True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1112 The Saint of the White Feather Tribe

Temple Street became a martial arts arena.

The palms of White Feather Saint and Cang Yuzhi were facing each other. Both of them are at the first level of Daoming Realm, and they both used 80% of their abilities in this competition.

For a time, the wind and snow were flying, wind and thunder roared, arcs of electricity entangled, and the void trembled.

Behind the White Feather Saint appeared a white luan statue with a white body and a long neck, while behind Cang Yuzhi appeared a goshawk statue with brown feathers and golden eyes that covered the sky.

The two forces squeezed together, emitting powerful power.

Centered on the collision point, the ground within a radius of ten feet cracked and gravel floated up. The roots were pulled out and the whole tree floated.

On the side of Temple Street, a cooked food stall close to the scene of the fight was suddenly lifted into the air by this force.

A roasted lamb leg with oily surface climbed to the sky. A golden and shiny roast chicken flew into the air. The wooden tables and wooden stools were suspended as if suspended by ropes.

The stall owner's hat fell off his head. He held his head with his hands and his feet were off the ground, messy in the wind. "Ouch, why can't I get off?"

The palms of White Feather Saint and Cang Yuzhi pushed forward at the same time.


A ball of swirling spiritual pressure suddenly burst out, and within a radius of ten feet, objects hovering in mid-air were thrown out by the swirling airflow.

The roasted lamb leg ran to the distant roof, and the roasted chicken was thrown out, and the chicken's beak just hit the stall owner's butt. The stall owner's body got stuck on a tree branch and he screamed in pain: "Who is biting me from behind!"

"The person fighting with the White Feather Saint is Mr. Zhi of the Cangyu Tribe." Someone exclaimed.

"Run quickly, they are fighting and they are going to cause trouble."

"Oh my god, it's so windy."

"I'm taking off."

The crowd around was in chaos.


Normally, Saint Baiyu and Cang Yuzhi are familiar with each other, but they have never had the experience of fighting directly.

The White Feather Saint's face was covered by a white gauze scarf, and her expression could not be seen. She was thinking in her mind: "Cang Yuzhi, it is said that he is the first warrior of the Cang Yu tribe, and he really has some tricks. If we continue to fight, he and I will It’s hard to tell the winner in a short period of time. Next, I have to rush to attend the blessing ceremony at Feiyu Temple, so I can’t waste time with him here.”

Cang Yuzhi thought to himself: "I'm not here to fight the White Feather Saint, but this time in order to let Xu Yang sneak into the Bai Yu tribe, I have no choice but to offend her. Unexpectedly, this woman went crazy and resorted to such You have so much strength, are you trying to fight me?"

Cang Yuzhi said loudly: "Holy lady of the Baiyu tribe, today is the festival when Feiyu Holy Temple opens its doors for blessings. This temple street is not a place for violent fights. It would be even worse to hurt the innocent people around. Bai Yu please The saint calmed down."

Seeing Cang Yuzhi give her the chance to step down, White Feather Saint thought to herself: "Cang Yuzhi, if I hadn't been afraid of delaying the blessing ceremony, I would definitely have decided the winner with you today."

The two of them retracted their extended palms at the same time, and each took three steps back before standing firm.

The surrounding wind and snow drifted away, the wind and thunder subsided, and the scene cooled down.

White Feather Saint said: "Cangyu Zhi, you are the number one warrior of the Cangyu Tribe, and one of the public heirs to the Cangyu Tribe's patriarch position. What you did today, if you don't explain it clearly, will stir up trouble." A war between two tribes."

Cang Yuzhi clasped his fists and said respectfully: "I'm really sorry. If I hadn't taken action just now, one of my attendants would have been killed by the saint. In fact, it doesn't matter if an attendant dies. I just don't want a servant of foreign blood to die." The blood stained the saint's hands and contaminated the subsequent blessing ceremony. According to the rules of the blessing ceremony, the saints participating in the blessing ceremony were not allowed to be stained with the blood of foreigners on this day. The blessing ceremony at Feiyu Temple belonged to them. The entire Feiyu Alliance cannot make any mistakes, otherwise, if the God of Feathers is dissatisfied and imposes a wind disaster punishment, the entire Feiyu Alliance will not be able to make any mistakes.

