True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1085 Underground Passage

The Holy Tree is in another world.

The woman's face on the tree trunk said: "Mai Xiaoqi, I will summon the other people who will participate in this trial to come here now."

Mai Xiaoqi said obediently: "Thank you Lord Shuling."

The woman opened her mouth and spit out a ball of green light, with ancient runes flowing in the light. The green light spots transformed into the shape of branches and leaves, and then twisted to form a green gate.

The green door opens.

Whoosh, whoosh whoosh, whoosh whoosh.

Seven people, Xu Yang, Cang Mu and Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe, the weird Black Snake, Jian Sen from the Ba Deer Tribe, Jian Lin and the big man Ye Yan, jumped out of the green gate.

Then the green door disappeared into thin air.

"They are coming." The woman's face said.

"Brother Xu Yang." Mai Xiaoqi's eyes lit up and his eyes fell on Xu Yang.

"Xiao Qi, are you okay?" Xu Yang said happily when he saw that Xiao Qi was fine, no worries at all.

Xu Yang and Xiao Qi walked towards each other and held hands.

Cangmu from the Stag Tribe held up his flying eagle bow: "There is a strange woman's face on the tree trunk. Where is this? A man and a woman from the Caolu Tribe opposite are holding hands. Is this a large date scene? But here we are They are all men."

"So many people? Have these people entered into my inner demons? I, Jia Shi, am too narrow-minded to accommodate so many people." Black-robed Jia Shi was entangled in his heart and turned to look at the weirdo beside him, " Just hit me and see."

The weird black snake stretched out a finger and poked the black-robed Jiashi's shoulder gently.

"It hurts." Black-robed Jiashi relaxed instead, let out a long breath, and then said: "It's not the inner demon. With so many people gathered together, is there a battle for the Holy Tree Fruit next?"

The two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin from the Balu tribe stood side by side behind the big man Ye Yan.

The big man Ye Yan said: "There are two people from the Caolu tribe and three people from the Buck tribe. They are all here, but we don't have a single fruit from the sacred tree. Is there going to be a big fight next?"

The two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with the big man Ye Yan, and said in unison: "Brother Ye Yan, we will fight shoulder to shoulder with you."

The woman's face on the tree trunk said: "I am the tree spirit of the holy tree. Fighting is prohibited here. Otherwise, I will be angry."

The woman's face showed anger, and the entire sacred tree world shook.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to move rashly.

The woman's face continued: "I declare that this trial to obtain the fruit of the holy tree is over. It is not me who has fallen into the inner demon world, but the magma spirit in the volcanic underground palace. This time it is the Caolu tribe. Mai Xiaoqi got rid of the fire poison in my body and rescued you from the inner demon world."

Everyone looked at Mai Xiaoqi, some were surprised, some were grateful, and some were confused.

Next, the Holy Tree Spirit explained the whole story in detail.

"This is the reason for the matter. Now we need to work together to go to the underground volcano underground palace to check the real situation and put the original Shilu Formation Eyes back in place. Only in this way can we stop the big eruption of Tianshou Volcano and save the entire Luming Grassland, saving the people on Luming Grassland is also saving yourselves," the woman said with a serious face.

Xu Yang was the first to express his position: "I didn't expect that the matter has developed to such a serious level. I am willing to enter the volcanic underground palace with everyone to stop the invasion of the magma spirit and eliminate the hidden dangers of the Celestial Beast Volcano."

The black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe took a step forward and said, "This matter is related to the fate of the entire Luming Grassland. As members of the Luming Grassland, the warriors of the Buck Tribe will not choose to escape."

Cangmu next to Jia Shi said: "The warriors of the Buck Tribe are no worse than anyone else."

The weirdo Black Snake on the side nodded.

Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu Tribe, beat his chest with his hand and said, "In the Volcano Underground Palace, the warriors of the Balu Tribe are going to challenge a new mission."

Jian Sen and Jian Lin of the Ba Lu Tribe said in unison: "Ba Lu Tribe, move forward bravely."

