True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1094 Ancient Deer Giant

The right half of Balrog's body erupted with extremely powerful magma power.

The head on the right side of it twisted and grew in a circle, making it look like a unicorn beast, even more ferocious and terrifying.

Its eyes fell on Jia Shi, who was nearest, "Let me be the first to operate on you, a guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

Speak angrily!

"Fire Escape - Magma Fire Waterfall!"

A stream of lava fire erupted from its mouth and fell on the frozen Jia Shi.

The ice on Jia Shi's body crackled.

"Is it warm? Is it warm?" The Balrog shouted.


There was a loud bang.

Since Jia Shi had been stepping on the snake beast's head, he instinctively urged the snake beast to cover him the moment before he was frozen.

At this moment, Jia Shi's entire body was still half-covered by the long body rolled up by the snake beast, and he was trapped in the ice.

The first one to be attacked by the lava and flying fire was the snake beast at Jia Shi's feet.

A moment later, the body of the giant snake beast at Jia Shi's feet shattered together with the ice outside.


Shattered to pieces!

Can't tell the difference between minced meat and ice shavings.

How terrifying!

Jia Shi's snake beast fell on the spot.

As a beast exorcist, there is a blood contract between the spirit of Jia Shi's snake beast and Jia Shi. The dragon snake beast fell, the power of the spell came back, and a trace of bright red emerged from the corner of the frozen Jia Shi's mouth.

Jia Shi suddenly felt hollowed out in his heart. Because his soul was frozen, he couldn't feel the pain.

Injuries that don't feel pain may be the most painful because they are in the heart.

The snake beast grew up with Jia Shi and became the most outstanding beast exorcist in Luming Grassland. It is Jia Shi's closest partner and comrade-in-arms.

"Jia Shi!" Cang Mu from behind exclaimed, holding the flying eagle bow in his hand and rushing forward. He knew that if the Balrog attacked again, Jia Shi's body would collapse like the Serpent Beast.

While rushing forward, Cangmu kept placing arrows on the bowstring and fired, shooting eight arrows in a row.

In a hurry, the arrow technique became a little messy, and the eight arrows shredded the air like the claws of a flying eagle, making a creaking sound.

When the Balrog on the opposite side saw an arrow coming, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire.

Eight arrows were engulfed by the fire bombs at once, and the arrow handles made of fine silver were directly melted by the power of the fire. The tail feathers of the arrows turned into the shape of a helpless flying eagle and disappeared in the flames.

The fireball drew an arc in mid-air and hit Cangmu.

Cangmu hurriedly held the flying eagle bow in front of him.

boom! Fire bombs exploded at Kuraki's feet.

Cangmu's body was thrown out by the rolling flames, and he fell twenty feet away, passing out immediately.

"You want to save your companions? It's impossible."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Balrog spat out another waterfall of fire towards the frozen Jia Shi.

As soon as the magma flames touched, the frozen surface outside Jia Shi's body showed fine lines like spider webs, and the collapse may be at the next moment.

at this time.

A ball of black demonic energy flew towards Jia Shi and blocked him.

In the black evil spirit, the figure of the weird black snake appeared.

The weird Black Snake was still speechless, and there was a sparkle in his eyes. He quickly made a seal with his hands, and a black light band swirled above his fingertips, and a black python seal immediately appeared.

Without stopping, the weird black snake slapped the black python seal on his chest, and the seal penetrated the skin and flesh directly into the chest cavity.

One of his heart veins suddenly turned bright red, with snake shadows moving in it.

An extremely powerful snake demon power erupted from his body.

"Demon magic - snake protection!"

The body of the strange black snake was completely transformed into a snake demon, turning into a ten-foot-long snake that coiled around its body three times, tightly protecting Jia Shi.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!

Flames exploded, magma splashed, and fire poison spread.

The big black snake transformed by the weirdo was ignited by the fire of magma. The merciless flames danced a devilish dance on his body, and his charred body made a hissing sound.

Not long after, the demon snake transformed by the weird black snake turned into a

Although he was exhausted, he still protected Jia Shi's body.

