The power of the demon elixir from the spider eagle beast quickly dispersed within the body of Saint Cang Yuran.

Cang Yuran suddenly felt his soul trembling, as if he had been thrown into the sky by a sudden tornado. His messy soul could not control himself, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The cold wind whipped me!

Cold and frozen!

There was even a thin layer of light gray frost on the surface of her skin.

Cang Yuran tried to move her body and channel this power into her meridians in an orderly manner, but she was unable to do so.

At this moment, she was like a lonely bird in the storm. A pair of struggling wings could not withstand the raging cold storm.

Cang Yuran frowned and thought to herself: "The power of the demon pill is so powerful. Now more than half of the meridians in my body are imprisoned. I have no ability to guide this power on my own."

Cang Yuzhi, who was sitting cross-legged behind Cang Yuran, immediately sensed Cang Yuran's current state and couldn't help but be surprised, "The power of the demon pill is so powerful that it actually froze my little sister's body."

"Little sister, don't panic, wait for me to help you."

Cang Yuzhi comforted him while quickly performing the spell.

He used the tip of his index finger as a pen, spit out a silver arc of lightning from his fingertip, and drew a formation of silver thunder in the blink of an eye. On the surface of the Silver Thunder Formation, a silver goshawk appears like it is trying to spread its wings.

Then, his cultivation surged over his arms, and was poured into the meridians in Cang Yuran's body in an orderly manner through the formation of silver thunder.

Cang Yuran closed her eyes and lost her soul, trying to accept the silver thunder profound power from her brother Cang Yuzhi.

In just three breaths, the silver thunder profound power from Cang Yuzhi completely matched the original mana fluctuations of Cang Yu Ran's body. The silver thunder profound energy was like her own, nourishing her soul continuously and bringing a sense of warmth.

Cang Yuran's soul gradually stabilized, and the frost on the surface of her body quickly faded away, revealing a rosy color on her face.

The surface of the demon pill that sank into Cang Yuran's body was entangled and wrapped with a trace of silver thunder power, and the power of the demon pill that overflowed was suppressed to a slow and gentle level.

A trace of the demonic elixir's power, accompanied by the silver thunder profound power, continuously impacted the previously blocked meridians in Cang Yuran's body.

One level, two levels, three levels...

Like climbing a mountain with bare hands, the steps are difficult.

This process lasted for two days and two nights, and the sixty-four acupuncture points in Cang Yuran's body's meridians that had been sealed by the power of the demon were finally completely broken through.

Cang Yuzhi's forehead was covered with sweat drops, his whole body was soaked with sweat, his arms were shaking constantly, and his body was already exhausted to the limit.

Due to the overdraft of his body, his five senses became dull, but his blurred vision tightly grasped the outline of the little girl in front of him.

At this time, Cang Yuzhi even had hallucinations.

Childhood stories replayed in my mind.

Cang Yuzhi and Cang Yuran, who were only eight and six years old, went to the mountain behind the tribe to pick wind spirit grass.

Little Cang Yuran, because she was too small, slipped and fell down a steep slope.

Xiao Cang Yuzhi flew forward and grabbed his sister's hands. The two of them slid down together and were lucky enough to be cut off by the roots of an old tree.

woo woo woo woo--

Little Cang Yuran, who was hanging on the steep slope, was so frightened that she cried, "Brother, I'm scared."

Xiao Cang Yuzhi ignored his arm that was cut by the rock. Red gushed out from the wound on his arm, wetting his sleeves, flowing down his arm, wrist, and fingers, and dripping on Xiao Cang Yuran's forehead.

The eye-catching red color reflected in Xiao Cang Yuzhi's pupils, and he shouted in his heart: "No! We must not let my little sister fall."

Xiao Cang Yuzhi encouraged loudly: "Little sister, my brother is here."

In the end, Xiao Cang Yuzhi used all his strength and luckily rescued his little sister from the brink of crisis.

Xiao Cang Yuzhi lay on the ground with his chest heaving and his vision blurred. The wound on his arm caused excessive bleeding.

Xiao Cang Yu Ran pulled off her sleeves and tightened Xiao Cang Yu Zhi's injured arm to stop the bleeding.

