True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1083 Holy Tree Spirit

The Holy Tree is in another world.

The Holy Tree reaching the sky is like a wooden labyrinth leading to the sky.

The numerous branches and leaves on the sacred tree are constantly changing on their own at a speed visible to the naked eye, making a rattling noise, blocking intruders it recognizes.

At this moment, Xu Yang activated the Qingmu Spiritual Body Technique, and circles of green spiritual light swirled on the surface of his body.

Those rattans, wooden spears, etc. that block Xu Yang's path will be sensed by Xu Yang in advance and will not hurt him even half a cent.

There was no need to use violence at all, Xu Yang climbed up quickly like a dexterous squirrel.

I don’t know how much time passed.

"Aroma? It's the aroma of the wood spirit fruit." A wisp of fragrant air entered the body, and suddenly the whole body felt cool and comfortable.

Xu Yang stopped and stared in one direction.

As soon as he landed, a dozen sharp wooden spears spit out from the huge branch opposite.

The formation of wooden spears roared through the air, and its target was Xu Yang.

Xu Yang didn't dodge, his eyes were sharp, and he simply punched out.

He punched out and immediately exploded into a green storm.


In mid-air, a dozen wooden spears turned into sawdust all over the sky, scattering like rain.

A green light flashed under Xu Yang's feet and disappeared.

Then, as he passed through a thick clump of leaves, his eyes lit up.

"This is this?" Xu Yang looked surprised, "Holy tree fruit!"

A white holy tree fruit hangs on a branch not far opposite.

It is about the size of a fist, shaped like a white bead, and has a lingering aroma that is refreshing.

Xu Yang looked back and forth, but the surrounding branches and leaves became extremely quiet, and there was no movement to attack the intruder.

Somewhat weird.

The fruits of the holy tree are so close at hand, there is no reason not to pick them.

"A fruit from the holy tree, you belong to me, Xu Xiaoxian." Xu Yang stepped forward and was about to pick the fruit from the holy tree.


The space suddenly trembled! The light and shadow in the space change!

When the space calmed down, the space fragments were reassembled, and another picture appeared in front of Xu Yang's eyes.

Like everyone else, Xu Yang fell into the illusion of the holy tree.

In front of Xu Yang's eyes, a curtain of water appeared out of thin air.

In the water curtain, a blurry figure was reflected, and the figure became clearer and clearer.

It was a tall figure wearing a purple robe.

"The man in purple robe!" Xu Yang blurted out. The pores all over his body suddenly opened, the cold air came from his back, and his heart beat like a frightened pigeon.

The man in purple robe is both the Shadow Master and the former Demon Lord of the Western Regions. He is the most troublesome figure for Xu Yang.

"No, this is an illusion. The man in purple robe cannot appear here." Xu Yang quickly activated the dolphin brain splitting technique to strengthen his consciousness and mental power and make timely judgments.

But in the next moment.

The purple-robed man in the water curtain took one step forward, and then the water curtain disappeared.

Without any unnecessary words, the figure of the purple-robed man flew toward Xu Yang's position like a falcon striking out. Feijuan's purple demonic energy left behind a string of shadows of purple-robed men.

The purple-robed man stretched out one hand, his fingers spread like hooks, and the purple devil wind roared in his palm, as if he controlled a terrifying world.

The space suddenly darkened, and the dark purple color rolled, as if a demonic realm had descended.

A few months ago, the scene in which Xu Yang was captured by a man in purple robe and cast a curse seemed to be happening again.

With a pop, a pair of huge black fire wings spread out from Xu Yang's back, rolled up suddenly, and his body flew backwards.

"Help me." He yelled as he flew back.

"The Dark Scales are here." Before he finished speaking, a black dragon fire swirled on Xu Yang's body, and the powerful demon dragon spiritual power instantly blessed Xu Yang's body.

Xu Yang’s spirit

His strength suddenly increased more than three times, and he was even more certain that the purple-robed man who suddenly appeared in front of him was not his true form. "You're not the real Purple Man," he yelled.


