seal with one hand and said sternly.

The yellow flames clinging to the bloody warrior rolled and turned into a ferocious yellow fire snake that wrapped around the bloody warrior's torso.

No matter how hard the bloody warrior tried to break free or hit the fire snake with his elbow, the fire snake was getting tighter and tighter.

The bloody warrior gradually lost his fighting power and collapsed on the ground, his eyes dimming.

Seeing that he succeeded with one move, Jia Ye's face showed a proud look.

Without stopping for a moment, he swung the staff in his hand one after another.

Two more snake fire techniques were used.

Boom boom——

Two balls of yellow snake fire exploded, and the two bloody warriors rushing behind were also hit one after another. They were bound to the ground by the Fire Snake Technique and immediately lost their attack power.

"Hahaha." Jia Ye laughed arrogantly, "Old witch Ram, you underestimate me Jia Ye. My snake fire technique is the flame witchcraft of the snake spirit's transformation. It's just three blood soul warriors. The body, controlled hundreds of miles away, still wants to kill me? "

Hundreds of miles away.

In front of the tall holy monument on the mountain behind the Caolu Tribe.

Ram performed the blood sacrifice witchcraft, and in front of her, a bloody ball of light hovered in mid-air.

The surface of the bloody light ball reflected the scene of three bloody warriors fighting Jia Ye.

In the picture, three bloody warriors were restrained by Jiaye's snake fire technique and immediately lost their fighting power.

Ram didn't show the slightest surprise, as if all this was within her calculations.

"Hmph!" Ram snorted coldly, with a sharp look in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth and spat out a stream of light green soul essence that fell on the surface of the blood-colored light ball opposite.

The surface of the bloody ball of light vibrated violently, covered with bloody arcs, and the powerful power of witchcraft was instantly transmitted hundreds of miles away.

Bucks Tribe, halfway up the Bucks Mountain.

The bodies of the three bloody warriors, bound by the snake fire technique, suddenly trembled. The blood-colored electric arcs on their bodies jumped, and the spiritual pressure they emitted became extremely violent.

Bang bang bang!

Their bodies suddenly self-destructed, and in the three roiling blood-red flames, the blood-red arcs continued to strangle, and the three fierce yellow fire snakes were blown to pieces.

The three bloody warriors were missing shoulders, arms, or thighs.

Stab, sting, sting.

The remains of the three bloody warriors were continuously pulled together by the bloody arcs generated by the power of the spell.

In just a few breaths, the three of them twisted and merged into one, creating a bloody humanoid figure about ten feet tall.

And the face of the bloody humanoid was exactly the same as Ram, the patriarch of the Caolu Tribe.

Ram is a great wizard from the Caolu tribe and the leader of the Caolu tribe.

About ten feet tall, Bloody Ram's body surface erupted with blood-colored arcs, and vein-shaped blood-colored cracks appeared on the surface of his limbs and torso, exuding unstable and powerful pressure.

"Ram?" Jiaye looked up, shuddered all over, and exclaimed, "Not good."

"Jiaye, accept the punishment from the Caolu Tribe." Bloody Ram's eyes showed a sharp look and he spoke human words.

The next moment, the tall blood-colored Ram exploded with a bang, turning into a bowl-thick blood-colored lightning that struck Jia Ye on the opposite side.

The distance was too close, and Jia Ye had no chance to escape.

In desperation, Jia Ye tightly grasped the deer-headed snake-body staff in front of him to protect it, poured all his magic power into it, and at the same time breathed out a mouthful of his life essence.

"Witchcraft - Deer and Snake Barrier!"

With the deer and snake staff in Jiaye's hand as the center, a yellow light shield immediately protected him in front of him. The shape of the deer and snake moved on the surface of the light shield, emitting a strange and powerful witchcraft barrier power.


There was a loud bang.

Countless bloody arcs were scurrying around, dyeing a large area of ​​the surrounding space red. Jia Ye and the yellow barrier outside him were instantly engulfed by the bloody arc.

When the crazy bloody arc dissipated, Jiaye's black robe was shattered, his hair was burnt, his arms were covered in blood, and he collapsed on the ground.

"This?" Jia Ye's eyes showed fear and he gritted his teeth, "That old witch Ram's witchcraft is still better than mine."

