True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1079 The Illusion of the Holy Tree (1)

The holy tree reaching the sky.

Every ordinary branch on it is as huge as a small town.

Each leaf is like an elf in green clothes, secretly observing the visitors, performing tricks and changing faces.

People in it feel like they are trapped in a green ocean.

The first to climb up the sacred tree were Kaishi from the Stag Tribe, Cangmu and the weirdo Black Snake. While climbing up, they carefully searched for the fruits of the sacred tree.

I don't know how long it took, but the three of them found nothing. Not to mention the fruits of the holy tree, even the directions of southeast, northwest and northwest have been lost.

"The holy tree itself emits huge spiritual power fluctuations, forming an invisible barrier. Here, the consciousness will be suppressed by the barrier of the holy tree. It is simply too difficult to find the fruits of the holy tree just by looking for them with eyesight. "Cang Mu raised his head and searched back and forth, his eyes filled with flowing green, and his mood became more and more impatient.

"This is not the way to go. We have to find the most fruits of the holy tree as soon as possible before we can take the initiative." Black-robed Jiashi stood on the spot and looked back and forth, "The holy tree is like a maze, but we can't find the fruit in it." Law. In this case, it may be more effective for us to try to destroy it directly with violence.”

The black-robed Jia Shi's eyes were sharp, and he gently clasped the spiritual pet bag on his waist with one hand.


A black shadow jumped out and landed in front of him.


A large cloud of black mist rolled away.

There were shadowy figures in the black mist, exuding the dark aura of monsters. A giant black snake with a triangular head emerged from it.

What is striking is that the black snake has an emerald green horn on its nose bone.

Serpent beast!

Jia Shi floated up and landed on the snake's head.

The snake beast spit out the bifurcated snake core from the tip of its mouth, capturing the breath in the air.

"It would be better for the three of us to search separately, rather than being trapped together and not being able to find a single Holy Tree Fruit. After finding enough Holy Tree Fruits, we went down the trunk and regrouped at the root of the tree. "Jia Shi turned his head and looked in one direction. Without waiting for Cangmu and the weirdo Black Snake to reply, he pointed with his hand, "Hei San, let's go over there and take a look."

The dragon snake beast "Hei San" twisted its body, with black demonic energy emanating from its surface, and obediently ran towards the direction pointed by Jia Shi.

Kuraki couldn't object to Kaishi's opinion either. He and Jia Shi grew up together, and he knew that Jia Shi was a guy who insisted on having his own way and was arrogant based on his talent.

Looking at Jia Shi's disappearing figure, the weirdo Black Snake wanted to catch up. However, Cangmu grabbed his sleeve and said, "Stop chasing him. If Jia Shi loses his temper, he will do something to his own people."

Weird Black Snake nodded.

"Now that we have a new action plan, let's go look for the fruits of the Holy Tree separately. Maybe Kaishi is right," Cangmu looked at the weirdo, "You look pretty good, but the only pity is that you are mute. . Okay, let’s separate here for now, and then regroup at the root of the holy tree.”

"..." Weird Black Snake just nodded.

After that, Cangmu and the weirdo Black Snake went in the other two directions.

Cangmu shot three silver flying arrows with the "Flying Eagle Bow" in his hand. Three silver flying arrows were spinning, with clusters of silver arcs connecting them, forming a formation.

The formation of flying arrows broke through the branches and leaves in front like a silver tornado, and Cangmu moved forward.

The weird black snake used his secret technique. He twisted his body and a huge black snake tail grew out from behind his body. He ran wildly with his body transformed into a snake and beast, and the green leaves blocking his path were torn into pieces and swirled all over the sky.


At this moment, the black-robed Jia Shi drove the snake beast under his feet to go straight, with great potential to overcome thorns and thorns.

Boom boom boom!

The countless leaves of the holy tree that blocked his path were torn apart by the snake beast with brute force.

The strange thing is that the torn leaves are flying and gathering more and more. Like angry green elves, they circled around Jia Shi and the snake beast at its feet, unable to move away.

In just a moment, Jia Shi and its snake beast were trapped in the middle by a huge sphere made of green leaves.

"It's the barrier of trees! I'm trapped in it!" Black-robed Jiashi suddenly became alert.

