True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1106 Crossing the Desert

Boom boom boom!

Spider Eagle Beast's body was directly submerged by the frenzy set off by the Wood Dragon Technique.

For a moment, the dragon roared, the green lightning carnivaled, and the green feathers danced wildly.

After a while, the wooden dragon disappeared and the green frenzy dissipated.

The Spider Eagle Beast's body was already riddled with holes, and the spider web array beneath it was torn into pieces.

Xu Yang's wood spirit clone turned into a green aura and was sucked back into the Qingmu Gate. The Aoki Gate dropped to the ground and returned to the three-color vortex within his body.

The spider eagle beast was killed, and the spider webs in the oasis were wiped out, returning to a lush green color.

Cang Yuzhi, who was standing next to Xu Yang, couldn't believe his eyes. The spider eagle beast was actually killed by a blow launched by Xu Yang from twenty feet away.

"How is this possible? Xu Yang used such a powerful wood escape technique, and it was a high-level method of psychic plus clone technique. Previously he showed the physical talent of fire and thunder, but this time he became a wood escape technique. With the talent of attributes, is he born with the three attributes of fire, thunder, and wood, the body of the three mysteries? "

In the entire Zhongyuan Continent, there are not many people who have three attribute bodies at the same time, but most of them are born with abandoned bodies. This is because the three attributes of spiritual veins often inhibit each other in a person's body, causing the spiritual veins to be underdeveloped and unable to be used at all, turning them into abandoned spiritual veins. A very small number of them have a natural balance of the three attributes of their spiritual veins, and they are the body of the Three Mysteries. However, the body of the Three Mysteries is also often slow in cultivation, and it is difficult to break through the bottleneck of cultivation.

But Xu Yang is different.

He was born with a fire attribute and a spiritual energy body. The three-color vortex in his body contains three otherworldly divine powers: fire, thunder, and wood. That is an existence that is countless times more powerful and more mysterious than the Three Mysteries.

After forcibly activating the power of the three-color vortex twice in a row, some of the four original spiritual veins in Xu Yang's body were swallowed up by the power of the three-color vortex.

Xu Yang's body shook, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Cang Yuzhi hurriedly approached and asked, "Are you okay?"

Xu Yang said: "I'm just a little overdrawn, it's okay. We successfully killed the monster. Now, the monster pill in its body is yours."

Cang Yuzhi ran over with both spears in hand, and used the tip of the spear to break open the spider eagle beast's back heart, and a white demonic elixir the size of a walnut floated out.

Cang Yuzhi held the demon elixir in his hand, and the elixir was not damaged at all.

There is a shadow of the storm swirling inside the demon pill. The shadow of the storm suddenly turned into the shape of a spider, and sometimes it turned into the shape of a bird, showing an unruly appearance.

"It is indeed the best wind attribute demon elixir."

A long-lost smile appeared on Cang Yuzhi's face, and he hurriedly took out a talisman and pasted it on the surface of the demon pill.

Stab, a cluster of silver thunder arcs spit out from the talisman, temporarily sealing the manic power of the demon spirit in the demon pill like a cage.

Cang Yuzhi put the demon pill into a small wooden box, then put it in his arms and put it away carefully.

Cang Yuzhi walked up to Xu Yang and bowed solemnly: "Thank you so much for your help. This demon pill is the key to saving my sister's life."

Xu Yang quickly stretched out his hand to help the other person up, and said with a smile: "This is just a deal we reached before, why bother saying thank you. We should be considered friends now."

Cang Yuzhi said categorically: "They are friends."

Xu Yang said bluntly: "Friend, I hope you can lead me to the Baiyu tribe. As for the purpose, it is to find a chance to heal for one of my beloved girls."

"I see," Cang Yuzhi hesitated slightly, "But..."

Xu Yang shrugged and said, "Friend, is this embarrassing for you?"