A battle between Ram and Jiaye, hundreds of miles apart, made Jiaye realize the gap between himself and Ram.

If this was an all-out fight between two people face to face, it wouldn't be as simple as getting injured. The power of the blow just now will be tripled, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Hundreds of miles away.

On the mountain behind Caolu Tribe

In front of the holy monument.

Ram stopped her witchcraft, her body trembled slightly, and drops of sweat appeared on her forehead. She stood steady on the ground with the deer-headed staff in her hand.

"Jiaye, this time is just a warning to you. I will remember this blood debt for you first. If you offend our Caolu Tribe again, I, Ram, will personally go to Buck Mountain and pull out the totem flag of your Buck Tribe. ,eye for eye."

Ram walked to the black holy monument, bowed solemnly, and said respectfully: "Blessed by the ancestors of the Caolu tribe, I just disturbed your souls. Thank you for helping me punish the evil thief."

Afterwards, Ram turned and left.

In the following week, the Caolu tribe was not harassed or attacked by any beasts again.

The Caolu tribe restored its usual order.

The men hunt during the day and the women herd deer.

Early that morning, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi went to the mountain behind the tribe to watch the sunrise.

The two were sitting side by side on the hillside, with the first red sun protruding from its red belly and lighting up the entire Luming Grassland.

The sun shines on their faces, making them red and warm. Just like the two people's thoughts at this moment.

"Brother Xu Yang, look at how beautiful the sunrise is on Luming Grassland." Mai Xiaoqi rested her head on Xu Yang's broad shoulder and said warmly.

Xu Yang gently patted Xiao Qi's shoulder with his hand, "If you are here, it will be warm and sunny."

Two lives like the rising sun, enjoying the beauty of youth.

Time passed quickly, and the two of them went down the back mountain, but met the clan leader Ram on the way back to the tribe.

"Xiao Qi pays homage to grandma." Mai Xiao Qi said obediently.

"Good morning, grandma." Xu Yang said respectfully.

"I also walked around the tribe casually. A week after the beast tide passed, the order of the tribe has been restored. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts." Ram said.

Ram looked at the two young people in front of him, nodded and smiled, his eyes fell on Mai Xiaoqi, as if he saw his young self.

"Xiaoqi, how are you recovering?" Ram asked with concern.

"Grandma, Xiao Qi is very strong." Mai Xiao Qi blinked her big eyes, "If you don't believe it, just take a look."

After saying this, Mai Xiaoqi raised a palm, pointed at a huge rock not far away, and took a photo from the air.

With his palm falling, a wild mark swirled and landed on the boulder.

Visible to the naked eye, the shape of a large deer is struggling to reach its horns.


The boulder that was about ten feet high was shattered into pieces.

"It's better than I expected." Ram smiled.

"Xu Yang, how is your recovery going?" Ram looked at Xu Yang and asked.

"Thanks to my grandmother, and thanks to the Caolu Tribe's shelter and care these days, I'm fine now," Xu Yang said.

"Xiao Qi can recover so quickly. I know you are helping her behind the scenes. As her grandmother, I still want to thank you. You are now Xiao Qi's fiancé. But according to the rules of the Caolu tribe, you must Only men who have made outstanding contributions to the Caolu tribe are eligible to marry the princess of the Caolu tribe," Ram said seriously.

"If there is anything I need to do, I will do my best for Xiao Qi." Xu Yang said sincerely.

"Recently, the movements of Heavenly Beast Mountain on Luming Grassland have become more and more frequent. Last night, I cast a spell to calculate. The once-in-a-century Holy Land of Heavenly Beast Mountain will be opened in the near future. The trial of Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land is the first step in Luming Grassland. The Caolu Tribe must not miss this most important event. At the moment, Xiao Qi’s six elder brothers are still recovering from injuries. If the Cao Lu Tribe sends Xiao Qi to participate in the Tianshou Mountain Trial this time, I'm very worried. I hope you can accompany her during this trial in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Realm."

Xu Yang glanced at Mai Xiaoqi beside him, then nodded and said: "Thanks to my grandmother's trust, Xu Yang is willing to go with Xiaoqi."

Mai Xiaoqi looked at Xu Yang with a pair of big eyes, feeling delighted, "Brother Xu Yang, that's great."

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