A large ball of purple demonic energy exploded, purple electricity whipped and creaked, and the void cracked.

Xu Yang barely dodged the attack from the "Purple Robed Man".

"Really?" The man in purple robe said calmly, "How about changing roles?"

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the purple-robed man twisted and changed, turning into the appearance of Xu Yang after his body was demonized.

The purple demonic energy swirled between Demonized Xu Yang's eyebrows, and a clear demonic swirl mark appeared. His amethyst-like pupils flashed with sharp brilliance, and there were eye-catching purple magic lines on both sides of his cheeks.

"I am you, and you are me." Demonized Xu Yang looked sarcastic.

Immediately afterwards, Demonized Xu Yang stretched out his palm, which looked like a tiger's claw. On the fingertips, circles of purple magic swirls were spit out, and the powerful power of the demon was roaring like a storm.

With a swirl of purple wind, the demonized Xu Yang disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, a cloud of purple wind exploded in front of Xu Yang, and the demonized guy rushed over.

"My inner demon was sensed by the power of the holy tree. The essence of this demonic illusion is derived from the power of the holy tree spirit. But how to break it?" Xu Yang made a quick judgment.

Although it is an illusion, the powerful attack power shown is real.

Xu Yang was fighting with his demonized self, fighting and retreating at the same time, using defense as offense, struggling to hold on.

Fortunately, Xu Yang's mind was on the verge of clarity. If he had gone crazy and fallen into inner demons like everyone else, he would have been defeated long ago.

In the illusion of the holy tree, the stronger the inner demon of the person trapped, the more powerful the illusion of the inner demon will be. Xu Yang's inner demon is the demonized version of himself, the most powerful being with the blood of the Yuan Demon Royal Family.


After separating from Xu Yang, Mai Xiaoqi searched for the fruits of the holy tree alone in the otherworld of the holy tree.

As he and Xu Yang separated, Mai Xiaoqi's mood calmed down. There was a special resonance between the ancient deer blood in her body and the sacred tree.

White halos emitted from her body, like a free deer walking happily in the world of the holy tree.

Miraculously, the surrounding branches and leaves become docile and harmless.

A huge, plate-shaped leaf gently lifted Mai Xiaoqi up and helped her climb to a higher branch.

The branches on the opposite side were too far away, and a green vine grew out of thin air. Mai Xiaoqi grabbed the green vine and swung it over like a swing.

Mai Xiaoqi accidentally stepped on the air and fell down. Several leaves below hurriedly stacked into a ball to catch her falling body.

The scattered leaves are like big dexterous hands. Gently, one by one, Mai Xiaoqi was sent to a safe place.

A world full of friendly trees.

"Holy Tree Fruit, where are you?" Mai Xiaoqi called softly.

The leaves in front of her eyes moved to both sides, like curtains being opened.

Opposite Mai Xiaoqi, three white holy tree fruits were hanging on a branch not far away.

Each holy tree fruit is about the size of a fist, shaped like three cute urchins, crowded together, pushing each other, and shaking slightly.

Mai Xiaoqi even heard the sound of frolic coming from the fruits of the sacred tree.

"Are you the fruit of the Holy Tree?" Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes, his eyes full of clarity.

The three holy tree fruits seemed to be very timid. They stopped playing and hung quietly on the branches. White brilliance emitted from the surface, and a warm fragrance filled the large space.

Mai Xiaoqi approached cautiously.

"Stop." A voice suddenly sounded.

"Who is it?" Mai Xiaoqi stopped, increased his vigilance, and looked for fame.

On the nearby tree trunk, white spiritual power fluctuated, and a woman's face with a pair of antlers appeared.

"She is a little girl with the blood of an ancient deer. Unexpectedly, for thousands of years, the deer

Finally, another heir of the ancient deer bloodline appeared on Ming Prairie, although the power of the bloodline seemed to be very weak. " said the woman's face.