The flame demon no longer paid attention to Jia Shi's side. It looked at Ye Yan and Xu Yang who were frozen in the ice. It muttered in its heart: "Although I can use the ice sealing technique of the stone deer magic weapon, after all, it is a forcibly fused body." , It is still far from being able to exert the power of ice to its fullest. After a dozen breaths, the frozen souls of these two people will be released by themselves. However, this time is enough for me to eliminate them."

The Balrog burst out angrily.

"Fire Escape - Magma Fire Waterfall!"

A stream of lava fire erupted from its mouth, covering the body of the big man Ye Yan who was frozen in ice.

Click, click, click.

Cracks appeared on the ice-covered surface of Dazaiye Rock.


"Brother Yeyan!"

Jiansen and Jianlin, who were at the back, shouted wildly and rushed forward.

Jiansen made a secret with his hands, and the light on his fingertips intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a seal in the shape of an eight-clawed octopus appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the octopus seal on his heart.


A heart pulse immediately turned a shining red, and the witch-gu octopus blood in his body boiled.

The appearance of an eight-clawed octopus appeared behind him, and the aura of his body immediately burst into flames.


The clothes on his back were torn, and six huge and long octopus tentacles sprouted from his back.

Becoming a monster!

"Evil magic—octopus storm!"

But he saw the six octopus tentacles behind Jiansen rolling rapidly, and the demon knife whirling and setting off a powerful storm.

But this time, Jiansen did not attack the body of the Balrog, but used the demon sword storm technique to try to block the magma and flying fire that the Balrog sprayed on Ye Yan.

At the same time that Jiansen took action, Jianlin also took action.

Jian Lin threw the staff in his hand, and with a thud, the staff hit the ground. With the staff as the center, circles of emerald green ripples spread out.

Jian Lin recited the secret mantra: "Domination of the deer world, the art of life sacrifice, the arrival of the wood world..."

Without pause or hesitation, Jian Lin's body turned into a stream of light and fell on the staff.

The staff buzzed, and the bloody halo flashed.

"The art of witchcraft - Wood World!"

Visible to the naked eye, the staff took root, sprouted branches, and sprouted leaves, becoming towering in the blink of an eye.

Runes flowed on the surface of the towering tree, emitting powerful wood-attribute power to protect Ye Yan.

Boom boom boom!

Magma spurts, fire breath rolls, storms tear apart, and the wood world burns.

Although the spells of Jian Sen and Jian Lin are powerful, compared with the power of Balrog's magma, the crushing in the realm cannot be changed.

The two's spells collapsed after a moment, and they were trapped in a formation of magma and flying fire.

Click, click, click.


Ye Yan, who was frozen in the ice, used his unique hard rock body to break free from the control of the ice on his soul.

Ye Yan, who had regained consciousness, saw Jian Sen and Jian Lin using extreme techniques to block him, and he understood the general idea at once.

Without any hesitation, the big man Ye Yan stood in front of Jian Sen and Jian Lin with his body of three feet of rock.

The big man Ye Yan quickly made a seal with his hands, and a mountain-shaped seal appeared on his fingertips.

"Secret Technique - Rock Mountain!"

The mountain-shaped seal fell, and a small mountain descended from the surface of the big man Ye Yan's body.

Boom boom boom.

Magma and flying fire hit the hill.

Rocks splashed, the fire rolled back, and the sound was like thunder.

When the flying fire technique dissipated, the surface of the hill had been melted into the shape of magma.

Jiansen and Jianlin, who were blocked behind the hill, had their spells broken and returned to their original appearance. Their blood flowed in reverse and they collapsed to the ground.

The body of the big man Ye Yan turned into a twisted rock, and his life and death were uncertain.

Balrog roared: "This is the result of fighting against me."

Yan Mo's eyes were fixed on the frozen Xu Yang.

"This guy wearing the demon dragon armor actually possesses the pure power of the demon dragon. For me, this is simply the best tonic. I will devour his soul first."

There was greed in Balrog's eyes.

