True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1102 Hundred-foot Sandworm

After a long while, the golden thunder formation that Xu Yang launched dissipated.

There are densely packed sand pits of different sizes on the surface of the sand sea with a radius of 100 feet. In the middle of the sandpit, golden beetles were scorched, their limbs were broken, and their wings were broken, turning into countless dead things on the ground.

The demon dragon Ming Lin stretched out his neck, looked back and forth, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Master Xu Yang, you killed all these golden beetles, and you didn't leave a few for me to practice with."

Xu Yang restrained his power, and the golden arc disappeared from his body, saying: "This is just the beginning. In the huge sea of ​​sand, there is an opportunity for you to take action."

The demon dragon Ming Lin nodded, quickly shrank his body to about a foot, and squatted on Xu Yang's shoulder. It wagged its tail and pointed the tip of its tail in one direction, "Master Xu Yang, that way is south."

One man and one dragon continued to go south.

The golden sun rises from the east as usual, the golden light sweeps across the earth, and the entire sand sea becomes bright.

At noon, the entire sand sea was like a hot oil pan, steaming.

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, put out the tip of his nose and sniffed back and forth, and then said: "Master Xu Yang, there is a strange smell around here."

Suddenly, the sea of ​​sand shook beneath their feet, and a huge object moved beneath the sand layer, kicking up strips of yellow sand.


The sand layer is boiling, the sand waterfall is upside down, and the sky is full of gravel.

A hundred-foot-long sandworm with a body like a snake appeared.

This sandworm has red eyes on its head, nostrils pointing upward, a mouth with hooked teeth, and a face that looks inhuman and inhuman, making it even more terrifying.

The demonic insect appeared, its demonic aura soaring into the sky, and earth-golden runes appeared around its body. The earthy golden runes are connected into a piece, which seems to be a high-level demon spirit realm, which has reached the level of enchantment.

woo woo woo woo--

The hundred-foot-long sandworm let out a strange scream, and breathed out a pale golden monster breath.

"That's the smell of this big guy," Ming Lin immediately became excited, "If this demon dragon was at its peak, it would have torn this guy into pieces and swallowed its demon pill."

Once Ming Lin starts bragging about how he was at his peak in the past, he will encounter a powerful opponent.

Xu Yang joked: "Ming Lin, why don't you go over and practice with this big bug. In case you say I won't give you a chance."

Ming Lin blinked and used his dragon claws to indicate the size of the demon insect opposite him. He said sheepishly: "This big guy is a bit difficult to deal with. How about you and my master and servant work together to destroy it. Break its chest and remove its demon pill." It would be great if you dig it out and give it to me.”

Xu Yang smiled slightly and then said: "Of course."

At this moment, the hundred-foot sandworm took the lead in launching an attack.

The golden halo of soil on the surface of the hundred-foot-long sandworm swirled from bottom to top. When it opened its mouth, a ball of flying sand swirled and formed into a formation in the blink of an eye.

The formation of flying sand suddenly trembled, and dozens of sand spears that were about ten feet long descended from it.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

Dozens of sand guns flew down, drilling sand pits into the ground where Xu Yang originally stood, splashing sand ten feet away.

More than ten feet away, a shadow of ivy suddenly appeared in the void. The shadow of ivy converged, revealing Xu Yang's true body.

"Ming Lin, help me!" Xu Yang called softly.

"Netherworld is here."

The body of Ming Lin turned into a black dragon fire and wrapped around the surface of Xu Yang's body, blending into it in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yang's bones creaked all over his body, his height increased by several feet, and there were a number of tiny black dragon scales on the exposed backs of his hands and sides of his neck.

Behind Xu Yang, there was a black demonic dragon tail twisting.

Half-demon dragon transformation.

Body Fusion Technique!

This secret technique of directly merging humans and monsters is classified as a forbidden technique in the Northern Territory. Because the risk of this technique is extremely high, it might lead to a complete transformation into a beast and a state of madness. After turning into a beast and going crazy, not only will it cause huge harm to other people, but it will also eventually explode due to the inability to control the monster's body.