Then he shook his brother's body vigorously and shouted: "Brother, don't fall asleep, wake up quickly."

Xiao Cang Yuzhi half opened his eyes, saw his sister's face, heard his sister's voice, and smiled warmly.


On the altar.

Cang Yuzhi's vision was blurred and his eyes closed weakly. He seemed to hear his sister Cang Yuran's call, and a warm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But he still insisted on squeezing out his remaining mana and pouring it into Cang Yuran.

The sixty-four acupuncture points in Cang Yuran's body that were originally closed were restored to normal.

At this moment, the energy fluctuations of Cang Yuzhi and Cang Yuran are completely consistent and integrated. Cang Yuzhi's physical state will also be completely sensed by his sister Cang Yuran.

Cang Yuran sensed that the silver thunder profound power from her elder brother Cang Yuzhi was gradually declining. Without looking back, she knew that Cang Yuzhi had closed his eyes, his body was overdrawn and almost exhausted.

Cang Yuran was anxious and said through a message: "Brother, don't fall asleep. Wake up quickly."

Cang Yuran, who was worried about her brother's safety, tried to force her body to function. She made secrets with her hands, wind swirled around her body, and her wind attribute skills gradually became smoother.

Under the altar, Xu Yang, who was always ready to help, held his breath, but could not intervene at will.

Now is the most critical moment. Saint Cang Yuran must be able to fully operate her body and stop practicing her martial arts with Cang Yuzhi at the same time, in order to successfully end this action of saving and being treated.

But now it seems that the situation is much better than expected. Since the physical fitness of Cang Yuzhi and Cang Yuran is very high, the damage to Cang Yuran's meridians is minimized. Cang Yu Ran would not have her meridians severely damaged and become a cripple.

As for how the saint Cang Yuran can recover in the future, it depends on her fortune.



Cang Yuzhi and Cang Yuran both groaned at the same time and restrained their energy at the same time.

Cang Yuzhi held Yuan with both hands, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His overdrawn energy body slowly adjusted his breath, his five senses converged, and he entered a dormant state.

Cang Yuran opened her eyes, her eyes shining brightly.


But at the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

Cang Yuran's body trembled, and the power of the demon elixir that had not been completely digested and fused in her body suddenly exploded, and hot air rushed out from every pore in her body.

Cang Yu Ran's body showed the appearance of a violent spider eagle beast. The spider eagle beast's appearance showed its teeth and seemed to devour Cang Yu Ran.

Cang Yuran's body transformed into a monster at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her originally smooth arms turned red and gradually turned into jet black, exuding a strange spider beast aura.

Cang Yuran's face showed pain, and her eyes were horrified.

Under the altar, the protector Xu Yang was immediately shocked: "No! It's the power of the demon pill that backfired. At this moment, Cang Yuran's body has just recovered, and he has no ability to suppress such a powerful power of the demon pill on his own. If this continues, the result will only be It can turn the body into a demon and fall into a state of madness."


Xu Yang's left and right brains were working at the same time, quickly deducing countermeasures.

"Holy girl, don't panic!" Xu Yang showed a firm look on his face, "Xu Xiaoxian, Doctor Xu is here."

Standing under the altar, Xu Yang's body surface flashed with a green vine light and shadow.

The next moment, a cluster of ivy light and shadow appeared on the three-story altar, and Xu Yang's body stepped out in the ivy light and shadow.

Xu Yang knelt down and turned one hand over, and a golden pill the size of a soybean appeared in his palm.

There is a white grass deer shadow wandering on the surface of the golden pill, emitting an auspicious aura of golden smoke.

It was the Deer Antler Golden Body Pill given to Xu Yang by Ram, the leader of the Caolu Tribe, which was originally used to nourish Lin'er's physical strength.

But the situation was urgent, so Xu Yang took out this pill without thinking.

Deer Antler Golden Body Pill is a unique elixir unique to Luming Grassland. It is warm in nature.

Harmony is the best elixir to nourish the body's strength.

For example, the one in Xu Yang's hand, with its elixir, is already a priceless treasure.