All the people will suffer. I hope that Lady White Feather will put the overall situation first. "

Hearing this, the White Feather Saint quickly calmed down as if cold water had been poured on her. She blamed herself in her heart: "Oh, it's all my fault for being so impulsive. If Cang Yuzhi didn't stop me, I'm afraid that my rash move just now would really He would kill the drunkard and break the rules of the blessing ceremony. I would also like to thank Cang Yuzhi."

The White Feather Saint did not speak, but nodded slightly in agreement.

Cang Yuzhi turned to look at Xu Yang and said sternly: "Xu Yang, why don't you come over and apologize to the White Feather Saint?"

Xu Yang was waiting for Cang Yuzhi to call him.

His three steps turned into two steps, and he pretended to stumble and ran up, before kneeling down in front of the Holy Lady White Feather.

The White Feather Saint lifted up her hands with one hand, and a mysterious force held up Xu Yang's prostrated body. She said coldly: "This Saint is a Saint of the White Feather Tribe and a Saint of the Feiyu League, but not a foreigner like you." The saint of my tribe, I will not accept your kneeling."

Xu Yang took two steps back and bowed: "Young Xu Yang is the servant of Cangyu Tribe Chief Master. He is new to the temple fair and doesn't understand the rules. He was drunk just now and disturbed the saint's trip. Please forgive me, the Holy Lady."

Saintess Baiyu shifted her gaze to Cang Yuzhi and said: "Cang Yuzhi, since he is your servant, he can only ask you, the master, for an explanation for the mistakes he made."

The guarding warriors of the Baiyu tribe who were injured by Xu Yang were murmuring and pointing behind them.

Cang Yuzhi nodded and responded seriously: "It's Xu Yang's fault that he was drunk in the first place. I have a thousand high-grade wind spirit stones here, which can be considered as treatment expenses and compensation for the injured."

As he spoke, he took out a storage bag containing spirit stones.

The White Feather Saint waved her hand behind her, and the maid behind her quickly came over.

"Collect these thousand high-grade spiritual stones and distribute them to the injured." White Feather Saint said.

The personal maid took the storage bag handed over by Cang Yuzhi with both hands and withdrew.

One thousand high-grade wind spirit stones are equivalent to ten times the value of ordinary high-grade spirit stones. It is also a huge asset to the Feiyu League.

The guard warriors who were injured by Xu Yang suddenly felt no pain all over when they saw that the other party had compensated such a large number of wind spirit stones. The amount distributed to each person is equivalent to their income for several years.

The White Feather Saint thought to herself: "A thousand high-grade wind spirit stones is not a small amount. However, this is not what I want. This incident has become known to everyone, and I must restore the White Feather Tribe's face on the spot. "

White Feather Saint said: "Master Zhi is really generous in taking action. Some things can be solved by spiritual stones, but some cannot."

Cang Yuzhi said: "Please let the saint make it clear that as long as I, Cang Yuzhi, can do it, I will never regret it."

White Feather Saint looked at Cang Yuzhi carefully while thinking in her mind: "This Cang Yuzhi's appearance, temperament and ability are outstanding among the warriors of the Feiyu League. If I can take him in, , wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone..."

Cang Yuzhi saw the White Feather Saint opposite her staring at him but not speaking. He felt a little embarrassed and said, "Please speak clearly."

The White Feather Saint removed the white gauze covering her face with her hands, revealing a beautiful face underneath.

She has dark eyebrows like swords, clear eyes, a nose like jade, no heavy makeup, and natural crimson lips. There is a cool breath wafting from the movements of his hands and feet. He is dressed in white and snow-white, and his heroic spirit is not inferior to that of a man.

Saint Baiyu said: "I want you Cang Yuzhi to join the Baiyu tribe and become my nominal husband, Bai Yujing."

When Cang Yuzhi heard this, he was stunned as if he had been struck by thunder.

Did you hear that right? Join the White Feather Tribe and become the nominal husband of the White Feather Saint?

The saints of the Feiyu League are all required to remain virgins. To become the nominal husband of the saint is only in the name of husband and wife, but not in reality. to be honest

It's like the saint's personal attendant.

