True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1111 Wine on Temple Street

The saint travels! Drunk blocking the road!

"Is this drunkard going to die?"

"It is a provocation to the tribe and a great disrespect to the tribe's totem god to block the trip of the tribal saint. The Baiyu tribe is one of the three major tribes of the Feiyu Alliance. This drunkard's life is probably about to end."

"It is said that twenty years ago, there was an incident on this temple street where a drunkard accidentally entered and delayed the saint's travel."

"I've heard about it too. The drunkard who blocked the road was cursed by a wizard, and then thrown to the Gale Ridge for ten days to accept the punishment from the God of Feathers. But after ten days, all that was left of the drunkard was a pile of bones. , all his flesh was eaten by the vultures on the Gale Ridge.”

"The tribe wizard warns you that if your body is eaten by the vultures in Gale Ridge, your soul will be taken away by the wind demon, and there will be no possibility of reincarnation. It is horrifying to think about it. It is really a result more terrifying than death."

"Something's wrong. This drunkard looks like he's dressed as a foreigner."

"You see, he also wears a silver soul ring on his arm. He should be a servant that can only be owned by tribal nobles."

"It turned out to be an ignorant foreigner."

"No wonder he doesn't understand the rules."

"It's just a pity that he is so young and handsome."


The team of the Saints of the White Feather Tribe was forced to stop in the middle of the street.

The warriors in uniform who were clearing the way in front of the team found someone blocking the street, a drunkard holding a wine gourd, and immediately became furious.

"This is the Saint of the White Feather Tribe who is traveling."

"It is a capital offense to prevent the Saint from traveling."

"Where did you come from, drunkard? Get out of here."

While shouting, several warriors in brocade robes angrily stopped him with gold-wrapped sticks in their hands.

Xu Yang ignored him, his whole body was like a green willow drunk by the spring breeze, fluttering and swaying, but the soles of his feet were growing on the ground like roots.

Xu Yang raised his head and raised the wine gourd. A silver thread fell down and fell into his mouth. Then he shook the wine gourd and said with some disappointment: "There is not much wine in the gourd. The wine in the Temple Street wine shop is mellow and sweet, very For my taste, it’s just a little too much. I’m going to buy another gourd of wine so that I can’t miss the spring scenery on Temple Street.”

"Huh?" Xu Yang rubbed his eyes and found several warriors in brocade clothes holding gold-wrapped sticks standing in front of him. He asked inexplicably: "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way to buy wine?"

The leading warrior in golden clothes took two steps forward, pointed at Xu Yang with the tip of the gold-coated stick in his hand, and said sternly: "You drunkard, why don't you get out of here. If not, I will hit you with the gold-coated stick in my hand." "

Xu Yang held the wine gourd in one hand, patted his belly with the other, burped, and then said: "Drunkard? Brother, you are praising me. Drinkers, people and wine are one, and they are selfless. Only those who seek freedom are worthy of the word "drunkard."

Then the conversation changed and he said with a serious face: "Tell me to get out of the way? Didn't you see that I was about to buy a drink? You are disrespectful to an alcoholic."

The warrior in golden clothes said angrily: "You drunkard, who do you think you are after drinking too much? Looking at the fine silver soul ring on your arm, you must be a servant of some noble family. Beat the dog to see the master, let your master come out ”

Xu Yang glared and said, "Whose dog are you, barking so manically? It's really a dog's power."

The warrior in golden clothes immediately blushed with embarrassment and cursed: "You drunken bastard, see if I don't break your legs!"

Before he finished speaking, the golden stick in his hand swept out.

The stick, which was about ten feet long, was more than a foot high against the ground. It set off a golden light and swept directly to Xu Yang's knees.

This is by no means a simple stick. Even if it is hit on a stone, it can also break the stone into pieces.

The crowds on both sides of the road were shocked by the sudden fight.

Some who are cautious and timid move back, fearing that the stick will hit them. Some women covered their eyes with their hands, afraid to look at the bloody scene that followed.

Xu Yang smiled slightly, and the green aura flickered on the surface of his body, showing the shadow of emerald green ivy.

call! .

The stick swept out by the warrior in uniform from the opposite side seemed to hit Xu Yang's knee, but it passed through like nothing.

Xu Yang's body bent backwards at a strange angle, and the soles of his feet were stuck to the ground.

