True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1110 Cang Yuzhi’s method

The miracle doctor takes action and the King of Hell escapes.

When the fairy arrives, luck always comes.

In the process of Xu Yang healing Cang Yuran, the two reached a state where their consciousnesses were connected, their souls were compatible, and their spirits were compatible.

It's a perfect, spiritual fit. When used between men and women, it is very easy to create sparks.

If Cang Yuran hadn't been a saint of the Cangyu tribe and had to protect her virginity, she might have pledged her body to Xu Yang.

Even though he was grateful for the kindness, Xu Yang's benefits to Cang Yuzhi and Cang Yuran were already engraved in their hearts.

Mu Aniang, who was guarding the outer courtyard, saw Saint Cang Yuran walking out of the inner gate of the small temple for the first time in a month.

Aniang Mu hurriedly went up to greet you and said respectfully: "Welcome to you, Holy Lady, would you like me to ask the maid in the front yard to prepare the phoenix chariot for your trip?"

Cang Yuran smiled softly, and then said: "Aniang Mu, no need. I just want to see Doctor Xu off personally."

As Cang Yuran said this, she put Xu Yang in front of her, saluted and said respectfully: "Doctor Xu, please, my little girl will guide you."

Cang Yuzhi on the side also said humbly: "Mr. Xu, please."

Xu Yang clasped his fists: "You two, you're welcome."

Little girl? I go!

The majestic Saintess of the Cangyu Tribe, even the tribe leader has to show some courtesy when meeting her. In the entire Feiyu Alliance, he is a person that everyone looks up to. And the one who can make the Holy Lady call herself a little girl is not a real miracle doctor. Who else?

Aniang Mu was originally Cang Yuran's nanny, and she had a deep relationship with Cang Yuran.

More than a month ago, Cang Yuran only said that she felt a little cold and closed the door to thank guests.

As time passed, Mu Aniang had a vague feeling that Cang Yuran's condition was anything but simple. But as a servant, in accordance with the rules of the Holy Lady's Hall, I dare not make any guesses or questions.

As for Cang Yuzhi, who was chosen as the successor to the clan leader of the Cangyu tribe, he was the eldest son of the Cangyu tribe. He was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. He was so respectful to Xu Yang. Is the soul ring on Xu Yang's arm fake? Yes, it must be fake. The identity of the servant is just a cover-up for foreigners to move around in Feiyu League more conveniently.

From this point of view, it must be Xu Yang who cured the serious illness of the saint Cang Yuran.

Doctor Xu, confirmed without a doubt.

Aniang Mu suddenly realized and began to regret in her heart. Three days ago, when Xu Yang came here with Cang Yuzhi, her attitude towards Xu Yang was full of distrust and disrespect.

At this moment, Mu Aniang felt even more grateful. Xu Yang's ability to cure Saint Cang Yuran's illness was the greatest gift to Mu A Niang.

With tears in Mu A Niang's eyes, she was about to kneel down and thank Xu Yang.

Seeing this, Xu Yang just flicked his sleeves, and a gentle force of profound force supported Mu A Niang's sinking body.

"Aniang Mu, I absolutely cannot do this. I, Xu Yang, can't bear it."

Aniang Mu said sincerely: "Please forgive Dr. Xu for being disrespectful and suspecting that you are a quack a few days ago. Thank you for curing the saint's patient."

Xu Yang nodded and said seriously: "It is only natural for doctors to save lives and heal the wounded."

Xu Yang knew that his identity here must be kept secret at all times, so that he would have a better chance of entering the Baiyu tribe and successfully get the opportunity to recast Lin'er's body.

Cang Yuran sent Cang Yuzhi and Xu Yang directly to the gate of the Saintess Hall.

After that, Cang Yuran went back to continue her retreat. She was recovering from her injuries and needed to rest her body.

Cang Yuzhi carefully arranged a residence for Xu Yang, right next to his own residence. Then, Cang Yuzhi went out to secretly inquire about the Baiyu tribe, in order to wait for an opportunity to send Xu Yang to the Baiyu tribe smoothly.


In order to save Cang Yu Ran, Xu Yang not only consumed his energy and body, but also lost a precious deer antler golden body pill. But Xu Yang didn't feel distressed at all. Instead, he felt that the Deer Antler Golden Body Pill reflected its value.

