True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1082 The Illusion of the Holy Tree (4)

In the midair opposite Jiansen and Jianlin, two small glass bottles were hovering.

The bottles were soaked with a green poisonous weed and a three-color octopus.

The green poisonous weeds twisted and emitted a bright green light, like a living snake.

The red, yellow and blue eight-clawed octopus stretches out its tentacles and spits out weird blisters. The water bubbles floated out of the bottle and then burst, releasing a heavy fishy smell.

Jian Sen and Jian Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and their hearts jumped into their throats.

This situation is exactly the same as it was twenty years ago, and it has always been buried in the hearts of Jiansen and Jianlin.

Twenty years ago, Jian Sen and Jian Lin were just eight and six years old.

There is a remote hill in the Balu Mountain area.

Xiao Jiansen and Xiao Jianlin held hands and stood side by side on the hill. The elder brother was taller and the younger brother was shorter.

A tall, middle-aged male wizard stood opposite Xiao Jiansen and Xiao Jianlin.

This person was wearing a blue robe with delicate Ba Deer patterns embroidered on the surface. He was Ye Lan, the leader of the Ba Lu tribe.

"In a tribal war, you two brothers lost your parents. After that, I adopted you and taught you two witchcrafts. But if you want to become an outstanding warrior in the Balu tribe, you two are still far from talented. Too far. Today, I will give you a chance to change your destiny. If you succeed, you will be the best warrior in the Balu tribe. If you fail, you will become a useless person."

After saying that, the corners of clan leader Ye Lan's mouth trembled, revealing a strange smile.

Ye Lan waved one hand, two spiritual lights flickered, and two more glass bottles appeared suspended in the air in front of him.

There is a green poisonous weed soaked in potion in the bottle on the left, and a three-color octopus soaked in potion in the bottle on the right.

"There is a phantom god grass and a ghost octopus here. They are the masterpieces that I spent ten years of hard work to refine. If you swallow them, witchcraft will be planted in your body. If you are lucky, as time goes by, With the perfect fusion of witchcraft and your body, you will gain incredible power. Next, you two brothers can freely choose one of them," Ye Lan said with a serious face.

Xiao Jiansen and Xiao Jianlin felt only fear, their lips were pale and they could not speak at all.

"If you want to become an outstanding tribal warrior like your parents, you must drink the witchcraft in these two bottles. If you don't drink it, you two will stop following me. I, Ye Lan, don't want to raise two wastes. If you are like this, even if you go to the tribal battlefield when you grow up, you will only become the target of the enemy." After Ye Lan finished speaking, his body turned into a ball of blue stars and disappeared.

"Be brave, you can do it." Ye Lan's distant voice came from the void.

It took a long time before the two brothers, frozen in fear, tried to move.

Brother Jiansen held his brother Jianlin's hand and squeezed it tighter.

"Brother, can we not eat the strange things in those two bottles?" his younger brother Jianlin Jijing begged.

"Surrounding this hill is the Wolf Valley. The patriarch threw the two of us here. If we don't become stronger, we will be eaten by the wolves. Only by swallowing the contents of the bottle opposite can we become stronger and stronger. Live. We have no choice." Brother Jiansen shook his head and said.

"This," my younger brother Jianlin cried, "brother, I don't want to die."

"Don't cry, brother. We will definitely survive and eventually become outstanding warriors in the Balu tribe, just like our parents." Brother Jiansen hugged his younger brother Jianlin and said softly.

The two hugged each other. warmth.

It's getting dark.



The howls of evil wolves came from around the hills.

Pairs of green pupils

Floating in mid-air and jumping high up the hill quickly.

"We don't have time. The wolves at the foot of the mountain are coming." Brother Jiansen said calmly.

Brother Jiansen let go of his brother Jianlin's hand, "Brother, don't be afraid, I'll go over and try first."

After saying that, his brother Jiansen walked quickly towards the two bottles on the opposite side.

As he walked, his brother Jiansen turned around and said, "Brother, don't be afraid."

Brother Jiansen stood in front of the two glass bottles, looked at them carefully, and whispered to himself: "The octopus looks scary and has a foul smell. I am the brother, let me choose the worse one."

Brother Jiansen grabbed the bottle containing the three-color octopus with his trembling hands, closed his eyes, pinched his nose, and then poured it into his mouth.

The eight tentacles of the tricolor octopus opened his brother Jiansen's throat and slid into his stomach.


With a muffled groan, his brother Jiansen fell to the ground.

When his younger brother Jianlin saw this, his eyes burst into tears. He ran over, knelt on the ground, and pushed his brother Jiansen's body hard with his hands. "Brother, brother, wait for me."

His younger brother Jianlin looked up and saw a bottle containing green poisonous weed.

"I, I," the little guy walked over and grabbed the remaining bottle with his two little hands, "I'm not afraid."

Then, his younger brother Jianlin poured the green poisonous grass in the bottle into his mouth.

The green poisonous weed melts in your mouth, and an incomparable bitterness bombards your mouth.


His younger brother Jianlin also fell to the ground.

The cold wind is silent.

Not long after, dozens of wolves climbed up the hillside, and they surrounded the two brothers.

A strong black-haired wolf took the lead in approaching the two brothers lying on the ground. The black wolf's eyes were glowing green, saliva was dripping from the corners of its mouth, and its teeth were like knives.

