True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1104 Spider Eagle Beast

On the surface of the sand sea, Cang Yuzhi and Xu Yang escaped quickly while communicating with each other.

Cang Yuzhi said: "With our current foot strength, we can reach the location of the monster in about two hours. There is a rare oasis there."

"There is an oasis in this violent sea of ​​sand?" Xu Yang was surprised at first, and then joked: "Finally we don't have to deal with sand anymore. The wind attribute monster we are looking for must be a guy who knows how to appreciate the scenery, no? It must be too cruel.”

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, interjected: "No matter how cruel it is, it is definitely not as cruel as I, Ming Lin. When I was at my peak, I was a cruel king, and all my enemies would be torn to pieces by me."

Tens of thousands of years ago, Ming Lin was still the complete body of the demon dragon ancestral beast, and was a lineage passed down from the ancient demon dragon clan.

Xu Yang smiled slightly and joked: "Who is cruel? You are cruel. Demon Dragon Ming Lin is the cruelest."

The demon dragon Ming Lin wagged his tail with a proud look on his face.

Cang Yuzhi heard the relaxed conversation between Xu Yang and the demon dragon Ming Lin, and thought to himself: "This person and the black dragon are really good companions. Unlike me, I entered this desert alone and haven't seen anyone for fifteen days. People speak.”

Cang Yuzhi said: "As for the wind attribute monster, let's call it the "Spider Eagle Beast". This beast has the dual characteristics of a spider and a goshawk. It is a type of mutant monster and has powerful wind attribute soul power. But it has a very powerful talent, which is that it can absorb soul power during the fight. Therefore, it is difficult to launch an effective attack on it. I suffered from its talent and fought with it twice. Failed to get a bargain.”

Xu Yang looked at Cang Yuzhi and said, "Is the bandage on your right arm an injury you sustained in the fight with that guy?"

Cang Yuzhi raised his right arm, dropped his sleeve, revealing the light-colored bandage tightly wrapped inside, and said: "This little skin injury is nothing? What's scary is that I fought with that guy twice, but he didn't get any help from him. There was a scar left on my body, and I couldn’t get close to it..."

Two hours later, a large piece of green in the distance appeared in the sight of Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi.

After many days filled with yellow sand, suddenly seeing green is very comfortable for the eyes.

Cang Yuzhi approached Xu Yang and said: "The monster we want to deal with is in the oasis opposite. According to the strategy discussed on the way, you and I will attack together. As long as we can successfully approach it, you and I will Able to kill it."

Xu Yang nodded: "You have fought with that monster twice before, so you should be familiar with it. Just attack according to the strategy you mentioned."

The two entered the oasis carefully.

The oasis is low-lying and should be considered a huge valley compared to the surrounding sand sea.

The area in the valley is actually not small. Entering it is like entering a small forest.

Among them, the trees are tall and the leaves are lush. The sunlight is blocked by the leaves at high places. The light in the valley is dim, and there is coolness flowing in the air.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi entered the depths of the oasis in the valley.

The surface of the large forest opposite was covered with silver spider silk. From a distance, it looked like a green-killing snow had fallen.

The many forest trees wrapped in spider silk became withered and yellow, and occasionally a small green branch emerged from the gap.

And those silver spider silks emitted wind-attribute spiritual power, spinning out into small whirlpools. They hung in every corner of the forest, whirring like hungry night owls.

Xu Yang raised his eyes and said, "There are a lot of spider webs. It seems that we are close to the monster."

Cang Yuzhi stretched out his hand, stopped Xu Yang, stood still, and whispered: "Don't underestimate these spider threads. Even if we don't touch these spider threads directly, if we just get close, we will be attracted by the wind-attributed spirits on them." The monster will know our intrusion in advance and make preparations. Judging from my previous two attacks, the monster will lay down a large spider web and hide in it. "

Xu Yang frowned slightly, "Listening to what you said, we have no chance of a sneak attack. In this case, we have no choice but to attack forcefully."

Cang Yuzhi's eyes were firm and he said, "You can only do it forcefully."

After finishing speaking, Cang Yuzhi turned over his hands and picked up a pair of silver guns in the gun bag behind his back.

