True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1096 Green Deer Flame Spirit

The powerful Balrog was finally defeated.

Starting from participating in the trial of the Holy Realm of Tianshou Mountain, everyone's journey has been difficult.

You put in a lot of effort and you get the victory.

As a beast exorcist, Jia Shi lost his spiritual pet snake beast "Hei San". What he didn't expect was that his brother Wu Yan turned out to be the weirdo "Black Snake" who practiced the art of snake demon and was used as a secret weapon.

Kuraki had three broken ribs. For a warrior of his level, this kind of trauma was not a big deal. In an all-out battle, Excitation has improved his ability to control the flying eagle bow. Now his upper limit is that he can shoot and control eight flying feather arrows at the same time. At this moment, he was more concerned about Jia Shi's condition and whether the weird Black Snake could wake up.

Jiansen and Jianlin of the Buck Tribe were injured by the fire. Fortunately, their souls and internal organs were not injured and they were able to recover soon. The two brothers were most worried about whether the big man Ye Yan could recover.

The big man Ye Yan and the weird Black Snake were both in a deep sleep and were the most seriously injured among them. It was their responsibility and fearlessness at critical moments that helped others survive the life-and-death crisis.

The six people from the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe practiced none of the authentic Yuanlu Clan techniques, and could even be said to be some evil ways. But their performance in the magma underground palace this time was nothing short of aboveboard.

By chance, Mai Xiaoqi received the blessing of his parents' souls. The power of Gulu's bloodline increased, but his physical strength was slightly overdrawn. As the magical power brought by the last two holy tree fruits she consumed was continuously absorbed, her overstretched body quickly recovered and even faintly improved.

At the critical moment, Xu Yang was forced to activate the Yuan Demon bloodline once, and passively took a small step on the path of Yuan Demon, but everything else was fine.

Everyone comforted each other and had no intention of celebrating the victory of destroying the Balrog. If Xu Yang hadn't suddenly exploded in the process just now, no one might have survived.

The terror of the Balrog that remained in everyone's hearts was like a dark cloud that didn't know how long it would take to dissipate.

Not far away from a few people, a stone deer magic weapon about ten feet in size stood quietly on the ground, with its head held high and its chest raised, like a sacred deer.

On the surface of the stone deer, white spiritual light circulates, exuding an aura of ice and snow, without any trace of fire poison.

At this moment, Shilu Magical Treasure's body suddenly shook.

Miraculously, a ball of cyan flame quietly emerged from the mouth of the stone deer magic weapon, taking on the appearance of a deer beast.

While no one was paying attention, Cyan Flame poked his head around and looked at Jian Lin, who had his back turned.

Suddenly, the flame deer beast's eyes flashed with a fierce light, its mouth opened angrily, and it pounced towards the nearest solid forest.

At this moment, Jian Lin's attention was all on Ye Yan. He shed tears and murmured in his mouth: "Brother Ye Yan, we will definitely bring you back to the Balu tribe safely. Even if we risk our lives, we will find a way to get you back." You recovered. You are our forever big brother and the most outstanding warrior in the Balu tribe."

However, the staff in Jian Lin's hand sensed the dangerous approach from behind in advance.

The staff suddenly shook, rolling out a green aura, like a dexterous hand pointing in the direction behind Jian Lin.

"Eh?" Jian Lin said softly, turning his head subconsciously.

"This is it?" Jian Lin's pupils reflected the green flames heading towards him. It was a deer beast burning with terrifying green fire.

In shock, Jian Lin hurriedly placed the staff in front of him, and quickly injected mana into it. A ball of green light emitted from the surface of the staff, and the green light twisted to reveal a light shield made of leaves.

"Witchcraft - Tree Shield!"


Green flames fluttered on the surface of the "Tree Shield".

The strange thing is that the "tree shield", which was originally the form of wood-attribute spiritual power, was directly ignited by the cyan flame and collapsed.

The green flames paused and continued to rush towards Jian Lin.

"Ah!" Jian Lin exclaimed. He never expected that there would be flames that could swallow spiritual power.

The green flames emitted powerful soul power fluctuations and directly pressed towards him, causing Jian Lin's soul to tremble and his body even had a double image.

He could feel that the cyan flame was trying to devour his wood attribute soul. But it was already too late to escape.

At the critical moment.

A green figure flashed, and Xu Yang stood in front of Jian Lin.

There is only one possibility for a flame with powerful devouring power, it is the Flame Spirit! Judging from the fluctuations in spiritual power, there is no doubt that it is a wood-attribute flame spirit.

Without stopping, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the surface of the golden fireball in the Zifu space ignited with golden Buddha fire, jumping and turning into a three-legged golden crow.

Xu Yang raised his hand to face the green flames coming from the opposite side.

A golden fire profound formation spun out from the palm of his hand.

"Fire Spirit Technique - Golden Crow Formation!"

The next moment, the body of the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit jumped out of the golden flame formation.

In mid-air, golden flames and cyan flames clashed together.

The golden flame transformed into a three-legged golden crow, while the green flame transformed into a blue-antlered deer.

The two were entangled and conflicting in mid-air, tearing apart streaks of golden and cyan flying fire.

After just a few breaths, the green flame showed signs of decline.

The green deer let out a whining cry, jumped on all four hooves, turned around and ran away.

"It's Qinglu Yanling! Jin Kemu, you can't run away."

Xu Yang shouted low and flicked the spells in his hand. The flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha suddenly expanded and turned into a ten-foot-long golden divine bird.


The divine bird spreads its wings, controls fire with three legs, and spits golden light from its mouth, as if rushing out of the Palace of the Sun.