Cang Yuzhi said: "Since you also want to save people, I will definitely help you. Moreover, I promised you before that if you can help me get the wind attribute demon pill, I will not only use the sand attribute demon pill from before I'll give it to you, and I'll agree to any condition you have. I'll do it regardless of circumstances.

There is no way to safely introduce you to the Baiyu tribe. "

After a pause, Cang Yuzhi continued: "Let's talk about the details while walking."

Xu Yang nodded and said, "That's fine."

Cang Yuzhi explained in detail: "Although the Baiyu tribe and the Cangyu tribe I belong to both belong to the Feiyu League, the relationship between the tribes is usually more competition than cooperation. This depends on the geographical location and location of the Feiyu League. Speaking of development. The core area of ​​Feiyu League is the long and narrow mountain pass between Zuoyu Mountain and Youyu Mountain. The mountain pass contains powerful wind-attribute spiritual power, creating a special spirit stone vein - Feng Lingshi Mine. The entire Zhongyuan Continent is a hard currency. Feiyu League occupies the ownership of the mineral veins. The mined Fengling Stone is the greatest wealth and can be used to exchange for other needed living materials. For the benefit of the mining area, those under Feiyu League. There will naturally be some friction among the various tribes, and when the friction becomes severe, it turns into brutal tribal wars. In the past hundred years, the three-legged structure of the White Feather Tribe, the Red Feather Tribe, and the Cang Yu Tribe has formed. The three tribes restrained each other, but no tribal wars occurred. . Other small tribes rely on these three major tribes to survive. On weekdays, Feiyu League requires a lot of mining labor, and most of these labors come from low-status foreigners outside Feiyu League. The people are responsible for guarding the mining area, because those forces from the outside will covet the mining area and steal or plunder. Therefore, there are strict regulations in the Feiyu Alliance. Strangers from outside are not allowed to enter the Feiyu Alliance casually, and they will be regarded as illegal. The enemy captured him and went to mine."

"So, if I want to join the Feiyu League, I need an identity." Xu Yang said.

"Friend, you are really smart, and I was right." Cang Yuzhi raised his thumb, "But I have to treat you a little harder."

"It doesn't matter if you tell me, as long as I can enter the Baiyu tribe smoothly."

"Among the foreign population, there are a few people who can stay in the Feiyu Alliance. These people all have some specialties, and their status is the servants of the noble elites in the Feiyu Alliance."

"With Brother Cangyu's ability and temperament, he is naturally one of the noble elites in the Feiyu Alliance, and I can sneak into the Feiyu Alliance as your servant. This method is feasible."

"To be honest, I do have a noble status in the Feiyu Alliance. I am one of the candidates for the successor position of the Cangyu tribe leader. My name is Cangyu Zhi. The surname Cangyu is not my original surname. The real surname is a single word "Zong", and Zongzhi is my original name. In the Feiyu League, those whose names have three surnames in front of them, namely Chiyu, Baiyu and Cangyu, are all candidates recognized by the tribe as the heirs to the clan leader. But there is often more than one. Who will eventually become the successor of the tribe leader depends on personal virtue and ability."

"Zongzhi, Cangyuzhi, I remember it," Xu Yang bowed and looked humble, "Master, do you have any special requirements as your servant?"

Cang Yuzhi smiled sheepishly and said: "I can only make you feel aggrieved for the time being, my friend. I need to bless a soul ring on your arm, and use this soul ring to control your whereabouts and activities. But from the previous battle with the spider Judging from the performance of the eagle beast, your soul power level should not be lower than mine. Even if you are bound by the soul ring, you should be able to get rid of it directly with your own powerful soul power."

"I see."

"First of all, you follow me into the Feiyu Alliance as my servant. After that, I will find a way to let the people of the White Feather Tribe accept you naturally. In this way, you can gain a foothold in the White Feather Tribe and have the opportunity to get what you need. ”

"I still have to rely on your arrangement, my friend. This time I am going to the White Feather Tribe to look for opportunities, or an ancient book, or a treasure, or something else. To the White Feather Tribe, I am not completely kind. , I have a plan. Once I conflict with the Baiyu tribe, it may bring you trouble, but I will try to avoid it."

