True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1101 Golden Beetle

Three days later, on a hill three hundred miles south of Luming Grassland.

Xu Yang stood high on the hill and looked south. In the distance was boundless yellow sand. The sand dunes are continuous, like golden waves in the sea of ​​sand.

Xu Yang took out the map given to him by the patriarch Ram and compared it carefully.

"Looking at the map, I want to go to the Baiyu Tribe. The nearest road is through the sand sea on the opposite side. But the location of the sand sea on the map is just a big red cross, without place names or detailed routes. By From this point of view, the situation in this sand sea must be complicated and dangerous. If we choose to bypass this large sand sea, it will take at least half a month longer at the current traveling speed."

Xu Yang put away the map and frowned slightly.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m tired from traveling for several days, or because I’m too stressed. Xu Yang simply sat cross-legged on a smooth rock nearby, his eyes slightly closed, and his hands naturally placed on his knees.

The golden sun in the sky hurries on its way, leaving dark shadows behind everything underground.

After a while, Xu Yang opened his eyes and whispered to himself: "Lin'er's condition is getting worse and worse. After this period of self-cultivation, half of her Qing Tan body has become stable, while half of her Bai Luan body has not yet Recasting and awakening. This will cause the Qingtan body to grow on its own and occupy the entire soul. If she cannot recast the other half of Bailuan body in time, it is better to estimate that Lin'er will return to her seventeen or eighteen-year-old self. Her memories after the age of eight will be permanently lost. In the worst case, the green sandalwood body will backfire and she will lose all her memories and become another person."

Xu Yang stood up, gently shook off the dust on his clothes, and raised his eyes to look at the sand sea opposite, "How can a nameless sea of ​​sand block my, Xu Xiaoxian's progress?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang's figure turned into a green shadow and disappeared.

In the sea of ​​sand, on a hill, a young man in green walked on the golden waves and faced the wind.

Three days later.

Xu Yang reached the depths of the sand sea.

Looking around, there is continuous yellow sand all around.

There is a strong wind, the sand sea is turbulent, and the sand dunes are moving, as if a giant golden python is twisting.

What is strange is that as Xu Yang continues to go deeper into the sand sea, the wind becomes stronger and stronger, and there are a large number of chaotic spiritual power fluctuations with the properties of sand and stone in the sand sea. This kind of spiritual power fluctuation will interfere with spiritual consciousness and make People can't tell the direction.

Xu Yang took out a Sinan and held it in his palm. The "spoon" in the Sinan kept swinging.

"As expected, due to the influence of the disordered spiritual power here, Sinan is unable to accurately point out the direction of north and south."

Xu Yang accepted Si Nan and put his hands behind his back, with no trace of panic on his face.

"I can clearly sense that the chaotic spiritual power fluctuations in the sand sea have reached the level of the phantom array. If I hadn't had the dolphin brain splitting technique, and my mental power is far beyond that of ordinary monks, I would have been lost in this sand sea. ”

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a black demonic fire rolled up on his left shoulder. The demonic fire converged, and the body of the demonic dragon Minglin appeared.

The demon dragon Ming Lin shook his tail, searching around with a pair of black crystal eyes, and said excitedly: "Master Xu Yang, where is the enemy? I haven't come out to fight for many days, and my hands are itchy."

After saying that, Demon Dragon Minglin waved his pair of dragon claws, "Straight fist, swing fist, uppercut combination punch."

Brush brush brush.

The claws passed through the void leaving black marks.

As Xu Yang's spiritual pet, the demon dragon Ming Lin is a special one. It is Xu Yang's parasitic spirit pet. It relies on sucking the power of Xu Yang's blood soul to stay alive and grow slowly. Because of this, every time the demon dragon Ming Lin is consumed or injured, as long as it rests and sleeps in Xu Yang's body for a period of time, it will quickly recover as before.

It can be said that the life of Demon Dragon Minglin and Xu Yang are tied together.

Ming Lin is from the lineage of demonic dragon ancestral beasts and is aggressive by nature. Its incomparable spiritual power is its gift.

Xu Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "I called you out just to let you bask in the sun to prevent you from being bored."

