True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1076 The Power of Ten Deers

"The majestic mountain in front is the Heavenly Beast Mountain. When you look at this mountain, does it look like a huge beast swallowing clouds and spitting fire?" Jiansen of the Buck Tribe pointed at the sky in the distance opposite. Beast Mountain, with a look of emotion in his eyes, said, "Perhaps it is really the transformation of a celestial beast that existed hundreds of millions of years ago."

"Tian Beast Mountain is a sacred mountain revered by various tribes in Luming Grassland. It is not allowed to be approached on weekdays. This is related to its danger. It is said that curious tribes and herdsmen will go crazy after breaking into Tian Beast Mountain. This is because The Heavenly Beast Mountain is the territory of spirit beasts. Intruders will be actively attacked by ferocious spirit beasts, and the special volcanic spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the Heavenly Beast Mountain itself will erode the soul and will of the intruder unless repaired. Because we are in a realm like you and I, and have strong soul power, we can enter it calmly," Jian Lin on the side explained.

"The content of our trial this time is to enter the sacred realm of Tianshou Mountain to obtain the largest number of holy tree fruits. I think the holy tree fruits must be sweet and delicious." Big Ye Yan said.

"The fruit of the holy tree is a rare spiritual treasure of heaven and earth. It is said that eating one will increase your lifespan by thirty years." Jiansen said.

"I want to take the fruit of the sacred tree back to the Balu Tribe and give it to the patriarch, my father. In the years I have been practicing in the Hard Rock Tribe, I have never had the opportunity to fulfill my filial piety. The fruit of the sacred tree is the best gift." Ye Yanyi, the big man He said with hope.

"The task given to us by the patriarch is to secure three and compete for five. If we can get more than five holy tree fruits, then more than 50% of the water and grassland in Luming Grassland will belong to our Balu tribe, and the people of the tribe will Have a richer life," Jiansen said.

"For the future of the Balu Tribe, we must win this Tianshou Mountain trial." The big man Ye Yan said firmly.

"Let's go quickly. Depending on how active Tianshou Mountain is, maybe the entrance to the Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain has been opened. Don't be overtaken by those guys from the Caolu Tribe and the Buck Tribe. Besides, we and the Buck Tribe are just talking. In the alliance of interests, everyone is secretly planning to get more holy tree fruits. I think the best result is that we get five, the Buck Tribe gets three or four, and the Grass Deer Tribe gets one or two. If they get the upper hand from the beginning, we will have no choice but to take action," Jian Lin said.

"If we can't get it, even if others get it first, we will still grab it. I like this trial rule." The big man Ye Yan said confidently.

Jiansen put one hand on the handle of the waist knife, "Hey, with Brother Ye Yan here, what are we afraid of?"

"Let's go!" the big man Ye Yan said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the big man Ye Yan simply took a big step. Every step he took, the stone patterns shone under his feet, and the ground made a thumping sound when he stepped on it. The powerful rock attribute body is as fast as a chariot.

Jiansen urged his body, and a spiritual light flashed on his body. His strangely long limbs landed on the ground at the same time, using his hands and feet together, like a strange octopus flying on the grassland. This was the octopus body technique he was good at.

Jian Lin holds a staff in one hand, chants secret words in his mouth, and performs witchcraft. The surface of his body emits a green aura that blends into the grass beneath his feet.

The grass blades under his feet pushed his soles forward like dexterous palms, traveling as fast as a prairie civet cat.


The Tianshou Mountain suddenly shook, and a large cloud of fire erupted from the crater on the top of the mountain.

The power of the volcano is manic, and streaks of crimson fire spirit power are swirling outside the crater, reflecting a crimson color, like fire dragons cruising.

The huge barrier hidden on the surface of the mountain suddenly activated, revealing an incomparable savage mark. The wild mark is white, and there are ten deers jumping in the mark.

Immediately afterwards, the wild mark started to rotate.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

Ten white auras of light emitted from the surface of the wild mark. The auras showed a clear shadow of a white deer and swooped towards the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of Tianshou Mountain.

