True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1095 Crush the Balrog

The ten-foot-long demon approached Mai Xiaoqi step by step, its eyes spitting out greedy fire. Its big feet stepped on the ground, leaving imprints of burning magma and making a sizzling sound.

"Little girl with the bloodline of Gulu, you are the greatest treasure. Your soul is the best delicacy in the world." Balrog even drooled from the corners of his two heads.

At this moment, a flash of green clothes stood in front of Mai Xiaoqi.

Without him, it was Xu Yang who had just broken free from the ice.

"Brother Xu Yang." Mai Xiaoqi looked at Xu Yang's back with sparkling eyes.

She saw the light falling on Xu Yang when she first saw him, and she firmly believed that it was the god of the tribe who sent her to protect her.

But at this moment, Xu Yang seemed not to be able to hear Mai Xiaoqi's voice, but walked towards the direction of Yan Mo slowly and unhurriedly.

Compared with the ten-foot-long demon, Xu Yang's figure seemed small, but his pace of advancement was extremely determined.

One of Xu Yang's heart veins turned bright purple.

The demonic blood in his body boiled, a purple demonic pattern appeared on each cheek, and the three-color demonic whirlpool in his body rotated rapidly.

The Golden Thunder Gate, the Immortal Wood Spirit Gate and the Red Blood Monument Gate in the three-color magic whirlpool jumped like wild horses.

Three powerful auras visible to the naked eye were sprayed out from the surface of Xu Yang's body. Three breaths twisted and transformed into dragon shapes, a golden thunder dragon, a green vine dragon, and a red fire dragon.

The three dragon-shaped faces were violent and ferocious, like ferocious beasts that wanted to devour people.

The aura of Xu Yang's body became more and more violent, and a powerful elemental demon power rushed out of Xu Yang's body like a huge purple magic sword.

The purple clouds are stirring, and the claws of purple lightning are claws.

Xu Yang's eyes turned the color of amethyst, and behind him appeared a Yuan magic figure with three heads and six arms, a single horn on the top, and a face like a lion.

Purple blood boils!

The Yuan Demon Royal Family!

The entire underground palace was shaking, as if it couldn't bear the Yuan Demon aura erupting from Xu Yang's body.

Purple demonic energy burst out from Xu Yang's body. The demonic energy rolled and turned into the shape of a huge purple lion's head.

Ouch——, the wrath of the Lion King.

The ten feet of void around Xu Yang was overwhelmed, and black space cracks appeared. A powerful Yuanmo barrier protected Xu Yang's body.

"Lion Demon Barrier!"

When the Balrog on the opposite side saw this, he was like a grass wolf seeing a lion, his legs became weak and his blood flow reversed.

It is suppression, the suppression of blood.

When it comes to demons, the royal family has always been at the top.

Xu Yang, who burst out with the blood of the Yuan Demon Royal Family, is a being that all demons can only look up to.

"You, who are you?" The two heads of the Balrog were speechless, "You are the real demon! You are the Demon King!"


A ball of purple electricity exploded on the surface of Xu Yang's body, and the body disappeared in place.

The next moment, a ball of purple lightning appeared out of thin air, and Xu Yang's body appeared in mid-air opposite the Balrog.

Xu Yang stretched out a palm and pressed it against the right side of Balrog's head.


In the palm of his hand, a demonic whirlwind swirled.


The right side of Balrog's head was immediately stirred to pieces by the magic whirlwind, turning into powder and smoke, without leaving a trace of mourning.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful force of Yuan Demon was thrown, and a purple halo blessed the body of the ten-foot Yuan Demon from top to bottom.

"Magic curse - exorcism of the elemental demon!"

The body surface of the Balrog, which had only one head left, lit up with purple magic lines, and the aura of the Balrog was immediately driven away.

Click, click, click.

The ten-foot-long body quickly shrunk and turned into a stone deer about the size of a foot-long.

On the surface of the stone deer, white spiritual light circulates, exuding an aura of ice and snow, without any trace of fire poison.

