True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1088 The Formation of the Bronze Cauldron

There was a bang.

A stone door rose at the exit of the secret passage behind Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi, and the two were blocked in the closed hall space.

Mai Xiaoqi turned around smartly.

Xu Yang stood guard in front of Mai Xiaoqi. The hall was silent except for the sound of two hearts beating powerfully in his chest.

Seeing that there was no threat, Xu Yang said: "Probably our entry triggered the restriction in this hall space. Only two people can enter this space."

The two stood there and looked around the entire underground palace space.

Mai Xiaoqi pointed to the big stone door opposite and said, "As long as we open the door on the opposite side, we can pass through here."

With that said, Mai Xiaoqi was about to walk over, but was pulled back by Xu Yang.

"Be careful, look at the runes on the ground under your feet." Xu Yang reminded.

Mai Xiaoqi looked down, and sure enough, the ground was covered with square grids, and in the middle of each square grid were engraved obscure runes.

"Look, there is a tall bronze tripod in each of the three corners of this space." Xu Yang said.

Mai Xiaoqi looked at the three double-eared bronze tripods, which were as tall as hills. The surface of the bronze tripods was engraved with scenes of deer drinking, jumping, or eating grass.

There were clusters of fire poison swaying on the surface of the three bronze cauldrons, exuding a violent aura.

"What are these three big cauldrons hiding nearby? Couldn't they be some dangerous mechanism? Are they related to the runes on the ground?" Mai Xiaoqi asked three questions in a row.

"Before coming here, Senior Tree Spirit said that at the end of every passage is a formation. These three cauldrons should be the magic weapon of the formation. It's just that they seem to have been infected by fire poison. If there are any mechanisms or restrictions, let me Let’s try it first,” Xu Yang explained.

"Brother Xu Yang, you have to be careful." Mai Xiaoqi said with concern.

Xu Yang nodded, and then said confidently: "Please rest assured, Xiao Qi, there is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, can't do. It seems like this is just a grid game."

Xu Yang took a cautious step and stood in a square grid in front of him.

Suddenly, the runes in the square grid suddenly shone, and they were green runes. The grass deer pattern on the nearest bronze tripod also lit up, showing the same green color and rotating slowly.

At the same time, a powerful force of restraint fell at Xu Yang's feet. Xu Yang suddenly felt like he was carrying a thousand pounds, and his steps suddenly became difficult.

"It's a gravity restriction." Xu Yang's knees bent slightly at first, but then he stood up straight and blurted out.

Xu Yang made a secret with one hand and activated the Qingmu Spirit Body Technique. The light and shadow of green vines flowed on the surface of his legs and feet. With the assistance of the power of ivy, the strength of the legs and feet increased sharply. But if you want to fly, you can't do it. You can only walk forward one square at a time.

Xu Yang moved forward tentatively.

When Xu Yang walked to the middle of the hall.

The patterns on the surface of another bronze tripod lit up, turning a shiny yellow color.

In some square grids under Xu Yang's feet, yellow runes flashed and the grids turned yellow.

Xu Yang stepped on a yellow grid on the left with one foot, but there was no reaction.

But when Xu Yang's steps just fell, a force of space acted on him. His body was surrounded by a yellow light shield, and with a flash, he was teleported to a yellow grid on the right.

"The yellow grid is a restriction on space transformation." Xu Yang made a quick judgment in his mind.

The strange thing is that the transmission direction of these yellow grids is random. After finally walking forward ten grids, he was teleported back to the original position.

"There are some rules for the transmission of these yellow grids, basically moving forward ten grids and going back about eight grids." Xu Yang silently memorized the rules for the transmission of each yellow grid.

As time passed, Xu Yang probably figured out the pattern and slowly approached the huge stone opposite.


Mai Xiaoqi, who was standing behind and paying attention, looked at the flashing yellow and green grids on the ground and Xu Yang's back and forth steps. She was a little dazzled. She shook her head, "This is simply a maze."

"Brother Xu Yang is the smartest." Mai Xiaoqi did not forget to encourage Xu Yang.

Xu Yang turned around and smiled, curled his lips, blew a strand of hair on his forehead, and joked: "The main thing is that he is handsome, and the second thing is that he is smart."

"Brother Xu Yang is the most handsome." Mai Xiaoqi felt warm in her heart. Such a handsome young man was her fiancé.

The reason why Xu Yang acted relaxed and humorous was simply because he didn't want to put pressure on Mai Xiaoqi. At this moment, Xu Yang was extremely vigilant.

Just when Xu Yang was still ten feet away from the tall stone gate opposite.

The carvings on the surface of the third bronze tripod suddenly shone bright red.

The grids around Xu Yang's position turned red.

"They are all red grids, so I have no choice but to try."

Xu Yang confidently stepped into a nearby red grid.


The whole space shook.

A red halo rose from Xu Yang's feet, covering him within it.

When the red halo dissipated, the place was empty.

Mai Xiaoqi, who was watching Xu Yang "playing games" intently, rubbed his eyes with both hands, but still couldn't see Xu Yang's shadow.

Now that he was anxious, Mai Xiaoqi said with tears in his eyes: "Brother Xu Yang, don't abandon me, you are not dead, right?"

"Ahem," Xu Yang coughed twice beside Mai Xiaoqi, "Nonsense, I haven't officially married you yet, how can I be willing to die."

Mai Xiaoqi rushed over and hugged Xu Yang, pinched Xu Yang's cheek with his hands, and then said: "Oh, it's true. I'm sorry, I just said it in a hurry. ”

Xu Yang thought for a while and then said: "If we want to successfully walk through the square grid on the ground, we need to work closely together."