Ten white deer auras circled into a ring, hovering in mid-air, and then cast a milky white light curtain.

A simple formation appeared on the surface of the land illuminated by the white light curtain.

The soil under the white light curtain rolled outwards, and a huge blue-white spirit stone emerged from the ground.

This huge spiritual stone is rectangular, three feet tall, and has complex runes carved on its surface.

After a moment, the blue-white spiritual stone resonated with the ten white deer spiritual lights in mid-air.

Yoyo - Yoyo -

There is a deer singing.

Ten white deer auras penetrated into the blue and white spirit stone at once.

Astonishingly, several simple and obscure words flashed out from the surface of the blue and white spirit stone, and a white light erupted outwards, as if a magic weapon appeared in the world.

After a stick of incense, three figures hurried over and stood opposite the blue and white spirit stone.

There is a person on the left with dark skin, wearing earth-colored clothes, and a huge wooden bow hanging on his back.

There is a person on the right, wearing a black robe, and the wide brim of the hat covers half of his face, making it difficult to see his face. The exposed arm is engraved with a black snake pattern.

Behind the two of them, followed closely by a strange man who covered his body with a black robe, turban and scarf, only revealing a pair of eyes. The strange man's pupils were in the shape of vertical lines like nocturnal snakes, showing amber color.

It was Cangmu, Jia Shi and the weirdo "Black Snake" who were sent by the Buck Tribe to participate in this trial on the Heavenly Beast Mountain.

"Look, what is written on this boulder? It's probably the ancient characters of Luming Grassland, I don't recognize it." Cangmu pointed at the ancient characters on the blue and white spirit stone.

"That's right, it's an ancient text on the Luming Grassland. It's a sacrificial language, that is, the language of wizards. Written on it are the four words "The Power of Ten Deer". This huge stone with surging spiritual power can be called Ten Deer Spiritual Stones," Black Robe Jiashi explained seriously.

As a tribal wizard, Jia Shi is proficient in the sacrificial texts dedicated to wizards. Although the words on the blue and white spirit stone are slightly different from the current wizard's language, they were still accurately translated by Jia Shi.

"Before coming, Chief Jiaye said that the place where the power of ten deer appears is the entrance to the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain. So, this huge spiritual stone is the entrance to the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain?" Cangmu said with a look on his face. Excitedly, "It's great. Looking at the surrounding environment, there are no scents or traces of other people. The three of us should be the first to get here. We entered the holy realm first, so we have the upper hand."

With that said, Cangmu was about to go up and touch the boulder, but was stopped by Kaishi.

"Don't worry!" Jia Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, "The power of ten deer in the wizard's language means a very mysterious power. There is no doubt that this boulder is the entrance to the sacred realm of Tianshou Mountain, but it must contain something unknown. risk."

Jia Shi took a few steps back and pointed to the opposite side with his hand, "Black Snake, go and try the Ten Deer Spirit Stone on the opposite side."

The strange man following the two men just nodded without saying a word, and then strode to the Shilu Lingshi.

Jia Shi looked at the weirdo's back and muttered in his heart: "As the secret weapon of the Buck tribe, his code name is "Black Snake". Why do I feel like I have seen this guy called "Black Snake" somewhere? But Jia Ye The patriarch told me that unless this "Black Snake" takes the initiative to reveal his identity, I cannot take the initiative to ask for his identity. "Black Snake" has not spoken during this whole journey. Could it be that he is mute? "

Cangmu on the side simply held the big wooden bow behind him in his hand in case of any accidents. Thinking in his mind: "Chief Jiaye has told me that if any difficulties are encountered, Black Snake can rush to the front to solve them. It's also good that Black Snake will try the test of the Ten Deer Spirit Stones first."

The weird black snake stood in front of the Shilu Lingshi and looked up and down carefully.

