True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 145 Thousand Snakes Retreat

After a while, the colorful brilliance on the Moon Magic Dzi Bead converged.

"Yingyue! Hey -" Ye Tu's helpless sigh came from the Yue Huan Dzi Bead.

"Xu Yang, quickly use your Blood Soul Skill to activate the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to lock Qian Snake's Blood Soul Soul Contract. Others should not act rashly. I just blew myself up, and I'm afraid I will have to sleep for a while. At the next full moon, I The soul will wake up..." Ye Tu's voice reached everyone's ears, but his tone became weaker and weaker.

After hearing this, Lord Dongling, Li Fei, Meng Guang, and Jiang Sanfeng each held weapons in their hands and waited for the opportunity.

Xu Yang quickly injected the power of his body, blood and soul into his consciousness and probed into the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, looking for the soul contract memory of Qian Snake and his blood and soul body. As long as the soul contract can be controlled, the power of the soul contract can be used to contain Qian Snake.

At this time, Qian Snake seemed to have just slept for a hundred years. His blurry eyes slowly opened, and his long snake tail swam in place, and the bones all over his body creaked. As the spiritual power in his body circulated, Qian Snake slowly opened his eyes. The scene in the snake's eyes gradually became clearer.

"It seems that the Moon Magic Dzi Bead is nothing more than that. How could I be defeated by cunning humans like you? Huh? I seem to have lost something important. I suddenly feel so relaxed all over my body. What did I lose?"

Qian She shook her three heads vigorously, narrowed her amber pupils, glanced at the people on the opposite side, and continued: "I can't even remember it. It must have been stolen by you cunning humans. Say! What precious thing did you steal from this snake? As punishment, this snake will drink all your blood. Why would this snake say such a dirty word?

Qian She suddenly felt that her internal organs were churning, as if someone had stuffed dozens of steel forks into her stomach at the same time, and an uncontrollable feeling of nausea filled her heart.

"Cough cough cough!" Qian She started retching continuously.

"Blood and all that, this snake hates you the most. I want to burn you all down."

It turns out that as Qian Snake's blood soul body was taken away by the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, all memories of the blood soul in Qian Snake's mind were also erased. For Qian Snake now, blood is the most disgusting thing in the world. s things.

Although it has lost the power of the blood soul, Qian Snake has evolved into a semi-holy beast, and its strength is still terrifying. Wisps of raging fire are igniting all over its body, and blood spurts from the three huge snake heads. Three red fire breaths rotated, and the fire energy was quickly compressed into three light balls, like three small suns that made it impossible to look directly at them.

Xu Yang tried hard to use his spiritual consciousness to search for the blood contract memory of Qian Snake in the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, and found that there was a different space in the Moon Fantasy Dzi Bead.

In a different space, a huge and bright moon shadow hangs in the sky, pure white and filled with silver. Under the moonlight, a large and simple bronze altar stood in it, with a radius of ten feet. There is a black stone sculpture at each of the eight corners of the altar. The carvings are eight pointed-eared black cats wearing cassocks and crawling on the ground.

In the center of the altar, a fairy in white stands gracefully. A thin and long gauze is draped diagonally over the fairy's left shoulder, and a beautiful knot is tied around her waist. The plump curve of the fairy's right breast was actually exposed. Although his spiritual consciousness penetrated, Xu Yang's heartbeat could not help but accelerate.

Looking carefully, this fairy is originally carved from mutton-fat white jade. She is gentle, sacred, lifelike and spotless.

The white jade fairy holds an octagonal silver plate in her hand. Various strange runes are engraved on the four sides of the silver plate. The six pale white souls on the silver plate are rolling with traces of white air. Xu Yang can clearly see Feel the life on it.

His consciousness searched the space, but there was no trace of the Thousand Snakes Blood Pact at all. Xu Yang was a little anxious. If he delayed any longer, they might fall into the sea of ​​fire.

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Yang's forehead. He quickly took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

At this moment, a figure as slender as a red line swam out from the white jade fairy's armpit. It was the essence state transformed by the blood soul body of Qian Snake.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a bloody handprint suddenly appeared out of thin air. The five fingers of the bloody hand grasped, and a whirlwind spun out from the palm of the hand. The blood soul essence of the thousand snakes that was originally hiding under the white jade fairy's arm was sucked up by the whirlwind, and then was firmly held in the palm of the hand, and the five fingers squeezed hard.

In front of the altar, the arrogant Thousand Snakes shook three huge snake heads. The three balls of light in the snake's mouth had turned into the size of a millstone, trembling and ready to come out.

At this moment, Qian She suddenly felt that she was being held tightly by an invisible hand. She suddenly felt that all her power was condensed, her breathing was blocked, and her muscles and bones were about to burst. The three balls of light in Xue Mou also shrank rapidly, and disappeared with a pop.

Qian Snake couldn't believe it. Could it be that some powerful person suddenly took action to capture him? With his current cultivation level, even a Yuanhun realm monk would not be able to defeat him so easily.

Xu Yang continued to use his spiritual consciousness to control the bloody hands in the Moon Fantasy Dzi Bead space to put pressure on Qian She's blood soul essence.

Qian Snake felt that the blood in his body was flowing backwards, and he could not condense any spiritual power. The three proud snake heads drooped down, and with a roar, the huge body crawled to the ground, with its six pupils closed tightly, like a rooster that had been drained of blood.

