True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 136 The moon is dark and the wind is high

Then five people walked in, one man and four women.

The man is wearing a dark purple official robe and a black gauze eunuch hat. He has meticulous silver hair, a powdered face, and no beard under his chin. Xu Yang had seen this person before in the main hall of Dongjun City, and he was one of the close courtiers around Lord Dongjun.

Behind him were four palace maids, all of whom were as beautiful as flowers, with skin as white as fat and figures as willows. The four of them are of similar height and shape, and are dressed in the same style, with goose-yellow tulle shawls, white brocade tube tops, jade-colored patterned thin-soled shoes, long hair, half-exposed breasts, swaying shoulders, and fragrant steps. It's a feast for the eyes to come together. Each of the four people held a carved red lacquer tray in their hands. On the tray, white jade discs were used to hold various fresh spiritual fruits that were either bright red, bright yellow, or tender green.

"Your Majesty, please pay homage to Chief Xu." Fang Shijing clasped his fists, and then waved his hands to the four palace ladies behind him. The four palace ladies neatly placed the spiritual fruits on the trays on the table in Xu Yang's room, and then neatly Stand back in line and wait.

"Master Fang, you're welcome." Xu Yang returned the greeting slightly.

"Chief Xu has come all the way, and Princess Dong has specially prepared some gifts for me to send to Chief Xu."

As Fang Shijing spoke, he took out a storage bag with a gold thread moiré pattern from his arms. The mouth of the storage bag was sealed with a piece of golden talisman paper, and he handed it to Xu Yang respectfully with both hands.

Xu Yang took the storage bag and pulled the golden talisman sealed on it.

With a "stab" sound, the golden talisman turned into a bean-yellow firework and burned out instantly, and the mouth of the storage bag was loosened.

With his spiritual consciousness, he looked into the storage bag and found that there were a thousand high-grade spiritual stones in it.

Xu Yang was not a money-grubbing person. He had earned some spiritual stones by refining alchemy on his own, but this was the first time he saw such a number of spiritual stones, and he was inevitably moved.

I didn't expect that the first time I went out to do something as the second leader of Qinghua Mountain City, someone would give me such a big gift. No wonder everyone in both the mortal world and the cultivation world is vying to be an official and gain power. This wealth comes too easily. If Princess Dong's spiritual stone is rejected, the atmosphere between the two parties may become tense. It is better to accept the spirit stone, give Princess Zudong face, and wait and see what happens. This may make it easier to see Princess Dong's trump card.

Xu Yang stared at the sparkling spirit stones in the storage bag without blinking. After a moment, he said with a smile on his face: "Your Excellency, Princess Dong, is really like a king. He is sympathetic to the hardships of us reckless people." , I will definitely take these spirit stones back and distribute them to the brothers in Qinghua Mountain City, and I will first thank Lord Dong on behalf of the brothers."

When Fang Shijing heard this, he quickly agreed with a smile: "The second leader is really upright and upright." But he secretly ridiculed in his heart that the second leader named Xu Yang is not very young, but he has learned the official career path of pretending to be incorruptible and really corrupt. , these spiritual stones haven’t all fallen into his own pocket.

Xu Yang glanced at Fang Shijing and found that Fang Shijing's slender eyes were also staring at the storage bag in his hand. With a deliberate "hehe" smile, he grabbed thirty high-grade spiritual stones from the storage bag and handed them to Fang Shijing.

"It's a small thing. Please accept it, Mr. Fang. I will rely on you to say a few kind words in front of Princess Dong in the future."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Fang Shijing said as he took the spirit stone with both hands and put it into his arms, his two thin eyes curved into a crescent shape. I muttered in my heart, you are still a sensible kid.

Fang Shijing turned his head and said: "These four maids are all carefully selected by the princess. Please stay here to serve the second leader."

After Xu Yang heard this, his consciousness flashed, and he realized that these four maids were not only pretty, but each of them was at the realm of transformation. I thought to myself that it was a lie to let these four people serve me, but it was true to spy on me. In order not to arouse the vigilance of Princess Dong, she had to let these four maids stay.

"Princess Dong is really considerate. I would rather be respectful than obey your orders."

Fang Shijing turned to the four maids and said, "The four of you stay here to serve Chief Xu Er."

"Yes!" the four maids replied in unison.

"Chief Xu Er, I won't disturb your rest."

After saying that, Fang Shijing turned around and left, pushing the door shut, and the sound of footsteps got farther and farther away.

Xu Yang turned to look at the four maids and asked, "What are your names?"


"Autumn maple".


"Shu Yun".

The four maids responded obediently.

"What a nice name. Don't stand there. Second Master, I am tired from the journey and my back is weak. Come and give me a rub on my back and a squeeze on my legs." Xu Yang said with a smile.

The four maids looked at each other, smiled sweetly, and rushed over to serve Xu Yang.

Four pairs of soft jade hands were knocking, pressing, twisting, or pushing on Xu Yang's shoulders, back, and limbs. Different from the normal feeling of tranquility and refreshment caused by exercising energy and unblocking the meridians, a sense of drowsy comfort spreads throughout the body as qi and blood flow into the limbs.

The daily enjoyment of powerful people in the mortal world would be envied even by immortals. No wonder the owner of East County does not concentrate on pursuing immortality and cultivation, but is willing to be the king of East County, which is troubled by everything. On second thought, Xu Yang secretly blamed himself, how could he be disturbed by this ordinary gentle country. I don't know where Black Cat Yetu went. I was really tired from fighting with Jiang Sanfeng today, so I might as well take the opportunity to have a good rest before talking.

