True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1105 Wind Suction Formation

The huge spider web formation, under the control of Spider Eagle Beast, was upgraded to a wind-sucking formation.

The souls of Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi who fell into the wind-sucking formation were constantly being devoured by the formation's restrictions. But the "tornadoes" that suddenly appeared in the formation were getting stronger and stronger.

The strange thing is that inside each tornado there is a pair of shining eyes, looming through the wind wall, like strange demon spirits.

Under the control of the Spider Eagle Beast, in the wind-sucking formation, tornadoes several feet high continued to surround and attack Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi.

Coupled with the direct attack of those tornadoes, the two men's progress suddenly slowed down.

Cang Yu's fighting spirit remained undiminished, and his thoughts were all about his injured sister.

"This is the third time I have come here to challenge the Spider Eagle Beast. The demon pill in its body is the key to saving my sister's life."

The two approaching tornadoes were stabbed in the waist by the silver spear in Cang Yuzhi's hand. The tip of the spear spit out an electric snake, and with a bang, the silver thunder exploded, and the two tornadoes were torn to pieces by the power of thunder and lightning.

The two tornadoes were killed, and some monster beast remains were scattered among them. Judging from its shape, it should be a small black spider beast.

The other side.

Xu Yang swept out his right fist, spitting out black demonic dragon fire, biting and burning like a living creature. Three tornadoes approaching Xu Yang were ignited by dragon fire and then quickly collapsed, also revealing the remains of some black spiders.

It turns out that these tornadoes are alive at all. The transformations of some small spider beasts are a mutated wind escape technique.

The Spider Eagle Beast hiding in the middle of the wind-sucking formation became more and more excited and shouted: "Come on, take down these two humans, I will suck their souls."

More and more "little black balls" secretly rolled out from under the spider eagle beast's fat and round belly. They sprouted spider heads and legs, turning into fist-sized black spiders. Then under the action of the wind-suction formation, it turned into tornadoes.

The criss-crossing spider webs became a natural military formation. Those small black spider beasts that were transformed into tornado forms became the killing soldiers in this military formation.

These small spider beasts are numerous in number and fearless of death.

However, the speed at which Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi killed these small spider beasts could not keep up with the speed at which the Spider Eagle beasts gave birth to them. There were more and more tornadoes in the entire wind-absorbing formation.

The two of them were almost stagnant in place, unable to pose a threat to the spider eagle beast in the distance.

It's simply not possible to continue like this.

Cang Yuzhi sent a message in time: "Xu Yang, the number of tornadoes transformed by these spider beasts is more and more ferocious than when I challenged the previous two times. It was me who underestimated the upper limit of the spider hawk beast. We set it before The strategy seems to be ineffective. At our current forward speed, before we can reach the spider eagle beast, we may lose all our soul power and become the prey of the spider eagle beast."

Xu Yang sent a message in time to respond: "Since attacking separately is not possible, you and I will work together and concentrate our efforts to open a passage. As long as we can successfully approach the Spider Eagle Beast, we will have a chance to defeat it."

After the two communicated, they changed their direction of travel, met at one place, and fought side by side.

First, clear out the "tornadoes" nearby.

Xu Yang used his consciousness and said: "Cang Yuzhi, the distance between you and the spider eagle beast is about a hundred feet now. Your full blow should be able to break through the tornado barrier within thirty feet in front. What's left is Yes, leave it to me."

Hearing this, Cang Yuzhi murmured in his heart: "Even if he can rush forward with all his strength to open a space of thirty feet, there is still a distance of seventy feet between him and the spider eagle beast. At this distance, the enemy hidden in the numerous tornadoes The Spider Eagle Beast behind can't do it even if it's two of them. Can Xu Yang do it alone?"

The situation in front of him did not allow Cang Yuzhi to think too much. If they delay any longer, their soul power will be lost and their combat power will be greatly reduced. Even escaping from the wind-sucking formation will be a problem.

Moving forward is the only option.

Xu Yang nodded slightly, with a confident smile on his lips.

Confident emotions can be contagious to others.

This time, Cang Yuzhi chose to believe Xu Yang.

Cang Yuzhi said firmly: "I'll take the lead, and I'll leave the rest to you."

After saying that, Cang Yuzhi took a step forward.

He activated his kung fu, and a silver pattern in the shape of an eagle's wing lit up between his eyebrows. A goshawk appeared behind his back, which was the totem mark of the Cangyu tribe.

A powerful coercion erupted from his body, stirring up strong winds like a roc spreading its wings.

He fully activated the remaining soul power, and with his feet as the center, silver electric waves rolled, and in the electric waves, there was the shape of a flying eagle soaring.

"Soul Realm—Eagle of Silver Thunder!"

The surrounding tornadoes that were approaching were isolated by the silver electric wave, but they kept biting and devouring the power of the soul realm.

"This is already the limit of my soul realm. In order to treat my sister's injuries in time, I must fight this time."

Cang Yuzhi's eyes showed determination. He rolled up the wings of the goshawk behind his back and rushed forward, while simultaneously holding out a pair of silver spears in his hands.

"Marksmanship - Goshawk Thunderstorm!"

The man and gun merged into one, thunder arcs rolled on the surface of the two guns, and the power of thunder and lightning condensed into a goshawk several feet in size.


An eagle cry broke through the sky.

The eagle soared into the sky, its wings were twinned, its spears were flying, and the silver lightning was rolling, it was unstoppable.

The tornadoes blocking the front exploded at the first touch, and thunder arcs continued on the surface of the spider remains until they turned into wisps of white smoke.

Cang Yuzhi's spear move opened a straight passage thirty feet long and two feet wide.

