True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 139 Night Slaughter’s Plan (Happy National Day)

Seeing the scene at the altar from a distance, Princess Dongjun's beauty turned pale. Princess Dongjun was only at the first level of Peiyuan Realm, but she knew clearly that the demonic python in front of her could be a fatal threat to Princess Dong.

He shouted loudly: "Three captains, please go and defend the princess quickly and leave me alone. Princess Dong usually treats you well, but at this time, the princess is in deep crisis. It is the three adults who have made contributions and supported her." hour."

Li Fei, Meng Guang, and Jiang Sanfeng looked hesitant when they heard this. It's not that the three of them are afraid of death, it's just that Princess Dong has an order to protect Princess Dong's safety. The two people, Dongjun Concubine and Dongjun Lord, usually work closely together and have deep feelings for each other. Dongjun Concubine’s importance in the heart of Dongjun Princess is probably as high as that of the entire Dongjun City. If something goes wrong, the three of them will have no choice but to take the initiative. blame.

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of the three people, Princess Dong suddenly changed her tone: "The little lady begs the three captains to quickly help the princess deal with the demon python. At this time when the East and West counties are at war, in case the princess If something goes wrong, the ordinary people of Dongjun may not be able to do anything. As the three of you are important ministers of the lord of Dongjun, once Dongjun falls, you will definitely become prisoners of others, and you will never have the luxury of life. ”

"Where did the Princess say this? The three of us followed Lord Dong Princess and lived like death. Are we greedy for pleasure and afraid of death? It's just that the Princess's safety has to be taken into consideration." The tall Jiang Sanfeng said with certainty. .

"The way I see it, among the three of us, Meng Guang is the best at escaping and is clever. He will escort the princess to a safe place. Jiang Sanfeng and I will go back to help the princess." Fei said.

The three of them looked at each other, understanding and expressing their agreement. The three of them have performed many missions together for many years and know each other very well. Meng Guang will protect the concubine of Dongjun, which is also the most feasible method at the moment.

Seeing this, Concubine Dongjun's eyes were filled with moisture. She folded her hands lightly on her abdomen, bowed her head slightly and said, "My little lady Yingyue is here to thank the three adults."

Seeing this, the three of them knelt down on one knee, clasped their fists with both hands, and spoke generously: "You and your ministers are righteous, and we are willing to sacrifice our lives for Princess Dong and Princess Dong at any time!"

After saying that, the three of them stood up. Jiang Sanfeng raised his fist towards Meng Guang and said, "Meng Guang, the safety of Princess Dongjun is in your hands."

Meng Guang raised his fists towards Jiang Sanfeng and Li Fei and replied: "You two dear brothers, go and come back quickly!"

However, the three of them knew in their hearts that it was self-evident to be involved in the fight between the Flame Python and the East Princess with their fighting power. This farewell might be the last time the three of them spoke. Without too many words, their eyes met each other, and the past comradeship, comradeship, and brotherhood were all there. Silence was better than sound.

Just as Jiang Sanfeng and Li Fei turned around to leave, a burst of light blue smoke suddenly rose in the open space not far from the three of them.

As soon as the blue smoke dissipated, a young man wearing light green Confucian attire appeared, with a black cat with green eyes lying on his shoulders. It was Xu Yang and the black cat Ye Tu.

"No one is allowed to leave." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

Jiang Sanfeng, Li Fei, Meng Guang, and Princess Dongjun all turned their heads to watch after hearing this.

Li Fei and Meng Guang felt angry when they saw the black cat on Xu Yang's shoulder. Meng Guang even made a retching gesture, and quickly secretly used magic to suppress the nausea of ​​cat urine in his dark memory.

When Jiang Sanfeng saw Xu Yang's sudden appearance, he immediately took a step forward and stood in front of Concubine Dongjun, and said sternly: "Chief Xu Er, what do you mean by this? Are you and that demon python in the same group?" After saying this, both hands His eyes spit out swords with murderous intent.