After a while, Xu Yang leaned on the bed, eyes slightly closed, occasionally heard snoring, and gradually fell asleep.

The four maids saw Xu Yang gradually falling asleep and did not dare to disturb him. Carefully taking off Xu Yang's shoes, he gently placed Xu Yang's legs on the bed. The four of them stood up and searched around Xu Yang's house carefully. They found nothing suspicious, so they closed the door. Each two took turns and stood at Xu Yang's door waiting for orders.

After the four maids left the room, Xu Yang lay quietly on the bed, opened his eyes, and with a flash of consciousness, the golden mink "Peach" jumped out of the spiritual pet bag.

Xu Yang put one finger to his lips and made a silent gesture. "Pan Tao" understood, quietly jumped off the bed, and went around to patrol.

With "Peach" on guard, Xu Yang turned to one side, closed his eyes and rested, and after a while, he really fell asleep.

The sun sets over the western mountains and the moon rises above the horizon. The moonlight shone like gauze on the towers, streets and squares of Dongjun City. Several city gates were tightly closed, and several teams of neatly dressed patrolling guards crisscrossed the streets in the city. Occasionally, a few autumn insects sang from the roadside.

A dark cloud passed by, covering the face of the silver moon in the sky. The whole world suddenly darkened, and the light in Xu Yang's room also dimmed.

After a while, the dark clouds passed by and the silver moon showed its face again. The moonlight penetrated Xu Yang's room through the thin window screen. In the hazy white, a black cat with pointed ears and green eyes squatted on the round table opposite Xu Yang's bed. It was the black cat "Ye Tu".

Xu Yang held up his hands, twisted around, and sat up from the bed.

Seeing that Black Cat Ye Tu was safe and sound, he nodded and smiled, and the two chatted using the secret method of sound transmission.

"Big Chief, you are back." Xu Yang said.

"It looks like you had a good rest." The black cat "Ye Tu" said.

"What should we do next? Should we wait until tomorrow to negotiate with Princess Dong?"

"It doesn't matter what you do tomorrow, but there is something I need you and I to do together tonight."

"What's the matter?"

"Kill!" Black Cat Ye Tu said coldly.

Xu Yang turned his head and looked at the deep night outside the window, and then looked at the black cat Ye Tu in front of him. I have not known Ye Tu for a long time, but I always feel that there is an indescribable and incomprehensible sense of mystery about Ye Tu. Ye Tu said he wanted to kill people, which did not surprise Xu Yang at all.

Seeing that Xu Yang didn't answer, Black Cat Ye Tu smiled "hehe" and said jokingly: "It's dark and windy outside. If you don't kill someone, you will be living up to this intoxicating night."

"This reason for killing is too far-fetched." Xu Yang muttered secretly in his heart, with a helpless expression. He smiled dryly and shook his head, but he vaguely felt that the person he wanted to kill this time must be very special.

"Who are you going to kill?" Xu Yang asked.

"Princess Dong!" Black Cat Ye Tu replied calmly.

Xu Yang was still surprised when he heard the answer "Dong Princess". The idea of ​​killing the princess of Dongjun City was as incredible as going to the Yamen to steal the official seal.

Xu Yang made some calculations in his mind, thinking that there had been a duel between Ye Tu and Princess Dong before, so there must be some grudge between the two. Think about it carefully, which of the casual cultivators in this small world of sages has no grudge against the Confucian sect?

"The purpose of your coming to Dongjun City this time is to kill the owner of Dongjun City, right?" Xu Yang asked.

"The moon makes people lonely, and beauty makes people pity. I just had this idea."

Xu Yang originally wanted to ask if he was sure and what the next detailed plan was. After hearing Black Cat Ye Tu's confusing answer, he suddenly felt that killing could also be said to be a very poetic thing. Because Xu Yang really couldn't think of a better reason to kill Princess Dong.

Xu Yang had seen Yetu's strength before when they hunted Thousand Snakes together, and he should be above him. The important thing is that Ye Tu had been defeated by Dong Princess Wang Tianming before, and it was a one-on-one duel. Today, Yetu and himself are going to assassinate the owner of Dongjun City in Dongjun City. Not to mention whether the two of them are sure of winning alone, there are so many experts and guards in this Dongjun city, it sounds like an impossible task.

Xu Yang looked up at the hazy moonlight outside the window screen, frowning speechlessly.

"Follow me." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

Xu Yang stood up and followed him.

Black Cat Ye Tu walked straight towards the door.

A faint blue light mist, almost invisible to the naked eye, dispersed from the surface of Black Cat Ye's carcass. Light mist rolled on the door, and the door was opened quietly.

One cat and one person left the room.

The cage candles in the corridor gave off a faint light. On both sides of the door, two maids, Chun Tang and Qiu Yue, were leaning against the wall, their eyes slightly closed, and the round and full curves of their chests undulated rhythmically.

"I know you are not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Don't worry, I just let them sleep for a while. That Princess Dong is also worthy of death. When we kill him, you will know the reason." Black Cat Ye Tu said, seeming to know Xu Yang thought about something.

Hearing what Princess Dong said, Xu Yang felt relieved because Xu Yang was indeed not a person who killed innocent people indiscriminately. All that was left in his mind was the tension of having to kill an opponent that was much more powerful than him.

One person and one cat left the single-family house where Xu Yang was resting. Xu Yang followed Black Cat Yetu around the huge Dongjun City, skillfully bypassing groups of patrolling soldiers.

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