True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 135 Meeting Princess Dong

In the square in front of the palace, Xu Yang stared at Jiang Sanfeng opposite. At this time, Jiang Sanfeng seemed to be fighting against the void, hitting the air with one hammer after another. The air waves rolled and the wind and clouds changed colors.

Although Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Killing Formation is powerful, due to the low growth rate of the Flame Spirit and his own limited cultivation level, this formation cannot last for a long time. Xu Yang seemed relaxed at this time, but in fact he was using his mental power to control every attack in the phantom formation. Jiang Sanfeng expended physical strength, but Xu Yang expended mental energy. Xu Yang was obviously much more relaxed than Jiang Sanfeng.

The Flame Spirit Killing Formation has two modes, the Killing Character Jue is the attack mode, and the Huanzi Jue is the defensive mode. Casting the Flame Spirit Killing Formation requires the caster to concentrate on mental power. Although Xu Yang's current mental power is higher than that of a monk of the same level, he can only switch between the Flame Spirit Killing Formation Magic Word Art and the Killing Word Art, and cannot anymore. Perform other exercises at the same time. At the moment, Xu Yang had no intention of severely injuring Jiang Sanfeng, so he certainly didn't know how to use the "kill" technique of the Flame Killing Formation.

In the main hall of Dongjun City at this time.

The owner of East County and Linghu Xia, the chief assistant of East County, were chatting with each other.

"As the princess expected, Ye Tu did not come to discuss the matter in person."

"We set up a Hongmen Banquet. If Ye Tu really comes, I would admire his courage."

"Yes, when the time comes, as long as Ye Tu is put under house arrest and we ask Qinghua Mountain City to send troops to the north city together with us, even if we cannot completely defeat Xijun, we will exhaust the power of Qinghua Mountain City."

"Last time Ye Tu invited me to a duel, I was only half a step ahead of him. My cultivation level is at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. His cultivation level has just reached the second level of the True Alchemy Realm. If he goes one step further, he will win. It’s hard to say negative.”

"Princess, don't worry, Ye Tu is a thorn in the side, and I will make a plan to remove him."

"It is expected that the second leader named Xu Yang should also be a figure of some importance in Qinghua Mountain City, at least someone whom Ye Tu can trust. We just ask this person to bring a message to Ye Tu, and say that the purpose of inviting him here is Discuss the distribution of water from the Tai River to Qinghua Mountain City. The total amount of water from the Tai River is getting smaller and smaller, and we are unable to mobilize enough water sources to ensure the water supply of Qinghua Mountain City. "

"For the sake of your own survival, I think Yetu will consider our suggestions."

"After the last military encounter with Xijun, the military strength of both our sides has been clearly demonstrated. If both sides fight with all their strength, both sides will lose in the end, while Qinghua Mountain City will reap the benefits. If the war drags on for four, Five years. Qinghua Mountain City will definitely take the opportunity to grow, and by then the scene of Confucianism dominating the Xiaoxian world will no longer exist. In any case, this situation must be avoided. "

"What the princess said is absolutely true, and I think so too. The rise of Qinghua Mountain City, which represents the interests of casual cultivators, is when the Confucian sect is in trouble."

A moment of incense passed, but the two of them still didn't see anyone coming in at the door of the hall.

"How come Li Fei, Meng Guang and Jiang Sanfeng haven't come back yet?" Lord Dongling, the first payer of Dongjun, muttered in a low voice with a frozen look on his face.

East Princess Wang Tianming also showed a hint of displeasure on his face.

"It would be better for the Chief Assistant to go to the front of the palace and have a look in person to avoid any mistakes."

"Your Majesty, please go outside the palace and take a look."

In the square in front of the palace, Jiang Sanfeng has begun to show signs of fatigue. His eyes are red, his cheeks are sweaty, and the veins on his forehead are exposed. He is breathing heavily. Although the force of the hammer is still powerful, it is not as smooth as it was at the beginning. .

