True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1087 Stone Pillar Formation

Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu tribe, Jian Sen and Jian Lin stopped at the end of a secret passage.

Opposite the three people is a majestic underground palace square, and in front of the underground palace square is a tall stone door. The surface of the tall stone door is engraved with scenes of wild deer grazing leisurely.

But at this moment, the surface of the stone door was red and hot, as if it had been swallowed by the throat of a magma monster.

In front of the huge stone door, there was a huge stone pillar lying across it, like a latch blocking the way to the door.

The giant stone pillar has been contaminated by fire poison, its surface is red, and fire snakes are spinning on its surface.

The big man Ye Yan said: "After passing the front gate, we can reach the real center of the underground palace."

Jiansen on the side said: "The big stone pillar lying on the ground should be the magic weapon here. We must move it before we can open the door in front."

"Let me try it first." Jian Lin walked over with his staff in hand.

He spoke plausibly, "The soul of the wood spirit, the power of the dominating deer... push it away!"

Runes flowed on the surface of the staff in his hand, and green aura swirled.

With a strong wave of the staff in his hand, a ball of green light was quickly thrown out with a bang.

The green ball of light flying in mid-air twisted quickly, revealing the shadow of three domineering deer side by side. The domineering deer rushed with its hoofs and giant horns, directly impacting the surface of the huge stone pillar on the opposite side.

Bang bang bang!

The three shadows of Tyrant Deer exploded one after another, setting off large groups of green stars. But the huge stone pillar across the way didn't move at all.

"This?" Jian Lin looked embarrassed, "My wood spirit witchcraft, with the power of the three beasts, can't move this big stone pillar at all."

Astonishingly, the surface of the large stone pillar had patterns that lit up, and the pattern of the patterns was somewhat similar to the totem of the Balu Tribe.

The big stone pillar buzzed, and the formation runes on its surface flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the big stone pillar stood up slowly, and then split into three strangely, sticking side by side on the ground, like a huge fence, and the door behind it could not be opened.

The three stone pillars quickly changed their positions back and forth, as if they were being manipulated secretly by a magic hand, making it difficult to see which pillar was the original one.

When the changes stop, the three stone pillars will look the same.

"There are intruders, stop them!" Human words slowly spat out from the surface of the three stone pillars.

The big man Ye Yan gave a sharp look, "It is a rock-type blocking formation. This kind of technique is very common in the hard rock tribe. Unless the weakness of this formation is found, it must be destroyed with brute force. But you need to find a formation. Unless it is the person who set it up, it is difficult for others to find it. The only option left for us is to destroy it through brute force."

Jiansen on the side said: "Let me try."


The scimitar from the scabbard on Jiansen's waist was unsheathed and held in his hand.

Then, Jiansen cautiously approached three huge stone pillars.

Jiansen activated his martial arts body, and blue soul realm emitted from his body surface. In the soul realm, blue tentacles can be seen with the naked eye, which is a mutated soul realm.

"Soul Domain - Octopus Tentacles!"

"Sword technique - whirlwind double swords!"

Jiansen threw the scimitar with all his strength. In mid-air, the scimitar split into two. The blade rotated, creating a storm and forming a powerful sword array.

Dang Dang Dang, Dang Dang Dang!

A series of hard-hitting sounds came out.

After a while, Jiansen put away the machete and breathed heavily.

The surface of two of the three stone pillars on the opposite side is covered with deep knife marks.

"What a hard stone pillar." Jiansen said with wide eyes.

At this moment, the totem runes on the surfaces of the three stone pillars lit up at the same time. The knife marks on the surface of the damaged stone pillars were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, making them as smooth as ever in the blink of an eye.

Jiansen shook his head and said with a surprised look on his face: "These stone pillars also have automatic repair restrictions. With my attack power, even if I chop here for three days, I'm afraid I won't be able to really destroy them."

The big man Ye Yan took two steps forward and said, "Let me try, you guys step back first."

Jiansen and Jianlin heard this and retreated to the back.

"Brother Ye Yan can definitely do it."

"Brother Ye Yan is born with hard rock skills and is good at rock arts. When it comes to head-to-head skills, even our clan leader Lord Yelan may not be able to match him."

The two whispered quietly behind them.

The big man Ye Yan looked at the three huge stone pillars opposite. Each one was about ten feet thick and ten feet high.

"Come from the left first."

The big man Ye Yan made secrets with his hands, and his bones creaked all over his body. His height suddenly increased by five feet, his skin became as rough as stone, and his physical strength completely turned into stone, like a rock giant.

Immediately afterwards, the big man Ye Yan raised a pair of giant rock fists.

"Fist technique - hard rock critical strike!"

A pair of giant fists smashed down crazily, the shadows of the fists were heavy, and hills fell one after another.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

A stone pillar on the left could not bear the heavy beating, and it peeled off layer by layer from the outside to the inside.

After a while, a huge stone pillar suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

"Brother Ye Yan did a great job."

"Brother Ye Yan's rock fist is really powerful."

The big man Ye Yan was panting, glanced at it, and said: "Next one."

Arriving in front of the middle pillar, the big man Ye Yan once again activated the hard rock boxing technique.

Punch out! Boulders are falling in the rain!

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

A stone pillar in the middle also peeled off layer by layer, and finally collapsed with a crash.

"There's one last one." The big man, Hard Rock, moved towards the rightmost stone pillar.

At this moment, the runes on the surface of the rightmost stone pillar suddenly lit up.

