True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1078 Huge Holy Tree


The black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe saw the three people from the Balu Tribe opposite and were furious, and suddenly spoke to stop them.

"Hmph! If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, let it go. If you have to take action, we will accompany you. The five fruits of the sacred tree are the bottom line of our Balu tribe." Ye Yan, the big man on the opposite side, said forcefully.

"It was just a joke, don't be so nervous." Black-robed Jiashi took off the cloak hood on his head with his left hand, revealing the tiny black scales on his forehead, and his hand quietly placed on the soul of his waist. On the surface of the pet bag, you only need to click lightly.

The big man Ye Yan narrowed his eyes and saw the subtle movements of black-robed Jiashi placing his hand on the spiritual pet bag.

The black-robed Jiashi is a beast exorcist, and his actions are undoubtedly to take action.

"A joke? I, Ye Yan, can't joke with my fists." The big man Ye Yan raised a fist and pointed at the black-robed Jiashi.

Suddenly, a strange aura emitted from the body surface of the big man Ye Yan, click, click, click, and his body was completely petrified.

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

In just a moment, where the big man Ye Yan had stood, there was only a pile of fallen rocks.

On the ground in front of the black-robed Jiashi, the soil rolled, and a rock giant with the same appearance as Ye Yan broke out of the ground.

Without stopping for a moment, the rock giant punched down.

"Rock Release - Fist of the Giant Rock!"

Black-robed Jia Shi felt that the light in front of his eyes suddenly dimmed, as if a small mountain had fallen over him.

In surprise, the pores all over the black-robed Jiashi's body opened involuntarily, and the large black robe outside his body was torn and messy by the suppressed fist wind. He didn't even have time to clasp the hand on the spiritual pet bag at his waist, he only felt his whole body tightening.

As a beast exorcist, if you don't release the spiritual beasts you raise, most of your combat effectiveness will be lost.

With the snake-beast technique practiced by Jia Shi, he has developed into a semi-demon body. Even if he couldn't completely avoid the sudden attack from the big man Ye Yan, he should still be able to react.

At this moment, the big man Ye Yan's punch with the petrification technique had already hit the top of the black-robed Jiashi's head. But the footsteps of the black-robed Jiashi did not move at all.


A black shadow flashed, and the weird black snake was already standing in front of the black-robed Jia Shi. The weird man's head was very close to the big man Ye Yan's fist, but he didn't show any fear.

The back of the weird black snake suddenly bulged.

Stab, the clothes on his back were torn, and a huge black shiny python came out.

"The magic of demons - the art of snake transformation!"


The giant rock-formed fist collided with the black giant python, exploding circles of black and brown halos out of thin air. The force of the impact harvested the air, making a sharp sound.

The giant black python as thick as a bowl held up the punch of the rock giant in mid-air. The black snake's body twisted, wrapped around the rock giant's arm several times, and tightened suddenly.

The two were deadlocked in mid-air. Stone chips fell off the surface of one of the rock giant's entangled arms. The black python's bones were rattling and it was spitting out black demonic energy.

The rock giant's physical aura suddenly converged.


The rock giant's body collapsed into a pile of stone.

The unharmed black-robed Jiashi let out a long breath. His mind flashed back to the scene where Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe, brought the strange Black Snake to him.

Bucks Mountain, on a deserted hillside.

Jiaye, the leader of the Stag Tribe, wears his black eyepatch to reveal his single eye. Opposite him stood the black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe.

Behind Jia Ye, stood a strange man wearing a black robe and a scarf, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"The candidates to participate in the Tianshou Mountain trial this time need to have strong combat power. Originally, our Buck Tribe had a quota of three people, but looking around, there are only three people.

You and Kuraki can take on this responsibility. So, I found a temporary helper for you. "Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe, said.

"Lord Patriarch, don't you believe me, Jia Shi? I, Jia Shi, am the strongest warrior in the Buck Tribe. If the helpers are not strong enough, what's the difference between two people and three people? This time, I will never let him You're disappointed." Jia Shi said proudly and knelt down on one knee.

"Jia Shi, stand up and speak." Jia Ye looked down at Jia Shi's head with a serious look on his face.

Black-robed Jiashi stood up.

"You have outstanding talents and are the warriors trained by our Buck Tribe. I will always trust you. As long as you live up to my training, I will also pass on the position of tribe leader to you in the future. This time the trial of Tianshou Mountain will be passed on to you." The result is related to the distribution of water and grass resources in Luming Grassland. You must not be careless or underestimate the enemy. You should take a look at the strength of the helper I found for you," said Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe.

Jia Ye pointed at a boulder in the distance with his hand, "Black Snake, go break that boulder. Show your strength to Jia Shi. If you don't perform well, Jia Shi won't let you be his." teammates."

The weirdo Black Snake said nothing, just nodded.


A black shadow flashed, and the strange black snake came to the boulder ten feet away like a snake shadow.

Without stopping, the weird black snake raised a wide cuff, and black evil energy rolled out of the cuff, and what emerged from it was a giant black python.

The black giant python attacked, and its long body immediately wrapped around the boulder on the opposite side.

The demon snake tightened its body tightly, and strange black spiritual patterns spread out from its body.


The boulder that had stood firm here for countless years shattered.

Seeing all this, the black-robed Jiashi couldn't help but secretly praise: "Is this guy a human or a snake demon? The speed and power of his attacks are far superior to mine."

