True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 138 Thousand Snakes Reappear

On the way to Beiqing Mountain to pray, Xu Yang saw the Princess Dong next to Princess Dong for the first time.

The concubine of Dongjun is solemn and elegant, with a maternal etiquette and nobility.

From the exchange of eyes between Princess Dong and Princess Dong, it can be seen that the two of them respect and love each other and have deep feelings for each other. But he was surprised in his heart. Wasn't this Princess Dong the same woman that Ye Tu used his clairvoyance spell to pay attention to when he and Ye Tu were assassinating Princess Dong in the middle of the night? Is there any dispute between Ye Tu and the Dongjun concubine? Looking around, there was no sign of Ye Tu.

Xu Yang believed that Ye Tu was watching everything in front of him in the dark at this time.

After half a day's journey, everyone arrived at Beiqing Mountain.

Beiqing Mountain is indeed the tallest mountain in Xiaoxian Realm. It is so tall that it reaches into the sky. It is said that the top of Beiqing Mountain was the last stop of Lu Qingyun, the "Creation God" of Xiaoxian Realm, when he left Xiaoxian Realm. There is a dedicated god.

The altar is located at the foot of Beiqing Mountain, which saves everyone the trouble of climbing the mountain. The altar is made of large pieces of bluestone, surrounded by a number of circular bluestone pillars. It looks like a simple formation. It's not grand in scale, but it still gives it a sense of grandeur.

A large rectangular table was placed in front of the altar, covered with a bright red silk tablecloth. On it were placed animal heads for sacrifice, various exquisite cakes and other tributes, as well as a bronze incense burner with two ears and cloud patterns. The incense burning in the incense burner curls up to the sky, connecting heaven and earth.

The sacrifices and prayers began. First, two servants dressed in neatly dressed gods chanted Confucian teachings.

"People cannot be established without virtue, and a country without virtue cannot prosper. To establish a country, we must first establish people, to establish people, we must first establish morality, to establish morality, we must first establish religion, and to teach with Confucianism..."

Next, a dozen musicians in purple costumes played drums, zithers, shengs, xuns and other musical instruments in front of the altar. Its sound is high and clear, filling heaven and earth. In the solemn and gorgeous music, Princess Dong, dressed in splendid clothes, made a grand appearance and recited the sacrificial inscription.

"The Taishui River belt has thousands of fertile fields. The north is green and green, and the back peaks weigh thousands. The white clouds are comfortable and the purple clouds are criss-crossing... The family is in peace, the country is in peace... When the spirit comes back, I dream of great unity again."

Princess Dong finished reciting the sacrificial inscription and placed a delicate cloud-patterned jade pendant in a fitting groove on the stone wall of the altar with both hands.

In an instant, several round stone pillars around the altar were decorated with splendor, and colorful auspicious clouds of red, yellow, blue, green and purple surrounded the altar. Auspicious clouds rolled, brilliant lights flowed, and strange images appeared in the sky, just like the presence of gods.

Princess Dong worshiped on her knees in front of the altar devoutly, bowing three times and kowtowing nine times. All those who participated in the sacrifice were overwhelmed by the solemn and sacred scenery in front of them. They all showed reverence on their faces, felt awe in their hearts, and fell to the ground.

Xu Yang knew that the scenery in front of him was just a colorful vision caused by the activation of the formation inside the altar, and was not the coming of a saint's will. But at this moment, I was still affected by this scene, and I knelt down and worshiped with the crowd. Xu Yang's hometown in the mortal world, Donglai Kingdom, uses Confucianism as the state religion. Although Xu Yang practiced ghost ways after entering the world of cultivation, he still has full admiration and respect for Confucianism in his heart.

Suddenly, evil winds blew up, and a strange evil atmosphere appeared in the void above the altar.

A huge blood-colored spherical barrier suddenly appeared out of thin air. On the surface of the blood-colored barrier, dazzling blood-colored electric arcs were circling. A large group of blood shadows rolled continuously inside. The raging pressure stirred the heaven and earth, and blood clouds suddenly rose.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were dark red, strong winds rolled back, flying sand and stones, the altar buzzed, the altar table was overturned, the animal heads and fruits used for sacrifice were scattered all over the ground, and the bronze incense burner kept rolling on the ground. The colorful auspicious lights on the altar also disappeared without a trace.

