True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1108 Cang Yuran

Cang Yuzhi said: "Let's go in."

Xu Yang followed Cang Yuzhi into the room.

The room is very spacious and is a closed luxurious palace.

There are gorgeous murals on the dome.

The content of the mural is the story of the winged goddess of the Gu Yu clan who subdued the ferocious wind demon in the storm.

The mural is vivid, and the goddess's eyes seem to be looking down at the earth. The nobility and invincibility in her eyes touch the souls looking up.

There are no bright windows on all sides of the hall, and gilt wall lamps are hung neatly on the walls. The shape of the wall lamp is a golden eagle with its wings spread. The lights danced, reflecting the flow of golden light, and the golden eagle seemed to be flying.

Not far inside, a small altar was placed in the center of the ground.

The altar is made of crystal-clear earth gold, with a number of Feiyu Alliance's specialty Fengling stones inlaid on the surface. Red, blue, green, swirling in a gentle wind. The altar is like a three-colored cloud riding on the wind in the sky.

The altar has three levels, each level is only more than one foot high. In the middle of the top floor, sat a girl wearing colorful clothes.

The girl covered her mouth and nose with a golden gauze scarf, revealing a pair of big eyes like a mirror lake. The slightly sunken eye sockets showed a different kind of beauty that makes people fall into love.

Cang Yuzhi walked forward quickly and saluted respectfully: "Lord Saint, Cang Yuzhi lived up to his mission and retrieved a top-quality demon pill with wind attributes in the desert."

Xu Yang followed behind Cang Yuzhi and bowed to salute.

The saint on the altar said: "Brother, there is no need to be formal. All the attendants here asked me to send them to the front hall of the square. There are only two people, Mu A Niang and Mu A Niang who are guarding the door outside the small temple. Mu A Niang is my nanny. He is also the most loyal person to me. But even so, he did not tell Mu Aniang about the true condition of my body. Firstly, he was afraid that she would be worried. Secondly, this is the rule of the Cangyu tribe, and other people are not allowed to know about it. The woman’s physical condition.”

As she spoke, the saint's eyes quickly fell on Xu Yang's face.

At that moment, their eyes met.

Calmly, there seemed to be waves in the girl's eyes, and an invisible force fell on Xu Yang's eyes under the altar.

Xu Yang only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness under the Tianling cover suddenly tightened, as if a storm was stirring in the sea of ​​consciousness. At that moment, Xu Yang had a hallucination in his mind. He saw a hundred-foot goshawk fluttering its wings, stirring up a storm.

But it was only for a moment that Xu Yang's dolphin brain splitting technique was activated on its own, and the left and right halves of the brain were operating at the same time. His mind became clear, the illusion of the storm disappeared, and the beautiful-eyed saint on the altar was still in front of him.

The saint was slightly startled.

"At this distance, without any precautions, the person who was hit by my Wind Phantom Eye Technique and survived unharmed, who is he?"

Xu Yang didn't care, and responded with a kind smile, and said calmly: "Xu Yang has met the Holy Lady."

Cang Yuzhi on the side is the elder brother of the saint, and he knows the methods of the saint best. Just now, he clearly felt the fluctuation of the power of the wind attribute spell in the void.

It’s my little sister’s Wind Phantom Eye Technique!

For a moment, Cang Yuzhi couldn't help but worry about Xu Yang. The saint's pupil technique is a special illusion technique that can search the sea of ​​consciousness of others, similar to the soul-searching technique. It's just more subtle than soul-searching methods. And once the person being cast by the spell discovers that his consciousness is abnormal and resists, it is likely to be counterproductive and cause permanent damage to the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Seeing that Xu Yang was fine, Cang Yuzhi breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling sorry for Xu Yang in his heart.

He expressed more and more surprise: "How many tricks does Xu Yang have? He is really a magical guy. I really don't know if I should lure him here."

The saint said bluntly: "I just overheard your conversation with Aniang Mu at the door. This must be Divine Doctor Xu. I don't know what Divine Doctor Xu's medical skills are, but the skill of divine consciousness is something that little girls look up to."

The saint looked at Xu Yang and murmured in her heart, "This man is young and talented, unlike those pedantic and mediocre doctors. What is certain is that his power of spiritual consciousness is far superior to mine. People say , Doctors pay attention to what they see and hear, and only those with the most powerful and delicate spiritual consciousness can become the best doctors. Is he really a miracle doctor? Doctor Xu, you can't tell what you see."

The saint stepped down from the altar, clasped her hands together, gave a slight salute, and said: "My little girl Cang Yuran just offended me. Please ask Divine Doctor Xu to take care of my condition."

In this world, no matter how great the saint is, if she is ill, she is a patient.

When a patient is in front of a doctor, of course the doctor is the most important person.

Xu Yang lightly adjusted his clothes with his hands and said seriously: "It doesn't matter, this is just the most normal eye communication between the patient and the doctor. I just saw the saintly lady's eyes full of energy, like a strong Yes, the flying eagle in the sky. I believe that even if I, a miracle doctor, do not come to rescue you, your body will recover quickly. "

Cang Yuzhi on the side smiled dumbly.

The younger sister really regarded Xu Yang as a miracle doctor. And is Xu Yang really a miracle doctor?

Cang Yuzhi quickly smoothed things over and said, "I was in a hurry and didn't have time to introduce it to my little sister in detail. Brother Xu Yang and I met by chance in the Great Desert. It was he who helped me kill the spider eagle beast and obtain a top-quality wind-attributed monster. Dan. It was me who took the initiative to invite him here to protect me, so that I can do my best to help my little sister recover her blocked meridians and body."