As Xu Yang’s good friend Jin Yu Xiaoseng once told him.

When you encounter someone else in trouble, choose to help. At that moment, you

It is Buddha. After that moment, you are still you, an ordinary person.

This is one of the true meanings of Buddha.

Although Xu Yang is not a dedicated Buddhist believer, he practices Buddhism's golden light state of mind and the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra.

Every good cause and effect will plant a Buddhist relationship. The farther you go on the path of Buddhism, the farther you will naturally stay away from the path of Yuan Mo.

In the next few days, Xu Yang waited alone in the room, always preparing to go to the Baiyu tribe.

Xu Yang summoned the demon dragon Ming Lin and gave the sand attribute demon pill given by Cang Yuzhi to Ming Lin.

Ming Lin nodded and wagged his tail, "Thank you, Master Xu Yang."

Ming Lin used the tip of its dragon claw to pick up the demon pill. The earthy golden aura on the surface of the demon pill flashed, and there was a looming shadow of a sandworm in it.

"A great tonic." Ming Lin opened his big mouth, flicked the tip of his claws, and grunted, and the demon pill entered its dark throat.

Ming Lin patted his belly with his dragon claw and said with satisfaction: "It doesn't taste like anything, but it feels good."

Then, Ming Lin turned into a black scale ball and hid in Xu Yang's Zifu space and fell asleep.

In addition to his daily practice, Xu Yang would take out the Moon Magic Dzi Bead and observe the condition of Lin'er who was sleeping in it.

In the short term, Lin'er's life will be fine, but if Lin'er's other half of Bai Luan's body cannot be restored as soon as possible, the outcome will be hard to say.

Xu Yang became increasingly anxious.

The first day, the second day, the third day...

It wasn't until the fifth day that Cang Yuzhi came to Xu Yang's residence.

In the room, Xu Yang and Cang Yuzhi sat face to face at the square table.

Cang Yu Zhidao: "In three days, it will be a major festival for the three saints of the Feiyu Alliance to go to the Feiyu Holy Temple to pray for the tribal people. The saints of the Baiyu Tribe will definitely go. This is the key to whether you can successfully enter the Baiyu Tribe. . But make a detailed plan.”

Xu Yang said with a serious face: "This is the opportunity I have been waiting for. Please tell me, my friend, and I am all ears."

Cang Yuzhi glanced at the soul ring on Xu Yang's arm and said: "Your current identity is my servant. If you want to enter the White Feather Tribe openly, the best way is to become a Saint of the White Feather Tribe." Servant."

Xu Yang smiled slightly and said: "This is really a good idea. The Saint of the White Feather Tribe is one of the most powerful people in the White Feather Tribe. My friend is really a smart person. You have come up with all these methods."

Cang Yuzhi scratched his head with his hand in embarrassment, and then said: "This is an idea I came up with after racking my brains for several days, but I don't have a specific action method yet."

Cang Yuzhi asked: "My friend, you have excellent martial arts and are good at both martial arts and healing. Do you have any other specialties besides these? The saint girl of the White Feather Tribe is very healthy. I can't force her to recommend one. Doctor Xu from a foreign race."

Xu Yang said without thinking: "Drink."

Xu Yang stood up, patted the shiny purple gourd on his waist with his hand, and said: "This is my biggest treasure. If my medical skills are said to be a miracle doctor, my drinking power is really a little wine fairy." Xu Xiaoxian is the same."

"Drink?" Cang Yuzhi thought for a while, his eyes lit up, "Xu Xiaoxian, a wine master, a drunkard. I have an idea!"


Three days later.

It’s the Feather God’s Festival of Fei Yu League.

The three major tribes under the Feiyu Alliance, the White Feather Tribe, the Red Feather Tribe and the Cangyu Tribe, all sent their own saints to pray for blessings at the Feiyu Temple built on Yu Mountain.

This day is also a festival for all tribesmen of Feiyu League.

Many tribal people, dressed in festive costumes, went to Yushan to participate in the temple fair of Feiyu Temple.

On the road leading to Feiyu Mountain, people rub shoulders with each other.