The stone deer is silent and the magic weapon is flawless.


Xu Yang's body trembled, and the Yuan Demon aura on his body threw out a purple arc of light, which quickly converged, and his whole body returned to its original appearance.

Xu Yang was panting and sweating profusely, and quickly used internal vision to check the situation inside his body.

The three-color magic whirlpool in the Zifu space was intact, and even faintly strengthened. And the degree of fusion of the four alien spiritual veins in his body, the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, the Daoguo Spiritual Vein, the Buddha Spiritual Vein and the Haoran Heavenly Vein has increased by one point.

"I didn't expect that the power of the Yuan Demon's bloodline would automatically explode when I fell into an endangered situation. But I still can't actively control this powerful force. If this continues, will I completely embark on the path of the Yuan Demon? Will I completely change my mind? Become another me?" Xu Yang wondered in his mind.

The sudden change was completely unexpected by Xu Yang. If he takes the initiative to activate the Yuan Demon bloodline, his inner demons will explode due to his resistance to the Yuan Demon bloodline, causing his body to lose control.

But when Xu Yang was on the verge of danger, his weakened state of mind allowed him to activate and mobilize the power of Yuanmo's bloodline more purely. But Xu Yang couldn't guarantee that his body wouldn't lose control the next time it turned into a demon.

Xu Yang turned around and came to Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes and said, "Brother Xu Yang, was that you just now?"

Xu Yang smiled and said jokingly: "I'm just angry. That Balrog wants to bully you in front of me, how can I forgive it. But thank you for buying time for me, otherwise it would be really difficult to get rid of the Stone Deer Magic Weapon The power of ice."

The reason why Xu Yang was able to get rid of the freezing power of the stone deer magic weapon in such a short period of time. Firstly, the black dragon armor outside his body blocked half of the ice power for him; secondly, his Yuanmo Royal bloodline is a supreme bloodline that is automatically activated when frozen.

Mai Xiaoqi said happily: "So that's it."

Xu Yang patted Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder, "Xiaoqi, how's your injury? Why don't I help you heal it?"

Mai Xiaoqi said: "I'm just exhausted, I just need to rest. Look at how other people are doing. Their injuries are much more serious than mine."

Afterwards, Xu Yang came to the black-robed Jiashi that was frozen.

At this moment, the frozen soul of Black Robe Jiashi has awakened from the ice, but he cannot perform spells, and the ice outside his body cannot be broken by itself.

Black-robed Jia Shi witnessed Xu Yang defeating the Balrog with one hand, and was incredulous and impressed by Xu Yang's terrifying power of the demon.

Xu Yang placed one hand on the ice outside the black-robed Jia Shi's body. With a movement of his consciousness, the dolphin-shaped blue water flame spirit in the Purple Mansion space within his body straightened its waist, setting off a stream of blue fire.

But a flash of blue fire was spit out from Xu Yang's palm and landed on the ice outside the black-robed Jiashi. The blue fire looked like a dolphin, moving up and down, emitting the power of the water attribute flame spirit.

In just a few breaths, the ice completely melted under the influence of the blue water flame spirit, and the black-robed Jiashi was freed from the ice.

Xu Yang accepted the Blue Water Flame Spirit.

"Xu Yang, thank you for your help." Black-robed Jiashi said sincerely.

"I'm going to see how Cangmu is doing?" Xu Yang said.

Afterwards, Cangmu was awakened by Xu Yang. Cangmu just fainted and suffered some internal injuries. He was not seriously injured and thanked him profusely.

"Black snake?" Black-robed Jiashi looked at the giant snake that turned into black coal in front of him, "It was the black snake that blocked the fatal blow from the Balrog for me just now, giving me a chance to survive."

The black-robed Jiashi gently placed his palm on the body surface of the black charcoal snake, his eyes moist.

Plop, plop, plop.

He felt the heartbeat, which was very weak and came from the body of the black charcoal snake.

"He's still alive?" Black-robed Jiashi asked in surprise.


The charred body of the black charcoal snake collapsed.

A man lying on the ground appeared.

