True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1075 Heavenly Beast Mountain

Ten days later.

Inside the central tent of the Caolu Tribe.

Patriarch Ram sat on the deerskin throne in the center, while Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi stood opposite him respectfully.

"I called you two here today to tell you the specific content and related stories about the trial at Tianshou Mountain." Ram said seriously, "You two, sit down and listen. This story will be a bit long."

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi sat on the seats prepared in advance.

"The Heavenly Beast Mountain is located in the center of the entire Luming Grassland. It is originally a huge volcano, and there will be signs of eruption every hundred years or so. And every time the Heavenly Beast Mountain is active, it is a trial of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Realm. Start. In the past few days, I have used witchcraft to predict and predict that the Tianshou Mountain will erupt in five days."

After a pause, Ram looked in the direction of Tianshou Mountain and continued: "Actually, Tianshou Mountain is a double-edged sword. Its activity can bring huge underground spiritual power and rare spiritual power to Luming Grassland. Stone mineral deposits can make the land of Luming Prairie more fertile, the grass more beautiful, and the number of spiritual animals more abundant. As the saying goes, if the Tianshou Mountain erupts violently out of control, the volcanic ash will cover the entire Luming Prairie. It is destructive. With great wisdom and courage, the ancestors of the Yuanlu clan placed a secret seal in the crater of Tianshou Mountain. With this seal, Tianshou Mountain would not violently erupt. The Luming Grassland and the original deer clan on the grassland are prosperous to this day, and the real purpose of the Tianshou Mountain trial is to inform the descendants of the original deer clan not to forget the existence of this seal, and if there is a problem with the seal, the tribe will be killed. The seal can only be restored by praying with the blood of the warriors. The last change in the Heavenly Beast Mountain occurred ten years ago, and none of the warriors who participated in the trial returned. It was probably the result of sacrificing blood and praying to repair the seal. "

"Grandma, if that's the case, why don't the three tribes who originally belonged to the Yuanlu clan work together? And they still have to fight in the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain?" Xu Yang asked.

"That's because the various tribes in Luming Prairie have had too many good times. In the past five hundred years, there has been no major explosion in Tianshou Mountain, and every change will bring greater vitality to Luming Prairie. The tribes' The population developed rapidly, and then they all had their own thoughts, and it became a mess. After hundreds of years of integration, there are currently only three tribes: Caolu Tribe, Buck Deer Tribe, and Balu Tribe. There were frequent disputes over the allocation of water and grass land on Luming Grassland, and even fierce tribal wars. Finally, the three tribes reached an agreement to allocate the water and grass resources on Luming Grassland based on the results of the Tianshou Mountain trial. There is a holy tree in the Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain. Every time the Holy Land is open, the holy tree will bear ten fruits. Obtaining one fruit represents 10% of the water and grass land of Luming Prairie. Obtaining ten fruits. It means everything. The tribal warriors who participate in the trial obtain the most fruits from the sacred tree based on their abilities, which becomes the specific content of the trial on the Heavenly Beast Mountain." Ram explained.

"I see," Xu Yang nodded, "Is there a limit to the number of people who can participate in the Tianshou Mountain trial?"

"The number of participants from each tribe is based on the sacred tree fruits obtained from the last trial on Tianshou Mountain. The result of the last trial was four for our Caolu Tribe, three each for the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe. That is to say We can send four warriors, but the recent grassland warrior competition was obviously a conspiracy between the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe. The warriors they sent were all killers who specially practiced forbidden arts, and they injured our Grass Deer Tribe. Of the six warriors, Xiao Qi is the only one who is qualified to fight. Therefore, the Caolu Tribe and I are deeply grateful that you agree to participate in this trial.

Exciting. "

"Xu Yang will go all out." Xu Yang said sincerely.

"In the process of obtaining the fruits of the sacred tree, warriors from each tribe who participate in the trial will compete fiercely with each other. To a certain extent, this also represents the strength of each tribe." Ram said .

"It is great wisdom to replace big battles with small battles and solve the distribution of water and grass resources." Xu Yang said.

"Xiao Qi will definitely try his best to get back more fruits of the Holy Tree this time." Mai Xiao Qi widened his eyes, clenched his fists, and said seriously.

Ram smiled first, and then said: "Actually, the three tribes have secretly reached a tacit agreement, that is, one tribe will not be allowed to obtain all or most of the fruits of the holy tree. Every time they try The training results will be close to those of the three tribes.”

"Why? Everyone depends on their strength, so it's fair." Mai Xiaoqi asked.

Ram's eyes fell on Xu Yang, "Xu Yang, tell me."

"Because once one family dominates and occupies all or most of the water and grass resources in Luming Grassland, the remaining two tribes will have no room for survival. The results of the Tianshou Mountain trial will immediately be replaced by tribal wars, and there will be no more Meaning." Xu Yang said.

"Yes, that's the truth." Ram said with appreciation.

"So that's it." Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and looked at Xu Yang, "Brother Xu Yang is so smart."

"According to the rules of Luming Grassland, except for the warriors who participated in the trial of Tianshou Mountain, no one else can approach Tianshou Mountain. Well, the volcanic activity of Tianshou Mountain can only be predicted roughly when, but not accurately. time. So, you two get ready and set off immediately. From here, you will reach Tianshou Mountain in three days. I wish you good results. This time, the mission is four holy tree fruits, no more, no less. ,” said Ram.