"Three leaders, don't get me wrong. The demon python and I can only be regarded as enemies. This snake kills people and devours souls. Everyone can kill it. At this point, we have common interests." Xu Yang explained quickly.

The black cat Yetu on Xu Yang's shoulder stared at Concubine Dongjun behind Jiang Sanfeng with his green eyes. Concubine Dongjun subconsciously glanced at the black cat Yetu. When their eyes met, Concubine Dongjun felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in her heart, as if this cat had grown up beside her, and an inexplicable feeling of closeness arose spontaneously.


The black cat emits an invisible sound wave, which reaches the ears of Princess Dongjun. Concubine Dongjun felt her eyes darken, her body went limp, and she fell asleep. Meng Guang, who was beside him, reacted quickly and stretched out his hand to support Concubine Dongjun.

When the three of them saw the black cat attacking Princess Dongjun, they were immediately furious and wanted to take action.

Black Cat Yetu suddenly said: "Have the three captains ever remembered what I personally said to the three captains on the eighth day of June in the 292nd year of Qixian's reign in the East County Hall? Li Fei , Meng Guang, Jiang Sanfeng, in memory of the three of you who have worked tirelessly, led the army, and made outstanding achievements many times. Today, you three are promoted to the rank of captains in front of the Dongjun City Hall..."

When Li Fei, Meng Guang, and Jiang Sanfeng heard the timbre of the black cat in front of them, the hairs on their bodies stood up, because the timbre of the black cat was the same as that of Princess Dong. Hearing what Black Cat said again, it was exactly what Princess Zhongdong said that day in the main hall when she promoted three people to captains in front of the palace. A strange idea suddenly arose in the minds of the three of them. Could it be that the black cat in front of them was Princess Dong himself? Or maybe this black cat had cast some kind of spell to take away the memory of Princess Dong.

For a moment, the three of them didn't know what to do. It was hard to tell whether the black cat in front of them was an enemy or a friend. Not to mention Li Fei, Meng Guang, Jiang Sanfeng, and even Xu Yang didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Ye Tu's gourd.

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of the three people in front of him, Black Cat Ye Tu's eyes flashed with green light, and a surging spiritual pressure that could only be seen by a True Alchemy Realm monk poured out from his body. The three people on the opposite side suddenly felt their breathing stagnant, as if they were trapped in a sand pit. This spiritual pressure was definitely not an illusion, but a true display of the true alchemy realm.

"I believe that with the strength of Xu Yang and I, it won't take much effort to kill the three of you. There is only one reason for not killing you. You and I are not hostile. As for my true identity, no one can change it. No. Princess Dong over there will not die. He is protected by the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, and the flame python cannot take his life. The three of you only need to watch from a distance, and he will be there in half an hour. The truth is revealed. The three of you must not take a step away from Princess Dong, otherwise, you will never have the chance to have a drink with Xiyuan Yuexia."

What Black Mao Ye Tu said about the brothers drinking under the moonlight in Xiyuan was exactly the time when the Princess of East County had a drink with three people under the moonlight in Xiyuan in East County City before she ascended to the position of King of East County. Li Fei, Meng Guang, and Jiang Sanfeng looked at each other. It was difficult to tell the true identity of the black cat in front of them. Regardless of whether he is an enemy or a friend, there is no doubt that the spiritual pressure he releases is at the true elixir level. If Li Fei and Jiang Sanfeng went to the altar to help in the battle, it would be impossible for Meng Guang alone to ensure that Concubine Dongjun was safe and sound in front of the black cat.

Just as the three of them were hesitating, Black Cat Yetu's eyes turned cold, and an invisible power surged out of his eyes. The three people on the opposite side only felt that the sky was getting dark, and they fell asleep like the concubine of Dongjun.

Xu Yang didn't know whether what Ye Tu just said was true or not, and he was still doubtful about Ye Tu's identity, but Xu Yang could feel that there must be an extraordinary relationship between Ye Tu and Dongjun Fei.