Cang Yuzhi looked at his little sister carefully, and then said: "I see that your physical condition, little sister, is much better than when I left the tribe twenty days ago. Could it be that you found it on your own, little sister? What cure?"

Cang Yuran opposite her shook her head slightly and pulled off the gold gauze scarf covering her face and the gauze shawl draped over her shoulders.

Cang Yuran's face and exposed shoulders actually grew tiny, brown eagle feathers.

"Ahem." Cang Yuran coughed twice, with a helpless smile on her face, "On the surface, my skill has not diminished at all, but in fact my symptoms are more serious. My body has been damaged by the big demon. The power backfired, showing signs of becoming an eagle."

"This? This?" Cang Yuzhi looked at the sister opposite, his eyes uncontrollably wet.

He knew that if Cang Yuran's body's monster transformation was not restored in time, his only little sister would completely turn into a big monster with no memory and consciousness. Cang Yu Ran, who has become a great demon, will be regarded as an ominous thing by the Cang Yu tribe, and will be killed at the altar of ancestors and sacrificed with blood to the God of Goshawk.

Cang Yuzhi's chest was heaving, his breathing was rapid, and his mind was spinning with thoughts.

After that, he forcibly suppressed his emotions and calmed down, "It's all my fault that I came back late, brother. Little sister, without further ado, I will use the power of the demon pill to help you heal. I will try my best to help you. Restore the original appearance.”

Cang Yuran said: "With your abilities, brother, coupled with the power of the powerful wind-attribute demon pill, you may be able to eliminate the power of the great demon that is backlashing in my body. But it will cause trauma to my already imprisoned meridians, so I can't do it." Well, my powers will be gone and I will become an ordinary person.”


Yu Zhi stepped forward, stretched out his hands to take Cang Yuran's hands, and said affectionately: "Little sister. No matter what, you are my only sister. Saints and other things are not important at all, I only want you." Peace and peace.”

Cang Yu Ran nodded and said seriously: "Brother, you know me. I am not deliberately pursuing the position of saint. But as a member of the Cang Yu tribe, I should contribute everything to the tribe like our parents. In the current Cangyu tribe, if I step down from the position of saint, no other woman will be qualified to take over within ten years. And the Feiyu Alliance's saint's sacrifice ceremony will be held in two months. If our Cangyu tribe cannot produce a qualified saint, it is very likely that we will be kicked out of the three core tribes of Feiyu Alliance. As a result, the tribe will lose ownership of a large area of ​​Fengling mining area, which will be an immeasurable loss to the tribe, even very serious. It may lead to the decline of the tribe.”

Cang Yuzhi said: "Little sister, don't think so much. I will definitely find a way for you to recover completely, even if I have to sacrifice everything I have."

Seeing the affectionate exchange between the brother and sister, Xu Yang couldn't help but moisten his eyes, and entered the role physically and mentally: "Please rest assured, with me, Dr. Xu, here, even if the King of Hell comes, I will drive it away. The saint's condition, I will handle it."

Strong self-confidence is Xu Yang's quality.

The reason why Xu Yang said he was a miracle doctor was because he thought that if he helped him next, as a miracle doctor, Saint Cang Yuran would be more cooperative and more conducive to success.

A patient who doesn't listen to the doctor is not a good patient, and a doctor who doesn't take care of his patient is not a good doctor.

The brother and sister let go of each other's hands, turned to look at Xu Yang, and said in unison: "Thank you, Doctor Xu."

Without further ado.

Cang Yuran sat back in the middle of the altar again.

Cang Yuzhi took out a small box from his arms and prepared to cast a spell. Xu Yang was protecting the law.

Cang Yuzhi opened the box.

A walnut-sized, white demon pill appeared inside. It was the spider eagle beast demon pill that Xu Yang had obtained together in the desert oasis.

He removed the silver thunder talisman that was affixed to the surface of the demon pill.

The shadow of the storm suddenly appeared and swirled within the demon core. The shadow of the storm suddenly turned into a spider, and sometimes a bird, as if it was about to jump out of the demon pill's surface.

Cang Yuzhi handed over the demon pill, "Little sister, please take this wind attribute demon pill, and I will help you guide the power of the demon pill to open the blocked meridians in your body."

Cang Yuran reached out to take the demon pill, pinched it with two fingers, and slightly activated the magic power. There was a wind whirling on the fingertips, as if it was a powerful wind attribute body. A demon pill was firmly held in her hand.

Cang Yuran looked at the demon elixir in her hand carefully and said: "It is a rare and top-quality demon elixir with wind attributes. This is the first time I have seen it. It shows how powerful the demonic beast with this demon elixir is. It is really difficult for my brother." ”

Cang Yuzhi nodded and said: "The powerful demonic power contained in this demonic pill is very violent. You may feel a little uncomfortable after taking it. But don't worry, my brother is here."

Hearing the words "brother is here", Cang Yuran seemed to have a piece of candy in her mouth. Even if the demon pill in her hand is bitter, it will turn sweet when she swallows it in her mouth.

Cang Yuran smiled, like an obedient child, and calmly put the demon pill into her mouth, closing her red lips.

At the entrance of the demon pill, the power of the demon spirit became active, suddenly passed through the throat, and fell into Cang Yuran's belly.

In an instant, the power of the powerful wind attribute demon elixir violently melted away in Cang Yuran's belly, as if an unpredictable and powerful storm had been set off.

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