"Jia Shi, how are you? His code name is Black Snake. You have to believe that he will protect you at any time." Jia Ye looked at the weirdo he had trained with his own hands and said with satisfaction.


in reality.

Jia Shi looked at the strange man's back, his heart dropped from his throat, and he secretly rejoiced: "This guy will indeed protect me automatically."

"Black Snake, thank you." Jia Shi whispered.

The weird Black Snake just nodded, his back turned to Jia Shi, and his expression could not be seen.

At this time, a shadow flashed three feet away, revealing the body of the big man Ye Yan.

The big man Ye Yan gasped, his eyes fell on the weirdo who had just made a move, and he said in surprise: "What a powerful demon snake technique. The strength of the physical technique is even comparable to my petrification technique. What on earth is this guy like?" Human or demon? He is definitely not a servant, but a demon specially cultivated by the Buck Tribe."

Cangmu on the side saw Ye Yan, a big man from the Balu tribe opposite, suddenly attacking Jia Shi. In desperation, he drew a big bow in his hand roundly, and three silver arrows were placed on the tight bow string, and he was about to take action.

But he was stopped by Jia Shi, "It's not the time yet."

"Humph!" Cangmu snorted coldly and put away his bow and arrows.

Black-robed Jiashi said calmly: "Everyone, please calm down. I told you this was just a joke. If the six of us fight here, we will all be losers. And the two guys from the Caolu tribe will undoubtedly become the winners."

The three people from the Balu tribe opposite looked at each other.

The big man Ye Yan is very strong, but the opposite Buck tribe and the unknown weirdo are also very strong. Just as the black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe said, if the two groups fight, both sides will suffer losses.

The two sides were deadlocked in place, unconvinced by each other.

At this moment, the trunk of the giant tree in the holy realm suddenly shook, and many new branches and leaves grew from the surface of the trunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The shock it brought was like the earth shaking!

Six of the Stag Tribe and the Balu Tribe

Everyone cast spells to barely stand firm.

After a while, the shaking stopped abruptly.

The huge tree reaches the sky, covering the sky.

"There is movement in the holy tree. It is probably because the fruits on the holy tree are ripe and waiting for us to pick." Black-robed Jiashi said.

"Such a huge holy tree, if there are only ten fruits on it, it would take a long time to find it." The big man Ye Yan looked up at the giant tree. There were only green branches and leaves in his eyes, but not a single fruit.

"Let's go." Black-robed Jiashi suddenly waved.

Whoosh whoosh——

Kaishi, Cangmu and the weirdo Black Snake from the Stag Tribe stepped on the wide trunk of the sacred tree and climbed up quickly.

"Don't let them get the upper hand." Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu Tribe, warned loudly.

Ye Yan, Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu tribe also used escape techniques to climb up the huge trunk of the sacred tree.

Compared with the Holy Tree, these six people are as small as ants.


The entrance to the Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain is opposite the Ten Deer Holy Monument.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi waited quietly.

At this moment, the crater of Tianshou Mountain opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of yellow smoke.

The ground beneath his feet shook.

Xu Yang raised his head and glanced at the crater, and then said: "It's almost time, it's time for us to go in."

With that said, Xu Yang walked to the Ten Deer Sacred Monument.

He stretched out a palm and lightly touched the surface of the Ten Deer Monument.

Then he suddenly activated the Qingmu Spirit Body Technique. Under his palm, green light flowed. Visible to the naked eye, clusters of green vines twisted with light and shadow.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

The white vortex on the surface of the Ten Deer Holy Monument swirls, revealing a spatial passage leading to the holy realm.

"Xiao Qi, I'll go in first, just follow." Xu Yang turned around and said.

"Okay, I will follow." Mai Xiaoqi said obediently.

Xu Yang stepped in and his back disappeared into the white vortex.

The white vortex disappeared, and the Ten Deer Holy Monument stood quietly in place.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes and walked to the Ten Deer Sacred Monument.

She stretched out a finger and lightly touched the surface of the Ten Deer Monument with her fingertips.

A little white ripple rippled out.

Suddenly, the four obscure and simple fonts "The Power of Ten Deers" on the surface of the Ten Deer Monument came to life.

The fonts twist and connect together to form a Dharma image with the head of a white deer.

"A person with the blood of the Ancient Deer, you are the chosen son of the God of the Ancient Deer. Please enter the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain." A voice came from the head of the white deer on the surface of the Ten Deer Holy Monument.

Immediately, the white deer head and the dharma image disappeared, and a white vortex appeared on the surface of the Ten Deer Holy Monument.

"Brother Xu Yang, wait for me."

Mai Xiaoqi jumped into the white vortex like a deer, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


In the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain, under the giant tree that reaches the sky.

Two figures appeared one after another, it was Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi.

"This is the holy realm of Tianshou Mountain, and the giant tree across the sky should be the holy tree." Xu Yang observed it and then said.

"Where are the guys from the Balu Tribe and the Buck Tribe who came for the trial?" Mai Xiaoqi looked left and right. Except for Xu Yang and her, there was no one around.

"Look at the remaining auras here, two of them are violent and messy. Most likely they only had a brief fight, and now they should all be climbing up the holy tree to find the fruits of the holy tree." Xu Yang let go of his consciousness and said.

"Yes." Xiao Qi nodded, "Let's go pick the fruits of the holy tree too."

After that, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi used escape techniques and climbed up the trunk of the holy tree side by side.

All the way up.

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