Vendors selling delicacies and tribal products filled the open spaces on both sides of the road.

It's a festival, but also a business opportunity to make a fortune.

Two ordinary-looking tribal men were crowded in the crowd, talking to each other as they walked.


"This year's temple fair is particularly lively."

"There are many more people attending the temple fair than last year."

"They are all like you and me, who go to the temple on the top of the mountain to burn incense and worship the God of Feathers, praying for peace."

"In the past six months, the number of wind disasters in Xiayu Mountain has been far more than in previous years, and the wind disasters were large-scale and destructive. The wind disasters caused several mine veins to collapse, and many miners were unfortunately killed. It is really unsafe."

"The risks in the mining areas have increased, and the number of external miners has decreased. In order to mine, the elders of several tribes in the Feiyu League had to issue tribal decrees and forcibly recruit men from the tribes to become miners' labor."

"The land where the Fei Yu Alliance is located is full of barren mountains, and there is no other output. Especially the crops will be swallowed up by wind disasters. There is no harvest all year round, and the cultivated land has long been abandoned. If there is no food, we can only use wind spirit stones to exchange for it outside. But. Once the mining area cannot be mined and there is no Fengling Stone, what will be used in exchange for food? That will really be the biggest disaster for Feiyu Alliance."

"No one wants their men and children to have an accident in the mines. Ordinary people can only pray for blessings to keep their loved ones safe."

"Yes, the more unsafe the day, the more people pray for peace."

"Looking at so many people, we brothers have to wait until tomorrow to reach the temple on the top of the mountain. Counting the days, it has been three days since you and I came out."

"What? Are you tired? You need to have a pious heart to worship God and pray for blessings. This hard work is nothing. Maybe next time the mining area requisitions miners' labor, it will be your and my turn."

"I hope that everyone will be safe this year and that the storm will pass soon. In the coming year, the wind will be nice and the sun will be beautiful, Feiyu League will still be a prosperous place, and the tribesmen will live and work in peace and contentment."


At this moment, there was a sudden noise at one end of the road.

There were more than a dozen warriors wearing white gold brocade clothes and holding gold-wrapped long sticks leading the way.

"The crowd got out of the way, got out of the way quickly."

"The White Feather Tribe, the Saint is here."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, be careful of getting hit with a stick."

When people on the road heard this, they did not panic and crowd, but gave way to the roadside in an orderly manner. They seem to be used to this kind of scene.

Behind several warriors in golden robes.

A huge chariot, carried by four strong men at the front and rear, came slowly.

The surface of the chariot is painted with silver and gold paint to depict beautiful patterns of white-feathered divine birds and golden auspicious clouds. In the center of the chariot sits a woman wearing a white snow palace dress and a gorgeous white feather crown on her head.

The woman's face was covered with white silk gauze, but her charming face outline and a pair of bright eyes were still revealed.

The crowds on both sides whispered.

"She is the saint of the Baiyu tribe."

“I’m lucky enough to see this only once a year.”

"The saint of the Baiyu tribe is so beautiful, as beautiful as the snow on Feiyu Mountain."

"Don't look directly into her eyes. The saint's eyes are used to communicate with the Goddess of Feathers. They are not something that mortals can look into directly."

Plop, plop.

Several men's eyes fell on the saint girl of the White Feather Tribe and could not be removed. If they touched the saint's eyes even slightly, they would faint as if struck by lightning.

For a moment, the scene was surprisingly quiet.

In the eyes of the people on both sides of the road, the saints of the Baiyu tribe are half-gods and half-humans, and must not be blasphemed.

When the White Feather Tribe Saint's team arrives at a place, people on the side of the road will take the initiative to kneel down and worship without daring to look up.

At this moment, a "drunkard" broke into the middle of the road.

The drunkard was a handsome young man in green clothes, holding a purple wine gourd in his hand.

The young man in green had slightly red cheeks. He was wandering in the middle of the road while raising the wine gourd in his hand and drinking heavily.

The young man in green just blocked the advancing team of the saint girl from the White Feather Tribe.

"Everyone gets drunk without being drunk." The young man in green said cheerfully.

Without him, the young man in green blocking the road was none other than Xu Yang.

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