Suddenly, the green sphere suddenly lit up, flashing with a dazzling white brilliance, followed by countless ancient symbols.

The text flows.

In just a flash, the white ball of light wrapped around the black-robed Jia Shi and disappeared from the spot.

The black-robed Jiashi felt himself rising and falling with the white ball of light.

After an unknown amount of time, the white ball of light converged violently, exploded, and turned into countless white light spots that dissipated.

The white light was dazzling, and Jiashi in black robe covered his eyes with his hands.

When the surroundings became quiet, the black-robed Jiashi put down the hand that was blocking his eyes.

As far as he could see, he reached a corner on the sacred tree.

On the branch not far away from the opposite side, a white spirit fruit exuded white mist. A strange aroma assaults the nostrils, making people feel light on their feet, as if they are about to float up.

"It's the fruit of the Holy Tree." Black-robed Jiashi's eyes showed joy, "It takes no effort to get it."

The appearance of the fruit of the holy tree was reflected in the pupils of the black-robed Jia Shi.

The white, round fruit has the shadow of a snow deer jumping on its surface.

Black-robed Jiashi even had an illusion for a moment. He saw a fair-skinned, beautiful and graceful little fairy dancing gracefully and looking at him with her beautiful eyes.

Warm and seductive.

The black-robed Jiashi quickly jumped off the snake beast and strode up. He wanted to pick the holy tree fruit himself.

Suddenly, the light and shadow in the space changed.

There was a violent tremor, and the surrounding environment changed drastically.

The black-robed Jiashi was blindfolded by a pair of invisible hands. He could not see anything, and there was only a dark world in front of him.

But at this moment, the black-robed Jiashi stood on the edge of an abyss.

"Be brave and take a step forward to complete the trajectory of your life. It will be extremely exciting." A mysterious voice sounded in the ears of Heiyi Jiashi.

"I, Jia Shi, am the most outstanding warrior of the Buck Tribe. Nothing can stop my success."

The black-robed Jiashi stood on the edge of the cliff and took a step forward without hesitation.

The invisible hand quickly removed itself from the black-robed Jiashi's eyes.

The figure of the black-robed Jiashi fell downwards.

In his ears, the sound of hunting wind was like a scythe harvesting souls, torturing the hearing of Black Robe Jia Shi.

fear! Like invisible shackles, black-robed Jiashi's limbs were bound, and he couldn't even use any spells to resist.

"This?" Black-robed Jiashi panicked. This situation was exactly the same as the scene he encountered twenty years ago.


twenty years ago.

Black Robe Jiashi is still an eight-year-old child. Because of his outstanding talent, he was spotted by Jiaye, the leader of the Buck Tribe, and trained him personally.

The patriarch Jia Ye is good at the art of snakes and beasts. He took a fancy to the talent of black-robed Jia Shi and decided to train him to be a beast exorcist. The target of exorcism is naturally the snake beast.

High on the top of Buck Mountain, there is a hidden formation of snakes and beasts.

The array of snakes and beasts is octagonal, with bronze statues of snake-body and human-headed gods in eight directions.

Jia Shi, who was only eight years old, sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, sitting in the center of the formation of snakes and beasts.

Buzz buzz.

The eyes of the eight surrounding bronze statues lit up, and the formation inscriptions on the ground lit up.

Looking from a distance, Xiaojia Shi seems to have fallen in the middle of a big net, alone and small.

As the formation of snake beasts was activated, countless snake beasts of various kinds emerged from the surrounding dense forests and grasslands.

Black ones, green ones, silver ring ones, gold ring ones, big pythons, venomous snakes.

These snake beasts were entrenched around Xiaojia Shi's body, very close to him, but they did not invade his body.

In the midday sky, the golden sun bursts into flames.

Xiaojiashi's body was soaked with sweat. He used the power of the formation at his feet to communicate with his mental power and the hundreds of snake beasts around him.

He heard the inner language of the snake beast. Behind the fierceness and viciousness, there was a gentle and docile side.

"Jia Shi, the snake beast formation can help you communicate with many snake beasts. But you are still young. With your mental and soul power, the upper limit can only be two hours. If this time limit is exceeded, the snake beasts will lose control. It will be extremely dangerous." The words of clan leader Jia Ye before practicing the snake beast formation flashed in Xiaojiashi's mind.