"Xu Xiaoxian is here!"

The black dragon wings spread out behind Xu Yang, followed closely behind Cang Yuzhi, approaching thirty feet forward.

Without pausing, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the black dragon armor on his wrist turned into a band of black fire, which then entered the Zifu space and turned into a small ball of black scales.

In this case, Xu Yang simply gave up using the power of the Demonic Dragon Ming Lin. If you want to achieve the fastest movement, you must use the power of golden thunder.

Xu Yang made a secret with both hands, golden lightning arcs swam on his fingertips, and the door of golden thunder in the three-color vortex in his body suddenly opened.

With Xu Yang's feet as the center, circles of golden thunder surged and spread out. The jumping Sanskrit characters in it were like golden spiritual fish searching for the path, and the correcting Buddha's voice came out.

"Soul Domain - Golden Thunder Domain!"

Without stopping for a moment, the techniques in Xu Yang's hands changed.

Thunder solution!

Stab, sting, sting.

Golden thunder arcs overflowed from Xu Yang's body, and a golden thunder gate appeared behind him. The golden thunder gate seemed to reach the sky, and Xu Yang was like a thunder god walking out of it.

Xu Yang directly transformed his body into golden thunder.

"Thunder Escape-Golden Thunder Kill!"

Xu Yang's body turned into a golden thunder ball, rolling forward. There are Sanskrit characters floating on the surface of the golden thunder ball, which looks like a Buddhist magic weapon with the attribute of golden thunder.

As Xu Yang continues to use the power of golden thunder in the three-color vortex, the upper limit of the power of golden thunder he can control is getting higher and higher.

The golden thunder killing technique is like a rosary magic weapon dropped from the hands of the Buddha and God, crushing all evil spirits.

Boom boom boom.

The golden thunder rolled, and the tornadoes blocking the road immediately shattered into pieces, leaving no trace.

In the blink of an eye, a passage fifty feet long and two feet wide was formed. The remaining golden thunder arcs on the surface of the passage crackled like a creeping golden thunder arc.


Cang Yuzhi's goshawk wings curled wildly behind him, and he tried his best to follow Xu Yang, but was still left behind by a large margin.

Cang Yuzhi looked at Xu Yang's back, his face full of surprise, "This Xu Yang's Kung Fu is too rare. Just now it was a purely fire-attribute Kung Fu, how could it suddenly change into the Golden and Thunder attribute? Is it a legend? The power body with both fire and thunder attributes? His thunder attribute body is blessed with the power of the Northern Buddhist Sect, while my silver and thunder attribute body is integrated with the power of the Goshawk Totem. His attainments are by no means inferior to mine.”

At this moment, Xu Yang's body was still twenty feet away from where the Spider Eagle Beast was.

Through the tornadoes swaying back and forth in the middle, Xu Yang could clearly see the spider hawk's head and its cunning black eyes.

At that moment, Spider Eagle Beast also saw Xu Yang who was suddenly approaching it, only twenty feet away.

The golden lightning arc on the surface of Xu Yang's body quickly converged, revealing his true form.

At this moment, Xu Yang was panting, and it was obvious that the golden lightning attack just now consumed a lot of money.

The spider eagle beast on the opposite side couldn't help but move back a few feet, "What the boy in green just used was the Buddhist Golden Thunder Technique, which restrained my demonic power. What are you going to do when you rush so close? But It seems that this is his limit. There is still a distance of twenty feet, and I will not give you a chance to go further. "

The frequency of the Spider Eagle's feet suddenly accelerated, like a strange witchcraft dance. Black light strips overflowed from its body surface, which was the materialization of the power of the demon spirit.

Some larger black balls rolled out from under the spider eagle beast's fat and round belly.

They sprouted spider heads and legs, turning into black spiders about a foot in size. These new black spiders are different from the previous ones. They have bird wings on their backs, and their appearance is closer to the spider hawk itself.

Then under the influence of the wind-sucking formation, these weird black spiders turned into thick tornadoes.

The more powerful soul-devouring power is restrained from being emitted.

Spider Eagle Beast shouted: "No one has ever been able to attack me within a distance of twenty feet. I have killed many competitors and challengers, and this oasis is my prize. My powerful talent will eventually Will make me the demon king here."

"There's nothing that I can't do."

Xu Yang's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground.

The door of the wood spirit in the three-color vortex in his body was completely open.

Circles of cyan soul power fluctuations spread out from the center of his hands, and wherever they passed, the power of the domain immediately changed.

The shadow of the ivy is moving, and the simple immortal runes are circulating continuously.

"Soul Domain - Immortal Wood Spirit Domain!"

The power of the domain continues to increase and has reached the level of enchantment.

Rumble, rumble.

In the Immortal Wood Spirit Realm, a green wooden gate rises from the ground.

The green wooden door opened, spitting out a ball of emerald green immortal energy, and a figure walked out of the immortal energy.

The man's appearance was exactly the same as that of Xu Yang.

It was Xu Yang's wood spirit clone.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang's wood spirit clone made secrets with his hands, and green branches sprouted from the surface of his body. The green vine branches were woven and transformed into the form of a wooden dragon.


A dragon roared.

"Wood Release - Wood Dragon Technique!"

The wooden dragon flew up, opened its teeth and claws, tearing apart everything in front of it.

The distance of twenty feet came in the blink of an eye. Those "tornadoes" in the middle were as vulnerable as pieces of paper under the attack of the wooden dragon.

"No!" Spider Eagle shouted wildly. It felt fear for the first time, a fear it had not experienced in hundreds of years.

Where are the people here? It was clearly an extremely terrifying wooden dragon demon.

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