This sudden change shocked the hundreds of people present, dumbfounded, and at a loss. Every previous sacrifice was sacred and peaceful, so why did such a monster appear this time?

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, the blood-colored fluctuations in the barrier were all too familiar, and he secretly screamed in his heart: "Thousand Snakes!"

The blood-red barrier flashed and turned into blood mist all over the sky. In the blood mist, a big snake with a blood-red body, the thickness of a millstone, a head like a hill, teeth like swords, and a message like a steel fork was looking down at the people below with its amber eyes. The original peaceful and sacred atmosphere was gone, replaced by bloodshed and violence, like the arrival of an evil god.

The sudden appearance of a thousand snakes is like a basin of ink being poured onto a flawless white cloth, a garden of spring flowers being lit on fire, and a pool of pure water being sprinkled with dog blood, which is out of place.

At this time, worship the God of Creation of Xiaoxianjie. This place is Beiqingshan, the Holy Land of Confucianism. The appearance of Qian She was undoubtedly a slap in the face to the entire East County, a slap in the face to Xiao Xianjie, and a slap in the face to Confucianism. This was more unbearable than a hundred or a thousand slaps on Princess Dong's face. Faith, someone actually trampled on the faith in his heart in front of his face, the only and supreme Confucian faith in the world of Xiaoxian, the Confucian faith that he fought for his whole life.

If this matter were to be spread, what would be the reputation of the Confucian sect, and how could they explain to the numerous people in the Xiaoxian world that the Confucian sect's divine power was trampled on by a demonic snake at will.

Princess Dong was angry, her chest was filled with waves, and her eyes were bursting with anger. A huge coercion that could only be seen by a cultivator at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm spread out from Princess Dong's body, and the strong wind blew back, blowing away the blood mist in front of her eyes.

The angry Princess Dong stretched out a finger, wishing to stab the demonic snake in front of her to death. He yelled loudly: "What kind of monster dares to run wild in our Confucian sect's holy land."

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Qian She let out a strange laugh, and a deep voice came from her throat: "Princess Dong, you are well, I am not here to fight with you this time. I heard that you have a "Moon Magic Dzi Bead", can you borrow it? I'll use it."

Princess Dong's lungs were about to explode when she heard this. Is there anyone who borrows things like this? It was as if someone had demolished his own house first, and then the person asked to borrow the items in the house.

Princess Dong said harshly: "Don't even think about it!"

"That snake will swallow all of you here today, seal your souls, and trap you in the belly of this snake, never to be reincarnated."

After saying this, the blood-red runes on the surface of Qian She's huge body flickered, and a monstrous aura rushed straight into the sky, exuding a huge pressure that no ordinary true elixir realm monk could match.

The beasts with Taoism can be divided into spiritual beasts, monster beasts, holy beasts, fairy beasts and divine beasts according to their levels.

The strange beasts that have not yet formed the demon elixir are all spiritual beasts, and their strength is equivalent to that of human monks entering the spirit realm to the cultivation realm, which is also the most common. Alien beasts that form alchemy are called monsters, and their strength is equivalent to that of human monks in the True Alchemy realm. After the monster beast evolves and soul changes, it is called a holy beast, and its strength is equivalent to the soul realm of a human monk. The holy beast breaks through the catastrophe and evolves into a fairy beast, which is equivalent to the virtual fairyland of human monks. As for the mythical beasts, they are all immortal beings, and no one knows their true strength.

Although the Thousand Snakes at this time were a demonic beast that formed an elixir, when it separated from Su Li, it devoured the power of the blood soul and the golden elixir all over Su Li's body. Its true combat power was far beyond that of ordinary True elixir realm monks. Comparable.

Lord Dongling on the side saw this and immediately called out: "Li Fei, Meng Guang, Jiang Sanfeng, quickly send Princess Dongjun to a safe place. The rest of the people will follow my lord and kill this beast."