At this time, Ye Tu's weak message came to Xu Yang's mind: "Keep it alive. In the future, we may be able to use the power of the Thousand Snakes to open the passage from Xiaoxian Realm to the outside world. At the moment, the only one in the entire Xiaoxian Realm who is close to the Yuan Dynasty... The only one with the strength in the soul realm is Qian Snake, just control it."

When the others saw Xu Yang's success, they were about to rush forward and cut the thousand snakes into pieces to relieve their hatred.

But Xu Yang waved his hand and said, "Don't act rashly."

Xu Yang controlled the strength of the blood handprint and relaxed it slightly.

Qian She's throat came back with a breath, and she gradually opened her pupils.

"Qian She, if I don't kill you today, how about we make a deal?" Xu Yang said loudly.

"Deal? Cunning humans just want to take advantage of this snake. What good does it do to me?"

Xu Yang exerted a little force, and Qian She suddenly became weak.

"This is your benefit!" Xu Yang said sharply.

Qian She nodded slightly with her three snake heads, but she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"I will spare your life, but I have the ability to kill you at any time. I know that you want to leave this Little Xian Realm. In the future, we will work together to open the passage from the Little Xian Realm to the outside world, which can be regarded as redemption for the sins you have committed. "After saying that, he relaxed slightly.

Qian She no longer had the arrogance as before, and said repeatedly: "Okay, our goals are the same on this point, I agree to make this deal with you."

"Also, you can no longer eat or hurt people."

"Eating people? I, Qian She, have never liked eating people. Everyone has the smell of blood that makes me sick. If humans don't hurt me, I will naturally not hurt humans."

"Okay, we've made an agreement."

After saying this, Xu Yang injected a trace of the power of the Wheel Flame Spirit into the Moon Magic Dzi Bead. The power of the Chakravartin turned into a thin golden thread and passed through the two nostrils of the little snake, and tied a knot on the outside. As long as Xu Yang's consciousness moves, he can burn the blood soul of Qian Snake to ashes, and Qian Snake will end up with his soul torn apart. After doing all this, the bloody hand holding the little snake loosened. The little snake lowered its head and prostrated on the ground, not daring to move.

"Ah sneeze!"

Qian She felt as if something had just been penetrated into her nostrils and sneezed. After a while, the blood throughout his body returned to smoothness, but he vaguely felt that his soul was bound by an invisible golden thread, as if it could kill him at any time.

"Mr. Xu, your methods are really clever. I have a request. If I help you open the way from Xiaoxian Realm to the outside world, can you untie the binding method on me."

Xu Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes, as long as you no longer harm humans at will."

"Okay, when you find a way out of Xiaoxian's world, just call me."

After saying this, Qian Snake twisted, and large red flames instantly erupted from his body. In the flickering flames, Qian Snake's figure gradually blurred. When the flames dissipated, Qian Snake's huge body disappeared.

"Ye Tu asked me to let Qian Snake go. After all, if we can use its power to open up the connection between Xiaoxian Realm and the outside world, it will be very important for Xiaoxian Realm." Xu Yang said.

"Thanks to the support of Princess Dong, I became the Li Fei I am today. Now I finally know the truth about Princess Dong, but my body is crippled because of this monster snake. I really made this guy so easy, I really want to cut him into pieces with a thousand knives." Thousands of corpses." Li Fei said angrily as he looked at the place where Qian Snake disappeared.

Meng Guang on the side said: "More than a hundred lives in our Dongjun County were slaughtered by him like this. How can we let go of hatred so easily."

"Even Princess Dongjun sacrificed her body for this. This monster is really guilty." Jiang Sanfeng was also very dissatisfied.

"Although this monster injured more than a hundred lives, it also harmed the East Princess and the East Princess. But in our next war with the West County, there will be thousands of casualties among soldiers and civilians. If we can use its power to open up the Xiaoxian Realm, Through the passage to the outside world, Xiaoxianjie can immigrate to the outside world in large numbers, and war can be avoided. Everyone should understand what is more important. I agree with Lord Dong Ling's decision." Lord Dongling said calmly.

After hearing what Lord Dongling said, the three of them remained silent. Several wars in the history of Xiaoxian Realm have paid a heavy price that cannot be looked back upon, and the consequences are often more severe than natural disasters and wild beasts.

"Today's incident must be kept secret from the outside world. It is said that in order to pray for rain to alleviate the drought and avoid war, the East County Princess decided to retreat in Beiqing Mountain, and the people who participated in the sacrifice also stayed in Beiqing Mountain together. We must not let West County provoke a war at this time , we will discuss the next plan when Princess Dong's soul wakes up. All of today's events are inseparable from Linghu Xia of West County. This person is so scheming that he actually used Thousand Snakes to attack us. Lord Ling must find them and settle them together," Lord Dongling said.

The real Lord of East County, Ye Tu, only has his soul body sleeping in the space of the Moon Magic Dzi Pearl. Now, Lord Dongling, as the first assistant, naturally temporarily becomes the leader of East County City.

"Li Fei, Meng Guang listens to the order."

"The humble position is here." Li Fei and Meng Guang replied in unison.

"After you two returned to Dongjun City, you immediately led people to seal off Beiqingshan and collected the bodies of the deceased. The news must not be spread outside."

"Take orders."

"Jiang Sanfeng obeys the order."

"After you return, you immediately send people to spread the news that Princess Dong successfully prayed for rain in Beiqing Mountain, the drought has eased, and the dispatch of troops has been postponed."

"Jiang Sanfeng takes the order!"

"Let's go." Lord Dongling said.

After that, Xu Yang and the other five people used their escape skills to quickly return to Dongjun. The five people were silent along the way.

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