The blue mist around the black cat rolled and transformed into Ye Tu's body.

"Big Chief, are what you just told the three of them true or false?" Xu Yang asked.

Ye Tu did not answer Xu Yang's question, but looked at the surprised Xu Yang and said, "Brother Xu, although you and I have not been together for a long time, I know that you are a person who values ​​love and justice. I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"The big leader's words are wrong. The three of us were wandering in the Small Sage World, but fortunately the big leader took us in. If you have anything you want to say, big leader, as long as it doesn't violate the bottom line of being a human being, I will definitely help you do it."

"Okay, I guess you're right. You and I have both experienced the strength of Qian Snake. The reason why I cast a spell to make all four of them fall asleep is because I don't want them to die. Just watch from a distance here. If I will unfortunately die in battle, so you can leave Dongjun City with Princess Dongjun, go to Qinghua Mountain City, wherever you go. If I win, I will try my best to help you leave Xiaoxian Realm in the future."

"This?" Xu Yang looked hesitant.

"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with it."

Ye Tu looked at Xu Yang and smiled, his eyes full of trust. Then, he turned his head, tapped his toes, and disappeared in the direction of the altar in a few flashes.

Xu Yang looked at Ye Tu's back and had no choice but to stay where he was and secretly observe everything in front of him.

Ye Tu sneaked near the altar and did not immediately participate in the fight between Princess Dong and Qian She. Instead, he hid himself and waited for the opportunity to take action in secret.

At the altar.

Qian Snake used the terrifying blood soul technique to fight against the two people opposite Princess Dong and Lord Dong Ling.

A thousand snakes were seen trembling all over, and blood mist billowed all over the sky. A group of pale white souls floated out from the broken bodies of more than a hundred Dongjun soldiers who had died on the altar. Every soul body is entangled with a line of blood. The pale white soul body vaguely revealed the faces of the deceased, twisting and struggling, but unable to escape the shackles of the blood line. In the end, wailing broke out.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Qian She opened her bloody mouth and sucked in fiercely, immediately setting off a dark and gloomy whirlwind. Looking at the many souls entangled in blood threads, they were like dandelions carried away by the strong wind. They had no resistance and were swallowed by thousands of snakes. The wind and clouds changed color, the sky thunder rolled, and their voices screamed sadly.

Immediately afterwards, circles of blood-gold brilliance emanated from Qian She's body, becoming three points more powerful.

When Princess Dong saw this, her bones all over her body exploded, her eyes turned red, and she was furious.

"Demon snake, it is harmful to the world." Lord Dongling couldn't help but cursed when he saw this.

The two of them were so angry that they had no intention of holding back. They raised their Yuan Gong fiercely, burning the outer core of the true elixir in their bodies, bringing with it their own brilliance. Their clothes danced wildly, creating overwhelming coercion. The storm moved away, and at the same time they unleashed the most powerful killing move.

"Elixir Killing Technique—Yueying Jianghe!"

Princess Dong's wrist flicked, and a Confucian sword was sacrificed in the air. The sword is four feet long, and the full moon mark on the sword is glowing with cold light. Waves of milky white aura wrap around the surface of the sword, and the sword trembles and hums.

Then, he made a hand gesture towards the opposite side, and with a crisp sword sound, the long sword flew out. Haoran's sword energy was like the bright moon reflecting on the river, passing through the blood mist, breaking through the confusion, and slashed straight towards the thousand snakes on the opposite side.

"Elixir Killing Technique—Guangling Qianyu!"

The three-foot green blade in Lord Dongling's hand has also been sacrificed. The green blade flashes, creating thousands of sword lights, like a sword array. The next moment, the sword light shot out, and the flying feathers flew through the air with a thousand blades, as powerful as breaking bamboo.


PS: Happy National Day to all the book friends and Taoist friends who support this book!

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