At this moment, a change occurred.

Brother Jiansen's body moved, his back bulged outwards, his clothes were torn, and a thick octopus tentacle grew out of it.

Suddenly, Jiansen, who had turned into a monster, jumped up and instinctively struggled with the approaching black wolf.

At this moment, Jiansen was extremely powerful, and the wolf leader was beaten wildly by him.

The wolf leader whined strangely, and dozens of surrounding wolves pounced on him.

The beastly Jiansen guarded his brother's body and did not allow a bad wolf to get close.

Next, the body of his younger brother Jianlin also changed. His arms turned into rattan shapes, like a tree demon.

Night falls.

On the hillside, there were dozens of wolf corpses.


In the illusion of the holy tree.

Jiansen and Jianlin seemed to be possessed.

They ran over like crazy, picked up two strange bottles, and swallowed the octopus and poisonous weeds in the bottles just like they did twenty years ago.

"We must survive." The two said in unison.

The empty bottles in their hands were crushed to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies changed.

Jiansen turned into an octopus monster with eight tentacles, while Jianlin turned into a tree demon with green leaves all over his body and limbs like branches.



The two roared at each other and lost their original consciousness.

The next moment, the octopus monster and the tree demon fought together. They have forgotten that they are brothers.


Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu tribe, walked alone.

As one of the three warriors from the Balu Tribe participating in the Tianshou Mountain Holy Realm Trial, Ye Yan's combat power is the strongest among the three. He was born with a hard rock physique, and his physical cultivation had reached the peak of the Soul Realm.

The big man Ye Yan directly turned a pair of arms into rocks. When he encountered the branches blocking his way, he only needed to

Raise your fist and smash it.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.

A pair of rock punches opened the way, and the big man Ye Yan moved forward bravely in the otherworld of the Holy Tree.

"What is that?" The big man Ye Yan suddenly stood firm, calmed his breathing, and stared ahead.

A white holy tree fruit hangs on a branch not far opposite.

It looks like white beads, has a lingering aroma, and is refreshing.

"It smells so good, it's the fruit of the holy tree." The big man Ye Yan sniffed hard and felt comfortable all over. The fatigue from the journey just disappeared instantly, and his eyes were clear.

Just when the big man Ye Yan was about to go over and pick the fruits of the holy tree.

Suddenly, the light and shadow in the space changed.

Like those before him, the big man Ye Yan also fell into the illusion of the holy tree.

The space fragments were reassembled, and a picture appeared in front of the big man Ye Yan.

Ba Lu Mountain.

Opposite the big man Ye Yan, there was a person standing.

This person was wearing a blue robe with delicate Ba Deer patterns embroidered on the surface. He was Ye Lan, the leader of the Ba Lu tribe.

"Father!" The big man Ye Yan was as excited as a child.

A familiar scene, as if returning to twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago, Balu Mountain.

"My son Ye Yan, come here." Ye Lan, the leader of the Balu Tribe, waved.

"Father, where are you going if you call Ye Yan so early?" Xiao Yeyan asked.

"I'm going to send you to the Hard Rock Tribe, which is the tribe your mother belongs to. The Hard Rock Tribe is a powerful branch of the tribal alliance in the center of the Southern Region, far more powerful than our Balu Tribe. The most important thing is that you You are born with a hard rock constitution. Based on what I have learned, I cannot teach you well. If you want to become the best warrior of the Balu Tribe, the only way is to send you to the Hard Rock Tribe for training."

"I still like to be in the Balu Tribe, where I have my friends and you, my father." Xiao Yeyan said reluctantly.

"You have no right to choose." Ye Lan's eyes widened, his aura erupted, and he was hunting in a blue robe.

Xiao Yeyan was so frightened that he took two steps back, but did not run away again.

He has seen his father's temper before. As the leader of the Balu Tribe, Ye Lan has a firm say in the Balu Tribe. Anyone who dares to challenge his will will face severe corporal punishment at least, or be thrown directly to the Wolf Valley to feed the wolves.

"I'll go." Xiao Yeyan nodded.

"This is your father's good boy," Ye Lan knelt down, "Come up, this time, I will carry you down Balu Mountain myself. When you were young, I was the one who carried you every time you went up and down the mountain. This time I’ll send you to the Hard Rock Tribe for training. I don’t know how long it will take to see you again. When you grow up, I won’t be able to carry you. This may be the last time that I, as a father, carry you down the mountain.”


Eight-year-old Xiao Yeyan is a head taller than his peers. He is really a big guy just by looking at his height. But he did not refuse his father's request to carry him down the mountain.

The father carries his son down the mountain.

Xiao Yeyan lay next to his father Yelan's ear and whispered: "Father, I must become strong, strong enough to surpass you, strong enough to carry you up to Balu Mountain on my back."

"Good boy," Yelan smiled, "I'm waiting for you."


In the illusion of the holy tree.

The big man Ye Yan stood there blankly.

"Ye Yan, have you surpassed me now?" Ye Lan's eyes turned cold, "If you can't do it, don't say you are my Ye Lan's son."

"I," Ye Yan said with a sharp look, "I will do it."

Powerful soul power fluctuations erupted from both of them almost at the same time.

Ye Yan transformed into a huge rock man and fought with Ye Lan, who was good at witchcraft.


The Holy Tree is in another world.

After Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi separated, they climbed up alone.

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