Therefore, there are only a few people in the Northern Territory

Can perform the art of fusion between humans and monsters.

But in the Southern Region, the Fusion Technique is widely used and practiced. People in the Southern Territory worship various gods and beast gods. After practicing the secret techniques passed down from their ancestors, they can more easily master techniques such as body fusion, but there is also a certain risk of going berserk.

The fusion technique between Xu Yang and the demon dragon Ming Lin was a natural result of the constant interaction of blood and soul power between the two after Ming Lin became Xu Yang's parasitic spirit pet. Xu Yang already possessed strong physical and mental strength. After his body transformed into a half-demon dragon, there was almost no risk of going berserk as long as it didn't last too long.

When the giant sandworm saw Xu Yang dodge the formation of sand spears it had launched, not only did it not escape, but it transformed into a demon dragon and rushed up against the wind.

The temper of the king of monsters suddenly burst out.

Within a hundred miles of the sand sea, this hundred-foot sandworm only became the king here after numerous challenges and devourings, defeating other sand demon spirits.

Its territory is not allowed to be violated, and its majesty does not allow other demon spirits to provoke it.

The Baizhang Sandworm's eyes were red and flashed wildly.


There was a strange cry and a trembling wind blew up.

The huge body of the hundred-foot-long sandworm trembled, and powerful demonic pressure erupted from its body, causing the sea of ​​sand to hang upside down.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the hundred-foot sandworm twisted like a spiritual snake, and opened its mouth to bite Xu Yang who was rushing over.

Although the Baizhang Sandworm is huge, its attack movements are as nimble as a small snake.

Xu Yang, who transformed into a half-demon dragon, flapped wildly with a pair of black dragon wings on his back, and his body was as nimble as a swift.

Xu Yang moved up and down, sometimes flying upside down, sometimes flying forward, sometimes flying sideways, dragging out a flying black demonic energy behind him to draw patterns in the sky.

The hundred-foot-long sandworm twisted its body, opened its angry mouth, and kept chasing Xu Yang from various angles.

There were dangers one after another, and every time the Baizhang Sandworm was about to bite Xu Yang, it was just a little bit behind.

At this time, Xu Yang's body suddenly hovered high in the air, no longer dodging.

The Baizhang Sandworm stared with its eyes and sprayed demonic fire from its nostrils.

It roared and lunged forward to bite Xu Yang.

At this moment, the head of the Baizhang Sandworm was only a few feet away from Xu Yang's body.

The hundred-foot-long sandworm bites out three times in a row.

Bang bang bang.

The upper and lower jaws of the Baizhang sandworm closed violently while biting, and if an iron gate collided, sparks would fly out.

Xu Yang, however, was not flustered. A pair of black dragon wings rolled slightly behind his back, and he stepped back.

Two feet, one foot, three feet.

The tip of the Baizhang sandworm's mouth was only three feet away from Xu Yang's position.

At this moment, the long body of the Baizhang Sandworm was tied into a knot in the process of chasing Xu Yang. The more it twisted, the tighter the knot became, and its head could not move forward at all.

The distance of three feet is already its limit.

All of this was part of Xu Yang's calculations.

Xu Yang could clearly see the sharp hook teeth of the Baizhang Sandworm, the scarlet tongue in its mouth, and its deep, hole-like throat. You can even smell the fishy smell from the sandworm's mouth.

Xu Yang's eyes turned cold, and he directly raised his foot and stepped hard on the Baizhang Sandworm's face.

"Get away!"

Xu Yang added 70% of the power of this kick.

When his feet came out, the shadow of a black dragon swung its tail appeared, rolling up a ten-foot-long black storm.


The head of the Baizhang Sandworm tilted back, its eyes rolled, its nostrils were bleeding, its neck stretched, and its body rolled backwards.


Roll up large pieces of sand.

Twenty feet away, the giant sandworm shook its head vigorously, and a pair of blood-red eyes rolled around in its sockets.

It whined and screamed strangely, trying to escape. Its body was knotted and disobedient. Its eyes were full of stars, and Xu Yang on the opposite side was a double shadow.


Big demon!