The demon dragon Ming Lin raised his head and looked at the sunshine in the sky, then immediately closed his eyes and lowered his head.

Head, "glaring."

Xu Yang said: "Let me test you. Now that we are in a sea of ​​sand, which direction is due south?"

The demon dragon Ming Lin stuck out his head and looked around, scratched his head with his dragon claws, stretched out the tip of his nose and sniffed back and forth, adjusted his direction, stretched his left and right claws flat, and then said: "Sun It goes out to the east and then sets in the west. I smell the slight humidity in the air. It should be afternoon. The golden sun above our head is already pointing to the west. The left finger points to the west, the right finger points to the east, and the tip of my tail points to the north. The direction is due south.”

Xu Yang nodded, and then said: "It is consistent with my guess, let's just go south."

After that, one person and one dragon continued to go south.

Due to the long journey and the disordered spiritual power in the sea of ​​sand, it was not suitable for flying in the air or walking with a sword. Therefore, the speed of travel is not fast.

The demon dragon Ming Lin asked: "Master Xu Yang, where are we going?"

Xu Yang simply replied: "Go to the Baiyu tribe."

The demon dragon Ming Lin rolled his eyes and said: "White Feather Tribe? Isn't it the hometown of Miss Lin'er's mother's bloodline? Miss Lin'er's Bailuan bloodline was inherited from her mother. This time, she will definitely find help to rebuild Lin'er." The method of Bai Luan’s body.”

"The Baiyu tribe is unfamiliar with the place. It is said that the people of the Baiyu tribe are fierce and good at fighting. They are not friendly to foreigners."

"Strong? Fight?" Demonic Dragon Minglin's pair of black eyes curved into a crescent shape, "That's the best thing. If you can solve the problem with your fists, don't talk nonsense. Hehe."

Xu Yang nodded, shook his fists, and said jokingly: "You're right."

If he could find a way to help Lin'er rebuild her body, Xu Yang wouldn't hesitate even if he stole the treasure from the Baiyu tribe.


Sunset and stars.

The sky has darkened, there are stars and the Milky Way in the sky, and a silver moon is like a small boat.

Xu Yang's pace did not stop, all the way south.

At this moment.

The surrounding sand sea suddenly moved.

Puff puff puff, puff puff puff.

At a glance, sand springs suddenly appear on the surface of the sand sea.

Pairs of bright green eyes floated in the dark mid-air. Under the eyes were hidden bodies. They stuck to the surface of the sand sea, making it difficult to see the clues.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

In the dark night, there was a slight sound, like the grinding teeth of a scary night ghost.

In the sea of ​​sand, although his consciousness was limited, Xu Yang's eyesight and mental power were both powerful. He immediately noticed the abnormality and stopped.

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, put out the tip of his nose and sniffed, and then said: "Master Xu Yang, they are a group of bedbugs. I think they came to fight with us. The night is cool and the wind is cold. Fighting and exercising will just warm the body. ”

Blah blah blah, blah blah.

A layer of flying sand lifted up from the surface of the sand sea, drawing a large circle and surrounding Xu Yang's position.

As he got closer, Xu Yang could see clearly with the help of starlight.

It was a large group of desert beetles, each one about a foot in size.

They wear golden armor and have a pair of sharp hook teeth on their mouths. These beetles emitted powerful metallic demon spirit fluctuations from their bodies, and they were obviously mutated spiritual insects.

The golden beetles smelled the scent of prey, and the three pairs of legs under their abdomen slid on the sand, setting off a tide of sand and surrounding it.

Xu Yang's pupils shrank and he said loudly: "Most bugs are afraid of fire. Fire attack!"

As he spoke, Xu Yang made a secret with both hands, and a black flame seal appeared on his fingertips. With a flick of his fingertips, the flame seal hovered in front of him.

Xu Yang bent over slightly, tightened his lower abdomen, made a rumbling sound in his throat, and blew out with force through his mouth.

"Fire Escape - Hellfire Purgatory!"

It was the move in the Dark Fire Technique that Xu Yang first came into contact with and learned when he first entered Tiangui Sect. When used now, the power is incomparable.

