True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 140 Moon Magic Dzi Bead

Princess Dong and Lord Dong Ling launched their strongest attacks at the same time. The storm turned and the power was shocking.

The Qian Snake on the opposite side seemed to be well prepared and uncompromising, with his mouth open and a golden elixir the size of a walnut hanging in the air, with thousands of golden lights and dazzling brilliance.

A trace of blood suddenly flashed in its originally amber pupils, and then it jumped forward and disappeared into the golden elixir in front of it.

Scarlet blood light suddenly appeared on the originally golden golden elixir. The blood light rolled and grew larger instantly. A blood-colored sphere the size of a wellhead was suspended in the air. The blood shadow in the blood-colored sphere was surging and rolling, as if something was coming from it. Get out of it.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored sphere dispersed with a "bang", setting off a sea of ​​​​blood. The entire space was reflected in blood red, and the smell of blood filled the air, making people sick. Qian She's huge body was blurred and disappeared into the sea of ​​blood.


A violent wave rolled in the center of the sea of ​​​​blood, setting off a column of blood that shot into the sky. In the rain of blood, a blood snake the same size as the Thousand Snakes appeared. It had a bloody mouth and blood teeth like hooks. The strange thing was that the top of the snake's head was There was a clear human face, and its shape was exactly the same as Su Li's.

"Blood soul clone!" Princess Dong and Lord Dongling couldn't help but said in surprise at the same time.

Unexpectedly, Qian She used the power of taking part of the golden elixir from Su Li to condense a blood soul clone.

The next moment, the human-faced blood snake faced the long sword that Princess Dong was slashing towards.


The long sword that was sacrificed turned into a size of about ten feet. Its sharp edge was like the moon and its power was like a river. It struck the waist of the human-faced blood snake in one stroke.

In an instant, the blade of the sword was halfway into the snake's body, and then it could be cut halfway down the snake's body. The human-faced blood snake could be cut in half. A large rain of blood spurted out from where it was cut.

The human-faced blood snake is a body of blood and soul. Its body is many times tougher than gold and stone, but it was still seriously injured by this sword.

The injured human-faced blood snake roared, twisted its body, and bit the long sword with its bloody mouth. The momentum of the long sword's slashing suddenly slowed down, and the two were in a stalemate.

At this time, the Thousand Feather Sword Blade activated by Lord Dongling on the side also arrived as promised.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The locust-like sword blade stabbed the body of the human-faced blood snake, causing a large cloud of blood mist.

The human-faced blood snake let out a cry, and its body twisted as if it was being shocked.


The two of them cooperated with each other, and the human-faced blood snake was broken into two pieces at the waist, but the power of the pill-killing technique that the two had just used was also exhausted in this blow.

The section without the head seemed to have lost its soul. It turned into a large dark blood cloud with a bang and gradually dispersed.

There was a section of the head, and the human face at the top of the head was twisted in pain, and it let out a cry. Then, he suddenly turned around and disappeared into the sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, the voices of thousands of snakes came.

"As expected of a True Alchemy Realm monk, he does have some skills. I will swallow the blood souls of both of you. The taste of the Blood Soul of a True Alchemy Realm monk really makes me salivate." The words were full of perverted excitement.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

With a burst of terrifying laughter, the sea of ​​blood rolled, and the huge body of Qian Snake swam out.

After the blow just now, the two of them had a full estimate of the strength of the thousand snakes in front of them. It would be almost impossible for the two of them to kill it head-on.

"I didn't expect that a clone of this demonic snake would block my Dan Killing Technique. I must find a way to hold it back for a moment. When I use the Dan Killing Technique next time, I will definitely defeat this snake with the Moon Magic Dzi Bead."

While Princess Dong used a secret method to transmit messages to Lord Dongling, she used her spiritual consciousness to control the Confucian sword in the air to continuously slash at the main body of Qian Snake. The Confucian sword is as agile as a living creature, one sword after another, each sword is enough to crack mountains and crack rocks, without giving a thousand snakes a moment to breathe.

Qian Snake used its hard snake head to cooperate with its domineering Blood Soul Technique and struck hard with the incoming long sword, making bursts of harsh metal collision sounds.

Princess Dong is not a monk who simply uses swords, but a sword cultivator.

The so-called sword cultivation.

First, the attributes of the sword are similar or identical to the character of its owner. Each sword has its own innate attributes. When a swordsman begins practicing, the attributes of the sword used may be slightly different from the character of its owner. However, as the swordsman continues to practice, the sword and the character of its owner will change. Slowly converge.

If the attribute of the sword is cold, the owner of the sword will be a person with a cold personality. The attribute of the sword is fire, and the owner of the sword will be a person with a strong and passionate personality. Finally, he reaches the state where the sword is like the person, and the person and the sword are one.

Secondly, the strength of the sword intention released by the sword itself is synchronized with the cultivation level of its owner. Therefore, while practicing swordsmanship to improve one's own realm, sword cultivators also need to practice swordsmanship. Sword intention can also be said to be the synchronization of the swordsman's mental power and sword soul. Under normal circumstances, the mental power of a sword cultivator will far exceed that of ordinary monks of the same level.

The characteristics of sword cultivators and above allow sword cultivators to not only perform sword moves with ease and freedom, but also to exert the maximum power of sword skills. But the disadvantage is that the practice is slow, which will consume a lot of time for the swordsman to practice the sword intention.

Although Lord Dongling is not a swordsman, his swordsmanship is extraordinary. The "Flying Feather Sword Technique" he practices is a skill that imitates the sword formation, and it is extremely powerful when used.

Sword formations generally require several swords to be arranged and combined in a certain formation. There are endless changes, and the power cannot be compared with one sword. Generally, it requires multiple people to cooperate at the same time to activate.