At this moment, Xu Yang, in the eyes of the Baizhang Sandworm, was a great demon that had evolved into a human form.

And let Xu Yang eat

Surprisingly, the force of its kick just now only made a deep footprint on the face of the Baizhang Sandworm, but did not crush its head.

"What a powerful physical body. The skin of this strange insect is really hard." Xu Yang said in surprise.

"Master Xu Yang, don't forget to seize this guy's demon elixir. It is a great tonic for me." Ming Lin's voice sounded in Xu Yang's ears.

"Then cut off this guy's head." Xu Yang responded.

Xu Yang used the dolphin brain splitting technique. With a flicker of consciousness and a surge of magic power, the small black sword hovering in the space of his Zifu made a buzzing sound.

Without stopping, Xu Yang held a little distance with one hand, and a black light rolled out.

The black light converged, revealing a three-foot-long sword with a black body and an unattractive appearance.

It is Xu Yang's Devil May Sword.

Xu Yang popped up a gray-white spiritual light and landed on the surface of the Devil May Sword hanging above his head.


The sword body of the Devil Crying Sword made a strange buzzing sound, like the chanting of ghosts and gods. What followed was a powerful dark black spiritual pressure leaking out, and the void shook violently.

The next moment, a huge pillar of pitch-black light erupted from the body of the Devil May Cry Sword. It was an extremely domineering sword force that penetrated the boundaries of space and led directly to the underworld.

All kinds of powerful ghost spirits in the underworld were suddenly summoned by the power of this sword realm. Hundreds of ghost king souls, some with green hair, some with one horn, some with fire eyes, or some with long tongues... were all summoned one by one. Inhaled into the sword domain.

Immediately afterwards, the black sword domain on the sword body suddenly converged back, and the surface of the black sword body made a rattling sound, as if it could not withstand the power of the hundreds of ghost kings brought back from the sword domain.


The dark sword body trembled and shattered into hundreds of pieces, hovering in mid-air. Each piece of the sword body fragment was engraved with a strange ghost rune on the surface, and was entangled with the spirit of ghosts.

Xu Yang pointed out with one hand, and another spell fell.

High in the sky, the sword body that was broken into hundreds of pieces exploded one after another with a buzzing and shaking sound, turning into a large rolling mass of black mist.

The black mist converged, and a person appeared in it.

This man was about ten feet tall, with long gray hair that shone like fine iron. A narrow, seemingly transparent gray gauze band covered his eyes, and then tied a simple knot behind his head. The surface of the gray gauze ribbon is painted with silver ghost runes that keep wandering like spiritual snakes.

The weirdo's skin was greyish and shiny, and his muscles were full of edges but not stiff. He only wore a pair of simple gray shorts, his chest was broad, his hands and feet were bare, and his fingertips were long and sharp.

The strange thing is that the surface of this weirdo's skin is covered with many thin golden lines that look like open sheets, as if the whole person is made up of pieces.

This strange man said nothing and stood in the void opposite Xu Yang. Since his eyes were covered by gray gauze, no one knew what his eyes were focusing on, let alone what he would do next.

"Baimang, cut off the head of the sandworm on the opposite side."

Sword Spirit Baimang nodded, and his body turned into a black mist and disappeared.

The next moment, a black ghost mist exploded in the void in front of the head of the hundred-foot sandworm.

In the ghost mist, a ten-foot-long black ghost sword came out and slashed down.

The ghosts in the underworld weep, and the sword's edge reaches hundreds of feet. The black light flashed, a straight line.


The necks of the hundred-foot-long sandworms were all cut off, and a head fell into the yellow sand.

The headless Baizhang Sandworm held up its neck and swayed back and forth. Without its head, it could not see the world around it.

The Devil's Crying Sword quickly became smaller and flew back.

Xu Yang opened his mouth, and the Devil Weeping Sword transformed into an inch-sized size, was swallowed into his mouth, and entered the Zifu space.

Xu Yang's chest heaved and he thought in his mind: "My Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein has been sealed, and in my current state, the burden on me to forcefully activate the Devil Crying Sword is still very heavy."

At this moment, a scene that stunned Xu Yang appeared.

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