In the blink of an eye, the Green Deer Flame Spirit was overtaken by the Golden Crow Buddha Fire, wrapped in it, and turned into a golden fireball.

Golden Sanskrit characters jump on the surface of the golden fireball, and the correct words of the Buddha are heard, just like the admonitions of an eminent monk. At a speed visible to the naked eye, the golden fireball continued to compress, turning into the size of a fist.

Xu Yang made a move with one hand, and the golden fireball came into his palm.


The golden fireball wrapped outside turned into a golden stream of fire and surrounded Xu Yang's wrist before returning to the Zifu space in his body.

In Xu Yang's palm, there was a cyan fireball the size of a peach. Inside the cyan fireball, there was a shining shadow of a green deer.

Without the restraints, the green fireball jumped up.

Xu Yang opened his mouth and blew out a stream of soul essence that fell on the surface of the blue fireball. Then he quickly tapped out his fingers and drew a rune to bless the surface of the blue fireball.

The cyan fireball immediately became silent.

"I practice the Five Elements Flame Technique taught by Master Gui Gu Yeyan. Now I have the fire attribute Suzaku Flame Spirit, the metallic Buddha Fire Golden Crow Flame Spirit, the earth attribute Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the water attribute Blue Flame Spirit. The water flame spirit only lacks a high-level wood attribute flame spirit. How can I miss this wood attribute green deer flame spirit? Only when the five elements of fire are complete can I achieve great success."

Xu Yang couldn't help but feel a little surprise in his heart, squeezed out from his fingertips

Three drops of natal soul blood dripped on the surface of the blue fire ball.

Within the cyan fireball, the red thread wandered and spread suddenly, turning the entire fireball into blood red.

After a while, the blood-red color faded away, revealing a tame green deer flame spirit.

"Five Elements of Strange Fire, Green Deer Flame Spirit, take it away!"

Qinglu Yanling seemed to understand Xu Yang's words. He kicked his hooves and turned into a blue flame that penetrated into Xu Yang's palm. Finally entering his Zifu space, he transformed into the shape of a green deer and lay obediently in the corner. The pair of large antlers of the Green Deer Flame Spirit reveal a rebellious look.

Xu Yang used the method of inner vision to sense, then nodded with satisfaction, and thought to himself: "This Green Deer Flame Spirit has the wood spirit breath of the holy tree and the fire spirit breath of the Balrog. Most likely, the holy tree and the Balrog have been entangled for thousands of years, absorbing them. The magical fire born from the essence of wood and fire from both sides is also a great opportunity for me to collect it today.”

Jian Lin behind him saw that Xu Yang had easily subdued the green flames with his magic, and he felt even more in awe and gratitude to Xu Yang.

Jian Lin knelt down on one knee and said, "Thank you very much, Xu Yingxiong, for your help."

Xu Yang personally helped Jian Lin up and said with a smile: "Brother Jian Lin, there is no need to see anyone outside. The moment we entered the magma underground palace together, we were already friends."


The entire underground palace shook slightly, and the magma in the magma lake spurted out pillars of fire, still dishonest.

Mai Xiaoqi said: "Through everyone's joint efforts, the Balrog was finally eliminated, but the magma lake is still extremely active, which will lead to the eruption of the Heavenly Beast Volcano. We must put the Shilu Magic Artifact back into the magma lake as soon as possible to make the Heavenly Beast volcano erupt." The beast volcano is quiet.”

The black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe thought for a while, and then said: "The entire Mysterious World of Heavenly Beast Mountain, including the Holy Tree, the stone locks, stone pillars, copper tripod formations, and the current Stone Deer that everyone has seen before The Magical Weapon Formation Eye is originally a huge formation. It is this formation that has brought tens of thousands of years of peace to the Luming Grass Deer, and it is the reason why the original deer family on the Luming Grassland has been able to reproduce for generations. There is no guarantee that the magic weapon will not breed again in the magma land for a long time after the magic weapon is put back into the formation eye. After countless years of erosion by the magma spirit, the power of the magic weapon on it is obviously not as strong as it was at the beginning. . Therefore, it is necessary to add an additional profound formation to suppress the magma fire."

Xu Yang nodded and said: "Jia Shi is right. The Balrog was born from the continuous gathering of magma spirits. The Heavenly Beast Volcano was originally transformed by the power of the interface of the Southern Continent, and it can be completely changed by non-human forces. . Strengthening the suppression of the magma spirit by arranging mysterious formations is the best way to limit the eruption of the Celestial Beast volcano.”

Jian Lin on the side shook his head slightly and said: "The three remaining branches of the Yuanlu tribe on the Luming Grassland, the Caolu tribe, the Buck tribe and the Balu tribe, are far less powerful than in ancient times, and their resources are also limited. It is relatively scarce. Even if we use all our resources, we may not be able to set up an effective profound formation. Besides, the current situation is urgent and we cannot go back to the tribe to recruit reinforcements."

Xu Yang said: "The effect of the mysterious formation is not that it is huge, but that it is just right. Next, you can set up a five-element flame formation. The five elements are interdependent and absorb the power of fire in the magma earth spirit. Fire produces earth, earth produces gold, gold produces water, and water produces Wood, wood makes fire. Use fire to make fire, and it can ensure peace for thousands of years."

Jian Lin looked happy and said: "There are still such strange formations in the world."

Xu Yang smiled slightly and said confidently: "Xu Yang is not talented, he just happens to be able to arrange the invisible flame array. But I need your help to arrange it perfectly."

Everyone was delighted and expressed their support for Xu Yang.


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