True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 144 Burning Promise

The flames on Qian She's body were getting bigger and bigger, rolling up wisps of black smoke, and the stench of burning made people have to hold their breath.

Seven people, including Xu Yang, stood there and watched, holding their weapons tightly in their hands. The pressure, shock and terror that Thousand Snakes brought to everyone was hysterical.

There was no joy of victory in his eyes, but more sadness for the hundreds of Dongjun believers whose lives were taken away by thousands of snakes. The altar was in ruins and the ground was in a mess.

As far as the eye can see, it is like hell. The severed arm is still holding the sacrificial instrument tightly. The hands of the upper body that was cut off are still clasped together in prayer. The eyes that have lost their luster on the severed head are still looking at the altar devoutly... ...

"This evil beast should go to hell!" Ye Tu said angrily.

In the time it took to burn an incense stick, there were only scattered flames left on the body of the thousand snakes. The huge body was like burnt charcoal, riddled with holes. Two dark holes were exposed where the original pupils of the snake's head were.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and sudden drops of rain fell from the sky.

Perhaps people's prayers had been heard by heaven and rain fell to alleviate the drought. Perhaps the previous killings were observed by God, and he cried with compassion.

The rain washed over the altar, the corpse, and the charred body of Qian Snake. The rain mixed with the blood on the ground and became lighter and weaker, gradually wiping away the scars on the ground and falling on everyone's bodies, but The cruel memories in my heart cannot be erased.

Not long after, the remaining flames on the Thousand Snakes' bodies were completely extinguished in the rain.


Qian She's carbonized body collapsed and shattered, and a burst of black mist rolled up. The tensed nerves of everyone were twitched by the sound of collapse. Their hairs stood on end, their backs felt cold, and their hearts beat faster.

"it is finally over."

"A day that is unbearable to look back on."

"Damn monster!"

Everyone murmured.

Suddenly, the corners of Ye Tu's eyes trembled violently, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Everyone, move back quickly!"

Ye Tu's mouth shape was exaggerated to the maximum, and the blood vessels on his temples were clearly visible, and he suddenly roared.

When everyone heard Ye Tu's loud call, their nerves that had just been relaxed were straightened again, and they hurriedly poured their true energy into their feet.

The fire wings behind Xu Yang rolled up and shot backwards. The person was already in mid-air, and the other people's figures were also in mid-air, and quickly dispersed backwards. Only Ye Tu narrowed his eyes slightly and stared closely. In front of him, he held the Moon Magic Dzi Bead tightly in his left hand and raised it high.

Almost at the same time, a circle of strange red ripples swayed out from the fragmented remains of the thousand snakes, and a hemispherical soul realm quickly unfolded. In the blink of an eye, everyone was enveloped in this bloody soul realm.

Xu Yang only felt that it was difficult to breathe. His whole body seemed to have been filled with mercury, his limbs were numb, and the movement of his true energy seemed to be frozen.

The situation of the others was similar to that of Xu Yang. Among them, Concubine Dongjun, who had the lowest cultivation level, had a face as white as paper, with a wisp of red seeping out of her nostrils. Everyone's actions were frozen at this moment.


A large mass of blood mist rolled up above the corpses of the Thousand Snakes, and the huge body of the Thousand Snakes reappeared in the blood mist. What's even more terrifying is that at this time, the snake's neck has become flat and enlarged, and there are actually three identical heads on it. White bone-like protrusions are neatly arranged on the midline of the smooth snake's back from the neck to the tail. The coercion emanating from the whole body has reached a higher level than before, and Qian Snake has actually evolved.

"Surprise? Unexpected? This snake didn't die, it just shed a snake. Under your fierce attack just now, this snake wanted to explode the demon pill and die with you. But God still favored me in the end. Life and death At this moment, with the energy brought by your attack, my Demon Pill was recast and completely absorbed the power of Su Li and Yu Tianzhi Zhendan. No, I am reborn, even more powerful! Celebrate the evolution of this snake!”

Thousands of snakes' obscene voices pierced the void, possessing the momentum to dominate everything.

In the powerful soul realm where Qian She launched, except for Ye Tu, who has a mental power that far exceeds that of a True Alchemy Realm monk and is even comparable to an ordinary Yuan Soul Realm monk, and can also move freely, no one else has the ability to take action at all, even here If you stay in the soul realm for a while longer, there is a possibility that your body will burst due to the pressure.

"Qian She, don't be too arrogant. Your current state is at most the threshold of the holy beast realm. I think the demon pill in your body has not fully evolved into the soul transformation state." Ye Tu said while forcibly burning With the power of the true elixir in his body, the shadow of the black cat on his body becomes more solid and real.

"Yetu, you are wise. After I swallow you again, find a place to practice for another year and a half, or three to five years. When this snake evolves into a real holy beast, it will dominate this little snake. The time of the virtuous world.”

At this time, the soul realm released by Qian Snake is not a soul realm in the true sense, but its power is almost the same.

Ye Tu glanced around and saw that except for himself, everyone else had expressions of pain on their faces. Seeing that several other people in the Soul Realm have temporarily lost their fighting power, their lives may be in danger over time.

Time was running out, Ye Tu's eyes showed determination.

"Xu Yang, you practice the blood soul technique. In a moment, I will use the Moon Magic Dzi Pearl to pull the blood soul power of the thousand snakes out of their bodies. You can use the blood soul technique to help me." Xu Yang heard the message. Come to Ye Tu’s secret method to transmit the sound.

"I will do my best." Xu Yang secretly replied.

