True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1084 Brave Mai Xiaoqi

"I must help little brother Xu Yang and everyone get out of this predicament as soon as possible."

The belief in Mai Xiaoqi's heart was like a fire.


She quickly activated the wild mark technique, white spiritual light swirled on the surface of her body, and there were white deer-shaped marks on the soles of her feet. She stepped hard with her legs and feet as powerful as a sacred deer, and easily jumped several feet high.

Whoosh whoosh——

As fast as the wind, in just a moment, Mai Xiaoqi arrived three hundred feet above.

As far as the eye could see, the thick trunk of the holy tree turned dark red, with blood python-like protrusions bulging on the surface. These protrusions are connected into large pieces, forming a strange flame array pattern.

In the middle of the flame array pattern, there is a large, convex and twisted burl on the tree trunk. A stream of red fire poison emitted from the surface of the tree tumor.

The atmosphere within a few hundred feet was completely like a different space, filled with manic fire poison.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes, "Is this the "big tree tumor" that Lord Tree Spirit calls it? Fire poison has taken over this place, and Senior Tree Spirit's power cannot reach here. I need to help her remove this tree tumor. "

Suddenly, the surrounding space trembled, and large flame patterns on the tree trunks shone.

The raised veins on the surface of the tree trunk made a rumbling sound, as if there were ferocious beasts running wildly among them.

On the opposite side of the tree, a thick red flame burst out with a bang, and hot red magma flowed out.

The hot magma twisted and turned into a huge magma tiger in an instant.

The magma evil tiger is three feet in size, with a domineering king character on its forehead, and streaks of red magma dripping from its body. It is ugly and terrifying.

Every time the magma tiger beast's feet stepped on it, a circle of fire would burst out. Clear tiger-shaped footprints were imprinted on the surface of the tree trunk, and the burning bark made a hissing sound.

Fortunately, the sacred tree is huge, has rough bark, and has deep roots, so it will not cause a fire.


The magma tiger roared and sprayed out a large ball of sparks from its mouth. Its bright eyes stared at Mai Xiaoqi who had just arrived.

The ferocious beast hunched its neck and lowered its shoulders, approaching quietly.

The sudden appearance of the magma tiger immediately gave off a burning and pungent smell of fire poison.

"It's a magma beast! Oops, it smells like fire poison," Mai Xiaoqi pinched her nose with her hands and quickly used the breath-holding technique, and couldn't help but step back.

The Magma Tiger thought that Mai Xiaoqi was going to escape, so he got excited.

The ferocious beast kicked its limbs wildly, setting off a wall of flames.

This was the first time that Mai Xiaoqi had seen such an ugly and ferocious fire-poisonous tiger beast. She instinctively looked around her, but there was nothing left or right.

"Even if little brother Xu Yang is not here, I, Mai Xiaoqi, can still defeat this ugly guy."


Mai Xiaoqi quickly made secrets with both hands.

On her fingertips, a band of white spiritual light spit out. The white spiritual light intertwined rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, a huge wild mark appeared.

In the center of the wild mark, a deer head pattern with a pair of large antlers appears. The simple runes on it are constantly flowing, emitting a bright white light.

At the same time, a huge deer god appeared behind Mai Xiaoqi. The Deer God has the body of a deer with the head of a deer, and is wearing rattan armor. He stands with his head up against the sky and exudes a wild aura.

The power of blood in Mai Xiaoqi's body is already boiling, it is his unique ancient deer bloodline.

Legend has it that the Deer God, whose bloodline was inherited from ancient times, is one of the ancient king-level true spirits, an existence comparable to true dragons and true phoenixes. Even ordinary true immortals will take the initiative to retreat when they see the Ancient Deer God.

Although the ancient deer bloodline in Mai Xiaoqi's body has been diluted very thinly through generations of reproduction, it is still only the lowest grade at present. But when it was suddenly activated, it exploded with shocking power.

Circles of white spiritual power ripples spread outwards from Mai Xiaoqi's body. The overflowing powerful soul power directly materialized, and among them could be seen the jumping silhouettes of silver deer. Wherever you go,

Like a herd of deer striving to redefine the field.

Soul Domain - Luming Domain!

A small, white deer antler mark appeared in the middle of Mai Xiaoqi's smooth forehead, and her black pupils turned into snow-white.

The original cute and smart temperament disappeared, as if he suddenly changed into a different person, showing his domineering king.

When the magma evil tiger on the opposite side saw this, the powerful deer god's blood suppressed it, making it feel fear and let out a whining sound from its mouth.

"What kind of miracle is this? I'm so scared."

The magma tiger rushing forward wanted to stop immediately.

It put its limbs together and stepped hard on the tree trunk below, creating a fire ditch before it stopped in front of Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi's eyes widened, "You stinky guy, go to hell!"

The wild mark controlled by her hands quickly rotated, and the deer head pattern in the middle suddenly became active.


A world-shaking ancient deer crow, a wild sound, made Xuanhuang marvel.

Mai Xiaoqi put his palms against the wild mark and smacked it hard.

"Secret Technique—Ancient Giant Antlers of an Ancient Deer!"

The mark of the wilderness flickers continuously, and it looks like an ancient deer-headed monk with his head lowered and touching his horns.

A pair of huge antlers, like ancient divine forks, exuding powerful wild power.

The technique of giant horn is like a ten-layered mountain.


The magma tiger had no time to dodge, and its entire body was crushed to pieces by the ancient deer's giant horn technique.

The poisonous thing didn't even have time to wail, it raised up the fire breath stars and dispersed humbly.

Mai Xiaoqi restrained her skills and returned to her original state. She breathed heavily and looked at the big tree tumor opposite.

"I have to cut the big tree tumor to remove the fire poison and help little brother Xu Yang and others."