"I am Mai Xiaoqi from the Caolu Tribe. Who are you?"

"I am the spirit of this sacred tree."

"Well," Mai Xiaoqi hesitated, "I'm here to participate in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Holy Realm trial and pick the fruits of the Holy Tree."

"Picking the fruits of the Holy Tree? Are the people on Luming Grassland so unreasonable now? The Fruit of the Holy Tree is the essence of the Holy Tree for hundreds of years. Only those with the purest hearts and the purest beliefs have the opportunity to obtain it. And it requires the most pious people. Prayer ceremony. Picking them at will can only be called stealing," the woman said with a serious face.

"There is no altar here, and I am not a wizard. I am not good at sacrificial techniques. Otherwise, I will kneel down to you and ask you to give me the fruit of the holy tree." Mai Xiaoqi said seriously.

After saying that, Mai Xiaoqi will kneel down.

"No." The woman's face immediately stopped her loudly.

"Then what should I do?" Mai Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed. She felt that the tree spirit was right. You can't steal other people's things.

"You have the blood of an ancient deer and are the most noble being of the Deer God clan. I, a mere tree spirit, cannot afford to kneel down and worship you."

After a pause, the tree spirit continued: "It's strange. Everyone who comes here has inner demons hidden in the dark, but you don't. You have a flawless heart."

Mai Xiaoqi immediately realized something from the tree spirit's words, and said quickly: "Is little brother Xu Yang trapped in the inner demon world?"

"Brother Xu Yang? You are talking about the young man with the power of the original demon. His inner demon is the demonized version of himself. At this moment, he is constantly fighting with the illusion of his inner demon. It is not just yours Brother Xu Yang, besides you, there are six other people who entered this place, and they are all trapped in their own inner demons. "

Mai Xiaoqi's big eyes were filled with sparkle. He clasped his hands together and said piously: "Master Tree Spirit, please let them go. We are only here to participate in the trial, not to steal the fruits of your holy tree."

"Ahem." The woman coughed twice, "Let me tell you a story first."

"Okay, Xiaoqi, listen carefully." Mai Xiaoqi said obediently.

"In ancient times, the volcano spirit was born in this beast volcano. The volcano spirit is naturally manic, and its abnormal movements will cause the volcano to erupt. The flames will rage and the smoke will billow, destroying pastures and everything within a radius of thousands of miles. The ancient god of deer In order to protect his descendants from reproducing safely on the Luming Grassland, a large formation was set up to suppress the Heavenly Beast Volcano. This formation was the Heavenly Beast Holy Land, and I was originally the God of Ancient Deer who cast spells in this sky. A snow spirit tree in the Holy Beast Realm uses the power of the snow spirit to balance the power of the fire spirit under the Heavenly Beast Sacred Realm. The Stone Deer Magic Weapon. But somehow, a hundred years ago, I gradually lost contact with the Formation Eye Stone Deer Magic Weapon. I felt that the effect of the Formation Eye Stone Deer Magic Weapon was getting smaller and smaller. , the power of the volcano is becoming more and more violent. As a result, my body has been eroded by the violent power of the fire spirit. If you don't believe it, you can see that some of the leaves on my body have turned yellow." The woman's face was filled with emotion at the end. Face aggrieved.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes, and sure enough he found that some of the green leaves around him were withered and yellow.

"Oh, it's so pitiful. Can I help you?" Mai Xiaoqi sympathized.

"Above here, about three hundred feet away, there is a big tree tumor, which is the fire poison. You only need to help me cut it off, and you can slow down my fire poison. The fire poison will disappear. Naturally, I have lost the ability to transform into inner demons. If you help me, you are helping your little brother Xu Yang and other people who are trapped in the inner demon world. In return, you can enjoy the fruits of the sacred tree here. Picking." The woman said with a serious face.

"So that's it." Mai Xiaoqi straightened up, leaving only a white halo in place.

"I'm going." Mai Xiaoqi's distant voice came from above.

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