A black fire swept across, and among the black fire, the fire

Yan transformed into the shape of ghost hands and actively attacked the approaching golden beetles.

Those black ghost hands grabbed the golden beetle and held it tightly.

In the black fire hell, you can still hear ghosts crying, and even the gravel is ignited by black fire.

With the power of hell fire, purgatory is coming!

The demon dragon Minglin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, jumped up and turned around, "Master Xu Yang, leave the bugs behind to me."

A ball of black demonic energy burst out from the surface of Ming Lin's body, and its size suddenly increased, reaching several feet in size in the blink of an eye.

Ming Lin is originally a demonic dragon fire beast, and fire attacks are the most proficient for it.

But I saw black flames rising from the surface of Demon Dragon Nether Scale, and it had already ignited itself.

"Fire Release - Great Demonic Dragon Fire!"

Black fire rolled over the body of the demon dragon Netherscale, and it turned into a violent fire demon. It roared to the ground and rushed out.

Wherever it passes, the black dragon roars, the demon fire hunts, the sand dunes collapse, and the demon energy explodes.

The fire escape techniques performed by Xu Yang and Demon Dragon Ming Lin are not unpowerful. One is the top-level ghost path ghost fire, and the other is the domineering big demon ghost fire.

The golden beetles that rushed over screamed strangely and lay still on the spot, with their legs retracted under the golden carapace.

After a while, the power of the two people's moves dissipated.

The dunes shifted and the gravel melted, revealing a huge heat wave basin.

In the center of the basin, Xu Yang and the demon dragon Ming Lin stood back to back.

Click, click, click.

Those golden beetles stretched out their legs, protruded their hook teeth, and started moving again.

It's just that these beetles seemed to have intelligence and became cautious, slowly surrounding Xu Yang and Ming Lin.

Xu Yang couldn't help but be surprised, "These golden beetles are not afraid of such a powerful fire escape technique? Are these still insects?"

The demon dragon Ming Lin shook his head, widened his eyes, and looked carefully. The hard armor of the golden beetles was not intact, leaving traces of melting where it was burned by the fire.

But the strange thing is that a trace of spiritual power overflowed from the sea of ​​sand under his feet and was directly added to the body of the golden beetle. Their damaged armor regenerates at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And there are sporadic beetles, the burn injuries are serious, the head has been lost, and it can no longer be restored.

Ming Lin reminded loudly: "Master Xu Yang, look. These golden beetles are recovering from their injuries with the help of the spiritual power in the sand sea formation. Some of them died sporadically, but they were not resurrected."

Xu Yang said: "These golden beetles occupy a favorable location. This large sea of ​​sand is a natural formation. And these golden beetles can be said to be the formation spirit-killing weapons in the formation."

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "Their attacking movements have slowed down. It seems they are still afraid of our previous attack. If I are not afraid of fire escape, my flame spirit technique will be greatly reduced, so I have to use the power of the three-color vortex."

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the door of the golden thunder in the three-color vortex in his body was half opened, and there was a rumble of thunder.

At the same time, Xu Yang's body surface overflowed with clusters of golden arcs. The golden arcs formed an array and emitted a powerful golden thunder field.

In the golden thunder field, strings of golden Sanskrit characters can be seen moving, like goldfish jumping.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang suddenly squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground under his feet, and poured all his mana into the ground through a pair of arms and palms.

Circles of golden thunder arcs spread rapidly around the center of his palm, and the powerful golden thunder attribute redefines the domain power of a large space.

The spreading golden thunder field swallowed up the surrounding space of a hundred feet in an instant, and the rolling golden lightning arcs instantly formed into a formation, with Sanskrit characters flowing in an orderly manner.

"Thunder Escape-Golden Thunder Formation!"

The next moment, thunder surged wildly, thunder snakes danced wildly, and thunderstorms occurred one after another.

The golden thunders chased every golden beetle in the hundred-foot space like snakes, instantly igniting a golden thunderbolt from bottom to top.

Golden thunderbolts formed a forest, and Sanskrit characters jumped, just like the thunder punishment sent down by the Buddha.

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