True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1093 The power of ice

The aura of the two-headed balrog is getting stronger and stronger.

A pair of its ferocious heads roared in unison, its sound shocking, like the summons of a fire demon from ancient times.

The whole space was like an iron cage about to be broken through by a ferocious beast.

The ground shook, opening holes, and red magma flowed out. The vibrating fire poison in the air rushed back and forth, like a red wave and a tsunami.

The entire magma lake behind the two-headed Balrog began to boil, and straight pillars of magma and fire erupted like a formation of muskets.

Strips of red fire spiritual power emerged from the formation of the pillar of fire. Like a tide of red snake beasts, they pounced on its body at the summons of the two-headed Balrog.

With the injection of massive fire spirit power, the body of the magma fire demon changed.

It twisted, its torso and limbs turned into a human shape, magma lines on its body shimmered, its body was ten feet tall, and it possessed even more gigantic fire demon power.

The demon looked down at his hands and admired it to himself: "What a wonderful body. If I swallow the souls of the eight people across from me, I can further evolve."

The powerful coercion emitted by the Balrog filled the entire space like a tide. The eight people opposite, including Xu Yang, suddenly felt their whole bodies tense.

Suppression of realm, suppression of soul power.

On the left, the three men from the Stag Tribe, headed by Black Robe Jiashi, looked nervous.

As a bow shooter, Kuraki has the longest range of attack capabilities.

He held up the flying eagle bow, with six flying feather arrows placed on the bow string, and the bow string was full of moon.

"While this guy's breath is still unsteady, look at my flying feather arrows." With the decision made, Cangmu loosened his grip on the bow string.

"Archery - Cang Yu Six Wings!"


Six arrows fired in volley.

In mid-air, six arrows were spinning side by side. The distance between them was only an inch. There was a silver arc connecting the arrows, as if they were one body. A six-winged goshawk appeared on the surface.

This Cangyu Six Wings style is Cangmu's most powerful shooting style. Combined with the power of the six wings, it becomes an arrow array.

When the Balrog on the opposite side saw the arrow attack, not only did it not dodge, but it pushed its chest forward, and with a buzz, its body showed a circle of flame light.

The red runes on the surface of the flame mask are like snakes, emitting powerful enchantment power.

"Enchantment - Flame Demon Overlord Body!"

in a blink.

The six speeding arrows hit the surface of the Balrog's protective light shield, emitting a silver storm and making a sharp sound like an eagle's roar.


A hole was drilled out of the Balrog's protective shield by the force of the arrow. The speeding arrow was stopped and its power was reduced by half.

puff! puff! puff!

Six arrows hit Balrog's chest, and the front ends of the arrows were buried in it.

Balrog didn't feel any pain. He clenched his big hand and pulled out the six arrows. Then he rubbed hard, and the six arrows were bent and thrown aside.

As for the wound on Balrog's chest, the magma rolled and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, returning to its original appearance.

Balrog said proudly: "My body is fused with the power of the stone deer magic weapon. It is invincible and immortal. I am the master of this world!"

Cangmu's move was ineffective, his face was very ugly, and he said nervously: "Jia Shi, what should we do? This guy is getting stronger and stronger, and my attack is completely ineffective."

Black-robed Jia Shi's eyes were sharp and he said: "We have no retreat, it's better to strike first."

Before he finished speaking, the black-robed Jiashi stepped on the head of its snake beast and faced the fire wind coming from the opposite side.

The black-robed Jiashi kept making secrets with his hands, and there was a fierce look in the vertical pupils of his eyes. He kept raising the energy in his body.

Witch Gu snake venom, dark green poisonous air swirling on the surface of the body.

A statue of a black python with red eyes appeared behind him.

"No matter how powerful the guy is, he will be afraid of poison. As long as he uses my natural witchcraft snake venom, this guy will lose half of his power. After that, you can take the opportunity to take action." Black-robed Jiashi said quickly.

On the right, the three members of the Balu tribe, led by the big man Ye Yan, were also shocked by the scene.

Jiansen clutched the bright silver scimitar tightly and said loudly: "Cangmu's bow power is ineffective against this guy. Is this the true strength of Balrog? This guy just said he wanted to eat us."

Jian Lin placed his staff across his chest: "Compared with the superficial combat power alone, maybe together we are no match for this guy. We must find its weaknesses, otherwise, there is almost no chance of winning."

The big man Ye Yan's eyes turned cold: "It's too late. Look at the momentum of this guy, before we can find its weakness, I'm afraid we will be beaten to death by it. All we can choose is to fight with all our strength. Jia Shi over there It's already charging forward. I'll go over here to attract this guy's attention. You two will wait for an opportunity to find its weakness before attacking. Don't get close easily."

The big man Ye Yan activated the hard rock technique, his bones creaked, and his body turned into a three-foot-tall rock giant again. He threw off a pair of big feet and rushed forward.

Dong Dong Dong, every step is a solid step forward.

"There is no way out. I charge forward. At worst, I will self-destruct my hard rock body. At least I can severely damage this fire demon. Behind me are not only the two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin, but also my father, and many people from the Balu tribe. . They are all my loved ones, and I can only risk my life in this battle."