Hearing Xu Yang's answer, Ye Tu glanced at everyone in the Soul Realm, and his eyes fell on Dongjun Fei's handsome face.

Looking into each other's eyes, Princess Dong seemed to understand what Ye Tu was going to do next, and she wanted to stop it, but she couldn't move at all.

The three snake heads of the Thousand Snakes on the opposite side were raised, and the three fiery red vortexes at the mouth of the angry snakes were spinning at high speed. The compressed spiritual power squeaked, and a trace of silver arc was released, and the violent flame attack was about to go off.

Ye Tu's eyes were indifferent, he held the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in his left hand, and made a strange handprint on his heart with his right hand.

His clothes were dancing wildly, the strong wind was blowing back, and the spiritual pressure he released rapidly increased. At this time, the magic power in Ye Tu's body was like a explosive keg, exploding in the meridians. He endured the severe pain of tearing his meridians, his skin was like red-hot iron, and the spiritual power overflowing from his sweat pores was turned into gas, forming a large white mist on his body surface.

Ye Tu whispered to himself: "Thank you, my soul beast "Ye Yu". I will use this body you gave me to save more people. I believe you will understand me."

"Ah, ah!" Ye Tu shouted looking up to the sky, his originally short body now standing tall and tall.

With a "bang" sound, Ye Tu's swollen body exploded and quickly ignited a large ball of red, yellow, and green fireworks. A golden elixir was wrapped in a pale white soul in the three-color fireworks, and was sucked in by the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in mid-air.

The next moment, the Moon Magic Dzi Bead burst into glory, spinning in mid-air, and a rainbow-like colorful light rolled out.

The six pupils on the heads of the three snakes of Qian She saw a full silver moon at the same time. The whole world was completely white, and the body seemed to be hollowed out. There was no trace of spiritual power. The flame bomb went out with a "pop".

The soul realm released by Qian Snake also began to flicker unsteadily. After a moment, the soul realm disappeared without a trace, and several people within it instantly regained their freedom.

Several people's ears heard Ye Tu's message at the same time: "Don't worry, everyone, I'm not completely dead yet, my body just collapsed."

Hearing Ye Tu's message, several people were worried and grateful. In the situation just now, if Ye Tu escaped on his own, these people would probably become Qian She's meal.

At this time, a huge tearing force from the Moon Magic Dzi Bead entered Qian Snake's body, like a big invisible hand tightly grasping the blood soul power in Qian Snake's body. Gradually, a blood shadow that was the same as Qian Snake's body was dragged out of Qian Snake's body.

Although Qian She's body couldn't move at all, the power of the blood contract on the blood soul instinctively pulled the blood shadow back.

The two were in a stalemate, with Qian Snake's flickering blood soul pulling back and forth between the main body and the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

Xu Yang thought of what Ye Tu had said to him just now, jumped up to the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, and activated the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art in his body. The fingers of both hands were spread wide, and traces of blood visible to the naked eye were pulled out from the fingertips. When they approached the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, they turned into three-color spiritual flames and burned.

With the power of Xu Yang's blood soul, the power of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead suddenly increased a bit. Qian She's blood soul body was gradually pulled towards the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

Three feet...two foot..., Xu Yang felt that the power of his blood soul was being sucked into the Moon Magic Dzi Bead like a violent wave, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Gradually, I felt that I was unable to cope with it, and the power of the blood soul gradually dried up.

Qian She's blood soul body stopped only two meters away from the Moon Magic Dzi Bead. At this time, Xu Yang's face was as white as wax, his eyes were red, his breathing was rapid, and the blood in his body was as painful as fire.

"There is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, cannot do."

At this time, Xu Yang had only one thought in his mind and could not give up. The silver teeth were bitten, preparing to use the secret method of burning one's own lifespan in the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Jue, stimulating the final power of the blood soul.

Several others watched Xu Yang's painful expression, but did not dare to take action easily. With the lesson learned just now, if he attacks Qian Snake now, it will be self-defeating if he interrupts the Moon Magic Dzi Bead's casting.

At this moment, Concubine Dongjun ran over staggeringly, and the blood stains at the corners of her mouth were clearly visible. Concubine Dongjun made a secret mudra with one hand in front of her heart, and she jumped up towards the Moon Magic Dzi Bead like a colorful butterfly.

Xu Yang was concentrating on using the power of the blood soul to inject the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, and did not notice the actions of Princess Dongjun at all.

The others didn't know what Concubine Dong was going to do. When they saw Concubine Dong flying toward the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, it was too late to stop her.

"Tianming, I'm here! Do you remember the promise between us? We will be together forever!"

Concubine Dongjun shouted without emotion, and opened her arms to embrace the Moon Magic Dzi Bead. The Moon Magic Dzi Bead reflected the familiar face of Wang Tianming, the former Princess Dongjun, who was looking at Princess Dongjun with a warm smile.

Princess Dongjun responded with the same smile, her eyes full of the happiness of memories, her palace attire was swaying in the wind, like a moth flying into the fire, and she held the Moon Magic Dzi Bead tightly in her hands. .

In an instant, three-color spiritual flames ignited on the body of Princess Dongjun Yingyue. The physical body disappeared, and then a group of pale white souls was sucked in by the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

Suddenly, more colorful rays of light emerged from the Moon Magic Dzi Bead. The blood-soul body of Qian Snake, who was still struggling, was suddenly pulled over.

"Bang!" A large area of ​​three-color spiritual flames ignited, and Qian Snake's blood-soul body gradually disappeared in the three-color spiritual flames.

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