Seeing that time was almost up, Xu Yang made a move towards the opposite side with one hand. Red, yellow, and blue ripples flashed in the void, and three phantom long sticks suddenly appeared out of thin air, and returned to Xu Yang's palm the next moment.

Jiang Sanfeng's eyes suddenly lit up. The originally boundless land of the underworld, countless skeletons and rocks, and the endless killing rock ghosts all disappeared without a trace. In the huge square in front of the palace, Xu Yang stood opposite.

His eyes were fixed on Xu Yang, his eyes showing a little panic, but more of fighting spirit and unconvinced. Jiang Sanfeng secretly used magic tricks to stabilize his mind, but he might have fallen into Xu Yang's illusion again.

For an illusion to be successful, the mental power of the caster must exceed the mental power of the person who is being cast, or it will be easier to succeed when the person who is being cast is not prepared and is distracted by mental power. Jiang Sanfeng's cultivation level is already at the peak of the Peiyuan Realm, and Xu Yang is only at the first level of the Peiyuan Realm. Their spiritual power is on par with each other. The reason why he successfully used the Magic Word Technique of the Flame Spirit Killing Formation is because Jiang Sanfeng took advantage of the opportunity. When attacks arise and flaws are revealed.

"Your Excellency is indeed very clever, and is actually good at such powerful illusions. Since I, Jiang Sanfeng, have lost, I should make way for myself. However, Mr. Jiang is not convinced in his heart. Do you dare to compete with Mr. Jiang head-on?" Jiang Sanfeng said loudly.

At this moment, the black cat "Yetu" behind Xu Yang said: "I just found out that a strong man with true alchemy level cultivation came out of the hall and was coming this way. It should be Dong, the chief assistant of Dongjun. Lord Ling.”

Xu Yang was hesitating whether to agree to continue fighting with Jiang Sanfeng. After hearing what Ye Tu said, he thought in his mind that it was time for Dongjun City to regain some face. After all, he would have to stay here for a few days.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang smiled slightly towards the opposite side, and then said: "Okay, Captain Jiang is such a cheerful person, let's make another move. This time Captain Jiang must not be merciful."

Jiang Sanfeng ignored his exhaustion and forced his energy. The meridians all over the body were violently opened, and the power of the two attributes of gold and water was poured into the pair of black gold eight-edged hammers in his hands. Circles of yellow and blue spiritual light swayed around the body, and a strong wind spun out with the body as the center. In Tianji, the aura is even three points stronger than before.

"Take the move!"

Jiang Sanfeng shouted loudly, and like a general rushing out of a killing array, he was in front of Xu Yang in a blink of an eye, and jumped into the air with his feet.

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, and the Blood Soul Pulse Breaking Technique moved his energy all over the body, stimulating the power of the wheel flame spirit and the power of the Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit in his body. Circles of golden flames circled on the three magic long sticks, and the fire wings behind him Scroll, the whole person was in mid-air, like a general coming from outside the sky.

In mid-air, the two faced off with their ultimate moves.

"The angry whale dominates the sea!"

"Double Flame Flame Spirit Breaking!"

A pair of eight-edged black gold hammers in Jiang Sanfeng's hands slashed forward. A gigantic wave suddenly appeared out of thin air. In the rolling waves, the Black Gold Hammer turned into a dark golden whale that dominated the sea, setting off a golden brilliance.

Xu Yang raised the three magic sticks with both hands, and swung his arms downwards. Two golden flame dragons climbed around a shocking stick shadow, like the divine needle holding the two dragons, spreading out the radiance of Haotian.


The black gold hammer and the three magic long sticks collided together, the giant whale roared, the two dragons roared, the strong wind rolled back, and the wind and clouds surged.

In the light of the collision, the wheel flame spirit devoured the golden brilliance of the opponent's giant whale, and the three-legged golden crow flame spirit ignited a large fire in the huge waves.