Without Xu Yang's words, the demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder turned into a black demon fire, and then wrapped around his right arm.


Xu Yang had a pair of shiny black armor on his right arm, including a dragon head wrist guard and finger scales.

The power of the demon dragon Ming Lin was not directly transformed into a full set of black dragon armor, and only some of its skills were used. This can maintain long-term combat and increase attack power, which is Xu Yang's best choice at the moment.

Next, Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi entered the spider web forest on the opposite side, one on the left and the other on the right.

Whistle, rustle.

The wind spirit vortex in the cobweb forest jumped quietly, and saw the invasion of Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi like invisible eyes.

The two of them moved forward cautiously.

At this moment, the whole ground shook.

Rumble, rumble.

The soil tumbled and cobwebs intertwined.

After a while, the surroundings became quiet.

Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi were already on a huge spider web.

In the middle of the spider web, there was a weird black spider about three feet in size with two pairs of huge bird wings on its back.

Spider Eagle Beast!

Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi looked at each other from a distance.

dash forward!

left side.

Xu Yang stepped on the spider silk under his feet that was as thick as his wrist and rushed forward.

The spider silk is soft and tough, and even sticky on the surface. When you step on it, your body will sway like a boat in the sea, making it difficult to maintain balance.


A pair of black dragon wings sprouted from Xu Yang's back. The dragon wings rolled up, flew at low altitude, and continued to charge forward.


Cang Yuzhi made a hand seal, and a pair of goshawk wings instantly sprouted from his back.

Different from the ordinary flying wing technique, his pair of wings are connected to the blood of his body. They are not only flexible, but also do not require extra mana to activate them.

Also flying at a low altitude, rushing forward.

The spider eagle beast sat firmly in the middle of the huge spider web, with eight black eyes on its head that could observe all angles without distinction. It discovered the attack of Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi.

"Damn human, you're the little guy from the Cangyu tribe. You're here again, and this time you've called for a helper." The spider eagle beast spoke human words, and the eyes on both sides of its head reflected the images of people rushing towards it. The shadows of Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi.

"The last two times, you kid got away with it. This time, neither of you two can even think of leaving here. The soul of a cultivator is the best tonic for me. I can already feel the warmth in your body. The soul of Ruhuo. Maybe after swallowing the souls of both of you, I can advance to the level of a fairy beast. If I'm lucky, I can even transform into a human form." The spider eagle beast's body has a gray demonic aura, and it raises its voice like thunder. , "I can leave this oasis, I want to be the king of the sand sea. No! I want to walk out of the sand sea and become the demon king of the entire southern continent."

The spider eagle beast screamed, and the two pairs of huge wings on its back spread out and rolled hard.

"Wind Escape—Wind Wing Blade!"

Astonishingly, countless feather-like silver wind blades appeared from the two pairs of wings of the giant beast, forming a formation in the blink of an eye.

There is a formation of flying feathers on the left and right, hunting through the sky, like a rainstorm flying across the sky, the targets of the attack are Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi.

Before the technique was completed, the unique pressure of Feng Dun had already been transmitted, and the spiritual power in the void was like a tent shattered by random knives, messy and creaking.

"What a powerful wind escape technique!" Xu Yang's pupils shrank, but he had no intention of dodging.

"Master Xu Yang, knock these feathers away." Ming Lin sent a message.

Xu Yang and Ming Lin have fought side by side many times, and their minds have been synchronized, especially their will to attack in battle. Only in this way can the maximum power of the combined skills of the two be unleashed.

Xu Yang rushed forward while injecting mana into his right hand. The armored wristband transformed by the power of the demonic dragon on the surface of his right hand seemed to come alive, and the eyes of the dragon's head shone brightly.

Spotting the flying feather formation coming from the opposite side, Xu Yang punched out fiercely.

This is not a simple punch, but a punch blessed with the power of the demon dragon armor.

"Fist technique—Dragon Fire Formation!"

Punch out! The dragon roars!

A black dragon fire that looked like a living creature suddenly shot up ten feet, the black fire was brilliant, and it was as huge as a formation!