Brown electric arcs popped up on the surface of Dazaiye rock mass. His heart pulse glowed red in his chest, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

The big man Ye Yan's body was overloaded, and his cultivation performance was at the second level of Daoming Realm, and he continued to improve.

"Father, if it were you, you would choose to do this."

The big man Ye Yan's mind flashed back to something he had asked his father when he was a child. That was when his father carried him down Balu Mountain and sent him to the Hard Rock Tribe himself.

"Father, did you send me to the Hard Rock Tribe to make me as powerful as you?" Xiao Yeyan asked, blinking his big eyes.

"The strength of a person is not how much power he possesses, because power is never-ending. A truly strong person is one who is willing to sacrifice everything, including his life, in order to protect the most important things in his heart." Chief Ye Lan said seriously road.

"Then what is the most important thing in my father's heart?"

"It's you, it's the tribe, it's my love."

"Father, I love you too, and I love the tribe too."

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, with warmth flowing in their eyes.


At this moment, the big man Ye Yan charged forward with a smile on his face.


Take it easy!

He wants to fulfill the promise in his heart.

Directly facing the direction of the Balrog.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi stood side by side.

Mai Xiaoqi said nervously: "Brother Xu Yang, what should we do? The Balrog on the other side is stronger."

Xu Yang observed while saying: "We have no retreat. Only a strong attack can find the weakness of this big guy. Jia Shi on the left has already taken action, and Ye Yan on the right has also taken action. I will rush forward first, and you will support from behind. "

Mai Xiaoqi's big eyes were unblinking and he nodded vigorously, "Xiao Qi understands."

"Ming Lin, come out to fight."


Before the voice fell, a black dragon fire emerged from Xu Yang's body.

Black dragon fire swirled around his body surface, and the demonic aura was rising, turning into a set of black dragon armor and wearing it on his body.

Black dragon helmet, black dragon shoulder armor, black dragon breastplate, black dragon wrist guards, black dragon leg armor, black dragon combat boots, Xu Yang at this moment is like a black dragon war god from the wilderness.

At the same time, a huge fire starry sky appeared in the void behind Xu Yang. In the sky of the Fire Star, countless Fire Stars were singing, and there was a flame bird with a thin neck and a long tail spreading its wings into the sky.

Howl——, the cry of the divine bird.

Tao Realm - Ming Dynasty Zhuque!

With the dual blessings of the Black Dragon Armor and the Ming Dynasty Vermillion Bird Realm, Xu Yang's physical performance has risen to the level of the Dao Ming Realm.

Xu Yang was wearing a black dragon armor, and behind him was a huge Taoist realm - the Ming Dynasty Vermillion Bird.

go forward!

Xu Yang's black fire wings curled up behind him, and he counterattacked.

"Get closer. A distance of five feet is the most effective position to launch an attack."

The two-headed fire demon on the opposite side saw Xu Yang and three people attacking him, and its two heads turned back and forth.

"Are these guys going to do it again?"

"They divided their forces into three groups and wanted to break my head."

"Give them some color to see."

"Let them see who is the master here."

The tall body of the two-headed Balrog suddenly shook, and the left half of its body turned gray-white, with lines of ancient runes appearing on its body, and a powerful air of ice and snow rising.

"Magic Technique - Snow Land Arrives!"

The next moment, the head on the left side of Balrog opened its mouth angrily and sprayed vigorously back and forth.

call! call! call!

An incredible wave of ice and snow power surged out.

The snow wave is coming, the storm is raging, and the space is frozen.

Within a radius of thirty feet, Jia Shi, the big man Ye Yan and Xu Yang were all blocked by the power of ice and snow and were struggling to move.

What was terrifying was that as the power of ice and snow accumulated on their bodies, their bodies were gradually frozen in place.

left side.

Jia Shi and the snake beast beneath him were sealed in the ice and could not move at all.

Jia Shi's vertical pupils like nocturnal snakes shrank sharply, and he exclaimed in his heart: "No, the soul is sealed."

Immediately, his body consciousness was completely defeated by the power of ice, and he lost control of his body.


The big man Ye Yan had one foot in the air and the other on the ground. His body, which was about to jump up, was sealed in ice.

"It is the ultimate power of the legendary Gulu clan, the art of freezing!"

The big man Ye Yan made the last judgment in his heart, and his consciousness turned into darkness under the power of ice.


Xu Yang, who was wearing black dragon armor, was also imprisoned by the power of ice.

"Master Xu Yang, I'm so cold." Ming Lin's voice sounded, then became silent.

The power of ice directly invaded Xu Yang's body and soul through the black dragon armor.

"Is the power that can freeze the soul the law of ice?" Xu Yang marveled in his heart, and then his consciousness quickly fell.

In the back, Cangmu, the weirdo Black Snake, Jiansen, Jianlin, and Maixiaoqi were only affected by the ice wind because they were far away, and their bodies were not frozen.

The demon succeeded in one move and said proudly: "What a powerful force. This is the power of the Shilu magic weapon. The ancient deer clan in ancient times lived in the polar snowfields and were an ancient clan that mastered the divine power of ice and snow. Now, Shilu The power of the magic weapon already belongs to me. Are you feeling cold? I will give you another wave of heat to warm your body."

Balrog's body was shaken again, lava rolled on the surface of its right side, and fire-colored runes jumped like wild snakes.

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