True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1077 The Holy Realm of Heavenly Beast Mountain

A few simple and obscure words flashed on the surface of the three-foot-tall blue-and-white stone tablet, and a dazzling white light emitted outwards.

The light seemed to be given by the sun, reflecting on the faces of Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi opposite.

"It's an ancient holy stele, but I don't know how to explain the text description on it?" Xu Yang carefully looked at the huge holy stele opposite, and then said.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes, her long eyelashes seemed to be fanning, and looked up and down at the obscure words on the blue and white stone tablet. The words on the holy tablet seemed to flow in the world of her pupils.

After just a few breaths, Mai Xiaoqi suddenly became inexplicably excited. Circles of green aura emitted from her body and became stronger and stronger, which was a tangible manifestation of the overflow of soul power.

A bright and small antler mark appeared between Mai Xiaoqi's eyebrows, flickering and as cute as an elf mark.

Xu Yang looked at Mai Xiaoqi intently and thought quickly in his mind: "It seems that the spiritual power fluctuations emanating from the holy monument opposite have some resonance with the ancient deer bloodline in Xiaoqi's body. But this cannot be some kind of photoshoot." A soul-like restriction, right?"

Xu Yang quickly stretched out a hand and patted Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder, ready to help her at any time. However, there was no sign that the soul power in Mai Xiaoqi's body was out of control, so he felt relieved and asked with concern: "Xiaoqi, are you feeling well?"

"Brother Xu Yang, I'm just trying to decipher the simple words written on this huge holy monument. Although I don't recognize them, the holy monument resonates with the power of blood in my body. I seem to hear the Deer God's voice. With the call, it is certain that this holy monument is the entrance to the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain." Mai Xiaoqi said with a determined look, "Without further delay, let's go in."

"Xiao Qi, don't worry, we can wait for a while." Xu Yang stopped Mai Xiao Qi, looked back and forth, and then said.

Mai Xiaoqi's mind flashed back to what her grandmother Ram had told her before, "Xu Yang can travel from the Northern Territory to the Southern Territory alone, and his experience is far superior to yours. Last time, you sneaked away alone I actually know about going to the Northern Territory. I just didn’t stop you on purpose, just to let you experience it freely. You and Xu Yang love and trust each other and are engaged. He is now a member of our Caolu Tribe. Warrior. That’s why I asked Xu Yang to help with such an important matter in the Tianshou Mountain Trial. Judging from our interactions over this period of time, Xu Yang is also a cautious person. This time you and Xu Yang will participate together. You must listen to his advice more during the trial of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Realm.”

Mai Xiaoqi looked at Xu Yang and said obediently: "Brother Xu Yang, Xiaoqi will listen to you."

"There are three obvious and scattered spiritual power auras in the surrounding space, which should have been left not long ago. Judging from the fluctuation properties of the spiritual power, the three people from the Buck Tribe must have arrived here first. Now most of them We have entered the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land. At this moment, if you and I rush in, we may have a direct conflict with them. This is the rule of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Land trial, but the problem is that the Balu Tribe is sent to participate in the trial. The candidate for training has not arrived yet. There is a proverb that you should know: the snipe and the clam fight..." At this point, Xu Yang paused deliberately.

"It's the fisherman who gets the benefit from the back." Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes and replied intelligently.

"I guess the people from the Balu tribe are already on their way here. This time, we have to be fishermen." Xu Yang said with a slight smile.

"Brother Xu Yang, you mean that we wait in the dark and let the people from the Balu tribe enter the holy realm first."

"That's right. There will probably be two results. One is that the people from the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe met in the Holy Land and decided to conspire against us. If we don't go in, they will naturally be busy going in as time goes by. Picking the fruits of the sacred tree. Once the fruits are obtained, they will still compete with each other. Secondly, the people of the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe will fight directly after they meet. In short, we delay for some time and choose to go in at the end. Instead, the initiative is in our hands," Xu Yang explained in detail.

Mai Xiaoqi looked at Xu Yang without blinking with a pair of big eyes, Xu Yang's mythical shadow reflected in his pupils, "Brother Xu Yang, you are really from the grassland..."

Mai Xiaoqi thought for a while, his eyes lit up and he said: "The fox on the grassland is the smartest."

Hearing this, Xu Yang smiled and said, "Fox, you are as smart as me."

After that, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi hid in the woods far away, quietly losing their breath.

as expected.

Not long after, three figures hurried to the location of the Ten Deer Sacred Monument.

The man in the middle is about ten feet tall, with strong limbs and a body like an iron tower.

The person on the left has a slender figure, with long arms and legs, like a dry branch. And on his waist hung a scimitar hidden in a scabbard.

The person on the right has grass green skin all over his body. He is wearing a dark green loose shirt. He looks very attractive.