The next moment, Xu Yang's black dragon fire fist clashed with the oncoming Feiyu formation.

The black dragon roars, the monster roars, the black fire burns, and the flying feathers cut.

Boom boom boom.

Amidst a series of explosions, the flying feathers in the sky were ignited by the black dragon demon fire, and burned out in an instant. None of them could pose a threat to Xu Yang's body.

Those flying feathers are not real objects, but are transformed by wind attribute spiritual power. But now, it was burned directly by the black dragon fire sacrificed by Xu Yang.

In other words, the grade of black dragon fire is still far higher than the wind attribute spiritual power in Fei Yu.

Without pausing, Xu Yang continued to charge forward.

The other side.

Cang Yuzhi had come to challenge the Spider Eagle Beast twice before. He had already seen the tricks of this demon spirit, so he was naturally prepared.

Cang Yuzhi kept his eyes fixed and did not take action immediately.

Six feet, five feet, four feet, three feet.

The incoming formation of flying feathers is getting closer and closer.

It's now!

Cang Yuzhi held a pair of silver spears in his hand and thrust them forward. He clenched his hands tightly and activated them with his magic power.

His aura suddenly increased, clusters of silver arcs popped up on his body, and his body seemed to have the rare silver thunder attribute.

"Marksmanship - Silver Wing Thunder Net!"

Crack, crackle, crackle.

Silver arcs shot out from the surface of the twin guns.

Under Cang Yuzhi's urging, those silver arcs were connected into an array with the twin spears as bones, creating a bright silver circular grid.

On the surface of the silver grid, blue feather runes were wandering, with the shape of eagle wings appearing in the middle. It is like a thunder and lightning formation that focuses on defense.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

Hundreds of flying feathers coming from the opposite direction were blocked by one side of the silver grid, with a sound of explosion and thunder.

The eagle god cries, the sword demon roars, the silver thunder flashes wildly, and the feather blade flies down.

The huge formation of flying feathers was blocked by the lightning net until it all shattered and turned into wisps of white smoke.

Cang Yuzhi's body was unscathed and continued to charge forward.

The spider eagle beast on the opposite side saw that his flying feather technique was ineffective, but he did not panic at all, and shouted: "Only if you are a strong enough human being and have a strong enough soul power, I am interested in continuing to play with you. Believe me, this It’s just the beginning of the game.”

The four pairs of feet under the spider eagle beast's belly suddenly stepped on quickly, as if they were dancing strangely. The feet fell down, splashing out circles of white spiritual power halo.

The spider threads on the entire spider web array beat rhythmically, rising and falling like a pool of lake water surging violently.

Boom, boom, boom.

A sound that sounded like a drum but not a drum came from the surface of the spider web formation.

Immediately, gray tornadoes appeared in the spider web formation.

Strangely, as these tornadoes swirled, the soul power emitted by Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi was quickly swallowed up.

Cang Yuzhi reminded loudly: "Xu Yang, be careful. This is a technique for big insects to devour the soul power."

When the soul power is lost and the soul domain is unstable, the power of the spell will naturally be unstable.

The pair of goshawk wings behind Cang Yuzhi began to drop feathers downwards. The wings were damaged, and it was difficult to maintain the balance of the body. It swayed back and forth, and the impact speed was greatly reduced.

The pair of black dragon wings behind Xu Yang were also affected. Wisps of black demon spirit power drained from the surface of the black dragon's wings, making the black dragon's wings completely smaller.

Xu Yang's forward momentum also suddenly slowed down.

At this moment, Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi knew clearly that once they were unable to use the flying wing technique and fell directly on the spider web, they would be affected by the cohesive force of the spider web, and they would only become more passive.

But at this time, the surrounding tornadoes that devoured the soul power of Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi became more and more solid, and under the control of the Spider Eagle Beast, they took the initiative to attack the two.

The tornado, which was about ten feet high, hit Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi like a big stick.

"Hehe." Spider Eagle Beast smiled proudly, "Under my spider web wind-sucking technique, your soul power will become weaker and weaker. Look at you, you look like two people falling into a spider web. "Poor little bug."

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