"I understand." Xu Yang said.

"They are four holy tree fruits." Mai Xiaoqi stretched out four fingers and said confidently.

Afterwards, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi set off for Tianshou Mountain under the auspices of many members of the Caolu Tribe.


Three days later.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi arrived near Tianshou Mountain.

"Brother Xu Yang, look." Mai Xiaoqi pointed at the towering mountain peak opposite, "That's the Heavenly Beast Mountain."

"It is indeed majestic and majestic. It is indeed the most sacred mountain in Luming Grassland." Xu Yang said.

The Heavenly Beast Mountain stands in the distance opposite the two of them. It is shaped like a giant deer lying on the ground, and the position of the giant deer's head is the mouth of the volcano.

At this moment, a large cloud of white smoke was spitting out from the crater on Tianshou Mountain. The white smoke and dust are rolling, like the most awe-inspiring blessing ceremony in the world.

Even though they were just looking at it from a distance, the two of them could already feel the majesty of Tianshou Mountain.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi bowed respectfully in the direction of Tianshou Mountain.

"Heavenly Beast Holy Mountain, warrior of the Caolu Tribe, Mai Xiaoqi is here."

"And me, Xu Yang."

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi continued to approach the Tianshou Mountain.


At this moment, in the northwest direction of Tianshou Mountain, there are three people heading towards Tianshou Mountain.

The two in front were side by side.

There is a person on the left with dark skin, wearing earth-colored clothes, and a huge wooden bow hanging on his back.

There is a person on the right, wearing a black robe, with a wide brim covering the

Half of the face makes it difficult to see the face. The exposed arm is engraved with a black snake pattern.

It was Cangmu and Kaishi who were sent by the Buck Tribe to participate in this trial at Tianshou Mountain.

Behind the two of them, followed closely by a strange man who covered his body with a black robe, turban and scarf, only revealing a pair of eyes. The strange man's pupils were in the shape of vertical lines like nocturnal snakes, showing amber color.

"Jia Shi, look at the Tianshou Mountain in front of you. It's really tall and majestic. Only the outstanding warriors on the Luming Grassland are qualified to enter it. This time I can come to participate in the Tianshou Mountain trial. I'm really honored and excited. ." Cangmu said.

"Of course killing people and grabbing treasures will make people excited. Do you know? Only the best warrior can stand on the top of Tianshou Mountain. That person must be me." Jia Shi said a little arrogantly.

"Jia Shi, I know that you have lost a lot in order to become stronger, and you are also the hardest working one in the Buck Tribe. Please rest assured that I, Cangmu, will do my best to help you stand on the highest peak of Tianshou Mountain. As for what you want to achieve, We will get the most fruits from the holy tree," Cangmu said sincerely.

"Look at the white smoke rising from the crater of Tianshou Mountain. Maybe the Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain will be opened soon. We can't let those guys from Caolu Tribe and Balu Tribe get there first. Let's leave quickly." Jia Shi said.

Jia Shi slapped the spiritual pet bag on his waist with his hand, and a black shadow jumped out and landed on the ground in front of him.


A large cloud of black mist rolled away.

There were shadowy figures in the black mist, exuding the dark aura of monsters.

The black mist subsided slightly, and a huge black triangular snake head emerged from it.

What is striking is that there is an emerald green horn in the middle of the black snake head.

Serpent beast!

Jia Shi jumped slightly and stood firmly on the head of the snake beast.

"Let's go." Jia Shi ordered.

The snake beast twisted its body and ran forward wildly on the Jia Shi, running over the grass and making a rumbling sound.

Cangmu carried the big wooden bow behind him horizontally on his shoulders. He didn't know what method he used. When the magic was activated, wings sprouted from the surface of the big wooden bow.

It was as if he suddenly had an extra pair of wings. Although not as flexible as the Flying Wing Movement, the speed of low-altitude flight was not slow.

"Black Snake, follow me." Cangmu turned around and reminded.

The weirdo who silently followed the two of them nodded.

A black evil spirit emanated from the strange man's body, and a black snake tail appeared behind him. The snake's tail twists and moves close to the ground, like a swimming snake, with extremely fast speed.

Jia Shi, who was at the front, glanced at the back and murmured in his heart: "This guy called Black Snake, I didn't expect that he also practices the secret art of snake shape. The patriarch said that he is the secret weapon of the Buck Tribe. I don't know what he is." Okay, just don’t hold me back, Jia Shi.”

The three of them each used their escape skills and quickly approached the Heavenly Beast Mountain.


In the other direction of Tianshou Mountain, there are also three people coming towards Tianshou Mountain.

There is a person in the middle, about ten feet tall, with strong limbs, like an iron tower.

The person on the left has a slender figure, with long arms and legs, like a withered branch. And hanging on his waist was a scimitar hidden in a scabbard.

The person on the right has grass-green skin all over his body and wears a dark green loose shirt. The whole person looks like a tree.

It was Ye Yan, Jian Sen and Jian Lin who came from the Ba Lu tribe.

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