Goes like a weird tree.

It was Ye Yan, Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu tribe who came to participate in the trial.

"The boulder opposite looks like a sacred monument of the tribe. Let me see what is written on it?" As a wizard of the Balu tribe, Jian Lin is very sensitive to the spiritual power emitted by the boulder.

As he spoke, Jianlin held the staff in one hand and moved closer.

"You have to be careful, the spiritual power fluctuations emitted from this boulder are not simple." Jiansen reminded him in time.

"It doesn't matter, I, Ye Yan, am here. At worst, I will smash it with one punch." The big man, Ye Yan, said confidently.

Jian Lin stopped three feet away from the Ten Deer Holy Monument. He held his staff across his chest, and when he pressed his magic power, the staff sprayed out a green aura and landed on the surface of the boulder.

The runes on the surface of the boulder suddenly started to rotate, and with a bang, the spiritual light bounced back.

Ye Yan on the side didn't look at his huge body, but he moved very quickly. He took a step forward and placed an arm directly in front of Jian Lin.

Without stopping, the big man Ye Yan activated his magic power, and the spiritual patterns on the surface of his arms flickered, emitting circles of brown spiritual light, and his skin suddenly became as rough as stone.

Secret method - rock formation!


The reflected spiritual light smashed into pieces on Ye's stone arm, splashing out a ball of green light.

Jian Lin's face was startled, "Thank you, Brother Ye Yan, for taking action in time."

Ye Yan nodded and smiled, "I said that as long as I am here, I will protect you. What kind of mechanism is this boulder? It's better for me to smash it with a punch."

"Wait a minute!" Jian Lin stopped Ye Yan, "I remembered. The font on it probably means "Strength of Ten Deers", which is an ancient sacrificial text. This is a holy monument. I just wrote a Although the magic formula was rebounded by the power of the holy monument, it is certain that this holy monument is the entrance to the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain. The restriction on this holy monument should be a test of soul power. "

Jiansen on the side looked happy and said excitedly: "Before coming, Chief Yelan told us that the place with the power of ten deer is the entrance to the Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain. It seems that we have found it."

"A test of soul power?" The big man Ye Yan looked at him with a stern look, "Let me try it first."

After saying that, the big man Ye Yan came to the Ten Deer Holy Monument.

The big man Ye Yan stretched out a big palm and gently touched the surface of the Ten Deer Monument.

The Ten Deer Holy Monument trembled suddenly, and the runes on its surface immediately shone and rotated in an orderly manner, and a powerful force of repulsion spread out.

The big man Ye Yan's eyes widened, and he activated his rock power, and one of his palms instantly turned into rock, sending out circles of brown ripples.

The powerful rock attribute soul power emitted, making a rumbling sound, and a big hand was as powerful as a mountain.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The surface of the Ten Deer Holy Monument vibrated, and the repulsive force disappeared instantly, revealing a white vortex.

"It's a portal!" The big man Ye Yan raised his brows and immediately stepped into it.

"Brother Ye Yan passed successfully." Jiansen looked at the Ten Deer Holy Monument that had regained its composure, his eyes lit up, and he walked forward, "I'll do it."

Jiansen made a secret with his hands, and the light on his fingertips intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a seal in the shape of an eight-clawed octopus appeared. Then he grasped it with both hands and slammed the seal onto the surface of the Ten Deer Holy Monument opposite.

The Ten Deer Holy Monument trembled, and a powerful force of repulsion came out.

"The power of the octopus!" Jiansen shouted softly, and an eight-clawed octopus appeared behind him, and the soul power emitted by the body increased even more.

The Ten Deer Holy Monument buzzed and trembled, the repulsive power disappeared, and a white vortex appeared.

"Successful. Jian Lin, I'm going to chase Brother Ye Yan in front of me first. You should hurry up and catch up." Jian Sen boldly stepped into the white whirlpool on the opposite side and disappeared.

In the end, only Jianlin was left.

"The restrictions that test the soul power cannot stop me." Jian Lin held a staff and chanted obscure curses in his mouth, using the power of a wizard.

I saw circles of green light and shadow swirling around his body, forming a green light shield in an instant. On the surface of the green mask, the light and shadow of emerald green leaves flicker and flutter. And there is a light golden rune on the surface of each emerald green leaf.

"Witchcraft - Tree Soul World!"

Jian Lin raised his head and without hesitation, strode towards the Ten Deer Holy Monument opposite.

As soon as his body touched the Ten Deer Holy Monument, he disappeared quickly as if he had fallen into water.


Just after the three people from the Balu tribe successfully entered the teleportation restriction on the Shilu Holy Monument.

In the woods in the distance.

a thick tree trunk

On the surface, a green spiritual pattern suddenly appeared.