Then he calmly took out his right palm from under his robe. The surface of his right palm was covered with black snake scales, emitting a gurgling black evil spirit, like a snake demon.

With a snap, the right palm of the weird Black Snake touched the surface of the Shilu Lingshi.

The runes on the surface of the Ten Deer Spiritual Stones immediately shone and swirled in an orderly manner, and a powerful force of repulsion spread out.

The sudden change made the weird black snake's body tremble.

The weird black snake didn't take a step back, his bones were shaking all over

There was a sound, and a huge image of a two-headed black snake appeared behind him.

He activated his power, and circles of black soul power ripples spread out from his right palm that was attached to the surface of the Shilu Lingshi. There were black snake shadows scurrying among the ripples, which was the materialization of soul power.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The surface of the Shilu Lingshi vibrated, and a white vortex appeared.

The strange Black Snake did not hesitate and stepped into it. His figure disappeared as if he had fallen into the water. The entire Shilu Lingshi became silent.

"He went in? The power of ten deer turned out to be just a method to test the level of soul power." Jia Shi, who had been observing carefully from behind, saw the clues.

"Next, let me do it." Cangmu said confidently.

"You must have enough soul power to withstand the test of the power of ten deer. You must not be careless, otherwise your soul will be damaged by the power of ten deer." Jia Shi reminded.

"Thank you for reminding."

With that said, Cangmu came to the Ten Deer Spirit Stone.

Cangmu secretly activated his skills, and his pupils turned amber and grew in size. This was the Eagle Eye Technique that he was good at.

"My Eagle Eye Technique can not only capture distant details, but also allow me to focus my own soul power. As a shooter, stable control of soul power is my strength. I use the "Flying Eagle Bow" as my The medium can also enhance the output of one's own soul power," Cangmu thought in his mind.

As Cangmu activated his Eagle Eye Technique, the appearance of a flying eagle appeared behind him, and the fluctuations of soul power emanating from his body became stronger and stronger, and were extremely stable.

Cangmu, who was fully prepared, grasped his big wooden bow with both hands and pressed it against the surface of the Ten Deer Spirit Stone in front of him.

The surface of his big wooden bow looks like a pair of huge flying wings, which is the magic power of the flying eagle bow.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The surface of the Shilu Lingshi vibrated, and a white vortex appeared.


Cangmu raised his eyebrows and stepped decisively into the white vortex. After his figure disappeared, Shilu Lingshi became quiet again.

Of the three people from the Buck Clan, only Jia Shi was left standing in front of the Shilu Spirit Stone.

"Does this kind of thing still require effort?"

Jia Shi took off the wide brim of his hat, revealing his face. On his forehead, there were actually pieces of tiny black scales, emitting a strange aura.

Jia Shi looked at the Shilu Lingshi opposite him with a sharp look and patted his waist lightly with one hand.

A black shadow jumped out and landed on the ground in front of him.


A large cloud of black mist rolled away.

There were shadowy figures in the black mist, exuding the dark aura of monsters. A giant black snake with a triangular head emerged from it.

What is striking is that the black snake has an emerald green horn on its nose bone.

Serpent beast!

Jia Shi jumped up and stood firmly on the head of the snake beast.

He made a secret with both hands, and black auras erupted from his fingertips.

Strangely, the aura of his martial body and the snake beast beneath him quickly merged into one.

As a high-level beast exorcist, Jia Shi can easily do this.

"Come forward." Jia Shi pointed to the opposite side with his hand and said coldly.


The snake beast let out a strange cry, twisted its body, and rushed towards the ten deer spirit stones.

After just a brief pause, a circle of white ripples exploded on the surface of the Shilu Spirit Stone, and the Serpent Beast rushed into it carrying Jia Shi.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

The Shilu Lingshi shook for a long time before becoming quiet again.

Although Jiashi used very violent methods, the surface of the Shilu Lingshi was as smooth as ever without a trace.


Half an hour later.

A young man in green clothes and a girl with big eyes came to the Shilu Lingshi.

It was Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi.

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