Mai Xiaoqi flipped his right hand, and white spiritual light swirled in his palm.

The white spiritual light converged, revealing a snow-white antler short knife. The surface of the deer antler dagger is engraved with exquisite snow deer patterns, exuding the unique auspicious atmosphere of the magic weapon.

It was the treasure made from the deer antlers that Mai Xiaoqi received after helping Queen Bai Xueling Deer during the beast tide incident a few days ago.

Mai Xiaoqi gave this antler dagger a name - Lu Xue!

Boom, boom, boom.

The entire tree trunk shook violently.

The raised fire poison veins on the surface of the tree trunk continue to transport more fire poison to the tree tumors. The big tree tumor shuddered and forced the next fire and poison attack.

Goo-doo, goo-doo, goo-doo.

The big tree tumor spits out more magma like a small volcano, and the magma twists and turns, as if it is about to transform into a terrifying giant beast.

Mai Xiaoqi's eyes turned cold, and her eyes turned into snow white. She held Luxue in one hand and rushed forward with a strong wind under her feet.


"I won't let you succeed." She shouted, swung her short sword and slashed out.

"Sword Technique - White Deer Stepping on the Snow!"

The knife comes out!

The white deer steps on the flying snow, and the silver blade curls in the wind!


A hundred feet of sword light flashed, and the strong wind roared, as if the King of Snow Deer was roaring.

The huge tree tumor was cut off by its roots, and the force of the erupted magma was about to transform into a ten-foot-long giant bear, before it slumped and collapsed.

The large cut off tree burl burned into ashes in a ball of fire.

The whole space became quiet.

The dark red color on the trunk of the holy tree gradually faded and turned into its original gray-green color. The bulges on the trunk surface smooth out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a deep scar where the big tree burl was.

On the surface of the tree trunk, white spiritual power rippled, revealing a woman's face with a pair of antlers.

"Thank you, Mai Xiaoqi." The woman's face showed gratitude, "You are the real warrior in Luming Prairie."

Opposite Mai Xiaoqi, the void fluctuated, and a white aura appeared.

The white spiritual light converged, and three plump white fruits of the holy tree appeared.

"This is the reward you deserve, three fruits of the holy tree." The woman said with a sincere face.

"Thank you Lord Tree Spirit." Mai Xiaoqi replied obediently, holding three holy tree fruits in both hands and putting them away carefully.

"Master Shuling, can little brother Xu Yang and my friends get rid of the control of the inner demons and illusions?" Mai Xiaoqi asked quickly.

"Of course. When the fire poison disappears, I also lose the ability to transform my inner demons. Transforming my inner demons is not what I want. This is just a trick of the magma spirit in the volcanic underground palace. The illusions of these people's inner demons will eventually appear in me. In my dreams, over time, I will also develop inner demons. The result is that I will become the puppet of the magma spirit, the entire sacred tree and other world will be controlled by the magma spirit, the Sky Beast Volcano will usher in a major eruption, and the Luming Grassland will not be able to survive. It exists again. Fortunately, you came here in time and helped me remove the tree tumor caused by the fire poison." The woman's face explained.

"It's so scary." Mai Xiaoqi took a long breath.

"But if you want to avoid this terrible result, you and your companions need help..." the woman said.

The Holy Tree stretching to the sky stretched its waist, and the entire Holy Tree shook. It tried hard to dig its roots deeper.

The sacred tree became quiet in another world, and countless green light spots emitted from the surface of the tree crown, like cheerful green rain.

With the restoration of the holy tree, the inner demons of Xu Yang and the other six people were lifted.

The "Demonized Xu Yang" opposite Xu Yang stopped attacking, and his body turned into purple stars and disappeared.

Xu Yang was exhausted. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and joked: "The demonized self turns out to be so powerful."

The demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder said: "Master Xu Yang, I will always be on your side."

The black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe was suppressed by the giant black snake and retreated continuously.


The huge black snake exploded and turned into black stars and disappeared.

Black-robed Jiashi's heart suddenly became clear, and he shook his head vigorously, "Damn it, it's my inner demon."

Cangmu from the Buck Tribe watched the gray-feathered flying eagle opposite turn into brown stars and disappear, as if waking up from a nightmare, taking a big breath.

He clutched the flying eagle bow in his hand tightly and panted: "Cang Yu Flying Eagle, my inner demon."

The blood pool in front of Black Snake, the weirdo from the Stag Tribe, disappeared, and the four snake beasts he was fighting with also disappeared.

He stuck out his long tongue, like an exhausted black dog after a wild fight.

"Is it an inner demon? Maybe one day in the future, I will turn into a real snake beast."

Brothers Jiansen and Jianlin of the Balu tribe were freed from the inner demons and illusions.

They stared at each other blankly.

Deep down in their hearts, what they are most worried about is that the other party's body will completely transform into a monster during the process of practicing witchcraft.

In that way, their memories will be erased, the elder brother will no longer remember the younger brother, and the younger brother will no longer remember the elder brother.

Worry turned into a demon.

After a while, Jiansen and Jianlin came together, spread their arms and hugged each other tightly.

"elder brother."

"younger brother."

Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu tribe, stood there stupidly and murmured: "Father."

Opposite him.

"Yelan", the leader of the Balu Tribe, turned around and disappeared into the void.

The big man Ye Yan's inner demon turned out to be his father who surpassed him.

Plop, plop, plop.

The big man Ye Yan could hear the frantic heartbeat in his chest, like a hammer hitting a stone.

"I just attacked my father." He raised his hand and hit his head hard, "Asshole."

At the same moment, the bodies of Xu Yang, several people from the Buck Tribe, and the Balu Tribe were shrouded in green light and disappeared.


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