With his eyes raised to the sky, he just managed to avoid the force of the stick. Then, he straightened his posture like a green branch climbing a wall.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang's body turned into a green vine and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, Xu Yang's true body appeared in front of the warrior in brocade.

Xu Yang raised his right elbow and placed it on the Jinyi Warrior's chin, and angrily said, "A good dog doesn't bark."


The whole body of the warrior in golden clothes flew out and fell hard to the ground a few feet away.

This guy lost four of his front teeth, his mouth was full of blood, he was moaning strangely and couldn't speak, and the gold-wrapped stick was thrown aside.

Seeing one of their own being beaten, more than a dozen warriors in golden robes swarmed forward. They surrounded Xu Yang, and the golden sticks in their hands fell into the formation in a blink of an eye, obviously well-trained.

"Kill with a stick!" someone shouted angrily.

More than a dozen gold-wrapped sticks smashed down on Xu Yang's head from top to bottom, like a tiger attacking its prey, making the wind roar.

This time he wasn't going to break his legs, he was going to smash his head directly.

Xu Yang did not dodge, he raised his right palm and pushed it up, using the Qingmu Spirit Body Technique.

On the palm of his right hand, several green branches moved with light and shadow, revealing a green circular array.

"Array of Wood Spirits - Vine Binding!"

In an instant, several ivy shadows emerged from the magic circle. As the green vines twined around, they tightly entangled the fallen gold-wrapped sticks, holding them in mid-air to prevent them from falling.

More than a dozen warriors in brocade clothes felt unwilling to do so when they saw that the gold-wrapped stick they were swinging was blocked by Xu Yang.


They roared in unison, trying with all their strength to suppress Xu Yang downwards.

The combined strength of a dozen well-trained tribal elite warriors is comparable to the toppling of a mountain.

Xu Yang is like a green pine, motionless.

"Make way for this drunkard to drink." Xu Yang shouted softly, and at the same time raised his raised right hand.


The power of the Wood Spirit Formation suddenly exploded, green spiritual light intertwined and swirled, ancient runes jumped, and the shadow of the ivy became more solid.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.

The dozens of gold-coated rods that were placed on the Wood Spirit Formation were completely broken and shattered.

Wrapped in gold, the outside is covered with gold foil, and the inside is made of thousand-year-old fine iron. It was as unbearable as rotten wood at the moment.

The dozen or so warriors in golden robes had no time to react. They suddenly lost their balance and fell to the ground one after another.

It’s a long story, from the time when the first warrior in robes took action to when the dozen or so warriors in robes behind were all knocked to the ground by Xu Yang, it only took a moment.

The crowd of onlookers immediately exploded.

"Where does this young man in green come from?"

"He wears a fine silver soul ring on his arm, which can only be worn by the highest-level servants. Is it possible that he is the high-level guard of some big shot in the Feather Alliance?"

"I have never seen a person like this who defeated more than a dozen elite warriors in one move on his own."

"These elite warriors who protect the saint often bully the common people. Someone should deal with them today."

"Heroes emerge from youth."

No one in the crowd said that Xu Yang was an ignorant drunkard, but a young hero who had the courage to resist and possessed unique skills.


There was sudden chaos ahead. The White Feather Saint raised her hand, and the chariot she was riding on was placed firmly on the ground by the eight strong men carrying the chariot.

The White Feather Saint asked seriously: "What's going on ahead?"

The young maid serving at the side said respectfully: "Go back to the Holy Lady, there is a drunkard blocking the way."

The White Feather Saint nodded and said: "Just ask someone to drive him away. You have to rush to the Yu Temple to pray for blessings. If you are late, not only will you be robbed of the limelight by the Saints of the Red Feather Tribe and Cang Yu Tribe, but also You have lost the face of our Baiyu tribe.”

When the White Feather Saint saw from a distance that more than a dozen elite warriors from her tribe were knocked to the ground by the drunkards who blocked the way, she could no longer hold back and walked directly off the chariot.

The white feather saint's robe reaches the floor behind her, making her figure even more slender.

The maid on the side looked panicked and said: "My Lady Saint, it seems that this person is not an ordinary drunkard. He is very powerful. Do you want to avoid him?"

The White Feather Saint took off her feather gauze cloak and threw it to the waiter.

In the woman's hand, she said decisively: "Back off."