The flying sword controlled by Princess Dong sometimes looks like a silver dragon flying through the clouds, sometimes like a white crane chasing the wind. Lord Dongling on the side did not stop, using the "Flying Feather Sword Technique" to control the flying sword to launch wave after wave of attacks like waves.

While attacking, the two of them mobilized their true energy, preparing to launch the Dan Killing Technique again.

"I didn't expect that these two True Alchemy Realm monks would be so difficult to deal with, and they actually cut off the blood soul clone that I had refined these days. If another such powerful monk comes, I'm afraid it will be difficult, and we must solve it as soon as possible. The current battle."

Thinking of this, Qian She's originally amber pupils turned into blood red. Wisps of fire breath were sprayed out from the two huge nostrils, and the whole body suddenly appeared in flames.

"Bang!" With a loud sound, the sea of ​​blood under Qian Snake was ignited, and the blazing flames seemed to devour everything around him.

Circles of fiery red spiritual patterns in the center of the flame spread across the earth, quickly covering the large space in front of them.

When Princess Dong and Lord Dong Ling entered the fiery spirit pattern area, they suddenly felt that their speed and attack strength had been weakened to some extent.

"No, this snake actually burned the power of the blood soul to imitate the state of the soul realm!" Princess Dong exclaimed.

The next moment, Qian She's mouth opened with blood, and a three-foot-long fire sword spit out from it. On the sword body, there are actually burning human figures. Looking closely, these human figures are exactly the hundreds of people participating in the sacrifice who were killed by thousands of snakes before. These human figures were twisting and wailing, as if their souls were being burned and consumed by the flames, condensing evil fire swords, filled with rage and filthy evildoers.

"You two use your swords to cut me, and I'll let you taste the power of this snake fire sword. This sword is the soul power of those dead people just now." Qian Snake mocked.

The fire sword slashed down and turned into a pillar of uplifting fire that struck at Princess Dong.

Princess Dong made a secret with both hands, and the wheel-like spells were continuously placed on her flying sword, followed by another breath of essence. The flying sword in mid-air emits silver light and turns into a sky-shattering silver rainbow to attack.

Just as Qian Snake sacrificed his fire sword, his huge body blurred and submerged into the fire domain. The next moment, Lord Dongling only saw a red ripple flashing in the space in front of him. The huge snake mouth of Qian She had already reached him. The speed was so fast that it was like teleporting. Qian Snake actually attacked two people at the same time.

In this simulated soul realm, Qian Snake's speed and attack strength have been greatly improved. Lord Dongling tried to dodge again, but it was already too late. With a flash of spiritual consciousness, the silver light flashed, and the three-foot green sharp edge returned to his hand, and the true energy was injected into the long sword in his hand crazily.

"Sword Spirit Feather Explosion!"

The long sword in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and a feather-shaped sword spirit appeared from the long sword. Bang! "The feather-shaped sword spirit exploded at the mouth of the thousand snakes.

Qian She's bloody mouth was biting almost at the same time, and there was only a rumble and muffled sound in its mouth, and then wisps of black smoke came out of its mouth and nose, and a small piece of gray clothes remained at the corner of its mouth.

The corners of Qian Snake's scaly mouth clicked during the attack. Apart from the burnt taste of explosion, there was no delicious taste of blood soul in his mouth at all. With a pop, he spit out the clothes from the corner of his mouth and a large amount of black smoke, his expression extremely disappointed.

With this move, Lord Dongling blocked the fatal bite launched by Qian Snake just now. The body bounced back, and the lower corner of the gray robe had been torn off by a thousand snakes. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the spiritual light on the long sword in his hand also dimmed a lot.

Qian She's amber pupils changed from vertical lines to round ones. The next moment, the fire sword that was originally directed at Princess Dong disappeared out of thin air.

Lord Dongling, who was still in shock, felt a blazing heat above his head, and in the ripples of fire, the huge fire sword appeared above Lord Dongling's head.

Mr. Dongling secretly shouted in his heart that it was not good, my life was in danger!

When Princess Dong saw this, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes. When Princess Dong made a move to attack Qian Snake with his flaming sword, he felt that the sword intention on the flaming sword was not very firm, so he suspected that it was a feigned attack by Qian Snake, but he did not expect its real target. It turned out to be Lord Dongling.

In fact, Qian She's purpose is very simple. Among the two people facing each other, Princess Dong Ling is stronger than Lord Dong Ling. If you want to defeat them one by one, you must first kill Lord Dong Ling who is easy to deal with.

At this moment, if Princess Dong takes action, she can completely block the blow for Lord Dongling. As a sword cultivator at the pinnacle of the True Alchemy Realm, Princess Dong's control of the flying sword can completely match the strike of Qian Shen's flaming sword.

At this time, what Princess Dong saw in her eyes was a fleeting fighter opportunity.

Princess Dong raised her left hand, and an exquisite crystal ball the size of a fist was thrown into the air. It was the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

The Moon Magic Dzi Beads rotated in the air, spinning out three colors of red, yellow and green light. The three-color ray of light rolled outward, and everything it passed was covered with a layer of silver gauze, just like the silver moon coming into the world.

Qian She felt that a bright moon suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and her movement speed and spiritual power became extremely slow.

"What? This Moon Magic Dzi Bead is really a good thing, it can actually exert a trace of the law of time." Qian She exclaimed in her heart.

In fact, the ability just released by the Moon Fantasy Dzi Bead is not the real law of time, but a super illusion similar to the law of time. At this time, Qian She has already fallen into the illusion of the Moon Fantasy Dzi Bead.

"Yueying Jianghe!" Princess Dong did not take into account the danger of Lord Dongling, but used the pill killing technique again.

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