"Cooperate closely?" Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and looked at the distance between herself and Xu Yang.

Then she jumped hard and hugged Xu Yang's neck, "Brother Xu Yang is hugging Xiao Qi like this, is it close enough? If we walk together, we won't be afraid that the other person will suddenly disappear."

Xu Yang held Mai Xiaoqi in his arms with a look of helplessness on his face, "It's very close, but not like this."

"Which one is that? It has to be..." Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and murmured in her heart: "Grandma said that skin-to-skin contact can only happen after the wedding. Does it have to be like that?"

The little girl with big eyes was flushed and hot.

Looking at the pure girl in his arms, Xu Yang was really afraid that she would melt in his arms. It was a tempting piece of candy.

Xu Yang immediately used the dolphin brain splitting technique to calm down quickly.

He put Mai Xiaoqi firmly on the ground and stood up, and said seriously: "What I am saying is that we must have a perfect strategy, and then we must cooperate closely and implement it, so that we can pass this grid formation."

"So that's it?" Mai Xiaoqi adjusted his clothes with his hands, "Xiaoqi listens to little brother Xu Yang's arrangements and is ready to fight at any time."

Xu Yang nodded, then pointed to the nearest bronze tripod with his hand, "Our plan is that you use the deer snow dagger to seal the nearest bronze tripod with green patterns. In this way, there is no gravity restriction, and I can rush in quickly. Go over. I'm responsible for getting rid of the remaining copper tripods with yellow and red patterns. Without the copper tripods controlling the underground squares, we can pass smoothly. Calculating the distance, it only takes about six breaths. ”

Mai Xiaoqi said obediently: "Oh, little brother Xu Yang's plan is so perfect. Xiaoqi will definitely cooperate closely."

"Let's count down to three, two, and one, and then start our attack plan," Xu Yang

He looked at Mai Xiaoqi and smiled slightly, "The name of the plan is Xu Yang Mai Xiaoqi's Intimacy Battle."

"Yes." Mai Xiaoqi nodded vigorously, full of confidence, "Xu Yang Mai Xiaoqi's intimate battle."

"Three, two, one." The two said in unison.

As soon as the words fell, the two of them stepped into the first square in front of them.

A band of white spiritual light spit out from Mai Xiaoqi's fingertips. The white spiritual light intertwined rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, a huge wild mark appeared.

In the center of the wild mark, a deer beast pattern with a pair of large antlers appeared. The simple runes on it were constantly flowing, emitting a bright white light.

At the same time, a huge deer god appeared behind Mai Xiaoqi. The Deer God has the body of a deer with the head of a deer, and is wearing rattan armor. He stands with his head up against the sky and exudes a wild aura.

The power of blood in Mai Xiaoqi's body is already boiling, it is his unique ancient deer bloodline.

Circles of white spiritual power ripples spread outwards from Mai Xiaoqi's body. The overflowing powerful soul power directly materialized, and among them could be seen the jumping silhouettes of silver deer. Wherever it passes, a herd of deer hooves, redefining the power of the field.

Soul Domain - Luming Domain!

A small, white deer antler mark appeared in the middle of Mai Xiaoqi's smooth forehead, and her black pupils turned into snow-white.

Without stopping for a moment, Mai Xiaoqi flipped his right hand, and a wisp of white snow swirled.

The white spiritual light converged, revealing a snow-white antler short knife. The surface of the deer antler dagger is engraved with exquisite snow deer patterns, exuding the unique auspicious atmosphere of the magic weapon.

The treasured sword——Luxue!

"Sword Technique - White Deer Stepping on the Snow!"

The wild mark was placed on the dagger, and the dagger took off.

The white deer steps on the flying snow, and the silver blade curls in the wind!


With a crisp sound, Lu Xue's short knife was inserted into the carvings on the surface of the nearest bronze tripod.

The blade of the knife sank half an inch into the bronze cauldron.

A powerful force of ice and snow suddenly spread out from the blade of Lu Xue Dao, rolling up a white blizzard.

Click, click, click.

The patterns on the surface of the bronze tripod were immediately frozen, and the original green flash quickly dimmed.

The green grid in the square grid becomes invalid immediately.

"go forward."

Without the restriction of gravity, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi ran forward side by side.

After two breaths.

The two were in the middle of the hall.

At this time, the yellow runes on the second bronze tripod lit up.

Xu Yang's eyes flashed, and his consciousness moved. The Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit body in the Purple Mansion space in his body turned into a three-legged Golden Crow, stirred up the golden flames, and disappeared from the place.

At the same time, a golden flying knife appeared on Xu Yang's palm, which was Xu Yang's golden-winged flying knife.

"Flying Knife Skill - Golden Crow Flame Spirit Break!"

He raised his wrist.

A line of gold and fire.

A pair of golden flame wings appeared on the surface of the golden-winged flying knife in mid-air. The sun god bird raised its head and flapped its wings, and the speed of the flying knife suddenly tripled.


There was a crisp sound.

The golden-winged flying knife was inserted into the front of the yellow rune bronze tripod, and the blade was immersed in it for more than two inches.

Visible to the naked eye, a circle of golden fire rolled and exploded, and the cry of a divine bird could be heard.

A circle of golden flame spirit runes blessed the surface of the copper tripod, and the yellow runes that lit up on the surface of the copper tripod immediately dimmed.

At the same time, the yellow square grid on the ground immediately became ineffective, losing the ability to transform space.

"go forward."

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi continued to run forward.

After two breaths, the two of them arrived at the ten-foot position in front of the stone gate.

At this moment, the red runes on the surface of the third bronze tripod lit up.

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