The maid held up the feather gauze cloak and obediently put it aside.

The White Feather Saint whispered to herself: "The Saint of the White Feather tribe has never been a vase decoration. This time, maybe someone sent a master deliberately to give me a blow. I want to see what this drunkard can do. Why, who is the master behind him?”


With a cold snort, the white-feathered saint nodded with her toes, her clothes fluttering like a white luan spreading her wings, and she was opposite Xu Yang in a blink of an eye.

Without saying anything, the White Feather Saint shot out from the air with one palm.

Palm out!

In a blink of an eye, a snowstorm formation appeared.

White feathers and silver blades, flying frost and cold arrows, creaking in the void.

"Snowstorm Formation—White Feather!"

It is like a powerful spell with dual attributes of wind and snow.

Xu Yang had really drunk wine before, it was wine from an ordinary wine shop in the Temple of Yu Temple.

For an alcoholic, when arriving in a new place, it is necessary to try the local wine. Otherwise, it means you haven’t been here.

The White Feather Saint suddenly took action, but Xu Yang was not surprised but overjoyed.

The opportunity has come.

But Xu Yang did not take action. Instead, he used the wood escape technique. The green vines under his feet twisted with light and shadow, and his figure quickly retreated ten feet.

At this moment, a loud cry of an eagle broke through the sky and was heard in everyone's ears.

In mid-air, a brown storm arrived in the blink of an eye. There are clusters of silver arcs blooming on the surface of the storm.

A figure was hidden in the storm, approaching from far away.

It was a young man with a pair of huge goshawk wings on his back.

The young man has a handsome face and is dressed in blue and gray brocade clothes. His long hair is simply pinned behind his head with a simple gray feather hairpin. There are two silver guns stuck in a gun pouch behind his back.

Xu Yang stepped back with a smile that was close to success, and thought to himself: "Cang Yuzhi, the next step will depend on your acting skills."

Without pausing, Cang Yuzhi stood in front of Xu Yang, facing the White Feather Saint opposite, and also pushed out with one palm.

Palm out!

"Array of Wind and Thunder—Cang Yu!"

A formation of wind and thunder suddenly appeared on the surface of the palm he pushed out.

The lightning silver spear, the Cangyu long sword, the void rumbled and roared.

Cang Yu Zhi was born with a body of silver thunder attribute, but he also practiced the art of Cang Yu's half-animal transformation the day after tomorrow. After his body is transformed into a half-eagle beast, a pair of goshawk wings connected to his own blood can grow from his back, and he temporarily possesses powerful wind attributes.

There is no other person in the entire Feiyu Alliance who can use the wind and thunder technique so freely at the same time. This is also Cang Yuzhi's special skill.

"Is it Cang Yuzhi?" The white-feathered saint who originally attacked Xu Yang immediately recognized the eagle-winged boy who had come out halfway.

The White Feather Saint did not choose to give up, but instead upgraded the technique that had originally been blessed with five successes to 80%, almost a full blow.

The White Feather Saint quickly made two inferences in her mind.

First, Cang Yuzhi was the one behind the drunkard's blocking of the road, so he must pay the price. This is the price for provoking the White Feather Tribe.

Secondly, if Cang Yuzhi is just nosy, then he should be given some color. Cang Yuzhi's only biological sister is the saint of the Cangyu tribe, and she is also coming to participate in the Yu God's blessing ceremony. Cang Yuzhi's cultivation and combat power are higher than those of Cang Yu Saint.

This day is the Feiyu Alliance's traditional festival for the God of Feathers to pray for blessings. It can also be said to be a day of secret battle between the three saints from the Cangyu Tribe, the White Feather Tribe and the Red Feather Tribe.

Among the three saints, who is the most beautiful? Who is the most popular among believers? Who is the most qualified to talk to the spirit of Quetzalcoatl? Who is the first saint of Feiyu League?

The answers to these questions will be given after the blessing ceremony. The winner will bring great reputation and status to the tribe behind him.

The White Feather Saint suddenly took action.

Blue Winged Boy was born out of nowhere.

This is something that has never happened before in the Yu Temple Temple.

Everyone on the street was stunned. At that moment, everything became strangely quiet.

Xu Yang, who retreated to a safe place in the back, picked up the wine gourd, raised his head and took a big sip of wine into his throat. His face was slightly tipsy, and he murmured: "Good wine."

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