When Mai Xiaoqi saw that everyone was willing to participate in the mission of saving Luming Grassland, the fire of fighting spirit ignited in her heart.

He raised his arms and said, "Long live the Luming Grassland!"

Xu Yang raised his arms and said, "Long live the Luming Grassland."

The other six people looked at Mai Xiaoqi. No one shouted slogans with her, and they all thought to themselves.

"You are not the leader of Luming Prairie."

"The seventh princess of the Caolu tribe has the blood of ancient deer. Maybe she will become a flag on the Luming Grassland in the future."

"Who do you think you are?"

"The Buck Tribe will not submit to the Grass Deer Tribe."

"Our Balu tribe is the best."

Mai Xiaoqi saw everyone's questioning looks and put down her hands in embarrassment.

The woman's face said: "Next, everyone must unite together to complete the new task."

Opposite the crowd, the void fluctuated, and a white aura appeared.

The white spiritual light converged, and seven holy tree fruits with white light appeared.

The woman's face said: "In order for everyone to complete the task better, except for Mai Xiaoqi who has already obtained the fruit of the holy tree, everyone else will be rewarded with a fruit of the holy tree. Because the underground palace is full of fire poison, as long as Taking the fruit of the holy tree can temporarily prevent the fire poison from invading the body, and can also greatly improve your physical fitness level in a short period of time."

Next, each of the six people, including Xu Yang, received a fruit from the holy tree.

The woman's face said: "Ten years ago, the Tianshou Mountain Holy Land was temporarily opened due to changes in the Tianshou Volcano. At that time, a group of ten Luming Prairie Warriors who came to participate in the trial entered the volcano underground palace to see what was going on. But at that time The fruits of the sacred tree were not yet ripe, and their methods of resisting the fire poison were limited, which was probably the reason why they never returned. Today, ten years later, the changes in Tianshou Mountain have become more intense, a volcanic eruption is imminent, and the dangers in the volcanic underground palace are very high. It will only be more terrifying, but I believe you can complete the mission of saving Luming Grassland."

Ten years ago, Mai Xiaoqi's parents were among the candidates to participate in the Tianshou Mountain trial.

Hearing this, Mai Xiaoqi's tears welled up in her big eyes, and she choked with sobs: "Father, mother."

Xu Yang on the side gently patted Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder and comforted: "You are the most outstanding child of your parents, and they are proud of you."

Mai Xiaoqi nodded. She wanted to be a fearless warrior like her parents, with a fierce fighting spirit in her heart.

The black-robed Jia Shi of the Buck Tribe said: "As far as I know, the Holy Land Trial at Tianshou Mountain was opened ten years ago, and none of the three participants from the Buck Tribe survived. Afterwards, through witchcraft deductions, it was said that they had offended the God of the Volcano. . I didn’t expect the truth to be like this.”

The weird Black Snake still didn't speak, silently guarding Jia Shi's side.

Cangmu said angrily: "Damn the volcano spirit, it swallowed up the ten most outstanding warriors on the Luming Grassland. My cousin Cangzhe is among them. He is the brother I have always admired and studied since I was a child. ”

Ye Yan, the big man of the Ba Lu Tribe, said: "Ten people are worthy of admiration. We must be as brave as them and never back down. Even if we have to sacrifice our lives, there are no cowards in the Ba Lu Tribe."

The two brothers Jian Sen and Jian Lin on the side had firm eyes, "We will move forward side by side with Brother Ye Yan."

The woman's face said: "There are three entrances to the volcanic underground palace. These three entrances are originally the three formations used to suppress the volcanic spirit. Only by opening the three entrances at the same time can you truly enter the volcanic underground palace. Caolu The tribe, the Buck Tribe, and the Balu Tribe are divided into three groups. I will send you to three underground passages."

Afterwards, the holy tree spirit cast a spell, and the body surfaces of eight people, including Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi, were surrounded by green light spots. The green light spots connected into green bubbles, carrying them quickly floating downwards.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone entered the soil under the holy tree.

The further down you go, the more intense the heat in the soil becomes.