"I want to break through my own limits. In the future, I, Jia Shi, will become the best warrior of the Buck Tribe and the unique beast exterminator on the Luming Grassland. The snake beasts summoned by the snake beast formation are all mediocre.

None of them are worthy of being my spiritual pet. As long as I persist longer, I will have a chance to capture the most powerful snake beast. "Xiaojiashi endured his exhaustion and encouraged himself.

Three hours later.

Maybe it took too long and overdrawn his mental strength.

Xiaojiashi's tight mental strength suddenly collapsed, and the shouts of many snake beasts rang in his ears.

"I'm poisonous, even ligers are afraid of me."

"I can devour beasts several times bigger than myself."

"Arrogant humans, don't try to control me."

"I am the freest being in the world."

"Swallow him."

"Poison him."


Xiaojia Shi opened his eyes in horror, and the snake beasts around him attacked him.

He was covered in bruises, attacked by snake venom, and almost lost control of his soul. On the way to escape, he accidentally rolled down a cliff.

Fortunately, his body was blocked by a protruding branch on the cliff. After bouncing up, he fell under the cliff and happened to land in a "big grass nest".

The "big grass nest" is paved with dead leaves, which is thick and soft.

Xiao Jia Shi's body was bounced up high, and he tossed back and forth several times before landing in the big grass nest.

Xiaojia Shi was covered in blood, poisoned by snake venom, and had many broken bones. He didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

"I, Jia Shi, can't die! I want to become the most..." Xiao Jia Shi's eyes darkened and he passed out.

In the big grass nest with Xiao Jia Shi were six bowl-sized eggs.

A shadow fell in the sky.

The evil wind stirred, and a huge snake eagle fell down.

The snake eagle swallowed the six eggs without hesitation, but it still didn't look full. Its greedy and fierce eyes fell on Xiao Jia Shi in the grass nest.

Just when the snake eagle raised its sharp claws to attack Xiaojiashi, a black demonic energy rolled over from one side.


The terrifying sounds in the demonic aura seemed to come from Hades.

The snake eagle flew away in fear, scattering its feathers all over the sky.

A snake beast with a green horn and a black snake appeared in the grass nest.

Miraculously, the snake beast regarded Xiao Jia Shi as its only remaining child.

It sucked the snake venom from Xiao Jia Shi's body and fed Xiao Jia Shi with its own snake essence and blood.

Under the careful care of the snake beast, Xiaojiashi recovered quickly from his injuries.

"It's a snake beast. This big guy is a hundred times more powerful than the spiritual snakes in the snake beast formation. If I can turn it into my spiritual pet, my dream of becoming an exorcist will come true. I want to become its Master, but my current mental strength is not enough to tame and control it. Chief Jiaye said that if you want to control a snake beast that is stronger than yourself, you must surrender it with a blood contract, even though this guy saved it. I."

The snake beast was defenseless against Xiaojia Shi.

Xiaojia Shi took out a dagger while the snake beast was sleeping, and stabbed it seven inches into the snake beast's body.

The seven-inch position is exactly the heart of the snake beast.

The snake beast was shocked. It angrily wanted to eat the enemy that attacked it, but found that it was Xiao Jia Shi.

Your own child? Why do you want to assassinate me? The snake beast's eyes were wet and it did not attack Xiaojiashi.

Xiaojia Shi took the opportunity to use the blood contract technique and sealed a blood contract talisman drawn with his own soul blood directly on the heart of the snake beast.

From then on, the snake beast that saved Xiao Jia Shi's life became his spiritual pet.

Even Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe, could not easily subdue such a powerful snake beast. Xiao Jia Shi was praised by Jia Ye for this.

He is the best little warrior of the Buck tribe.


In the illusion of the holy tree.

Jia Shi fell from the abyss, and a scene in his memory was staged.

Only this time, Jia Shi fell behind the grass nest, and the snake beast thought Jia Shi was a thief who stole the snake eggs.

Jia Shi and the snake beast were facing each other.

"Heisan, don't you recognize me? I'm Jia Shi." Hei robed Jia Shi tried to communicate.

The dragon snake beast opposite had a fierce look in its eyes and could not understand Jia Shi's words at all.

The next moment, the snake beast launched the most violent attack on Jia Shi.


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