At this moment, Xu Yang suddenly shouted, "Ouch!"

He held the long stick with both hands and pushed forward. With the help of the rebound force from the long stick, his body shrank, and the fire wings rolled up behind his back. The whole person turned back like a bolide. After his feet landed on the ground, he held the long stick in his hand. He poked the ground and managed to stand firm.

Jiang Sanfeng was wondering why Xu Yang suddenly lost. At this time, a loud shout came from one end of the square: "That's enough!"

At the same time, a wave of spiritual pressure penetrated the entire square in front of the temple. The void that was originally ignited by the two of them was instantly extinguished by this spiritual pressure.

This voice was very familiar to Jiang Sanfeng. It was the voice of Lord Dongling, the chief assistant of Dongjun. Jiang Sanfeng's body flipped a series of somersaults in mid-air, and after landing on the ground, he took three big steps back before barely regaining his balance.

Lord Dongling, wearing a blue Confucian brocade shirt, appeared not far from the two of them at some unknown time.

When Jiang Sanfeng saw Lord Dongling coming, he stopped saying anything and quickly retreated behind Lord Dongling.

"The young master opposite is the second leader of Qinghua Mountain City?" Lord Dongling said loudly.

"Xu Yang, Qinghua Mountain City, is lucky enough to be the second in command of Qinghua Mountain City. This time, I am sent by the leader of Qinghua Mountain City to visit Dongjun City."

Lord Dongling looked Xu Yang up and down and said: "The chief assistant of Dongling County is Lord Dongling, and he came to greet the young master on the order of Princess Dongling."

"It turns out it's Mr. Chief Assistant, Xu Yang is polite here." After saying that, he clasped his hands in fists.

"Chief Xu is young and has a lot of talent. He is truly a hero from a young age." After saying that, Wei Wei cupped his fists and returned the greeting.

Lord Dongling scolded him without looking back: "Captain Jiang, why don't you see Li and Meng?"

Just when Jiang Sanfeng was about to explain, Xu Yang interrupted: "There was a black cat causing trouble in the main hall square just now, and the two captains were busy driving the black cat away."

"Black cat?" Mr. Dongling looked around. The square was empty, and there was no sign of any black cat.

"Chief Xu is laughing, please come with me." Lord Dongling said.

Jiang Sanfeng led the way, and Dongling Jun and Xu Yang occasionally exchanged words along the way.

Not long after, the three of them entered the main hall of Dongjun City.

The carved beams and painted columns in the main hall are resplendent. In the middle of the hall, sitting on a large gilded nine-dragon chair with cloud patterns, Princess Dong, wearing a white python robe with gold thread, is sitting.

After being introduced by Lord Dongling, Xu Yang met with Princess Dongling and presented a secret letter written by Yetu himself.

After Princess Dong read the letter herself, she nodded slightly.

"The letter from Chief Yetu said that he was ill and could not come to visit in person. It is indeed a pity that he could not see the heroic figure of Chief Yetu again. Since Chief Xu Er has been entrusted to negotiate on behalf of Qinghua Mountain City, I represent Dong The county welcomes your arrival and hopes that we can reach consensus on some issues. The second leader is tired from the journey, so he will go and take a rest. I will host a formal banquet for the second leader tomorrow. "

"Thank you Princess Dong for your hospitality!" Xu Yang replied.

Under the leadership of his personal attendant, Xu Yang was arranged to rest in the guest room. The guest room is located in the inner city of the county city and is an independent house. The surrounding environment of the house is quiet and full of various rare flowers and plants. The room is spacious and bright, and the silver gauze curtains and purple brocade bed sheets are all new.

There was a large sandalwood bed by the window. Xu Yang was sitting on the bed, wondering where the black cat "Ye Tu" had gone, when he heard someone knocking lightly on the door outside the house.

"Come in!"

With a "squeak" sound, the door was pushed open.

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