At once

When Yan Mo was about to attack Xu Yang, Mai Xiaoqi rushed up behind Xu Yang.

"You ugly guy, don't bully my little brother Xu Yang."

Mai Xiaoqi shouted and rushed forward, taking out the remaining two fruits of the holy tree and swallowing them whole.

The fruit of the holy tree is the centuries-old essence of the holy tree, which contains powerful wood-attribute spiritual power and ice and snow spiritual power.

A circle of white gleaming light emitted from the surface of Mai Xiaoqi's skin, and his body and aura were rising to the level of Daoming.

She made a hand seal, and a huge deer god appeared behind her. The Deer God's Dharma Appearance has the body of a deer and is wearing rattan armor. He stands with his head up against the sky and exudes a wild aura.

The power of the ancient deer bloodline in her body immediately boiled.

"Blood Art - Ancient Deer Giant!"

Mai Xiaoqi's body suddenly expanded, and in an instant she was ten feet tall, transforming into a powerful ancient deer giantess.

Regardless of everything, the ancient deer giant female pounced on him.

The Balrog on the opposite side was also really startled, "What? The ancient deer clan has reappeared. No, it's just a temporary transformation of the secret method. She is my target. As long as I swallow the soul of this ancient deer giant, I will With the power of the ancient deer, not only can I easily control the stone deer magic weapon, but I can also control the entire holy realm. Even the holy tree outside that I have been fighting for tens of thousands of years will be my future. He will be the great master of Luming Grassland, no, of the entire Southern Territory."

The four eyes on Balrog's two heads showed greed, and daydreams were swirling in his mind.


Yan Mo laughed, stretched out his hands, and struggled with the ancient deer giant that Mai Xiaoqi had transformed into.

The Balrog pushed the Ancient Deer Giant back two steps, and the Ancient Deer Giant pushed the Balrog back two steps.

The two ten-foot-long bodies refused to give way to each other.

At the beginning, the two were evenly matched.

But as time went by, Yan Mo relied on the continuous replenishment of the power of the fire spirit in the magma lake behind him. Not only did he not feel tired at all, but he became more and more powerful.

The ancient deer giant's knees weakened and he was suppressed by the Balrog.

Plop down and get down on one knee.

"This is my home court. You are not the real Gulu clan and are not my opponent at all. Give up!" Yan Mo said arrogantly.

A circle of magma power rose up on the surface of Balrog's arms, and was then transferred to the wrists of the ancient deer giant through their mutually resisting hands.

Bang bang!

The bracers on the ancient deer giant's wrists burned and collapsed.

"I can't support it anymore." Mai Xiaoqi transformed into an ancient deer giant with sweat on his forehead and trembling arms.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the ears of the ancient deer giant, and that voice came from the Balrog on the opposite side.

"Xiaoqi, our child."

"We are your parents. We failed to stop the Balrog ten years ago, but were possessed by it."

"Your growth and your bravery make us feel gratified and proud."

"We will give you the last remaining power of the soul, hoping to help you tide over the difficulties."

"You are our child, a warrior of the Caolu Tribe and a warrior of the Luming Grassland."

As soon as he finished speaking, two milky white auras emerged from Balrog's body and fell on Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi felt warm.

It was the warmth of being nestled next to my parents when I was a child.

"Father, mother."

The ancient deer giant that Mai Xiaoqi transformed had tears in his eyes and gained extra strength.

"What's going on? There are still remnants of the two souls that were devoured ten years ago. But you still don't have the power to fight me."

The fire demon's two heads twisted, and the power of fire and ice emitted from its body.


The ancient deer giant's body was violently pushed out.

A hundred feet away, Mai Xiaoqi returned to his original appearance, covered in blood and unyielding in his big eyes.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi was exhausted, his bones were weak, his muscles were sore, and he had no strength to resist.

"Hahaha," Yan Mo laughed wildly and walked towards Mai Xiaoqi, "Little girl, this Yan Mo wants your soul."

Click, click, click.

Not far away, the ice on Xu Yang's body cracked with traces.

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