After Li Fei, Meng Guang, and Jiang Sanfeng heard this, they immediately surrounded Concubine Dong and retreated. Although there was reluctance in Princess Dong's eyes, she knew that her own cultivation would not be of much help here. Her eyes looking at Princess Dong were full of worry and reluctance.

At this time, Xu Yang's mind was full of thoughts. He didn't expect Qian She to recover as good as before in such a short period of time. He seemed to be three points stronger than the last time he was on Beihuang Slope. Qian Snake, a man-eating monster, should be killed by everyone, but at this time, there has been no news about Ye Tu, and he is hesitating on what to do next.

Suddenly, Ye Tu's secret message came to my ears: "Xu Yang, don't move."

Before he finished speaking, a light blue mist suddenly appeared around Xu Yang. The blue mist rolled up, and Xu Yang's figure disappeared from where he was.

At this time, Qian Snake was showing great power, and his domineering Blood Soul Technique was extremely bloody and ruthless. The scales all over his body stood up one after another, emitting large amounts of blood mist. The blood mist kept rolling and suddenly swallowed up the large space around the altar.

Lord Dongling saw the coercion shown by Qian She and immediately knew that his previous judgment was wrong. Only he and Princess Dong could handle the demonic python in front of him, and everyone else could only die in vain.

So he shouted: "It's dangerous. Everyone else should evacuate quickly. The princess and I will deal with it here."

But it was too late, red light flashed in the blood mist, and countless red blood swords condensed out of thin air. The next moment, bloody swords rained down, one after another.

Most of the soldiers who followed Princess Dong to offer sacrifices were only at the realm of transformation, and some were only at the realm of spiritual transformation. There are few resources and magic weapons in Xiaoxian World. The combat power of the monks here is not as strong as that of the monks in the Northern Territory. The result can be imagined.

It was too late for more than a hundred people to run away, so they all threw their own weapons and a small number of magic weapons into the air to block the falling bloody sword.

The sounds of weapons shattering, magic weapons exploding, blood swords chopping, wailing, and roaring all mixed together into a chaotic mess.

No matter whether Princess Dong and Lord Dong Ling cast spells to block them, under the constant stimulation of the power of the blood souls of thousands of snakes, the blood swords fell one after another, making it impossible for the two to protect the safety of others.

In just a dozen breaths, the entire space suddenly became silent.

The ground was covered with blood, heads and limbs were severed, disembowels were disemboweled, flesh and bones were broken, and more than a hundred people barely survived. Wisps of blood covered the altar. The bluestones on the altar were shattered, the stone pillars were broken, and the earth trembled and buzzed. The screams, bloody hell! bitter! tragedy!

On the edge of the Blood Prison, four graceful maids in palace attire produced wheel-like spells in their hands, and were controlling a white four-corner handkerchief above their heads.

The Juanpa was about ten feet in size, spinning and spinning above the heads of the four people. The shadow of a two-horned sika deer on the Juanpa was jumping around like a living thing, with bursts of golden brilliance spilling out of the pair of antlers. The blood swords that landed on it were actually blocked by the deer, but the deer's shadow became increasingly blurry.

The four people under Juanpa were safe and sound for a while. These four people are the four maids Xiyue, Chuntang, Qiu Feng and Shu Yun who were arranged by Princess Dong to serve Xu Yang. After a while, when they saw that there were no more bloody swords falling on their heads, the four of them turned pale, secretly glad that they had escaped disaster for the time being.

At this time, the four people's ears came from Princess Dong's secret message: "You four people should quickly retreat to the side and wait for me. I will call you when I need you."

When the four of them heard Princess Dong's order, they activated the white Juanpa again without any hesitation. A cloud of white mist rolled in, and the four of them disappeared in place.

In the distance that was not touched by this large area of ​​damage, a wisp of blue smoke dissipated, revealing a man and a cat, it was Xu Yang and Ye Tu.

"Don't worry about Qian She, let's go over there and take a look first." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

In another place, Meng Guang used the monkey escape technique. After Li Fei and Jiang Sanfeng were cut off, the three of them protected Dongjun Fei to a woodland a few hundred meters away from the altar.

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