For Cang Yuzhi, getting married is a naked humiliation.

Moreover, if Cangyu Zhizhen becomes the nominal husband of the White Feather Saint Bai Yujing, he will have no way to stay in the Cangyu Tribe and will automatically give up his qualification to inherit the Cangyu Tribe's clan leader. This will greatly weaken the Cangyu tribe's strength.

The White Feather Saint put on the white gauze covering her face again and said confidently: "Cang Yuzhi, I will give you a fair chance. You and I will duel in Dafeng Ridge in three months. If you lose to me, you must marry me." Baiyu tribe, be my nominal husband."

Cang Yuzhi felt a little calmer and said solemnly: "Cang Yuzhi accepts the challenge from the White Feather Saint."

Xu Yang on the side was a little anxious. how? Are these two people getting along in such a big way? I haven't done anything yet?

Xu Yang secretly sent a message: "Master Zhi, haven't you said anything about me yet?"

Cang Yuzhi turned to look at Xu Yang and said sternly: "Xu Yang, it was a mistake for you to lose your temper after drinking, and it was an even bigger mistake to block the way of the Holy Lady. The White Feather Saint is not as knowledgeable as you, but I, the master, must punish you. ”

After a pause, Cang Yuzhi continued: "I will punish you by being the attendant of Lady White Feather for three months."

Xu Yang bowed and said respectfully: "I am willing to accept the punishment of Master Zhi. Within three months from now, the White Feather Saint will be my new master."

Xu Yang turned around, faced the White Feather Saint, and said respectfully: "Master, let Xu Yang escort you and lead the way."

White Feather Saint looked at Cang Yuzhi and muttered in her heart, "Cang Yuzhi wants to give this Xu Yang to me as a servant. During this period, if something happens to Xu Yang, it will be a loss of my face. In this way, it will be a shame. Indirectly protecting Xu Yang, preventing anyone from the Baiyu tribe from causing trouble to him again. Cang Yuzhi, you are very smart.”

The White Feather Saint turned to look at Xu Yang, glanced at the soul ring on Xu Yang's arm, and then said: "That's fine. I just lack a capable guard. However, you are a foreigner, and I must be in your soul." Put a soul spell on the ring, so that I can rest assured that you will go in and out of the Baiyu tribe with me."

Xu Yang secretly rejoiced, "White Feather Tribe, I, Xu Yang, am here."

Xu Yang's face did not change and he said respectfully: "Master, please give me the soul curse brand."

The White Feather Saint reached out from the air with one hand, and a white flying feather-shaped aura fell on the silver soul ring on the surface of Xu Yang's arm, making a tinkling sound.

Xu Yang only felt that the soul ring on the surface of his arm tightened slightly, and one arm was slightly numb. The power of wind and snow was inspired by the soul ring, passed through the meridians, and imprinted on the surface of his heart.

Xu Yang used the method of inner vision to pay attention to the changes in his heart, and thought to himself: "The soul power of this white feather saint is not inferior to Cang Yuzhi. But such a degree of curse seal power is under my control, Xu Xiaoxian ”

The White Feather Saint sat back on her chariot. The eight strong men carrying the chariot neatly carried the chariot on their shoulders and started walking. Xu Yang led the way.

Xu Yang said loudly as he walked: "The Holy Lady of White Feather is traveling, and the followers of Yu Shen will greet her with great respect, conveying the blessings of great love."

The crowd on Temple Street quickly calmed down and knelt down in an orderly manner by the roadside to welcome him.

These people had just witnessed the power of Lady White Feather's actions, and they respected this half-human, half-god figure even more.

Cang Yuzhi looked at the direction Xu Yang was going and whispered to himself: "My friend Xu Yang, I can only help you so much."

Afterwards, Cang Yuzhi organized some tribal personnel to clean and repair the damaged temple streets and stalls, and compensate for related losses.

The boss whose stall was destroyed received thirty pieces of high-grade wind spirit stones as compensation.

"This is a fortune I couldn't make even in three years of running a stall."

The stall owner was so happy that he wanted to fly up. He knelt down and worshiped devoutly in the direction of Feiyu Mountain, and said in his mouth: "Holy lady of the White Feather Tribe, please bless the little ones to get rich."

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