"Our meeting was just a coincidence. We became friends because of a transaction. I believe that you are not designed by foreigners.

A spy who infiltrated the Feiyu Alliance. No matter what, you are already my recognized friend, Cang Yuzhi. But if you do something that harms the Feiyu Alliance or even the Cangyu Tribe, then we will immediately change from friends to enemies. Friend or enemy, it's your choice. "

“My choice is to always be friends.”


The two of them talked along the way and left the oasis in the blink of an eye.

There is still a large sea of ​​sand in front of us.

Xu Yang asked: "Friend, how long will it take for us to get to Feiyu League from here?"

"If the journey goes well, it will take about five days. If we encounter a sudden storm, it will affect our traveling speed." Cang Yuzhi looked around, "Let me cast a spell to accurately locate our location, so that we can find the nearest The route to Feiyu League.”

Xu Yang said: "It's time to work."

Cang Yuzhi turned over one hand, and a brown feather appeared in his palm.

As soon as the magic power was activated, the surface of the feathers flashed with a hazy, swirling blue light.

As the blue light flashed, the feather twisted and turned into a desert falcon.


The desert falcon spread its wings and flew to a high place above the two people's heads.

"This bird is the soul of a desert falcon, and I stamped it with the characteristics of Feiyu League's mineral veins. Within three hundred miles, it can lead us to accurately locate the location of the mineral veins. Follow it, We can naturally return to Feiyu Alliance."

Xu Yang praised: "This is really a good idea. The mineral vein is the best landmark."

The desert falcon on Sky Mountain led the way, and Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi quickly followed and fled southward.

The golden fat man in the sky ran around all day and went to rest in the west. A large group of countless star elves jumped out.

The surface of the sand sea dimmed.

But Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi had no intention of stopping, and they had to travel day and night.

The most important thing to save people is time.

Xu Yang wanted to rush to the Feiyu League as soon as possible to find a way to restore Lin'er's body. Cang Yuzhi was thinking about his sister who was still suffering from the disease.

Cang Yuzhi took out a simple bronze incense burner from the storage bag on his waist. The shape of the incense burner was like a soaring eagle, and said: "When night falls, those monster insects hidden in the sea of ​​sand will become Be active. I have a special way to repel insects. If you light the spices made from goshawk tears in this incense burner, the surrounding monster insects hidden in the sea of ​​sand will stay away from you and me. Save a lot of time.”

Xu Yang gave a thumbs up and praised: "You are still thoughtful. I entered this wild desert rashly and was completely unprepared."

Since Cang Yuzhi had to constantly use his spiritual consciousness to control the direction of the desert falcon in the sky, Xu Yang was left to hold the incense burner.

Xu Yang held the smoker with one hand, and wisps of light gray spiritual smoke came out of the furnace hole, with a slight fragrance.

But the smell of the fragrance cannot be described. Is it really the tears of a goshawk, as Cang Yuzhi said?

Sure enough, throughout the night, not a single desert monster jumped out to attack them.

The two's journey was basically smooth except for a storm that lasted for half a day.

Four days later, Cang Yuzhi and Xu Yang walked out of the desert safely.

A large river meanders across the land like a silver dragon.

Under the nourishment of the river, vegetation grows on both sides of the bank, and the wind blows, jumping green.

Crossing the river, the two continued southward.

Along the way, there are gradually more mountains. The mountains are continuous, and the surface of the peaks is covered with green vegetation.

Cang Yuzhi absorbed the Desert Falcon Technique and said: "We have crossed the mountain in front and arrived at the core of Feiyu Alliance."

There was no fatigue on Xu Yang's face, only excitement, "Feiyu League, I, Xu Xiaoxian, am here."

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