"My power can only send you here. I wish you success." The voice of the holy tree spirit sounded.


The green bubbles outside the bodies of Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi disappeared, and in front of them was a secret passage deep underground.

The dark passage is surrounded by ancient formations.

Near the entrance, the formation pattern is green, and as you go inside, the formation pattern turns red.

Waves of heat rolled out from the secret passage, filled with the smell of fire poison.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes, quickly took out two Holy Tree Fruits, handed one to Xu Yang and said: "Brother Xu Yang, this place is full of fire poison, it is safer for us to take the Holy Tree Fruits."

Xu Yang did not accept Mai Xiaoqi's kindness and smiled slightly: "Please rest assured, as I said, I am invulnerable to all poisons. The fruit of the holy tree is the trophy you won, not to mention that I already have a holy tree in my hand." The tree bears fruit.”

"Yes," Mai Xiaoqi nodded obediently, put away one of the holy tree fruits, and ate the remaining one into his mouth.

Click, click, click.

Sweet and crispy, juicy and full of fruity aroma.

Not long after, a fruit from the holy tree entered his belly.

A February spring snow danced in her body.

Gentle, flowing, cool.

A circle of white gleaming light emitted from the surface of Mai Xiaoqi's skin, blocking out the fire poison outside.

And her physical performance was directly at the peak of the Yuanhun realm, and her whole body was full of strength.

Mai Xiaoqi clenched his fist and tried to punch it out.


The void shook, and the fist rushed into the depths of the dark passage, making a rumbling sound.

"What a wonderful fruit of the holy tree." Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and looked at the shining light on her hands and body.

Since Xu Yang was already invulnerable to all poisons, the fire poison in the void could not cause any harm to him. Instead, as the power of the fire poison was inhaled, his body was replenished with some fire-attribute spiritual power.

After that, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi walked towards the depths of the secret passage.


Kaishi, Cangmu and the weirdo Black Snake from the Stag Tribe appeared at the entrance of another underground passage.

The black-robed Jiashi looked at the secret passage leading to the underground, emitted his consciousness, and then said: "This secret passage is full of fire poison. We should each take a fruit of the holy tree. Otherwise, over time, the fire poison will invade the body. It’s troublesome.”

The three people drank the fruit of the holy tree respectively.

The black-robed Jiashi spread his palms and activated his magic power slightly, and the power of the storm rolled in his palms. "What a magical holy tree fruit. Not only does it add ice and snow defense power to my body, but it also improves my physical performance by one level." A big rank. Is this the power that only Daoming realm monks have?"

Cangmu's face showed satisfaction: "This power is very gentle. It can temporarily improve the body's strength without any side effects. It's really great."

The weirdo Black Snake on the side just nodded.

Black-robed Jiashi said: "Our Buck Tribe cannot fall behind the other two tribes. Let's go."

The figures of the three people disappeared into the depths of the dark passage.


Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu tribe, Jian Sen and Jian Lin also appeared at the entrance of an underground passage.

The big man Ye Yan said: "This is the entrance to the volcanic underground palace. The air is full of fire poison. According to Lord Tree Spirit's plan, we should take the fruit of the Holy Tree in advance."

Jiansen and Jianlin nodded in response, "Act according to the plan."

Three people each drank a fruit from the sacred tree.

The big man Ye Yan clenched his fist tightly. When he activated his magic power, his fist immediately turned to stone. The surface was covered with a layer of ice crystals, as if he was wearing ice crystal armor. "What a powerful force, a magical fruit."

Jiansen's consciousness moved.


A sword of silver light rolled out from the scabbard on his waist, and it was in his hand in just a flash.

He looked at the blade in his hand and said excitedly: "It's Daoming level power. I can draw the knife twice as fast as before."

Jian Lin was originally a wizard with wood attributes. After taking the fruit of the holy tree, the benefits were even greater. He said loudly: "I feel that there is endless power in my body. I am the most powerful wood spirit wizard."

The big man Ye Yan said: "Let's go down."

The big man Ye Yan was in front, and the two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin were behind. The three of them rushed into the depths of the secret passage.

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