Black-robed Jiashi saw the man's face, but was surprised to find that the man's appearance was exactly the same as his own.


Black-robed Jiashi's mind seemed to be suddenly struck by lightning, and a scene in his memory flashed in his mind.

On the Buck Mountain, Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck tribe, called two boys who looked the same to him.

"Wu Yan, Jia Shi, you two are the disciples I want to focus on training. You two are twin brothers. Your future is to become the best warriors in the Buck Tribe. From tomorrow on, you two will be separated. Practice. One of them will undergo a secret experiment. If the experiment fails, it will mean death," Jia Ye said bluntly.

The two boys looked at each other and couldn't help but tremble. The word death was terrifying to children.

"Okay, the experiment may be successful, and no one needs to die. I'll give you three days to think about it, and one of you will participate in the experiment." After Jiaye finished speaking, he left with his hands behind his back.

Three days later, as the elder brother, Wu Yan went to the secret blood pool with the clan leader Jia Ye and was trained into a snake demon, a secret weapon.

The younger brother Jia Shi was told that his elder brother Wu Yan had succeeded and would become the first warrior of the Buck Tribe in the future. Younger brother Jia Shi keeps working hard. He wants to catch up with his brother Wu Yan and become the best warrior in the Buck tribe.

But since that day, the two brothers have never seen each other.


Memories flashed by, and Jia Shi finally understood why Black Snake would protect him at all costs. Because Black Snake is his brother Wu Yan.

"Brother." Jia Shi knelt down in front of him and held Wu Yan in his arms, "I won't let you die."

Jia Shi burst into tears.

Wu Yan, whose body was charred, barely opened his eyes, and squeezed out two words from his withered lips, "Brother."


Three people from the Balu tribe.

The body of the big man Ye Yan turned into a strange rocky body, but fortunately there is still life, and it may be more troublesome to recover.

Xu Yang first rescued Jiansen and Jianlin. The two brothers suffered internal injuries but were alive.

Jiansen and Jianlin were heartbroken when they saw Ye Yan turned into a rock. If Ye Yan hadn't sacrificed his life to block Balrog's fire attack for them, the two of them would have been burned to ashes.

"Brother Ye Yan, wake up quickly."

"Brother Ye Yan, wake up quickly."

The two of them were anxious, but had no choice.

Xu Yang said: "Ye Yan's body is made of rock. After being attacked by a super powerful fire spell, his physical body was damaged and deformed, but his life is still there. I can try to wake him up."

"Then I'll leave it to you." The two of them knelt down in front of Xu Yang, "As long as we save Brother Ye Yan, you will be our brother's great benefactor."

"I can't help it, you two get up quickly." Xu Yang waved his hand and raised a stream of profound energy to lift their bodies.

Jiansen and Jianlin realized Xu Yang's strength more clearly. Even with a simple flick, the stable output and richness of soul power were far superior to the two of them.

Xu Yang came to the mountain rock where the big man Ye Yan was transformed.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the ghostly infant-like Wheel Flame Spirit became active in the Zifu space.

"My Chakravartin is an earth-attributed flame spirit. It should be able to rescue Ye Yan from his petrified state."

Xu Yang put one hand on the surface of the big mountain stone, and an earth-colored flame rose under his palm.

The bat wings behind the body of the ghostly infant-like Chakravartin flapped, turning into a streak of earth-golden flames that swirled on the surface of the rock, and then submerged into it.

Spirit patterns appeared on the surface of the mountain rocks.

Click, click, click.

The rocks peeled off slightly layer by layer, revealing the true nature of the night rock inside, as if by miraculous craftsmanship.

After a while, Ye Yan was completely rescued, but his body was more than a circle smaller than before, and he was in a coma.

Xu Yang explained: "Ye Yan was not only injured by the fire, but more seriously, he suffered the backlash of the petrification technique and his body fell into dormancy. As for when he will wake up and how his body will recover after waking up, it depends on Further treatment is needed.”

Fortunately, everyone defeated the Balrog.

Fortunately, no one died.

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