The next moment, two figures emerged from the tree trunk holding hands.

Xu Yang received the Qingmu Spirit Body Technique, and the green halo surrounding him and Mai Xiaoqi disappeared.

"Brother Xu Yang, I didn't expect you to be able to master the wood escape technique." Mai Xiaoqi said with envy.

"What I just performed was the Green Wood Spirit Body Technique, but this technique cannot be practiced without the natural wood attribute. Otherwise, I will definitely teach you this technique." Xu Yang explained.

"Right now, three people each from the Buck Tribe and the Ba Lu Tribe have entered the Holy Realm. It's our turn to play," Mai Xiaoqi said.

"We have to wait a while. Let's give them a moment to burn incense. The fisherman always appears at the most suitable time." Xu Yang said with a slight smile.

"Yes." Mai Xiaoqi nodded, spread out his arms, and made a gesture of facing the wind, "I am a fisherman who catches the sea by riding the wind and waves."


The holy land of Tianshou Mountain.

It is a different space located in Tianshou Mountain.

In a different space, a giant tree reaching the sky stands in the center. The majestic appearance makes people look up but cannot see its full picture.

There are strips of white spiritual light flowing on the surface of the trunk of the giant tree, showing ancient runes, as if writing the story of the years.

The leaves of the giant tree are lush green and full of vitality, like a country of green clouds floating in the sky.

Holy tree!

At this moment, in the open space under the sacred tree.

Facing each other, two groups of people stood.

On the left are Cangmu, Kaishi and the weirdo Black Snake of the Buck tribe.

On the right are Jiansen, Jianlin and the big man Yeyan of the Balu tribe.

"It's been a while since I burned the incense, but I still haven't seen anyone from the Caolu Tribe. Have they already climbed up the sacred tree to pick the fruits?" Cangmu from the Buck Tribe looked up at the tall and incomparably tall tree. The holy tree, and then said.

"It may be that the people from the Caolu Tribe haven't come in yet. Judging from the information we received before, there are only two candidates sent by the Caolu Tribe to participate in the trial this time. They are the seventh princess of the Caolu Tribe and her fiancé Xu Yang. "Jian Lindao from the Balu Tribe.

"Then do we have to wait any longer? As long as the six of us work together to defeat the two people from the Caolu Tribe here, we can freely pick the ten holy tree fruits on this holy tree." Cangmu from the Buck Tribe said.

"Our Balu Tribe wants at least five Holy Tree Fruits. Your Buck Tribe wants four, but you can't leave one Holy Tree Fruit for the Caolu Tribe. This is the rule of the Luming Grassland. Anyway, leave it to the Caolu Tribe." A land of water and grass,” said Jianlin Road of the Balu Tribe.

Cangmu from the Buck Tribe frowned when he heard this, and then turned to look at Jia Shi beside him.

Jia Shi glanced at the weird Black Snake beside him with the corner of his eyes, and thought in his mind: "With the secret weapon of Black Snake, it is reasonable for our Buck Tribe to need at least six Holy Tree Fruits."

"Ahem." Jia Shi coughed twice, "If you want the most fruits from the Holy Tree, your Balu Tribe is really domineering, but you must show some convincing strength."

Upon hearing this, Ye Yan, the big man from the Overlord tribe opposite, immediately took a step forward and patted his strong chest with his hand, "I am the strength."

Hearing this, Jia Shi's lips curled up into a smile, "Ye Yan, the son of Ye Lan, the leader of the Balu Tribe. I heard that you were sent to the Hard Rock Tribe, one of the central tribes in the Southern Region, to practice when you were very young. The Hard Rock Tribe is a tribe larger than the entire Yuanlu Tribe.”

"Yes, it's me." The big man Ye Yan said confidently.

Jia Shi turned his head and looked at the weird Black Snake beside him, and wrote lightly: "Go and test the strength of Ye Yan across the way to see if he is as big as him."

The weirdo Black Snake nodded, took a few steps forward, and stood opposite the big man Ye Yan.

"Say your name." The big man Ye Yan saw someone challenging him and said sternly.

"He has no name, he is just a servant of mine." Jia Shi, standing behind the weirdo, said in a frivolous tone.

"What?" Ye Yan, the big man, became furious when he heard this.

The two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin, who were standing behind the big man Ye Yan, were also angry immediately.

"Jia Shi, don't be too unreasonable," Jian Sen said.

"Our Balu tribe chose to cooperate with your Buck tribe not because we are afraid of you." Jianlin said.

Jia Shi spread his hands on his chest and said coldly: "Unreasonable? What a stupid question. You must understand that this holy realm of Tianshou Mountain is a place for fist fights, not a place for reasoning."

Cangmu, who was standing beside Kaishi, took off the big wooden bow from his back and held it in his hand.

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became tense.

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