Knock, click, click.

The two stone pillars that were originally broken quickly recovered.

The three stone pillars changed their positions like magic. When it calmed down, the three stone pillars were intact as before, and it was impossible to tell which one was the main body.

The big man Ye Yan was stunned on the spot.

"What a powerful restriction. Unless three stone pillars are destroyed at the same time, this formation can be restored indefinitely."

Jian Sen and Jian Lin came over from behind.

"This? Are we going to be blocked here?" Jiansen said unwillingly.

"If this continues, we will fall far behind the Caolu Tribe and Balu Tribe. If we cannot pass this stone gate, we will not be able to complete the final mission." Jian Lin looked anxious.

The big man Ye Yan turned his head and looked at the two of them, thought for a moment, and then said: "Only the three of us who work together as a rope can have a chance to break through the stone pillar's interception."

Jiansen said: "Brother Ye Yan, please make it clear."

Jian Lin said: "It all depends on Brother Ye Yan's arrangements."

The big man Ye Yan said: "Jianlin is good at wood-attribute witchcraft, and the stone pillar formation opposite is the rock-earth formation in the earth-attribute formation. Wood overcomes earth, you first use wood-attribute witchcraft to weaken this formation. Defense. Next, Jiansen uses the whirlwind knife technique to cut a gap on the surface of each stone pillar, and leave it to me to complete."

Jiansen and Jianlin nodded in unison: "This is a good idea."

Jian Lin holds a staff and activates wood-attribute witchcraft.

He poked the staff in his hand on the ground in front of the stone pillar, and then drew a witchcraft array with the staff as the center and surrounding it with special witchcraft powder.

Next, Jian Lin recited the secret mantra: "Domination of the deer world, the art of blood sacrifice, the arrival of the wood world..."

Immediately afterwards, Jian Lin bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood from his soul onto the staff.

The staff buzzed, the bloody halo flashed, and the surrounding witchcraft formation was activated.

Within the witch formation, there were green climbing vines, countless of them, climbing towards the opposite stone pillar formation like a tide of snakes.

Not long after, the surface of the three huge stone pillars began to crawl.

Full of climbing vines.

The seemingly inconspicuous climbing vines, numerous in number, gradually tightened and absorbed the geological spiritual energy in the stone pillars.

Click, click, click.

The surfaces of the three stone pillars became soft, and a patch of rock and soil powder peeled off.

Jianlin was sweating profusely and said, "This is already my limit."

Jiansen, who had been prepared for a long time, stepped forward and said, "It's my turn."

Jiansen first carefully measured the surfaces of the three stone pillars with his eyes, and his eyes fell on the place three feet high.

"This is the location."

Jiansen made a secret with his hands, and the light on his fingertips intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a seal in the shape of an eight-clawed octopus appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the octopus seal on his heart.


A heart pulse immediately turned a shining red, and the witch-gu octopus blood in his body boiled.

The appearance of an eight-clawed octopus appeared behind him, and the aura of his body immediately burst into flames.


The clothes on his back were torn, and a pair of huge and long octopus tentacles sprouted from his back.

Becoming a monster!

"Knivesmanship - Octopus Storm!"

The next moment, Jiansen, who transformed into a monster, came out with a sword.

The scimitar was divided into three, and the three blades slashed down like a tornado.

The formation of blades, the cut void creaked.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of explosion sounded.

Three feet away from the three stone pillars, the blade struck down, splashing up large clouds of sparks and flying stone powder.

After a while, Jiansen put away the scimitar and his body returned to its original appearance.

His hand holding the handle of the knife couldn't help shaking. He had used 80% of his strength in the knife array attack just now.

Wedge-shaped gaps were cut out at the three-foot mark of the three stone pillars.

"It's my turn." The big man Ye Yan shouted and stepped forward.

The big man Ye Yan once again strengthened his rock power and transformed into a three-foot-tall rock giant.

Immediately afterwards, the big man Ye Yan squatted down, hugged a stone pillar on the left with both hands, and exerted force on his arms, causing circles of brown spiritual patterns to explode on the surface of his muscles.

"Get up."


There was a muffled sound.

A huge stone pillar was picked up from the ground by the big man Ye Yan.

"They were all broken by me!"

The big man Ye Yan propped up his legs, leaned back slightly, twisted his thick waist, and swung his arms.


Big stone pillars swung out horizontally.

The three stone pillars collided with each other at the precise location of the gaps.


There was an explosion like the sky was falling apart.

A violent collision, a confrontation between hard rocks, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the entire square and hit the surrounding walls, making the entire underground palace shake.


The three stone pillars were all broken.

The big man Ye Yan threw the remaining half of the stone pillar in his hand on the ground. The stone on the surface of his body quickly faded away and returned to its original appearance, covered with sweat.

Red arcs of electricity flew wildly at the fractures of the three stone pillars, and all the formation restrictions were destroyed.

Click, click.

The tall stone door at the back opened by itself.

The big man Ye Yan waved his hand and said, "The warriors of the Balu Tribe are no worse than anyone else. Let's go in."

Jiansen and Jianlin looked at each other with excited expressions on their faces.

"Fortunately, Brother Ye Yan is here."

"As a warrior of the Balu Tribe, I am proud."

The three people strode into the door.


The end of another passage.

A young man in green clothes and a girl with big eyes stood side by side.

It was Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi who represented the Caolu Tribe.

In front of them was also a huge closed stone door.

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