"Here is a deer antler golden body pill, which has the effect of stabilizing the physical body. Please take it first."

At this time, Cang Yuran's body was on the verge of losing control, and she had no reason to refuse. What's more, the Doctor Xu in front of her gave people a sense of solidity and reliability.

Cang Yuran took the golden pill and took it directly into his mouth.

The golden elixir melts in your mouth and has a slightly sweet and waxy feel.

A coolness, like auspicious snow, spread in Cang Yuran's belly.

Cang Yu Ran's hot body was balanced by the coolness brought by the Deer Antler Golden Body Pill, which made her feel much better, and her body's tendency to transform into a monster had slowed down.

Xu Yang sat cross-legged opposite Cang Yuran, stretched out his palms, and said decisively: "Please give me the saint's hands, and I will help you."

Cang Yuran stretched out her hands and faced Xu Yang's palms.

"I am not familiar with the fluctuations of Cang Yuran's martial arts, but I have seen Cang Yuzhi's silver thunder martial arts. It is similar to my golden thunder power. My golden thunder power can be used by Cang Yuzhi. Yu Ran accepted it.”

With a judgment in his heart, Xu Yang's consciousness moved.

The golden Sanskrit characters on the surface of the golden thunder gate in the three-color vortex in his body flashed, and the golden thunder gate opened, like opening a huge page of sacred and Buddhist scriptures.

The next moment, a golden thunder dragon flew out from the inside of the golden thunder gate.

At the same time, golden dragon-shaped thunder arcs rose up on the surface of Xu Yang's arms, and within the golden thunder arcs were golden spiritual fish-like Sanskrit characters jumping.


A buzz.

A small golden Buddha's words magic circle appeared on the surface of Xu Yang's palms.

The Buddha's words circle rotates like a prayer wheel blessed by the power of the golden Buddha, and the correct words of the Buddha are emitted.

Through the blessing of the Buddha's words, Xu Yang directed the power of golden thunder into the opposite palms of Cang Yuran.

With just one breath, the fluctuations of the two bodies magically matched perfectly.

Cang Yuran, who had been wary just now, suddenly fell into despair. As if bathed in golden light and washed by Buddha's words, her body felt extremely comfortable.

If Cang Yuzhi and Cang Yuran's previous skills and bodies were in harmony, it was the result of their familiarity and cooperation. Then the fit between Xu Yang and Cang Yuran's gongti is as natural as a big river absorbing a small river.

Through the combination of the energy and body fluctuations, Xu Yang used the method of internal vision to accurately find the core of the Spider Eagle Beast Demon Pill remaining in Cang Yuran's body.

Xu Yang's pupils reflected the image of the demon core.

"Found it."

pack! The core of the demon elixir turned into a golden cocoon shape, covered in layers of golden lightning arcs.

exercise! The power of the golden thunder was put into the demon pill, refining and calcining the power of the demon spirit inside.

Get rid of evil! The power of golden thunder contains powerful Buddhist power that naturally suppresses evil spirits and destroys the violent power of monsters in the demon pill.

Tiju! Fuse the clean wind attribute spiritual power into the power of golden thunder and pull it out like a cocoon.

Everything is in order.

During this process, Xu Yang's powerful spiritual consciousness, magic power and soul power completely dominated Cang Yuran.

The remaining demon core in Cang Yuran's body completely disappeared, and all the pure wind-attributed spiritual power was channeled into the meridians in her body.

Since Cang Yuran's Kung Fu body is originally a wind-attribute Kung Fu body, it is very useful for wind-attribute spiritual power.

Two hours later.

Cang Yuran's damaged meridians were repaired inch by inch and were intact as before. The transformation of her body into a monster was completely reversed, and the quiet and flawless girl sat in the center of the altar, like a beautiful wind spirit flower.

Xu Yang stopped using the method of inner vision, voluntarily gave up control of Cang Yuran's body, and then retracted his palm.

Xu Yang smiled and wrote lightly: "Holy girl, the medicine has cured the disease."

Cang Yuran opened her eyes, and the smiling face of the spring breeze boy opposite her reflected in her eyes.

He is a young man with a spring breeze, and even more so, he is Doctor Xu.

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